I know this one guy. We were friends but not best buddies spend the night at each other's house on our birthdays type friends...anyway...
This guy is really laid back, good sense of humor, seems like a really stand-up kinda guy. One day he comes into work kinda haggard looking and tired. I ask him what's up. He says he's on the lamb. I ask why. He says his girlfriend locked him out and called the cops on him when he came home drunk. I leave it at that.
The next day he doesn't come into work. Doesn't call in or anything.
The next day another guy that also works there and is better friends with the no show than I am asks if I heard about what happened with our friend. I say no.
He says a couple of nights ago this guy beat up his girlfriend after they got into a fight about him coming home late and drunk(the her locking him out and calling the cops part he had already told me about) I was shocked and started to tell my other friend that I kinda knew about some of that...he stops me and says, no wait, listen..."
Turns out that after he left work the day we saw him he went out and got drunk again...went back to his girlfriend's house after she already called the cops on him once, broke into the back door, started beating her with a mag light...she runs out the front door trying to get away...he runs after her, knocks her down, drags her bag into the house and beats her some more threatening her unless she drops the charges from the night before!
The neighbors called the cops the second time and he got several months in jail for the two nights worth of shit he pulled.
Needles to say, I haven't spoken to him since and don't care if I never lay eyes on the loser again.