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Posted: 5/12/2003 11:30:50 PM EDT
So my dad and I are talking about the summer, and he says we should go on a road trip. I say we should go to a machine gun shoot, and he's all for it.

So, where should we go? When? We live in WA, but drive time isnt a worry, my dad, brother and I can go 2000 miles in 30 hours.

hehe, you can pay a speeding ticket in Montana with cash!
Link Posted: 5/13/2003 1:22:18 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/13/2003 3:23:17 AM EDT
I see that you are from MA. Why not warm up with a shoot a little closer to home?


We'll have a couple of GE mini guns, a quad 50, a replica civil war cannon, and more class 3s than you can shake a stick at. Freedom is not completely gone from our fair state...

Link Posted: 5/13/2003 4:05:15 AM EDT
Ohio.  Bulletfest.  Be there.

Link Posted: 5/13/2003 5:18:13 AM EDT
Ditto. Bulletfest kicks ass. June 28th.
Link Posted: 5/13/2003 5:35:57 AM EDT
Hernando has become the Knob Creek of the south, complete with many .50 BMG's, Hummer mounted .50's & .30's. Burning vehicles, etc.
Link Posted: 5/13/2003 6:27:17 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/13/2003 10:55:16 PM EDT
Bulletfest blows Knob creek away, although if only for one day.  It is by far the fairest in all the land and knob creek, large though it is, would have a distance to travel to catch up
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I disagree. KCR has been slow for the last few years, but I think that was due more to the little girl that got killed, more than anything else. I've been down there, and have seen things that you only see on/in military type things...Like the time that some guy brought a truck-mounted quad-.50. Or the time someone brought down 3 mini-guns mounted on a quad-.50 base. It's been a while since that kind of stuff has been there, but it's getting better. Plus, there's all of the old armor and trucks outside. More of that shows up every year. The helicopter rides are a blast, I [b]highly[/b] recommend it if you've never been in one. And then there's always what's around KCR. Ft. Knox is right there, and that includes the Patton Museum. A must for anybody who loves tanks, and armor. KCR is a great event. It's not just about the machine guns.  
Link Posted: 5/13/2003 11:05:58 PM EDT
BFest, Minerva Ohio!!
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