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Posted: 1/17/2002 9:30:04 PM EDT

Link Posted: 1/17/2002 9:44:16 PM EDT
Yeah...I never put 2 and 2 together! Bush was drunk and passed out! He did a face plant into the carpet, and concocted the story. There have been times he looks really ashen. I've seen that hangover in the mirror enough times to recognize one.Hope his "spirituality" kicks in.
Link Posted: 1/17/2002 9:56:08 PM EDT
That site is hilarious!
Link Posted: 1/18/2002 3:58:42 AM EDT
That site is hilarious!
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Link Posted: 1/18/2002 4:13:42 AM EDT

Small things easily entertain small minds.


Link Posted: 1/18/2002 4:19:57 AM EDT

Small things easily entertain small minds.


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Oh come on now garandman and admit it. That site is funny because it does poke fun at a certain subset of 'christian'. You know the one. Heck, I bet there are even people like that in your own congregation.

Link Posted: 1/18/2002 4:36:23 AM EDT
Hey Ben, try this one!
Link Posted: 1/18/2002 4:47:26 AM EDT

Small things easily entertain small minds.


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Did you think of that when you were whacking off?[spank]

Link Posted: 1/18/2002 4:53:26 AM EDT

Did you think of that when you were whacking off?[spank]

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Ahhh, the dulcet tones of Fake Cheese. You were MIA for a few days. We've missed you, old buddy.

Link Posted: 1/18/2002 5:03:29 AM EDT
Post from liberty76 -
Hey Ben, try this one!
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Now, [u]that[/u] is a good Christian link!

Seems like it covers [u]all[/u] the bases!

Eric The(Merciful)Hun[>]:)]
Link Posted: 1/18/2002 5:04:42 AM EDT


Link Posted: 1/18/2002 5:08:35 AM EDT


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No matter how liberal democrat your beliefs are I do not think this is the thread to honor Che Guevara


Link Posted: 1/18/2002 5:14:45 AM EDT
No matter how liberal democrat your beliefs are ....
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Son, I been called alot of things in my life time, but this is teh FIRST time I've ever been called a "liberal democrat"

Casuing me to think your grasp of reality is tenuous.

This conversation is over. [rolleyes]

Link Posted: 1/18/2002 5:19:30 AM EDT
Son, I been called alot of things in my life time, but this is teh FIRST time I've ever been called a "liberal democrat"

Casuing me to think your grasp of reality is tenuous.

This conversation is over. [rolleyes]

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Why would you make a post to glorify Che Guevara?  

Link Posted: 1/18/2002 5:27:35 AM EDT
Oh come on now garandman and admit it. That site is funny because it does poke fun at a certain subset of 'christian'. You know the one. Heck, I bet there are even people like that in your own congregation.

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I can appreciate a good jab at some PEOPLE who go berserko on their religion, but this site takes numerous jabs at Jesus Christ, my Lord and Saviour, the one who died and rose again for me.

NEVER will I find that to be amusing. NEVER.

Jesus Christ is a REAL person to me, whom I will defend as much as I will defend my personal friends and family on this earth.

Sorry, that's the way it is.

Link Posted: 1/18/2002 5:34:11 AM EDT
Well that was offensive on a lot of different levels.  But as I support the 2nd A.  I also support the 1st A.  Just not my kind of place.  Anybody click on the NRA Kids link at bottom left?
Link Posted: 1/18/2002 5:35:27 AM EDT
Who says "born-agains" are all a bunch of humorless bores?
Link Posted: 1/18/2002 5:36:26 AM EDT

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When I first found that site, I thought it was funny. I love parody. But after checking in now and then for over a year, and finding that the tone was still just as savage, I started wondering what could make the writers so hateful and bitter that they could sustain that level of venom. So I stopped going.

I'm sarcastic, and not a Christian. I have no problem with biting, angry, plain old mean humor... I'm a regular at SomethingAwful.com. I just realized that if I had a friend that spent that much energy hating, I wouldn't want to hang out with him.
Link Posted: 1/18/2002 5:54:47 AM EDT
You'll forgive me if I don't mind any amusement in the linked website...

Link Posted: 1/18/2002 6:00:15 AM EDT
Who says "born-agains" are all a bunch of humorless bores?
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I suppose we can expect to see you create a website of equally biting parody against Jews????

At then you'll try to tell us it isn't anti Semitism, right??? [rolleyes]

No, I'm QUITE sure we won't see such a website by you. But my hyperbolic hypothetical does illustrate a bit of hypocrisy, as follows:

[b]So when done against Christians and their Saviour, its humor, but if done against Jews, it anti Semitic, right????[/b]


Link Posted: 1/18/2002 6:05:35 AM EDT
I guess I was wrong.
The "humorless bore" description is obviously quite fitting.
Link Posted: 1/18/2002 6:06:46 AM EDT
I guess I was wrong.
The "humorless bore" description is obviously quite fitting.
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Nice dodge.

Nice hypocrisy.


Link Posted: 1/18/2002 6:08:58 AM EDT
Or this one?  


And this is my LAST post on this subject! No, really! ... Honest!  I am offended and DONE with you, sir!  I mean it!  Humph!  

Don't make me come over there...!
Link Posted: 1/18/2002 6:10:07 AM EDT
Shhhhh..it's okay garandman.
Take a time out.
It's going to be just fine.
Link Posted: 1/18/2002 6:10:41 AM EDT
Seriously!  This is the LAST time I choose to acknowledge your childishness.
Link Posted: 1/18/2002 6:11:44 AM EDT
G-Man does have a valid point... in current times, it is quite PC to bust on Christians and white people. A site with this much rancorous humor would provoke a veritable shitstorm of protest if it targeted any group other than the aforementioned pair.

Excellent.[bounce] I used the words "rancorous" and "veritable" in the same sentence as "shitstorm". I rock! [beer]
Link Posted: 1/18/2002 6:14:31 AM EDT

Excellent.[bounce] I used the words "rancorous" and "veritable" in the same sentence as "shitstorm". I rock! [beer]
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You do indeed "rock" sir.[:D]

But a word of advice if I may -

NEVER agree with me. Some processed food product may latch itself on to you like your own personal tumor.


Link Posted: 1/18/2002 6:15:02 AM EDT
Jews have always had a sense of humor- like this old joke:


"How can you describe every Jewish holiday?


They tried to kill us.

We won.

Let's eat!

Link Posted: 1/18/2002 6:16:39 AM EDT
And that is absolutely, positively my very, very, very, very last reply.
Link Posted: 1/18/2002 6:17:11 AM EDT
OK, some Christian humor:

Jerry Falwell.

Get it??????


Link Posted: 1/18/2002 6:21:45 AM EDT
Simmer down, garandman, it's the very essence of our beliefs that it should be Jesus Who is consistently hated in this World!

Does anyone, anywhere, bear such a grudge against Mohammad? Against Buddha? Against Zarathustra? Against any other founder of any other religion? Or any religious leader?

No! Never! Not in this world! Not in history!

So folks railing against, hating, despising, ridiculing, blaspheming, cursing Him, is all the more reason to believe on Him! And to continue in His footsteps along His way!

Didn't He warn us that this would be the case?

[red]'The world cannot hate you; but me it hateth, because I testify of it, that the works thereof are evil.'[/red] John 7:7

[red]'If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.'[/red] John15:18

It's simply fulfillment of His prophecies! Let it be!

Eric The(AmenCorner)Hun[>]:)]
Link Posted: 1/18/2002 6:25:15 AM EDT
Eric -

I'm merely making sure my identification with Christ is clear.

Paul the Apostle defended Christ, as did the rest of the Apostles, to a world that hated him. And they got their heads handed to them fer their trouble. Many, literally. [:D]

What I'm doing here has sound precedent.

But thanks fer the suggestion. I'm done here anyway.

Link Posted: 1/18/2002 6:27:00 AM EDT

Excellent.[bounce] I used the words "rancorous" and "veritable" in the same sentence as "shitstorm". I rock! [beer]
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You do indeed "rock" sir.[:D]

But a word of advice if I may -

NEVER agree with me. Some processed food product may latch itself on to you like your own personal tumor.


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Well, I disagree with you on enough things to keep the score at rough parity. But as my friend's girlfriend pointed out, "mean people suck". So I aim to be on the side of right in a scrap.
Link Posted: 1/18/2002 6:28:31 AM EDT
I will be a witness that you've done your duty in that respect.

Now if He and I can just work on you and the Israeli Question....

Eric The(IDoBelieveInMiracles,YouKnow)Hun[>]:)]
Link Posted: 1/18/2002 6:32:15 AM EDT
Clearly it's not Jesus who is being mocked, but the wierdness of people as they express their ideas and beliefs.  Mmkay?

Case in point:

Jerry Falwell

(See, I GOT it! Nyuck, nyuck!  [:D])

Someone once gave me very good advise.  They said, "You'd better learn to laugh at yourself, everybody else is."

Link Posted: 1/18/2002 6:32:40 AM EDT
I guess I was wrong.
The "humorless bore" description is obviously quite fitting.[/b]

1 Corinthians 1:27  But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;
John3:16  For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Link Posted: 1/18/2002 6:33:22 AM EDT
I will be a witness that you've done your duty in that respect.

Now if He and I can just work on you and the Israeli Question....

Eric The(IDoBelieveInMiracles,YouKnow)Hun[>]:)]
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Eric -

On the Israeli question, the fundamental difference you and I have is Scriptural, and CANNOT be reconciled until those Scriptures have been addressed.

If you believed what I believe concerning the relevant Scriptures, then our political views on Israel would likely mesh as well.

Link Posted: 1/18/2002 6:40:13 AM EDT
Yes, we've discussed this before, but I think that the political support of Israel is just as important as any disagreement that we may have over the spiritual issues!

Doesn't it apall you that the same media enemies of Israel on all fronts, are the very same media enemies that Christians have? that the RKBA proponents have? that good old fashioned American patriots have?

Why do they hate us so?

So, for better or worse, Israel, Christians, the RKBA crowd, and those 'old white men' the Founding Fathers, are all facing the same old enemy!

I feel like joining together, you know, like the Founding Fathers did, would be a very good defense on all points!

The enemy of my enemy, yada, yada, yada.

Eric The(YouCan'tPossiblyGetToThe'Right'OfMe)Hun[>]:)]
Link Posted: 1/18/2002 6:48:44 AM EDT
Jesus Christ is God..and God will not be mocked..do so at your own peril.
We will all have to face Him at the end of our lives...and He will either have taken on our sin or we will...Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess Jesus as Lord...That is a Fact!it is not fiction..enjoy your pleasure at mocking Him for season..for pleasure has its season..All that mocks God amuses satan...
fellow travelers......
Link Posted: 1/18/2002 6:58:31 AM EDT
Link cited by 9divdoc -

Wow! I think the article shows the other side of the coin. The 'others.'

There will be only two camps, only two possible verdicts, only two possible sentences. You will either be with Him, or you will be with 'Them.'

Do I believe that the man and woman in Germany did what they did at the behest of some dark force? Of course! But they did so willingly!

'For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.' Ephesians 6:12

Eric The(ThankYouSt.PaulForDescribingOurEnemiesSoWell)Hun[>]:)]
Link Posted: 1/18/2002 7:11:12 AM EDT
Jesus Christ is God..and God will not be mocked..do so at your own peril.

We will all have to face Him at the end of our lives...and He will either have taken on our sin or we will...Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess Jesus as Lord...That is a Fact!it is not fiction..enjoy your pleasure at mocking Him for season...
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It really bothers me to think about all the time people that reject and mock Christ will have to wish they had made different choices while burning in Hell for eternity...

The part that upsets me is the fact that he's given us a choice and people choose hell and death...something I will never understand.
Link Posted: 1/18/2002 7:15:09 AM EDT
Jesus Christ is God..and God will not be mocked..do so at your own peril.
We will all have to face Him at the end of our lives...and He will either have taken on our sin or we will...Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess Jesus as Lord...That is a Fact!it is not fiction..enjoy your pleasure at mocking Him for season..for pleasure has its season..All that mocks God amuses satan...
fellow travelers......
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Sez you.

I guess the three billion Muslims on this planet are going to be a little bit surprised, and perhaps even a bit more than a bit pissed when they die!
Link Posted: 1/18/2002 7:19:30 AM EDT
I pray for you all.  The true believers, the deniers, the doubters and the uninformed.
Link Posted: 1/18/2002 7:23:52 AM EDT
Simmer down, garandman, it's the very essence of our beliefs that it should be Jesus Who is consistently hated in this World!

Does anyone, anywhere, bear such a grudge against Mohammad? Against Buddha? Against Zarathustra? Against any other founder of any other religion? Or any religious leader?
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I recall several less-than-loving remarks about Mohammed in one of the anti-Muslim threads here that followed 9/11.  And the Muslims themselves bear more than a little ill will towards Buddha.
Link Posted: 1/18/2002 8:12:16 AM EDT
Post from Renamed -
I recall several less-than-loving remarks about Mohammed in one of the anti-Muslim threads here that followed 9/11.
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I don't recall anything blasphemous being said about the man, but about his followers....
And the Muslims themselves bear more than a little ill will towards Buddha.
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The Muslims do not like Buddhists, I've never seen anything written by Muslims directed against the person of Buddha. Have you?

Besides, it is expected that the disciples of one of the world's great religions would bear some animosity against the founder of another of the world's great religions.

I was referring to the liberal media, the unreligious world's attitude towards Christ.

Shouldn't they hate Mohammad, Buddha, et al., equally?

But they don't seem to, and I want to know why?

Eric The(CourseIAlreadyKnowWhy)Hun[>]:)]
Link Posted: 1/18/2002 9:20:06 AM EDT
The Muslims do not like Buddhists, I've never seen anything written by Muslims directed against the person of Buddha. Have you?
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And just because you do not see it means it does not happen?  How many Muslims do you know?  How many Buddhists do you know?  How many Christians do you know?

OK, so when you play the “Holier than thou” card on someone would you expect them to criticize Buddha when they know you are a Christian?

How many Buddhists do you see in this country trying to tell everyone else how to live?

Besides, it is expected that the disciples of one of the world's great religions would bear some animosity against the founder of another of the world's great religions.
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And not vice-versa?  Odd….

I was referring to the liberal media, the unreligious world's attitude towards Christ.
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There just aren’t that many Buddhists or Muslims in this country to criticize.  If you had a bunch of Muslims running around telling people Mohammad this, Mohammad that then you would hear his name more.  It is just the fact that we live in a relatively free society and that Christianity is the biggest religion here so there is more talk about it.  I also hear different sects of Christians bash each other as well.

Shouldn't they hate Mohammad, Buddha, et al., equally?
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You need to learn what the definition of the word hate is.  Just because someone criticizes a Christian does not mean he(or she!) hates Christ.  If there were an equal number of vocal Muslims or Buddhists in this country you would probably see and equal amount of religion bashing.  There is not though.  Unfortunately I do not think that people in Iraq or Saudi Arabia are going to be bashing Mohammad even if they do not like him.  It just would not lead to a long life.

But they don't seem to, and I want to know why?

Eric The(CourseIAlreadyKnowWhy)Hun[>]:)]
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I think because unlike Christians the other religions in the US are less vocal and thus get on the wrong side of people less often in the US.  Also if you notice a lot of this it may be YOU that is causing it by things you say to people.  I really do not know. I do not see what you are talking about but I do not go around telling other people what they should do.  

Have you ever heard of a Buddhist who started a cult and killed all of his followers?

Link Posted: 1/18/2002 10:10:47 AM EDT
Velveeta... those were excellent points. I did not post the link to Landover Baptist to make fun of Jesus Christ. I have no desire or interest in making fun of an all powerful deity who has an even more powerful dad... even if the likelihood of their existence is less than the likelihood of a big bang resulting in the evolution of some protein glob into the human species on planet Earth.

I appreciate this site's approach to poking fun at a subset of overly-zealous 'Christian' people (and I use the term very cautiously) with regard to their outward demonstration of their 'Christianity'. Just as the Church Lady from Saturday Night Live became an international celebrity and humor icon. Sarcasm is a higher form of humor. Irony is an even HIGHER form of humor.

How ironic that a certain subset of 'Christian' takes themselves so seriously that they cannot take a jab... even if the jab is firmly rooted in truth. This makes the sarcasm even funnier. In fact.... the responses on in this thread about this topic are as hilarious, if not more, than the site.

Zealots. Pharisees.

Lighten up.

Even Jesus told Peter to put away his sword in the garden as he put the ear back on the Roman soldier.

Link Posted: 1/18/2002 10:18:42 AM EDT
BenDover -

I find it laughable that you feel qualified to determine what is, or is not, an insult or attack upon a God that you don't even believe exixts. I mean, how would YOU know if soemthing that doesn't exist was attacked????

It would be like me telling a Buddhist  how he should or should not defend Buddha.


As a follower of Jesus Christ, let me assure you the site is at least in part, blasphemous.


It doesn't make me think of you as a bad person. It makes me fear FOR you.

Link Posted: 1/18/2002 10:23:24 AM EDT
Post from Velveeta -
And just because you do not see it means it does not happen?
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Well, then it should be very easy for you to show us a site wherein Muslims criticize Buddha [u]personally[/u], not Buddhists in general. Since you believe it to be widespread, you should have no problem finding such a source.

BTW, I know a whole lot of Muslims, personally and professionally. I've met with them on business. I've eaten in their homes. I've discussed religion with them at length.

They personally have no gripe with Jesus. As a matter of fact their Koran has only the most pleasant things to say about 'Issu' and His mother 'Maryam'. It says that He was the most sinless person to ever live, and quotes a dilagoue that He has in Heaven with Allah (though it is clear that the Koran does not hold Him to be Allah's Son).

The name 'Maryam' or 'Mariam' comes from 'Mary', the Mother of Jesus, and is probably one of the most common names given to females in Islamdom.

So I'm pretty familiar with Moslems, are you?[:D]
OK, so when you play the “Holier than thou” card on someone would you expect them to criticize Buddha when they know you are a Christian?
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I never play with 'Holier than thou' cards! Ever. Have I ever tried to play any such thing with you, my little cheese biscuit?

I don't know you from Adam or Achmed, and you surely don't know me, so when is it that I've claimed to be 'holier than thou' or 'holier than anybody else'?

Has the Velveeta gone rancid, or something?
And not vice-versa? Odd…
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Look at what I said, again, wipe the cheese whiz from you glasses, if need be. My line which you quoted is very open-ended, wouldn't you say?
There just aren’t that many Buddhists or Muslims in this country to criticize.
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Where did I limit what I said to [u]this[/u] country? Pay attention, my sweet cheese doodle! I said the 'liberal media' and linked it with the 'unreligious world', did I not?

Think globally, [i]mon bon frommage![/i]
You need to learn what the definition of the word hate is.
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Pardon me, I was just using it in the ordinary and customary sense of the word. What did you think I meant?
Just because someone criticizes a Christian does not mean he(or she!) hates Christ.
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Probably not, 'cause I criticize my fellow Christians every chance I get! But, on the other hand, it certainly helps if you hate Christ, as well, doesn't it?
Also if you notice a lot of this it may be YOU that is causing it by things you say to people.
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Once again, do you know me? Have we ever met? You seem to 'know' quite a bit about me, who the heck are you?
I really do not know.
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Finally, something you've said I can agree with!
I do not see what you are talking about but I do not go around telling other people what they should do.
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I may tell people once what they should do, if they ask me outside of the church. But once only! And only if they ask me! So you don't really know what you're taking about at all, now do you?
Have you ever heard of a Buddhist who started a cult and killed all of his followers?
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Why, is it impossible for Buddhists to murder?

And here's a nice Buddhist sect: Aum Shinrikyo.

Remember them?

Eric The(AllThingsArePossible,IfSomewhatCheesy)Hun[>]:)]
Link Posted: 1/18/2002 10:28:40 AM EDT

As a follower of Jesus Christ, let me assure you the site is at least in part, blasphemous.
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Exactly! That is why I found no humor in this site.

Might I add that I did find the SNL church lady humerous because it was humor based on an individual not the King of Kings...

it makes me fear FOR you.
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Agreed. As well as many other on these boards.

Gman, you're doing good today.
Link Posted: 1/18/2002 10:34:14 AM EDT

Why, is it impossible for Buddhists to murder?

And here's a nice Buddhist sect: Aum Shinrikyo.

Remember them?

Eric The(AllThingsArePossible,IfSomewhatCheesy)Hun[>]:)]
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Aum Shinrikyo isn't actually Buddhist. They are one of the many fairly odd sects of Japanese religion collectively known as "New Religions". These religions have a LOT of different varieties, but most borrow liberally from Shinto, Taoism, Christianity, Hinduism, and other, stranger things. But calling Aum Shinrykyo a Buddhist sect is incorrect.

On your original point, Buddhists murder. Same as any other human.
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