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Posted: 8/21/2017 6:13:27 PM EDT
I'm doing a MK12 Mod 1 Clone and have all the pieces except for the Allen Engineering brake and collar.  I see some have the long collar and some have the short. Obviously one is longer than the other.  Does anyone have a picture of the long and the short collar?
Link Posted: 8/21/2017 6:21:23 PM EDT
Mk12 thread.

More pix than you can even look at.
Link Posted: 8/21/2017 11:38:18 PM EDT
[Last Edit: blcouch] [#2]
Maybe Allen's site has pics of the collars. At one time ADCO has pics of collars, adapters and what cans would fit what mounts.  Let me see what's on my phone right quick. Attachment Attached File

This is all I had as far as a 'long' collar goes. It's for using an M4 barrel profile with a 12th model.  Check with ADCO, k31user or the Allen Engineering/OPS INC thread.
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