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Posted: 5/29/2002 4:27:58 PM EDT
I was just listening to Fox news.  They had a story about teaching Texas history.  They are teaching a revisionist view of the Texas War of Independence.  They are teaching both sides of the story.  They are afraid to offend the Hispanic students.  Evidently 40% (that's right, 40%) of the students in Texas are Hispanic.

My God what is wrong with us?  How did we let this happen?  We are losing our culture, identity and language.  I heard yesterday that the State of Florida is being sued for voting rights infringements because they didn't have enough Spanish speaking poll workers.

There are only a few things I feel strongly about.  I would hate to lose my family, my religion, and my country.  I guess two out of three ain't bad.

We need to wake up and take this country back.  If we don't we are going to lose it to bunch of third worlders who will use the power of the vote to redistribute OUR wealth and take away our culture, identity and language.  We will be the strangers in a strange land.

Sorry about the rambling but the news made me mad.  If the assholes can take away the Alamo they can take away anything.
Link Posted: 5/29/2002 4:32:42 PM EDT
You will be assimilated.
Link Posted: 5/29/2002 4:37:42 PM EDT
I was just listening to Fox news.  They had a story about teaching Texas history.  They are teaching a revisionist view of the Texas War of Independence.  They are teaching both sides of the story.  They are afraid to offend the Hispanic students.  Evidently 40% (that's right, 40%) of the students in Texas are Hispanic.

My God what is wrong with us?  How did we let this happen?  We are losing our culture, identity and language.  I heard yesterday that the State of Florida is being sued for voting rights infringements because they didn't have enough Spanish speaking poll workers.

There are only a few things I feel strongly about.  I would hate to lose my family, my religion, and my country.  I guess two out of three ain't bad.

We need to wake up and take this country back.  If we don't we are going to lose it to bunch of third worlders who will use the power of the vote to redistribute OUR wealth and take away our culture, identity and language.  We will be the strangers in a strange land.

Sorry about the rambling but the news made me mad.  If the assholes can take away the Alamo they can take away anything.
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So, what do you think gun control is really all about?  You got it in the ending of the first sentence of the third paragraph - the third worlders want to take away what is ours.  Can't do it if we resist.  Can't have that now, can we?

The beginning of the end of the United States was the election of John Kennedy , compounded enormously by LBJ.  Favor the creeps, deliberately engineer a change in the makeup of the country.  Kennedy and Johnson were both great at giving away what wasn't theirs.   Typical of all liberals, they take yours to give to someone else, which makes them the leaders and good guys.  

Link Posted: 5/29/2002 4:38:15 PM EDT
Read Paul Craig Roberts at www.TownHall.com
The answer is obvious.

Todays column.
Link Posted: 5/29/2002 4:39:34 PM EDT
I agree 100%.

I'm sick to death with "political correctness" and smoothing things over so no-one's feelings get hurt. When I was a kid and someone called you a name or pushed you down you got up and gave them one back. If you did a crime, you damn well did the time. And lets not forget the now hazy and antiquated concept of your inalienable rights "that no man can take away".  It seems that all those kids that sucked at dodgeball and cried when they got called names have taken control. No wonder our kids are arrogant lard asses that have no ambition, the schools and our goddamned liberal government have taught them that he who does nothing gets everything handed to him. Why get an education and a good job when you can steal and sell drugs? Why read to your kids and spend time with them when it's so easy to plop them in front of the TV... and then blame the TV when they turn out bad...

Sorry, folks... I have snapped.
Link Posted: 5/29/2002 5:36:44 PM EDT
I hear ya bros!  I'm sick of these @ssholes from every third world sh*tstain country coming here.  Since when was it the United State's obligation to take them in.  Hell, most of them despise the U.S. as it is and are just here to leach off the rest of us.  The ones that really piss me off are the ones from south of the border.  It seems like they are everywhere now, and they have absolutely no interest in integrating into American society.  It seems like they are trying to breed themselves into the majority.  How come it's ok for the bleeding heart liberals to wipe their ass with the bill of rights, but we can't make much needed changes to our immigration policy?  
Link Posted: 5/29/2002 5:42:48 PM EDT

My God what is wrong with us?  How did we let this happen?  We are losing our culture, identity and language.  I heard yesterday that the State of Florida is being sued for voting rights infringements because they didn't have enough Spanish speaking poll workers.

There are only a few things I feel strongly about.  I would hate to lose my family, my religion, and my country.  I guess two out of three ain't bad.

We need to wake up and take this country back.  If we don't we are going to lose it to bunch of third worlders who will use the power of the vote to redistribute OUR wealth and take away our culture, identity and language.  We will be the strangers in a strange land.

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[b]Hmmmmm......You sound like the American Indians when the white men came to take their land.[/b]
Link Posted: 5/29/2002 5:52:29 PM EDT

My God what is wrong with us?  How did we let this happen?  We are losing our culture, identity and language.  

There are only a few things I feel strongly about.  I would hate to lose my family, my religion, and my country.  I guess two out of three ain't bad.

We need to wake up and take this country back.  If we don't we are going to lose it to bunch of third worlders who will use the power of the vote to redistribute OUR wealth and take away our culture, identity and language.  We will be the strangers in a strange land.

Sorry about the rambling but the news made me mad.  If the assholes can take away the Alamo they can take away anything.
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I took the liberty of deleting a paragraph, but I would say if you switch out Alamo for Plymouth rock, you could probably attribute these same words to Chief [PICK YOUR FAVORITE INDIAN CHIEF-INSERT NAME HERE] about 300 years ago.


Since when was it the United State's obligation to take them in. Hell, most of them despise the U.S. as it is and are just here to leach off the rest of us.
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Name this tune...

"Give me your tired, Your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

It was a tune OUR Grandparents knew ALL too well, much to the chagrin of the above named Chief..

Aint life a bitch....[smoke]
Link Posted: 5/29/2002 5:55:13 PM EDT
The majority of welfare recipients are still white.

Should we dump them too?
Link Posted: 5/29/2002 6:00:55 PM EDT
We started to lose our country in the 60's and the loss was complete by the 70's.  (Although some will argue the process began with Roosevelt in the 30's.)

The United States of America - another casualty of the Vietnam war.
Link Posted: 5/29/2002 6:06:16 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/29/2002 6:20:49 PM EDT
In about fifty years Pearl Harbor will get a makeover and in another fifty or so the World Trade Center.
Link Posted: 5/29/2002 6:27:26 PM EDT
Another reason why my children will NEVER see an HISD school, or any other public school for that matter.

My people come from North Mexico, and I have no tolerance or sympathy for any Mexican trash that comes across this border and thinks they are owed something because they are here.  I have the utmost respect for ANYONE who comes here and attempts to realize the American Dream by working hard and entering legally.

[B]Texas will be more liberal than California in 10 years because of the influx of illegal immigrants and their families that are already here who vote.[/B]  At that time, my family and I will be moving somewhere else, and I will miss my beloved Texas.  Who here would like to guess at what percentages the non-latino groups make up in the population?

Who could believe that less than two centuries since the great battle was fought between Sam Houston and The Mexican Army commanded by Santa Ana that would establish Texas as it's own soveriegn nation and eventually a member of the United States, the battle cry that propelled those nighty men of many races, including Mexicans who were not loyal to Mexico, onward would be intentionally forgotten?

America is doomed, and Texas is the next casualty.

God Bless Texas.
Link Posted: 5/29/2002 6:52:06 PM EDT
Gentlemen, we have been invaded by an invisible army of aliens , legal & illegal alike who donot wish to become Americans. They are bent on changing the American culture to suit their third world ways. Crime among these peoples is on the rise. Watch the evening news and see where the crime wave is in your community and you will be able to corrilate their groups with high crime rates.These invaders have no wishes to become "Americanized", yet they want all the bennifits of being an American. The Government should reinstate the DRAFT. You would see a mass exodes of those not wanting to fight for the USA just like they left durring WWII. We are a nation of immegrants , yet those who came here in the past WANTED TO BECOME AMERICANS ! That is the fundimental difference between those who want to freeload off of the US taxpayer. Have you been to an emergency room at a hospital lately ? You're lucky if anyone there even SPEAKS English. I've gotta end this now before I really get worked up ...
Link Posted: 5/29/2002 6:54:09 PM EDT
I took the liberty of deleting a paragraph, but I would say if you switch out Alamo for Plymouth rock, you could probably attribute these same words to Chief [PICK YOUR FAVORITE INDIAN CHIEF-INSERT NAME HERE] about 300 years ago.
Name this tune...

"Give me your tired, Your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

It was a tune OUR Grandparents knew ALL too well, much to the chagrin of the above named Chief..
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Relativism - the gift that keeps on giving.

So simply because there were once large numbers of immigrants to our nation, we should never voice concerns about increasing numbers - no matter the practical effects - lest we be branded hypocrites? That's precisely the PC nonsense that's been screwing us in the behind for decades.

When you're really thirsty, you can easily drink a lot of water. But stick a fire hose down your throat, the utility of that water changes a bit.

This is the problem with the [i]rate[/i] of immigration we're experiencing. Combine a high rate of immigration with an educational establishment that teaches identity politics and cultural Marxism from kindergarten on up, and you're set for disaster. The signs are everywhere, already - If you'd open your eyes to it.

And incidentally, most immigrants from other countries strongly oppose [i]your[/i] RKBA. And if they don't, they'll be taught to. And they'll vote for those that will.
Link Posted: 5/29/2002 7:17:47 PM EDT
The majority of welfare recipients are still white.

Should we dump them too?
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Where did you find that info?

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I'd also love to see the source for that little tidbit, DScott.

Since we're catagorizing things by race, most crime is committed by non-whites.  Does stating it that way make you feel a little uneasy?
Link Posted: 5/29/2002 8:15:58 PM EDT
LordTrader and CavVet

You may win a debating point with your analogy to the Indians but you will lose your country.

Wake up.

When I first moved to this part of Washington State back in 1996 there were only a few Hispanics.  Now days the place is being overrun with them.  We are 1800 miles from the border.

My friends from my home state of Florida tell me they are also being overrun by Mexicans and Haitians.  Not the well mannered,  decent, middle class Cubans but low class welfare grabbing Mexicans.

Wake up and forget stupid statements about the Indians 300 years ago.    
Link Posted: 5/29/2002 8:19:47 PM EDT
while I cant personally vouch for the source
current welfare recipents:
whites: 41.7%
hispanics: 21.8%
non white/non hispanic :36.6%
former welfare recipents:
non white/non hispanic:34.7%
data from 1997
Link Posted: 5/29/2002 8:31:04 PM EDT
At the risk of offending certain some here, I truly don't intend to insult anyone but...

...for hundreds of years certain tribes of American Indians fought wars and practiced savage genocide against each other with varying degrees of atrocious success.

Some warrior tribes were better than others but there was no single tribe that could dominate all the others.

The "white man" arrived and settled that once and (I hope) for all.

To the victor goes the spoils.

I'd say we've done mighty things with our spoils.
Link Posted: 5/29/2002 8:37:38 PM EDT
A fairly quick search of the web shows another source, a synthesis of data from the gov. circa 1994:

Myth: People on welfare are usually black, teenage mothers who stay on ten years at a time.

Fact: Most welfare recipients are non-black, adult and on welfare less than two years at a time.


According to the statistics, whites form the largest racial group on welfare; half of all welfare recipients leave in the first two years; and teenagers form less than 8 percent of all welfare mothers.


Here are the statistics on welfare recipients:
Traits of families on AFDC (1)

White    38.8%
Black    37.2
Hispanic 17.8
Asian     2.8
Other     3.4

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As to crime and non-whites, please don;t forget to account for Enron, Keating, and their ilk.  You and I paid *how much* for the S&L bailouts?

And yes, it does bother me to see the world over-simplified and made into a place that is either good or bad, black or white.  All foreigners are bad?  All muslims are terrorists?  All all all...
Link Posted: 5/29/2002 8:39:49 PM EDT
In about fifty years Pearl Harbor will get a makeover and in another fifty or so the World Trade Center.
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Have you not been watching TV or listening to the radio?  WTC/Pentagon massacres have already been made over.  Why do you think we are getting the "Islam is a religion of peace and love" crapola thrust at us by every liberal dipshit in the nation?

In another 10 years we will be paying reparations to the Muslim families who lost their beloved terrorists.
Link Posted: 5/29/2002 8:43:12 PM EDT
I don't have a problem with most immigrants. My ancestors were immigrants, and I think that a fairly good portion of today's immigrants are looking for freedom and a job, like my ancestors were. .

What I have a problem with is stupid ass WASP upper class democrats worrying about offending these people. Christ, if my ancestors were treated the way these PC fuckers treat people we'd still be ignorant coal miners. Adversity breeds good things.

On a related note I wrote this post listening to "New American Way" by Dropkick Murphys.
Link Posted: 5/29/2002 8:54:41 PM EDT
My observations: the reason we are "losing the country" is not because of immigration policy,a typical 'red herring'(no Irish need apply). But rather, the power and reach of 'Special Interest Groups' that have effectivly and quietly hijacked our beloved country. The guideing principal of any country is to do what is in it's OWN SELF INTEREST....today's politicians have soldout this country for a few pieces of silver and act in their own self interest. Lust for power, rather than doing what is best for the Country. Yes Virginia, America has been sold out...One day the sheep will look up
Link Posted: 5/29/2002 9:03:06 PM EDT
In about fifty years Pearl Harbor will get a makeover and in another fifty or so the World Trade Center.
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Have you not been watching TV or listening to the radio?  WTC/Pentagon massacres have already been made over.  Why do you think we are getting the "Islam is a religion of peace and love" crapola thrust at us by every liberal dipshit in the nation?

In another 10 years we will be paying reparations to the Muslim families who lost their beloved terrorists.
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I meant a makeover like "we have to look at it from the terrorists point of view, we were oppressing them and supporting their enemies an basically being racist blah blah blah..." that kinda trash, not the tolerance thing your refering too.
Link Posted: 5/29/2002 9:50:06 PM EDT
QUESTION...How many here live or want to live in a HUGE, OVERCROWDED city?  It seems to me that most freedom loving Americans like ourselves tend to migrate from these areas and habitate in areas that allow you to have more personal freedom, like the freedom to carry a gun or shoot off your back porch if you damn well feel like it (commonly known as God's country). On the same token it seems that the fvcking forigners tend to prefer overcrowded sh*tholes where the loss of freedom is more or less expected, and make it a near copy of the third world country they fled in the first place. Perhaps we should work out a deal with Russia so that they nuke our big cities, and ALL of Kalifornia. In 20,000 years, we, the TRUE Americans, can reclaim them, and mine the borders.

Flame suit on[flame]
Link Posted: 5/29/2002 10:06:15 PM EDT

Repeat after me......I AM NOT HITLER.....I AM NOT HITLER......I AM NOT HITLER......[whacko]
Link Posted: 5/29/2002 10:26:10 PM EDT
The majority of welfare recipients are still white.

Should we dump them too?
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In the Bay Area where I live, 75% are Vietnamese, with whitey being very low on the list.
Link Posted: 5/29/2002 10:29:38 PM EDT
LordTrader and CavVet

You may win a debating point with your analogy to the Indians but you will lose your country.

Wake up.

When I first moved to this part of Washington State back in 1996 there were only a few Hispanics.  Now days the place is being overrun with them.  We are 1800 miles from the border.

My friends from my home state of Florida tell me they are also being overrun by Mexicans and Haitians.  Not the well mannered,  decent, middle class Cubans but low class welfare grabbing Mexicans.

Wake up and forget stupid statements about the Indians 300 years ago.    
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Don't you go complaining about Mexicans. I wish we had your population of illegals! [}:D]
Link Posted: 5/29/2002 10:33:10 PM EDT
A fairly quick search of the web shows another source, a synthesis of data from the gov. circa 1994:

Myth: People on welfare are usually black, teenage mothers who stay on ten years at a time.

Fact: Most welfare recipients are non-black, adult and on welfare less than two years at a time.


According to the statistics, whites form the largest racial group on welfare; half of all welfare recipients leave in the first two years; and teenagers form less than 8 percent of all welfare mothers.


Here are the statistics on welfare recipients:
Traits of families on AFDC (1)

White    38.8%
Black    37.2
Hispanic 17.8
Asian     2.8
Other     3.4

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As to crime and non-whites, please don;t forget to account for Enron, Keating, and their ilk.  You and I paid *how much* for the S&L bailouts?

And yes, it does bother me to see the world over-simplified and made into a place that is either good or bad, black or white.  All foreigners are bad?  All muslims are terrorists?  All all all...
View Quote

If you converted those numbers into percentage by race, not totals, they would look totally different.
Link Posted: 5/30/2002 12:13:04 AM EDT

I admit ....I am an immigrant.

I came to this country at the age of 3. Our US embassy friends got my family the hell out of Saigon in 75' due to my father's position with S.Vietnamese Intel. and his relation with the US Embassy staff.

The formula to success for any immigrant coming into this country is pretty simple.

1) Work hard to make an honest living
2) Educate yourself (VERY IMPORATANT!)
3) Contribute to the wealth and economy of America through one or both of the above.

If an immigrant can take care of this when coming here then I have no problem with him.  Unemployment, welfare, criminal conduct, and having more kids than you can afford should = DEPORTATION!

TX A&M class 2000 (Magna Cum Laude!)
Univ. of TX School of Medicine 2004

Link Posted: 5/30/2002 12:44:54 AM EDT

I know a million white trash hoosiers who fit the criteria, Unemployed, 12 kids, 22 dogs, welfare, uneducated, etc. I'm sure there are a million other natural born citizens who are a waste of space as well. What are we going to do with them? There are shitbags everywhere, I say bring'em, they keep me employed!! (POLICE)[;)]
Link Posted: 5/30/2002 6:18:35 AM EDT
If you can live by a few simple rules. Come on down. I will help someone who is trying to help themselves.
I was a once a child in a family on welfare. Living in a project taking handouts from anybody who would help us. My mom with three jobs and still could make it. (Divorced) No time limit on welfare back then. She hated it and taught us to work hard and things take time. Help other who are willing to do the same. We got out and we helped others do the same.

Welfare should suck. It should be a SHAME to be on it. We need to make it that way again.

For immigration here are my thoughts

1.If you cant or wont speak english in one year.

2.If you cant support yourself or family in one year.

3.If you get convicted of any crime.

Bye Bye you are shipped back to were you came from.
Link Posted: 5/30/2002 6:48:29 AM EDT
The majority of welfare recipients are still white.

Should we dump them too?
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Where did you find that info?
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Like most of us interested in public policy he's heard it before, but what he didn't realize when he said that was that it is no longer true. Even Atencio's data shows the shift taking place due to our millions/year (legal&illegal) immigration policies combined with democratic pandering to make more programs available to resident aliens and *SHOCKINGLY* illegal aliens.

A fairly quick search of the web shows another source, a synthesis of data from the gov. circa 1994:
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That's rather sad. How about taking some more time and finding the most current data to back up your claim? You said "majority" (50.1%+) but that is clearly not the case. And it's funny you had to go back EIGHT YEARS to find a time when the "largest" racial group of welfare recipients was still white, and only by [u]1%[/u] over blacks. *LOL*

Following your "quick search" methodology I located the (disgustingly named) WCRC "Women of Color Resource Center." (While I would have liked to have found current 2000-1 US Govt data, I gave up after treading through page after page of pro-welfare articles by liberal/marxist academics).


They cite figures of...

In 1998, Blacks constituted 39% of welfare recipients, Hispanics 22.2% and Whites 32.7%.
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So you are even doubley wrong. Blacks are the largest group.

Your unfactual arguement is irrelevant anyway. If the welfare rolls only had 1% whites (99% other) then you would just be arguing what a segregated, discriminatory and oppressive country this was, using that as an example.

As to crime and non-whites, please don;t forget to account for Enron, Keating, and their ilk.  You and I paid *how much* for the S&L bailouts?
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I'll tell you something: I would rather have them steal another $100 billion from taxpayers/shareholders and blow it all then have someone in my family be a victim of violent crime. Liberals never understand that, instead believing the above to be equally bad and more often worse.

And yes, it does bother me to see the world over-simplified and made into a place that is either good or bad, black or white.  All foreigners are bad?  All muslims are terrorists?  All all all...
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And Palestinians are freedom fighters or terrorists? While you would surely reject the above labels I have never once seen you write a kind word about them (you save that praise for Israel, which is always very restrained and reasonable in your mind). While I also think Israel is the more reasonable I am just pointing an example where I think you do see things in the black & white terms you despise.

Link Posted: 5/30/2002 7:27:38 AM EDT
Sorry, I got tired of wading through the same shit, and brought up the first reasonably credible site that I came across.  It *is* evidence for my point, after all.  You'll note I gave the date as well, so I understand it may be a little dated.  Besides your data is unsubstantiated by refs and may actually be a description of only black women on welfare, which by all measures make up a disproportionate share of single mothers on aid.

OK, [s]lies[/s], [s]damned lies[/s], er statistics aside, my point is that when we over-simplify these issues to make a point about *this* racial group or *that* ethnic group we gotta be very careful.  

Whether it's 38% or 32% that's still a large number of white people getting the handouts being complained about, right?  Where are we going to deport *them* to?  

What trailer park is large enough to hold them all?   [:D]

Blanket statements about an entire race or ethnic group are "all or nothing" and different from taking a position in a specific war.  I've never said "kill all the palestinians", but absolutely support Issrael's right to exist.

Aren't most men "a walking contradiction, partly
truth and partly fiction"?
Link Posted: 5/30/2002 7:49:58 AM EDT
LordTrader and CavVet

You may win a debating point with your analogy to the Indians but you will lose your country.

Wake up.

When I first moved to this part of Washington State back in 1996 there were only a few Hispanics.  Now days the place is being overrun with them.  We are 1800 miles from the border.

My friends from my home state of Florida tell me they are also being overrun by Mexicans and Haitians.  Not the well mannered,  decent, middle class Cubans but low class welfare grabbing Mexicans.

Wake up and forget stupid statements about the Indians 300 years ago.    
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I am just illustrating that this is bound to happen. More subtle this time. Invasion, if you want to call it that, will go by way of attrition. Things change. Do I like the change?!?!? Not all of it. Change is a part of moving forward. Lets not forget that this country was built on immigrants and the culmination of their beliefs. I refuse to bring prejudice amongst people that moves towards change. Rather I would educate them on what my beliefs are and why I believe in them. Again, lets not forget that this country was built by immigrants. Shall we then become selfish and say, "I am here now fuck everybody else" "Land of oppurtunity, fuck that, no one else can take my opportunity"

There are a lot I don't agree with. Welfare, gun control, liberal views, denial of Constitutional Freedom, Illegal immigrants, etc. However, legal immigrant is not one of them. Rather than having prejudice against these beliefs, we should educate them of how this country was built. By having prejudice, we alienate them, therefore it makes them fight harder to suppress that prejudice by voting for things that stands for the particular group IE Guns.
Link Posted: 5/30/2002 7:51:17 AM EDT
If you can live by a few simple rules. Come on down. I will help someone who is trying to help themselves.
I was a once a child in a family on welfare. Living in a project taking handouts from anybody who would help us. My mom with three jobs and still could make it. (Divorced) No time limit on welfare back then. She hated it and taught us to work hard and things take time. Help other who are willing to do the same. We got out and we helped others do the same.

Welfare should suck. It should be a SHAME to be on it. We need to make it that way again.

For immigration here are my thoughts

1.If you cant or wont speak english in one year.

2.If you cant support yourself or family in one year.

3.If you get convicted of any crime.

Bye Bye you are shipped back to were you came from.
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I agree wholeheartedly.
Link Posted: 5/30/2002 8:19:00 AM EDT
I took the liberty of deleting a paragraph, but I would say if you switch out Alamo for Plymouth rock, you could probably attribute these same words to Chief [PICK YOUR FAVORITE INDIAN CHIEF-INSERT NAME HERE] about 300 years ago.
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I would have deleted the third paragraph you left as well. They didn't enact generous immigration policies to take us in, and we didn't use their system against them, and vote ourselves benefits. The colonists fought battles and wars and by force created a new country.  That's the way of the world for every nation in history... we then made an exception to that rule, which in many ways has certainly been abused.

Since we're catagorizing things by race, most crime is committed by non-whites.  Does stating it that way make you feel a little uneasy?
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It makes him feel uneasy about you for uttering things that must not be spoken. You're a bad person for even mentioning it!

[B]Texas will be more liberal than California in 10 years because of the influx of illegal immigrants and their families that are already here who vote.[/B]  At that time, my family and I will be moving somewhere else, and I will miss my beloved Texas.  Who here would like to guess at what percentages the non-latino groups make up in the population?
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Say it isn't so! I can't believe that sophisticated Mexican peasants would fall for the Democrats schemes and vote to take things away from other people for their own benefit. Doesn't seem logical somehow. They will most likely, I'm sure, vote for candidates who espouse such principles as Independence, Individualism and just plain ole "making your own way." After all, we're told they just came here for a job, right?

Remember, as that "Latino" population rises to 50%, 60%, 70%, etc. the state will become "more diverse," because that magical quantity is defined as "not white."

I admit ....I am an immigrant.

If an immigrant can take care of this when coming here then I have no problem with him.  Unemployment, welfare, criminal conduct, and having more kids than you can afford should = DEPORTATION!
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What! You talkin' crazy boy. Now, mosey on down to the Democrat's plantation.
Link Posted: 5/30/2002 9:03:31 AM EDT
Besides your data is unsubstantiated by refs and may actually be a description of only black women on welfare, which by all measures make up a disproportionate share of single mothers on aid.
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Uh... how many men are on welfare? I thought AFDC (despite it's name) was primarily a program for single women raising children (with penalties even for fathers accepting responsibility for their kids!).

They stated black, white and hispanic figures, right? So following your arguement once again the other numbers must be of "white women on welfare" and "hispanic women on welfare."

If that is the case then the only thing that could skew those figures to agree with your original assertion (and subsequent '94 source) is if white men were then more likely to be on welfare then white women, hispanic and black men, etc.

Anyway you look at it your logic falls apart. But keep trying!

Whether it's 38% or 32% that's still a large number of white people getting the handouts being complained about, right?  Where are we going to deport *them* to?
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After those '94 figures came out congress enacted, and President Clinton signed into law welfare reform legislation. I believe that more white recipients have dropped off the rolls since then accounting for some of the shift, with the millions of additional poor immigrants accounting for the rest.

The issue is not about deporting americans but having sane, sensible government policies that promote self reliance and people coming here for the right reasons. JUST LIKE ALL THE OTHER IMMIGRANTS WHO CAME BEFORE THE GREAT SOCIETY PROGRAMS.

Blanket statements about an entire race or ethnic group are "all or nothing" and different from taking a position in a specific war. I've never said "kill all the palestinians", but absolutely support Issrael's right to exist.
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You do a little bit more then support "Israel's right to exist." You are on their side 110% and have never said anything acknowledging the legitimacy of any Palestinian claim, or alleged injustice. Hence, for you it is a "black and white" issue. But, please protest!

Aren't most men "a walking contradiction, partly
truth and partly fiction"?
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Is that your motto? Better yet make it your theme song. [:D]
Link Posted: 5/30/2002 9:27:07 AM EDT
The majority of welfare recipients are still white.

Should we dump them too?
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What?? The majority of Welfare recipients are Black. Where did you find your info??
Link Posted: 5/30/2002 1:18:58 PM EDT
A fairly quick search of the web shows another source, a synthesis of data from the gov. circa 1994:

Myth: People on welfare are usually black, teenage mothers who stay on ten years at a time.

Fact: Most welfare recipients are non-black, adult and on welfare less than two years at a time.


According to the statistics, whites form the largest racial group on welfare; half of all welfare recipients leave in the first two years; and teenagers form less than 8 percent of all welfare mothers.


Here are the statistics on welfare recipients:
Traits of families on AFDC (1)

White    38.8%
Black    37.2
Hispanic 17.8
Asian     2.8
Other     3.4

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As to crime and non-whites, please don;t forget to account for Enron, Keating, and their ilk.  You and I paid *how much* for the S&L bailouts?
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You said that Whites are the majority of welfare recipients.  Your math must work a little differently than mine.

Non-White welfare recipients = 61.2
White welfare recipients = 38.8

It gets even more interesting when you consider the fact that Whites are the majority in this country.  These stats can be a little misleading.  38.8 percent of Whites aren't on welfare.  It's saying that 38.8 percent of welfare recipients are White.  And since we're 70% or so of the country, that shows exactly how unbalanced welfare is.

By the way, did you bother to check out the site you listed as a source?  It detracts somewhat from your credibility.  Heres a little excerpt from it.

"Liberalism Resurgent: A Response to the Right -- This is my award-winning political site, which includes the long and short FAQs on Liberalism, the Reagan Years, the Great Depression, Government Success Stories and Free Market Failures, and much, much more. My goal is to turn this into a one-stop reference source for almost any common political arguments you need.

Help Fight the Right! -- Support Liberalism Resurgent."

Thats like getting ballistic data off of the HCI website.  He's a commie.  Read about his "Russian Studies/Political Science" degree and his trip to Russia.

As for Enron, white collar crime, etc, no argument with you there.  But I'd damn sure rather have my 401k tapped than to have my wife raped and my kids killed.  Either way, send 'em to jail.  I don't care for white collar thieves any more than I do for drug dealers/common thugs.
Link Posted: 5/30/2002 2:58:16 PM EDT
DScott never broke his stats down to white vs nonwhite.  You guys are playing with the stats to try to prove a point.  The original arguement was that there were more whites than any other racial group on welfare.  By looking at actual numbers that is correct.  Now if you want to look at ratios than that is another story of which I would probably say Blacks in relation to population have the greatest number on welfare.
Link Posted: 5/30/2002 4:23:17 PM EDT
DScott never broke his stats down to white vs nonwhite.  You guys are playing with the stats to try to prove a point.  The original arguement was that there were more whites than any other racial group on welfare.  By looking at actual numbers that is correct.  Now if you want to look at ratios than that is another story of which I would probably say Blacks in relation to population have the greatest number on welfare.
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Yep.  Now there may or may not be more whites than other racial groups on welfare, but there certainly are a lot of 'em.  I really don't know where you're gonna find numbers we'll all agree on.  

Doesn't matter- point is, there are alot of whites on the dole, yes?

What do we do about them?

I recced the site I cited, and am comfortable that despite the lefty politics, the numbers come from gov.org.  Look at the references he cites.  

shooter69 said:

You do a little bit more then support "Israel's right to exist." You are on their side 110% and have never said anything acknowledging the legitimacy of any Palestinian claim, or alleged injustice. Hence, for you it is a "black and white" issue. But, please protest!
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You assume too much...  

Pop-quiz... (without looking it up) who's that last line from?  

Extra credit for the song title...

Link Posted: 5/30/2002 5:03:39 PM EDT
Two weeks ago my wife had to go to the emergency room at the local hospital.  She was the only non Mexican in the room.  How many of those people do you think were legal?  Who do you think paid for their medical care that day?  I'll give you a clue - US!  Like most working people we pay a ton of taxes.

On the way home from work tonight I stopped at the grocery store to pick up a couple of things for supper.  The Mexican bitch in front of me had four very young kids.  She was babbling on her cell phone as she was using her food stamps to pay for the junk food she was getting.  Who do you think paid for cell phone and Cokes and potato chips?

My wife is a school teacher.  Her classes are being overrun by illegal aliens that can't speak English and are all on free lunches.

I'm getting sick and tired of paying for future Democratic voters and cheap Republican business labor.

I want my country back before it gets too late.
Link Posted: 5/30/2002 6:27:54 PM EDT
Two weeks ago my wife had to go to the emergency room at the local hospital.  She was the only non Mexican in the room.  How many of those people do you think were legal?  Who do you think paid for their medical care that day?  I'll give you a clue - US!  Like most working people we pay a ton of taxes.

On the way home from work tonight I stopped at the grocery store to pick up a couple of things for supper.  The Mexican bitch in front of me had four very young kids.  She was babbling on her cell phone as she was using her food stamps to pay for the junk food she was getting.  Who do you think paid for cell phone and Cokes and potato chips?

My wife is a school teacher.  Her classes are being overrun by illegal aliens that can't speak English and are all on free lunches.

I'm getting sick and tired of paying for future Democratic voters and cheap Republican business labor.

I want my country back before it gets too late.
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Making a few assumptions there, eh?
Link Posted: 5/30/2002 11:24:58 PM EDT
DScott never broke his stats down to white vs nonwhite.  You guys are playing with the stats to try to prove a point.  The original arguement was that there were more whites than any other racial group on welfare.  By looking at actual numbers that is correct.  Now if you want to look at ratios than that is another story of which I would probably say Blacks in relation to population have the greatest number on welfare.
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Yep.  Now there may or may not be more whites than other racial groups on welfare, but there certainly are a lot of 'em.  I really don't know where you're gonna find numbers we'll all agree on.  

Doesn't matter- point is, there are alot of whites on the dole, yes?

What do we do about them?

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Correct me if you're wrong, but you said this:

"The majority of welfare recipients are still white."

Let's not play the semantics game.  You said something, I proved you wrong with your own stats.  Even numerically it doesn't add up.  Let's say there are 10 million people on welfare.  3.8 million of those are white.  6.2 million aren't.  Either way it's false.  Either way those are disgusting figures.  Anybody have an actual figures for how many leeches there are in America?

As for what to do with the Whites on welfare, are you trying to imply that I somehow sanction them being on welfare simply because  they're White?  Why do liberals(and thats what you are, essentially...a liberal with a gun) always try to break things down to race?  Do you think I want some White guy living off of my back any more than I want a Black guy?  I say cut off all welfare, period.  Unemployment checks are your welfare.  
Link Posted: 5/30/2002 11:59:11 PM EDT
I know I travel in small circles in the frozen north, but our immigrants are not anti-gun.

We have the Russians coming in now, and they are as progun as any Alaskan I've met.  The Poles who came here in the 70's - I've known a few - bought a handgun as their first possession as proof of freedom.  

The few South Americans I've come across have assimulated very well and have no intent of replicating the hell hole they escaped from.  

Even the Middle Eastern students I met in school became Americanized pretty well.  The one spouting Jihad gets headlines because they are rare.

Link Posted: 5/31/2002 6:36:41 AM EDT
DScott never broke his stats down to white vs nonwhite.  You guys are playing with the stats to try to prove a point.  The original arguement was that there were more whites than any other racial group on welfare.  By looking at actual numbers that is correct.  Now if you want to look at ratios than that is another story of which I would probably say Blacks in relation to population have the greatest number on welfare.
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Yep.  Now there may or may not be more whites than other racial groups on welfare, but there certainly are a lot of 'em.  I really don't know where you're gonna find numbers we'll all agree on.  

Doesn't matter- point is, there are alot of whites on the dole, yes?

What do we do about them?

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Correct me if you're wrong, but you said this:

"The majority of welfare recipients are still white."

Let's not play the semantics game.  You said something, I proved you wrong with your own stats.  Even numerically it doesn't add up.  Let's say there are 10 million people on welfare.  3.8 million of those are white.  6.2 million aren't.  Either way it's false.  Either way those are disgusting figures.  Anybody have an actual figures for how many leeches there are in America?

As for what to do with the Whites on welfare, are you trying to imply that I somehow sanction them being on welfare simply because  they're White?  Why do liberals(and thats what you are, essentially...a liberal with a gun) always try to break things down to race?  Do you think I want some White guy living off of my back any more than I want a Black guy?  I say cut off all welfare, period.  Unemployment checks are your welfare.  
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You win.  Here's you're prize:  [beer]

Now, once again, my whole point is people rant about "immigrants" and often ignore that many (NOT most, NOT the majority, NOT 51% or greater of the total) people who are responsible for us "losing our country" are not foreigners.  They're often times home-grown: some are rich and suck us dry and others are career welfare recipients and end up doing the same.

To be more precise in my original statement, I should have said that the largest single ethnic group on welfare is white, or at least is it/was depending on where you look and what numbers you believe.  Sorry, just didn't come out that way at the time.  

Liberal with a gun?  Scary thought, huh!  [:D]
Link Posted: 5/31/2002 1:16:13 PM EDT
Let's not play the semantics game.  You said something, I proved you wrong with your own stats.  Even numerically it doesn't add up.  Let's say there are 10 million people on welfare.  3.8 million of those are white.  6.2 million aren't.  Either way it's false.  Either way those are disgusting figures.  Anybody have an actual figures for how many leeches there are in America?
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That's a game he likes to play, I suspect from being wrong so often. [:D] He won't accept data from YOUR partisan left-wing website, only from HIS. *LOL*

To your question: yes, see below.

Why do liberals(and thats what you are, essentially...a liberal with a gun
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Now you've gone and done it! Man how they hate being labelled but are quick to label others, usually with extreme rhetoric ("fascist! Nazi!!"). If it's inaccurate then that would be unfair. In David's case it's not. [:D]

Making a few assumptions there, eh?
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Probably not. Having been (with other people) to the emergency room (at a very good local hospital) a couple times times in the past few years I can report that the majority of the "emergency victims" were not emergencies at all (but you still have to wait behind them!) and just there for the free medical care, as they can't be turned away by law.

It's one thing to pay for our own people but to have to pay for citizens of other nations as well, who break our laws, is just too much.
Link Posted: 5/31/2002 1:26:11 PM EDT
To be more precise in my original statement, I should have said that the largest single ethnic group on welfare is white, or at least is it/was depending on where you look and what numbers you believe. Sorry, just didn't come out that way at the time.
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Didn't come out right? Please. You were only repeating what other liberals have been saying for years. It's one of their typical arguements for keeping the welfare programs as they are. "Whites are on welfare too! Leave it alone!!"

Well, I've found your government source:


Go down half way to 'Racial/Ethnic Composition of Families'...(note the families part, and don't try to confuse the issue, which you do so well!)...a little lower is the chart with percentages from '90 to '99.

The racial composition of welfare families has changed substantially over the past ten years. In 1990, it was 38 percent whites, 40 percent blacks and 17 percent Hispanics. In 1999, however, it was 31 percent whites, 38 percent blacks and 25 percent Hispanics. In addition, the small percentage of the welfare population which is Asian has grown slowly but steadily over the period from just under 3 percent to about 3 and one-half percent. Viewed over the decade there has been a shift from white to Hispanic families which is consistent with broader population trends. This shift has been accelerated since 1996 and is particularly pronounce in California, New York and Texas. Thus, in 1999, 70 percent of all Hispanic welfare families were in three large States (California, New York and Texas), as compared to 65 percent in 1996. In California, the proportion of Hispanic welfare families increased to 46 percent in 1999 from 38 percent in 1996. In addition, black families which had been a declining proportion of the caseload have trended up slightly since 1996. The upshot of these changes is that the proportion of welfare families that were minorities has increased from three-fifths to just over two-thirds over the decade, primarily driven by the growth in Hispanic families.
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Here the government department that runs these programs says even before your '94 source whites were not the largest racial group in the programs. It then says what was obvious to me, that in the past decade whites have dropped even more. If the trend continues in ten years time whites will fall from the second largest group on welfare to the third, despite still being the overall majority in the United States. (By children the stats are exacerbated as well, as non-whites have more children to take care of. In proportional terms it breaks down thusly: whites are less than half as likely as their percent of the population would suggest to be on welfare; hispanics 2x as likely; and blacks 3x as likely.)

Sometimes it's good to know what the facts are TODAY (or even twelve years ago). The bottom line is you trotted out a broken old canard and it turned out to be untrue. Acknowledge it and move on. Better yet take my advice and go in the opposite direction: whites are SO FEW because minorities are oppressed...

And stop using whites receiving welfare as a defense of the program. "What are we going to do with them? Put them in a trailer park.. uh huh... uh huh." [DScott doing his Beavis and Butthead immitation]
Link Posted: 5/31/2002 1:37:37 PM EDT
You assume too much...
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It's possible but I doubt it. My assumptions are based on the subjects on the board you've chosen to [b]uncritically[/b] defend... and ignore.

to see the world over-simplified and made into a place that is either good or bad, black or white
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I guess we'll be seeing you [u]occasionally[/u] throw in a critical comment about Israel or an acknowledgement that the Palestinians are not [u]100%[/u] to blame ("all all all"). Then again pigs may fly or Clinton might stop cruising for skanks.

Pop-quiz... (without looking it up) who's that last line from?
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Dave, I'm not really interested in your musical tastes, and I can see how you'd like to distract from the issue [b]you raised[/b] in throwing a well-worn liberal cliche out, so I will respectfully decline your invitation to go off on a meaningless tangent, unrelated to the important issues of the day.

Liberal with a gun? Scary thought, huh!
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Not really, we welcome it. Perhaps you could take Diane Feinswine and Maxine "Gangbanger" Waters out shooting at your next "progressive" get together. Then again Maxine probably knows more than you do.
Link Posted: 5/31/2002 3:02:33 PM EDT
Well, Gav, data from the chart shows that in FY 1994 (the original timeframe I came across and referenced), whites *were* the largest group on welfare proportionately (at 37.4%, vs. blacks at 36.4%, and hispanics at 19.9%).  Thanks for the big picture data, though.

Lies, damn lies, and statistics.  Doesn't change the fact that what's wrong with this country isn't just the fault of immigrants or minorities.

As to the rest: whatever.  There are worse things in life than being called a liberal on the internet.  You could insist that I was a vegetarian or something.

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