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Posted: 5/9/2002 8:52:16 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/9/2002 8:56:39 AM EDT
Dunno about anyone else, but I secretly hoped it would reach 100 pages before it got locked...

I just wanted to see that happen...

Link Posted: 5/9/2002 9:00:39 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/9/2002 9:06:41 AM EDT
That's fine by me, and I can certainly understand the limitations on bandwidth and resources.

Personally, I don't much care when a thread gets locked.  You guys have your reasons, and you state 'em.  I'm merely a guest, and (currently) a non-paying one at that.

I just figured I'd speak up since the ones who were most vocal about it weren't...

Link Posted: 5/9/2002 9:20:46 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/9/2002 9:25:30 AM EDT
While such threads can be fun and a diversion for the posters, essentially they are trivial and benefit no one, as there is precious little exchanged between the posters, and even less learned.
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Well damn, that sounds like about 95% of the topics in GD[:D]

Link Posted: 5/9/2002 9:27:27 AM EDT
the_reject, I wasn't referring to you personally.  My remarks were meant to be general.  Please don't feel singled out by an accident in the timing of our respective postings.
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Man, if I took things personally, I doubt I'd even leave my house, much less post on an active board on the internet...  [:D]

No harm, no foul...

Link Posted: 5/9/2002 9:38:31 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/9/2002 9:40:38 AM EDT
Might it come down to an evaluation of the cost of bandwidth vs. the benefit of more advertisement views?  More page "hits"?

I didn't participate in the word association thread, but it did get people to the site, and it did expose them to the banners.  I don't know if the bandwidth price is worth it, but I do know that as I type "www.castlearms.com. . . The Official AR15.com LEGP Dealer" is being driven into my subconscious.
Link Posted: 5/9/2002 9:41:50 AM EDT
I'm glad that Ed locked it.. it was a waste of bandwidth.

But I'm more interested to see where spontaineous word association will break out on completely unrelated topics, like Ed's thread about the lock-down.  That will have [b]way[/b] more fun value. [;)]
Link Posted: 5/9/2002 9:45:01 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/9/2002 10:00:41 AM EDT
Like the man said, no farm, no howl.


I'll defer to the folks who run the site as to what threads get canned, and the Code of Conduct they require of me.

But let me suggest the following:

1. If you are gonna lock a "no farm, no howl" thread, discuss it privately with the originator first, so he can save it or whatever for his posterity.

2. If you are gonna have  a code of conduct, MAKE the Mods enforce the friggen thing, and NOT let them turn a blind eye to violations of it by their pro_israeli cronies (smears calling other bigots, anti-Semites (which is akin to a charge of Naziism) and associating people with terrorists, and murders of American citizens) And for heavens sake, tell yer Mods NOT to do that stuff. I mean, does ANY of that stuff HELP our cause as gun owners???

OK, I'm done whining like a pre-pubescent schoolgirl.

Here's a thought -

Can you simply truncate posts like the "word ass" one?? Drop of the first 70 pages, and you'll still have plenty of it left.

Just a thought...or two...
Link Posted: 5/9/2002 10:19:36 AM EDT
Personally, I come here to socialize, and sometimes get gun related info. I spend more time in the GD area than others. I am a paying member. This means I help support the cost of the used bandwidth. I seldom go into threads like the ones discussed above, but I feel they should be allowed. Even though I do not read and participate in them, someone obviously does if the count gets that high. If the thread is not breaking any of the "rules" then I think it should stay put.

No offense meant, but having a handful of people decide what is "valuable" discussion is horse-shit. I may not really give a crap about the middle east, the pipe bomber or any laws that are passed. This means if I was a mod I can lock those threads? Yes, by all means, lock a peanut butter poll in the firearms or vendor areas, but this is General Discussion. to me, a place to come socialize, find odd and interesting facts, and debate. If we cannot decide the topics of debate ourselves, then why have a GD forum at all?

Some of the best threads I have read in here are in no way shape or form firearm related. Thats the stuff that keeps me coming back for more, and the stuff I donated to the site because of. Information, I can get almost anywhere on the net. Entertainment like that I cannot.

Just my 2 cents worth.

Aviator  [img]www.milpubs.com/aviator.gif[/img]
Link Posted: 5/9/2002 11:49:21 AM EDT
Personally, I come here to socialize, and sometimes get gun related info. I spend more time in the GD area than others. I am a paying member. This means I help support the cost of the used bandwidth. I seldom go into threads like the ones discussed above, but I feel they should be allowed. Even though I do not read and participate in them, someone obviously does if the count gets that high. If the thread is not breaking any of the "rules" then I think it should stay put.
No offense meant, but having a handful of people decide what is "valuable" discussion is horse-shit. I may not really give a crap about the middle east, the pipe bomber or any laws that are passed. This means if I was a mod I can lock those threads? Yes, by all means, lock a peanut butter poll in the firearms or vendor areas, but this is General Discussion. to me, a place to come socialize, find odd and interesting facts, and debate. If we cannot decide the topics of debate ourselves, then why have a GD forum at all?
Some of the best threads I have read in here are in no way shape or form firearm related. Thats the stuff that keeps me coming back for more, and the stuff I donated to the site because of. Information, I can get almost anywhere on the net. Entertainment like that I cannot.
Just my 2 cents worth.
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Very Well said Aviator!! [beer]

I think that the General Discussion forum allows for all the "off-topic" threads even if these threads are utter nonsense.
As long as the posts are inline with the COC & nothing obscene is posted WTF ??  
 If a person chooses to enter the general discussion forum & click on a silly thread that's his choice. If he doen't like it then stay out of the GD forum or that thread.  It's just like TV.
Often a "goofy" thread will die a natural death if left alone BUT when a MOD steps in & threatens to shut it down that typically adds a page of responses. Fuels the fire.

 One reason I like AR15.com so much is in addition to all the firearms related info. there are some genuinely funny & entertaining threads that occur. A ltttle camaraderie.
 That's one reason I enjoy spending time on this site.  FUN & entertainment along with forums that cover my area of interest for this hobby.

 Take away the Innocent Fun & your going to Loose Members.

How much bandwidth does a page of text take up??

It thought the only real issue with bandwidth
was jpg  or  gif  files ?
Link Posted: 5/9/2002 12:02:16 PM EDT
Just delete the next word association thread after three pages and start a new one.  Nobody really looks back more than a couple pages anyway when they add a word.  Do they?  I didn't.
Link Posted: 5/9/2002 12:05:05 PM EDT
Just delete the next word association thread after three pages and start a new one.  Nobody really looks back more than a couple pages anyway when they add a word.  Do they?  I didn't.
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People looked back a few pages?!?

Damn, I just clicked the thread and tried to add a reply before someone else did...

Link Posted: 5/9/2002 12:09:58 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/9/2002 12:36:14 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/9/2002 12:43:34 PM EDT
o.k., here's an idea.
how about day limits on GD topics to remain active? don't know how it would work, and i can see the problems, but it's an idea.
just on general discussion, however.
Link Posted: 5/9/2002 12:48:36 PM EDT
My .02 since I was quoted. [:D]

I only posted in the thread twice, it really didn't interest me. HOWEVER, it seemed to keep people happy here on the site, and looked like everyone was having fun.

I would understand if it degenerated into mass chaos, but the last time I looked at it, it seemed OK.

I really don't think that thread made a blip on the bandwidth charts. No worse than any of the other inane threads in G.D.

Would it be possible to remove the first 50 or so pages? It would clear up about 200K I'm sure. [;D]

With all of the other pro/anti Jew threads here, a word association thread seemed to fit in with the "clean and friendly" look that the mods WANT.

Plus by shutting it down, I think we will see the whole "word association" game play out in other, more useful threads.


EdAvilaSr - Thanks for opening up this thread. I wanted to generate some *good* discussion on the topic.
Link Posted: 5/9/2002 12:50:47 PM EDT
While such threads can be fun and a diversion for the posters, essentially they are trivial and benefit no one, as there is precious little exchanged between the posters, and even less learned.
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Well damn, that sounds like about 95% of the topics in GD[:D]
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LOL!  Maybe so, but most threads don't continue for pages and pages.
And I think you'll agree that most threads benefit more people in a meaningful way than the Bandwidth-wasters we're talking about in this topic.

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Consider this. Our GD has more traffic than all other gun boards combined. That is because we do NOT have a clinical GD forum like all the others. Pointless bandwidth trivial topics bring traffic.

AR15.com is unique in those two perspectives.
Link Posted: 5/9/2002 12:52:54 PM EDT
i gotta agree with aviator.

Word association had almost reached the status of a board tradition. After 80+ pages it's got to hold a record of some sort.

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BOTD is only 34 pages, but many more views.
Link Posted: 5/9/2002 12:58:27 PM EDT
Rock City
Link Posted: 5/9/2002 10:16:00 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/9/2002 10:29:17 PM EDT
Personally, I come here to socialize, and sometimes get gun related info. I spend more time in the GD area than others. I am a paying member. This means I help support the cost of the used bandwidth. I seldom go into threads like the ones discussed above, but I feel they should be allowed. Even though I do not read and participate in them, someone obviously does if the count gets that high. If the thread is not breaking any of the "rules" then I think it should stay put.

No offense meant, but having a handful of people decide what is "valuable" discussion is horse-shit. I may not really give a crap about the middle east, the pipe bomber or any laws that are passed. This means if I was a mod I can lock those threads? Yes, by all means, lock a peanut butter poll in the firearms or vendor areas, but this is General Discussion. to me, a place to come socialize, find odd and interesting facts, and debate. If we cannot decide the topics of debate ourselves, then why have a GD forum at all?

Some of the best threads I have read in here are in no way shape or form firearm related. Thats the stuff that keeps me coming back for more, and the stuff I donated to the site because of. Information, I can get almost anywhere on the net. Entertainment like that I cannot.

Just my 2 cents worth.

Aviator  [img]www.milpubs.com/aviator.gif[/img]
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Excellent!!!!  You can have a thread about lesbian hair styles but, not peanut butter preferences.  [v]
Link Posted: 5/10/2002 2:32:52 AM EDT
Quoted: I just feel that discussing the issue more interesting than 80 pages of words that rhyme
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There is only one page of words that rhyme.  

The over 80 pages is/were a train of thought-associated words that did not rhyme.  I wanted to make this distinction so that it's clear that it's this thread, not the rhyming one, that I'm talking about.

There is a point of Word Association - having fun.

It's been popular, and just one of the many threads I liked to read and contribute to.

At the same time it did not result in flame wars, pornography, or similar problems.

While phrase association, and rhyming word association were not my cup of tea, I think one shriveled up and the other one would have anyway.

I'm genuinely curious:  just how much bandwidth and server space DO one-word [no graphics] replies soak up?

It seems to me that the real hogs are the pictures, followed by replies that include the same pictures, followed by 'what he said', including the same pictures, etc.

Or the flame-fest and love-fest threads that seem to be so common and fairly often include moderators as participants or topics or both.

If you could keep it rolling with just the last 50 replies, we could all have a little fun without making too bad a dent in capacity.

There has been a certain pleasure in seeing the page and post count climb, though.

This one thread did more for me than all the pages on the mid-east.  It made me laugh, which has been very important lately.



Link Posted: 5/10/2002 6:07:47 AM EDT
BTT - for Ed's response.
Link Posted: 5/10/2002 8:03:59 PM EDT
It may be awhile before we hear from him.
Link Posted: 5/11/2002 12:34:58 AM EDT
I enjoyed it, too.
Link Posted: 5/11/2002 12:48:37 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/11/2002 7:15:39 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/11/2002 7:39:18 AM EDT
The thread doesn't consume much bandwidth. What it chews up is databse processing resource. Since there are so many responses associated with the single topic, it really taxes the database engine to retrieve all those entries. Unless you have an array of Quad Xeon PIV 1.6Ghz with a couple of terabytes of RAM on each box, there is no redeeming point to the wanton consumption of the server resources.

Link Posted: 5/11/2002 8:28:15 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/11/2002 10:47:04 AM EDT
A harmless waste of time and money.

How about a WAOD?

That way those that wanted to increase their post count could do so while at the same time pruning the post each day would limit the amount of bandwidth consumed but such interesting banter.
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Chief, by WAOD do you mean Word Association Of [the] Day?   If so, a good idea.

It would be best to start off with some carryover from the day(s) before, to serve both as a springboard and as a catch-up for those who haven't been able to check in for the last couple of days.

When people were talking about running with just the last 50 posts or whatever, I started thinking about how to accomplish that.  I started the recent WA thread, and as the first poster, I could possibly delete the whole thread if it was unlocked, I'm not sure.

I was thinking that somehow I could save the last "X" responses in some form, but I haven't figured out the mechanics of it.

Link Posted: 5/11/2002 8:58:13 PM EDT
....[b]I will not think any less of anyone for posting the question to him in the forums[/b](Maybe the administrative section)to see what he says!

I think that is fair!

What do you think?

NOTE:I am leaving now,but I will check the responses on Monday.   Chao!
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Fair enough!  I posted in "Site suggestions", with a link to this thread.   Thank you for a thoughtful, very fair and level-headed approach to all this.

Link Posted: 6/16/2002 1:37:03 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/16/2002 1:41:14 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/16/2002 2:05:16 PM EDT
There is [b]no[/b] horse too dead to be beaten here at good ole AR15.com.

PS: yes Word Association Of the Day was a stab at humor.

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Dead horse???

As Randy Travis would say:

He's diggin' up bones......
Link Posted: 6/16/2002 2:55:51 PM EDT
Posted by BeeKeep:
Also, whining is unbecoming to us knuckle-dragging gun owners.  [:D]
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No Kidding.  [>(]
Link Posted: 6/16/2002 2:58:56 PM EDT
So!  What's the verdict????
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