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Posted: 5/24/2002 4:50:30 AM EDT
I am sitting here with the 10mg of vallium starting to make me very easy to get along with and care free.
In about an hour or so I wont even mind the fact that a man is going to play with my man sack and cut the plumbing, so to speak.
Link Posted: 5/24/2002 4:59:07 AM EDT
damn all i got was a local before and an ice pack afterwards.
Link Posted: 5/24/2002 5:08:39 AM EDT
Damn, Ernie...  You started off okay, and then went that one step beyond into the territory of TMI: too much information.

Best of luck to you.  Hope you have a speedy recovery.

Link Posted: 5/24/2002 5:11:18 AM EDT
Damn, Ernie... You started off okay, and then went that one step beyond into the territory of TMI: too much information.
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My thoughts, exactly. [%|]
Link Posted: 5/24/2002 5:19:19 AM EDT
Just make damn sure its a "vasectomy" and not a "neutering" job.[:D]
Link Posted: 5/24/2002 5:23:18 AM EDT
You got it all wrong.  What you are supposed to do it make sure your wifewoman has a planned c-section, then get her tubes tied while the doc is in there.  I found this to be completely painless (for me).

Link Posted: 5/24/2002 8:17:47 AM EDT
You got it all wrong.  What you are supposed to do it make sure your wifewoman has a planned c-section, then get her tubes tied while the doc is in there.  I found this to be completely painless (for me).

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Well that would have worked if we actually had rugrats.
Im home and it took about 30 minutes to do it and it really didnt hurt after the needle stick for the local. Doc sent me home with 20 Darvocets and the do's and dont's. Made the wife, who will be milked for all its worth over this, stop and get a sack 'o white castles and now Im sitting with the bag of frozen peas. I started a little early with the Killions today but WTF, today is kind of an exception.
Link Posted: 5/24/2002 9:10:42 AM EDT
Fear not Ernie! You've never been so alive as when you watch smoke curl up off your testicals!
Link Posted: 5/24/2002 9:19:06 AM EDT


You got off easy!

I got a local when I had mine done.....


They brought in a gaggle of NURSING STUDENTS to "observe" the procedure!!!


Link Posted: 5/24/2002 9:24:59 AM EDT


You got off easy!

I got a local when I had mine done.....


They brought in a gaggle of NURSING STUDENTS to "observe" the procedure!!!


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Did you ask them if they could give you a hand?
Link Posted: 5/24/2002 9:27:57 AM EDT
how topical...I am going in for my consult today......and the we load the 60 with blanks....
Link Posted: 5/24/2002 10:00:44 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/24/2002 10:08:00 AM EDT


They brought in a gaggle of NURSING STUDENTS to "observe" the procedure!!!

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Did you ask them if they could give you a hand?
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Well I was going to ask if they could "lend a hand or other body part" when I had to have my swimmers tested.....
Link Posted: 5/24/2002 10:11:21 AM EDT


They brought in a gaggle of NURSING STUDENTS to "observe" the procedure!!!

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Did you ask them if they could give you a hand?
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Well I was going to ask if they could "lend a hand or other body part" when I had to have my swimmers tested.....
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Ever seen the movie Road Trip?   hehehehehehe
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