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Page Handguns » Kahr
Posted: 12/17/2002 2:03:23 PM EDT
Anyone have a good source for Kahr magazines?  The company website offers them for $37.50.  I found them at the Gun Show where I bought my pistol for but they were $39 (go figure).  

I would prefer to stick with factory mags for carry/self defense use.  I was told at the show that Mec-gar makes the OEM Kahr magazines, so I might be willing later to pick up some after-market mags for range use.

Link Posted: 12/17/2002 7:22:21 PM EDT
Best I found was to order from the factory and pay the price.
For range mags I bought a few ProMags at about $11 or $12 each.  Don't care if they get ejected onto concrete or into the dirt.  No problems yet, but they are not my self-defense mags.
Link Posted: 12/18/2002 11:45:53 AM EDT
I bought new factory Kahr magazines from Arizona Gun Runners @ http://www.arizonagunrunners.com
The mags are currently $25.99 plus shipping. I had good service from AGR. I hope that this helps.

Link Posted: 12/31/2002 4:26:29 PM EDT
Has anyone seen the new 7 rnd. .40 cal mags on the Kahr site?  The don't show a picture specifically of them, so I can't tell if they are extended length or standard (maybe just improved springs or something).

Kahr says they are new.  So far I haven't seen them on any other retail sites.  The extra round would sure be nice.

Page Handguns » Kahr
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