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Link Posted: 12/24/2012 5:15:47 PM EDT
That was an M16 magazine, part of a machine gun.

Link Posted: 12/24/2012 5:18:02 PM EDT


That was an M16 magazine, part of a machine gun.

I like the way youre thinking

Link Posted: 12/24/2012 5:31:08 PM EDT
It's a prima faciae case here . . . what's the problem?

Oh, my bad . . . he's a talking head for the other side . . .

Link Posted: 12/24/2012 5:33:14 PM EDT


I sent an email to MPD, but used my Arfcom email account.

I don't need to be on some some no-fly list for wanting liberty and justice for all.

I feel better now.

Post their response, if they respond.


Link Posted: 12/24/2012 5:37:54 PM EDT


devil's advocate

This is a non-violent crime even if a felony.

Should David lose his gun and voting rights over this?  After all if he's free to live in our society he should have all the same rights as any other free man

But he does not believe that those rights exist and actively seeks to take them from you. This is what is know as comeuppance.

Link Posted: 12/24/2012 5:37:57 PM EDT


Marcia Clark could even get a conviction on that.

Man. that's mean.  And OJ is still guilty.

Link Posted: 12/24/2012 5:39:51 PM EDT

Marcia Clark could even get a conviction on that.

Man. that's mean.  And OJ is still guilty.

Link Posted: 12/24/2012 5:47:46 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 5:57:27 PM EDT
Again guys, let the mayor know there should be consequences.

You can also go to DC.GOV and send a message to the mayor.

Mr. Mayor,

I was looking to visit the area and had been researching laws. As I am a law abiding gun owner. I know now I am not permitted this in DC and I can respect that. However on Meet the Press today, there is a journalist. David Gregory, He has violated the law by having in his posession a high capacity ammunition feeding device. He is not law enforcement, is he? I urge you to be tough on crime and prosecute Mr. Gregory to the fullest extent of the law.

Thank You

Link Posted: 12/24/2012 6:23:56 PM EDT
In the recently CoC-blocked thread about David Gregory, it was mentioned that D.C. recently changed how it treats 'accidental' firearms violations. Thankfully, I don't think DG will be able to use it to evade responsibility for his actions.

What changed:
The District of Columbia’s city council voted unanimously on Tuesday to decriminalize inadvertently violating the city’s unique gun laws. The liberal council surprisingly moved forward with the schedule vote, despite the national calls for more gun-control laws in the wake of the tragic Sandy Hook Elementary mass murder Friday in Newtown, Conn.

The new law gives the prosecutor the option of using administrative disposition for unregistered firearm or unregistered ammunition offenses. A violator would be then be given a fine (to be determined by the court) but no criminal record. This only applies to people who aren’t charged with another crime during the same event.

Why it wont help:
The change will go into effect after Mayor Vincent Gray signs it and the 30-day congressional review period passes.

Link Posted: 12/24/2012 6:26:44 PM EDT



We either believe such a ban is unconstitutional or we don't.  Let's not turn into hypocrits just because

Gregory is a giant douche bag.

Nothing wrong with making them live with the laws they want to force on us.


Link Posted: 12/24/2012 6:28:31 PM EDT
That law change allows the city to figure out what the violator could possibly afford to pay, and max out the penalty.  Kind of like wealth redistribution?  
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 6:40:49 PM EDT
It's probably been mentioned already (I didn't read all 12 pages) but Gregory proved on national TV why existing gun laws need to be enforced instead of passing new ones.  It's too bad, however, that WLP didn't pick up on it and point that out right then and there.

Here's to hoping that douchebag gets brought up on charges.
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 6:43:50 PM EDT
It will be selective enforcement.

Liberals are above the laws they draft and support.  Look at Eric Holder, still walking free as a bird.

I fear you are right
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 7:33:07 PM EDT
Has anybody done a FOIA requested to get the email from NBC on when they requested permission?  If we can get a date/time frame, then we will know if they did this knowingly against the law.

Send a FOIA request to the private sector? This thread is lost.
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 7:57:03 PM EDT



Has anybody done a FOIA requested to get the email from NBC on when they requested permission?  If we can get a date/time frame, then we will know if they did this knowingly against the law.

Send a FOIA request to the private sector? This thread is lost.

Well sometimes I think the govt and media are one and the same.

Link Posted: 12/24/2012 7:59:10 PM EDT


In the recently CoC-blocked thread about David Gregory, it was mentioned that D.C. recently changed how it treats 'accidental' firearms violations. Thankfully, I don't think DG will be able to use it to evade responsibility for his actions.


What changed:

The District of Columbia’s city council voted unanimously on Tuesday to decriminalize inadvertently violating the city’s unique gun laws. The liberal council surprisingly moved forward with the schedule vote, despite the national calls for more gun-control laws in the wake of the tragic Sandy Hook Elementary mass murder Friday in Newtown, Conn.

The new law gives the prosecutor the option of using administrative disposition for unregistered firearm or unregistered ammunition offenses. A violator would be then be given a fine (to be determined by the court) but no criminal record. This only applies to people who aren’t charged with another crime during the same event.

Why it wont help:

The change will go into effect after Mayor Vincent Gray signs it and the 30-day congressional review period passes.

So after this goes into effect, a group of Senators could go to a public range, all shoot with their 30 round magazine, get a $50 fine and no criminal record?


So the same would apply to me. Right.

Link Posted: 12/24/2012 8:29:52 PM EDT
Many here are calling for David Gregorys arrest and prosecution.

If it was John Doe, law abiding citizen,resident of DC, making a Youtube video about how gun control laws do or do not work, he would not be arrested and prosecuted.

He would be violently SWAT raided at 3am. His wife drug outside in her night clothes. His children held in the yard at gunpoint, forced to sit in the pooling blood of the dying 11 week old yellow Lab puppy. HIs house destroyed in the search for the aresenal the magazine came from.

His name and face would be plastered all over the evening news.  His job gone.

There is no chance he would be given any chance to turn himself in peacefully. No way in hell he could excuse it away as only using the magazine as a prop for the video.

He would be given the max penalty available, and NBC would give it week long coverage.

I demand the same level of treatment for David Gregory.
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 8:39:37 PM EDT
Many here are calling for David Gregorys arrest and prosecution.

If it was John Doe, law abiding citizen,resident of DC, making a Youtube video about how gun control laws do or do not work, he would not be arrested and prosecuted.

He would be violently SWAT raided at 3am. His wife drug outside in her night clothes. His children held in the yard at gunpoint, forced to sit in the pooling blood of the dying 11 week old yellow Lab puppy. HIs house destroyed in the search for the aresenal the magazine came from.

His name and face would be plastered all over the evening news.  His job gone.

There is no chance he would be given any chance to turn himself in peacefully. No way in hell he could excuse it away as only using the magazine as a prop for the video.

He would be given the max penalty available, and NBC would give it week long coverage.

I demand the same level of treatment for David Gregory.


Link Posted: 12/24/2012 8:54:20 PM EDT
Many here are calling for David Gregorys arrest and prosecution.

If it was John Doe, law abiding citizen,resident of DC, making a Youtube video about how gun control laws do or do not work, he would not be arrested and prosecuted.

He would be violently SWAT raided at 3am. His wife drug outside in her night clothes. His children held in the yard at gunpoint, forced to sit in the pooling blood of the dying 11 week old yellow Lab puppy. HIs house destroyed in the search for the aresenal the magazine came from.

His name and face would be plastered all over the evening news.  His job gone.

There is no chance he would be given any chance to turn himself in peacefully. No way in hell he could excuse it away as only using the magazine as a prop for the video.

He would be given the max penalty available, and NBC would give it week long coverage.

I demand the same level of treatment for David Gregory.

Your notions on the equal application of the law intrigue me, and I'd like to subscribe to your newsletter.
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 9:00:22 PM EDT
Many here are calling for David Gregorys arrest and prosecution.

If it was John Doe, law abiding citizen,resident of DC, making a Youtube video about how gun control laws do or do not work, he would not be arrested and prosecuted.

He would be violently SWAT raided at 3am. His wife drug outside in her night clothes. His children held in the yard at gunpoint, forced to sit in the pooling blood of the dying 11 week old yellow Lab puppy. HIs house destroyed in the search for the aresenal the magazine came from.

His name and face would be plastered all over the evening news.  His job gone.

There is no chance he would be given any chance to turn himself in peacefully. No way in hell he could excuse it away as only using the magazine as a prop for the video.

He would be given the max penalty available, and NBC would give it week long coverage.

I demand the same level of treatment for David Gregory.

Your notions on the equal application of the law intrigue me, and I'd like to subscribe to your newsletter.

I share your enthusiasm, but have no expectations that this would be applied to a liberal elite like David Gregory, or any other of their ilk for that matter.

Link Posted: 12/24/2012 9:01:15 PM EDT
Many here are calling for David Gregorys arrest and prosecution.

If it was John Doe, law abiding citizen,resident of DC, making a Youtube video about how gun control laws do or do not work, he would not be arrested and prosecuted.

He would be violently SWAT raided at 3am. His wife drug outside in her night clothes. His children held in the yard at gunpoint, forced to sit in the pooling blood of the dying 11 week old yellow Lab puppy. HIs house destroyed in the search for the aresenal the magazine came from.

His name and face would be plastered all over the evening news.  His job gone.

There is no chance he would be given any chance to turn himself in peacefully. No way in hell he could excuse it away as only using the magazine as a prop for the video.

He would be given the max penalty available, and NBC would give it week long coverage.

I demand the same level of treatment for David Gregory.

Your notions on the equal application of the law intrigue me, and I'd like to subscribe to your newsletter.

Fuck man.........I LIKE IT!!!  
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 9:20:02 PM EDT
Took my ambien for the night, and while waiting for it to knock me out I had the sudden urge to change "subscribe to your newsletter" to "help fund your campaign for elected office." Does that sound better to you guys, or is it just the ambien walrus filling in on the Good Idea Fairy's night off?
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 9:38:54 PM EDT
Many here are calling for David Gregorys arrest and prosecution.

If it was John Doe, law abiding citizen,resident of DC, making a Youtube video about how gun control laws do or do not work, he would not be arrested and prosecuted.

He would be violently SWAT raided at 3am. His wife drug outside in her night clothes. His children held in the yard at gunpoint, forced to sit in the pooling blood of the dying 11 week old yellow Lab puppy. HIs house destroyed in the search for the aresenal the magazine came from.

His name and face would be plastered all over the evening news.  His job gone.

There is no chance he would be given any chance to turn himself in peacefully. No way in hell he could excuse it away as only using the magazine as a prop for the video.

He would be given the max penalty available, and NBC would give it week long coverage.

I demand the same level of treatment for David Gregory.

Your notions on the equal application of the law intrigue me, and I'd like to subscribe to your newsletter.

Fuck man.........I LIKE IT!!!  

You're absolutely right and then John Doe would be hauled in front of a judge to be arrainged in chains and orange jump suit for the cameras.  The judge would then set bond at a cash only amount to insure he couldn't gain pre-trial release.

This will never go anywhere, but if it does he'll be able to turn himself in with his army of lawyers. He'll be finger printed and photographed, but he'll barely sit in a cell for more than a few minutes before he is put in front of a judge who will grant him a PR bond or some small amount to insure he CAN have his pre-trial release.  The prosecutor willl then drag things out to allow the public attention to focus elsewhere and then offer some small civil infraction in exchange for a guilty plea  He'll pay some small chickenshit fine and be on his way without so much as a misdemeanor on his record.  This will all result due to the district's fear of a long legal battle over the First Amendment and his right to use the magazine for political expression.

See, John Doe doesn't sway elections. John Doe doesn't have an army of attorneys who can tie up cities with countless motions, appeals, and even civil suits. John Doe is just a subject who doesn't even deserve the right to defend himself afterall.
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 9:56:40 PM EDT
Marcia Clark could even get a conviction on that.

Not if she is too busy worrying about her hair and make-up.
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 10:27:39 PM EDT
If this isn't prosecuted, can we move to have the law struck down as the people responsible for enforcement obviously don't beleive the law to be meaningful?

Link Posted: 12/24/2012 10:44:23 PM EDT
Marcia Clark could even get a conviction on that.

Not if she is too busy worrying about her hair and make-up which assistant DA to orally gratify.

Link Posted: 12/24/2012 10:50:32 PM EDT
some lawyers and a mob should get together their evidence and make a citizen's arrest.
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 10:54:58 PM EDT
In the recently CoC-blocked thread about David Gregory, it was mentioned that D.C. recently changed how it treats 'accidental' firearms violations. Thankfully, I don't think DG will be able to use it to evade responsibility for his actions.

What changed:
The District of Columbia’s city council voted unanimously on Tuesday to decriminalize inadvertently violating the city’s unique gun laws. The liberal council surprisingly moved forward with the schedule vote, despite the national calls for more gun-control laws in the wake of the tragic Sandy Hook Elementary mass murder Friday in Newtown, Conn.

The new law gives the prosecutor the option of using administrative disposition for unregistered firearm or unregistered ammunition offenses. A violator would be then be given a fine (to be determined by the court) but no criminal record. This only applies to people who aren’t charged with another crime during the same event.

Why it wont help:
The change will go into effect after Mayor Vincent Gray signs it and the 30-day congressional review period passes.

It can't be considered inadvertent if they asked the police if it was legal and were told no, then did it anyway, as the e-mail exchange would indicate.
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 10:56:15 PM EDT
BTW, there were over 392,000 views on the David Gregory post here:

Some 180-200K also saw the update about Don Lemon's possible violation by buying an AR in Colorado.

Again, who knows how many people have seen it through the broader media now.

Can't stop the signal.  
Link Posted: 12/25/2012 4:52:32 AM EDT
[span style='font-weight: bold;']Quoted:<snip>
Yes I'm in law enforcement.  Thats why I'm pointing out the folly of this.

What evidence sre you going to bring into court?<snip>

The only court this would ever matter in or be brought to is the court of public opinion.  There was so much 'righteous anger' on display directed not at a madman who murdered 26 people...but at a national civil rights organization, and gun owners generally.  Deflating their balloon a little is a good thing...an Alinsky tactic ;)

Link Posted: 12/25/2012 5:29:21 AM EDT
"Happy New Year to you...in jail. Go on home, they're waiting for you."

Mr Potter
Link Posted: 12/25/2012 5:32:46 AM EDT
"Happy New Year to you...in jail. Go on home, they're waiting for you."

Mr Potter

That's pretty good. Nice job.
Link Posted: 12/25/2012 5:47:48 AM EDT

Link Posted: 12/25/2012 5:54:24 AM EDT


So after this goes into effect, a group of Senators could go to a public range, all shoot with their 30 round magazine, get a $50 fine and no criminal record?

So the same would apply to me. Right.

There are no public ranges in DC.

Link Posted: 12/25/2012 6:05:36 AM EDT

There are no public ranges in DC.

One of those facts you know to be true and no need to check.

Link Posted: 12/25/2012 6:55:32 AM EDT



Has anybody done a FOIA requested to get the email from NBC on when they requested permission?  If we can get a date/time frame, then we will know if they did this knowingly against the law.

Send a FOIA request to the private sector? This thread is lost.

would not the PD fall under FOIA ?

Link Posted: 12/25/2012 6:56:46 AM EDT




Has anybody done a FOIA requested to get the email from NBC on when they requested permission?  If we can get a date/time frame, then we will know if they did this knowingly against the law.

Send a FOIA request to the private sector? This thread is lost.

would not the PD fall under FOIA ?

i was under the impression that FOIA applied to federal government

Link Posted: 12/25/2012 7:50:40 AM EDT
Has anyone been arrested under this law?  Perhaps a Veteran.  I would like to see folks previously charged under this
law speak out.
Link Posted: 12/25/2012 7:55:26 AM EDT
Has anyone been arrested under this law?  Perhaps a Veteran.  I would like to see folks previously charged under this
law speak out.

I recall a vet being arrested not long ago for this type of thing.
Link Posted: 12/25/2012 8:06:26 AM EDT

We need to keep the heat on the MPD on this --- and do it in a very public, very political sort of way. Let's hold these inept political bastards accountable for their actions and point out that in not taking the legal mandated action against this fucktard, they are admitting that the current laws already on the books don't do shit....by their own choice.

That fucker needs to be gang ass-raped in prison for his asshattery.
Link Posted: 12/25/2012 8:18:54 AM EDT



There are no public ranges in DC.

One of those facts you know to be true and no need to check.

Really? So do you know I haven't checked? The closest range is the NRA range in Fairfax (well, that actually depends on where in DC you are - there is one in MD that is closer than the NRA range if you use 20001 as the search ZIP).

Emily Miller of the Washington Times checked it for us. When she went through all the stupidity to buy and register her handgun in the District.

Part of DC's old requirements for purchase and registration was a five hour course which involves range time. It ha to be taught out side the District as there are no public ranges in the District. None. DC has gotten rid of this requirement.

There are also no gun shops in the District. There is one FFL (Charles Sykes) . He is allowed to operate (with an office provided in the District MPD building) as long as all he does is transfer guns purchased outside of DC to DC residents that spend the $500 and take the time to get DC's permission. Mr. Sykes was zoned out of his previous location and DC zoning laws make it impossible to have an FFL in any physical location so the city gave him an office in the PD building to avoid another lawsuit.

As she wrote inn her original series:

Law-abiding citizens have to take a five-hour class that is only taught outside of the District, pay $465 in fees, sign six forms, pass a written test on gun laws, get fingerprinted, be subject to a police ballistics test and take days off work

Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/blog/guns/2012/feb/8/miller-emily-got-her-gun/#ixzz2G5FFeeKQ

Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

The old requirement for a class had to be taught outside DC because there is no public range in DC (and I think maybe because the unlicensed people had to handle and shoot guns to get their license?).

Link Posted: 12/25/2012 8:23:39 AM EDT


There are no public ranges in DC.

One of those facts you know to be true and no need to check.

Really? So do you know I haven't checked? The closest range is the NRA range in Fairfax (well, that actually depends on where in DC you are - there is one in MD that is closer than the NRA range if you use 20001 as the search ZIP).

Emily Miller of the Washington Times checked it for us. When she went through all the stupidity to buy and register her handgun in the District.

Part of DC's old requirements for purchase and registration was a five hour course which involves range time. It ha to be taught out side the District as there are no public ranges in the District. None. DC has gotten rid of this requirement.

There are also no gun shops in the District. .......

My point is I BELIEVE YOU!! I was NOT doubting you in the least. Simmer down I knew it to be true.

Link Posted: 12/25/2012 9:09:35 AM EDT


It's a prima faciae case here . . . what's the problem?

Oh, my bad . . . he's a talking head for the other side . . .

DC Police Investigating NBC's Gregory for Brandishing Illegal Magazine

Link Posted: 12/25/2012 9:16:08 AM EDT
David Gregory is a petulant, little, communistic piece of shit. It would not be a shame if he ends up doing some jail time of the pound-me-in-the-ass variety.
Link Posted: 12/25/2012 9:18:53 AM EDT
What is to stop DG from saying that if a ban on 30 round mags is good enough for DC why not the rest of the country.
Link Posted: 12/25/2012 9:19:12 AM EDT
It's on drudge. Lol
Link Posted: 12/25/2012 9:20:07 AM EDT


My point is I BELIEVE YOU!! I was NOT doubting you in the least. Simmer down I knew it to be true.

It's all good!  
Link Posted: 12/25/2012 9:25:22 AM EDT
On Drudge haha
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