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Posted: 4/16/2002 4:20:16 PM EDT
With my 18th birthday less than two weeks away, I have to decide which branch to join. I definately want to serve my country, so college will have to wait. I want to serve in a combat MOS, most likely infantry or something close to that. I've wanted to become a Marine for most my life, so that's definately an option. But my whole family's served in the Army. It's almost a toss-up, but currently I'm leaning towards the Marines. I would just really appreciate to hear some opinions from some of the current or ex soldiers/Marines here. I know that it's my decision, and ultimately I will decide on my own, but I would still like some extra information (maybe some that the recruiters don't provide). Thanks...
Link Posted: 4/16/2002 4:38:46 PM EDT

Look guy Navy for sure !

(I've heard both the Army and Marines camp out a lot and take a crap in holes and stuff.)
Link Posted: 4/16/2002 4:43:27 PM EDT
I'll ramble on a bit..... (it's been about 20 years since I was in your position!) [whacko]

brush up on the ASVAB test if you can.. better scores usually result in better jobs.


Decide what YOU want to do, not the Corps or Army desk jocky. REMEMBER, YOU serve the time in your MOS, not the guy at the MEPS station (do they still call it MEPS?)

think about what you would like to do AFTER your time in the service.

Join what ever college savings plan they offer and contribute the max you can. (may be different now, my era got screwed with VEAP)


as you mentioned, Combat arms... promote the fastest and do more fun sh!t  [:D]

don't be a know-it-all-dipsh!t when you go thru boot/basic.


take care of yourself (mentally and phsically)



figure out what you want to do in the service.. Airborne, Dopeonarope (Air Assault), LRPS, Ranger, SF etc... AND devote yourself to that goal... you CAN attain it!


May your choice be a rewarding one regardless of what you choose to do.

ps.. GO ARMY!
Link Posted: 4/16/2002 4:48:25 PM EDT
Skip the rambo infantry shit and go to college first, then if you still want to be a Marine you can be an Marine infantry officer which is better than an infantry Marine enlisted man. You my think I don't know shit but let me tell you buddy war is not cool or fun and all you get out of being a grunt is nothing but hell, don't get me wrong serving your country is fine and being a grunt mostly sucks, especially under fire.

Semper Fi
Link Posted: 4/16/2002 4:50:08 PM EDT
As I'm becoming an introspective old fart, I sometimes think I should have chosen a more difficult path. If you know what introspective means, go USMC, if not, go Navy. If you can fart, go Army.
Link Posted: 4/16/2002 4:52:21 PM EDT
Listen to DOCPIG. Go to college till you're 35, be a Doctor. Really. Look into that before you go to a recruiter.
Link Posted: 4/16/2002 4:54:37 PM EDT
FWIW, I'm former Army -- largely because the Marine Corps didn't have the MOS I was looking for. I wanted to be a medic. The medics (or corpsmen) for Marines are Navy and I had no interest in that. So I went Army.

For any combat MOS, I'm guessing that the Marines, as a general rule, have tougher standards. But Army gets cooler toys. The Marines are often regarded as the red-headed stepchild in the world of defense procurement. The Army, on the other hand, gets all the cool stuff first. Of course, you could argue that makes better fighting men out of the guys with the less fancy toys. You decide.

Of course, if you get into the upper echelons of combat arms (special operations), you're probably better off in the Army since the Marines aren't part of SOCOM. During my medic training, I trained alongside a bunch of Airborne and Special Forces soldiers. Hard charging SOB's. And glad to have them on my side.

I've worked with soldiers and Marines and found that, in general, there's a greater esprit de corps among Marines -- probably because a higher concentration of the total branch is in combat arms as compared to Army where there's a larger percentage of support MOS's.

I don't know if anything I've told you makes any sense or gives you anything useful. If asked outright, I'll say go Army. Just because. But interservice rivalry aside, I think it's commendable that you want to serve your country and wish you the best of luck.
Link Posted: 4/16/2002 4:59:00 PM EDT
Marines...all the way.

ARMY stands for:

A ren't
R eally
M arines
Y et

Semper Fi.[flame]

Bulldog OUT
Link Posted: 4/16/2002 4:59:12 PM EDT
If I was 18 again I would go ARMY. I wish i would have made that choice 12 years ago...

Link Posted: 4/16/2002 5:08:12 PM EDT
Wanting to serve your country is a noble calling but there's no reason to rush. Have you considered attending college while serving in the Reserves? It will not only allow you to go to College but it will also give you a feel for the military. Not to mention the cash incentives they offer for college tuition (GI Bill).If, after graduating, you decide to continue your career in the military you can take your newly acquired degree and become an officer.

As far as which one, I'd say go with the Marines. They have a much more serious attitude towards their training. Mind you, I'm an FMF Corpsman assigned to a Marine Infantry unit so my opinion may be biased. Good luck in your endeavors...
Link Posted: 4/16/2002 5:30:46 PM EDT
Sometimes you just have to live life, I wasn't ready for college when I was 18, I would have most surely flunked out.  5 years in the Navy changed all that.  

If I had a choice to get the best experience I would go Navy or Marines, in my opinion the schooling is more thorough than the other branches from what I observed.  You don't just get trained to operate in a narrow field, but broad fields.  For instance, I too was a hospital corpsman, I spent 18 mos with the marines, I worked as an Operating Room technician in a hospital, I spent a little time doing just about everything medical, X-rays, sick call, Lab, pharmacy, ambulance, EMT. They even sent me to get special "civvy" training so that I was "certified" nationally as well as the the states that I was stationed in, paying for it all.  Its that way across the board in Navy and Marine training.  When you get trained, you really get trained and I found the comradery among the best when stationed with the Marines.  

The way I figure it, the things I learned from my experiences make me successful today, can't put a price tag on that.  
Link Posted: 4/16/2002 5:32:10 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/16/2002 5:35:48 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/16/2002 5:54:36 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/16/2002 6:22:18 PM EDT
Do not listen to the guys who are telling you to go to college first. Go now, go USMC now and go to college later. See the world as a young, single, naive man. See it from a warriors perspective. There isn't a college in the world that can give you that kind of education. All colleges do these days is fill your head full of sh*t. They are about political correctness and feel good gestures. The USMC is about solving real world problems the old fashioned way. It it can't be solved through diplomacy they blow the sh*t out of it. Being a Marine officer is better than being an enlisted Marine? Maybe if your in it to be a prick or for the money or both like most officers. Go infantry. If your going to be a bear be a grizzly. I wouldn't trade my time in the USMC for anything.
Link Posted: 4/16/2002 6:22:53 PM EDT
Join the National Guard and go to college for free.  Also, you'll get EXTRA money in the bank to spend on rent, food, gas, and GUNS.  Then you're junior year you can join ROTC while also in the Guard and make even more money while in school.  Put it this way- I don't work, but I make $1100/month plus full tuition. I just got back from three weeks in ITALY.  I'll be an MP 2nd luei in a year.   It is a good deal.
Link Posted: 4/16/2002 6:27:46 PM EDT
I'm glad to hear that you want to serve your country.  Be aware that you are going to be bored most of the time with a little stress now and then.  Occasionally you will have a lot of fun.  God forbid you ever get in real combat.

Listen to what 71DL said.  Real good advise.

As far as Army or Marines.  Both have its pros and cons.  There are some very good highly trained Army units.  The Army grunt out of basic training will not be as well trained or motivated as the Marine out of boot.  However, an 11B Army grunt out of Advanced Infantry Training is a force to be reckon with.

The best advice is to forget about going into the service now and go to college.  When you graduate then you can get a commission.
Link Posted: 4/16/2002 6:30:02 PM EDT
If your a man go USMC.
If you're gay(either latent or blatant) go Army but don't tell and they might not ask.[}:)]heheh

As for the advice to be a doctor, I've done both and am not to sure I'd do either again. But that's me.
I will tell ya that if you're going to go into the military its a much better deal to be an occifer(I went in as enlisted at 17). FWIW, I wish I'd gone infantry but my biggest mistake was not going to Annapolis when I had the chance and become a pilot. It's my one biggest regret in life. But then again my life would sure be different now if I had.
Good luck in your decision. No one but you can make it.

Link Posted: 4/16/2002 6:49:05 PM EDT
Infantry all the way. USMC or Army doesn't matter.
Link Posted: 4/16/2002 6:59:31 PM EDT
Contrary to SOME people's opinions here- it DOES matter whether you become a Marine or opt to join the Army.
 If you go Army, you will spend the rest of your life WONDERING if you could have become a Marine.  Go Marine, and you will never regret earning the title.  
3 months at Parris Island and you will be a Marine for LIFE.  Not a bad return on your time, IMHO.
Semper Fi
edited, because I took "spelling for Marines"
Link Posted: 4/16/2002 7:01:11 PM EDT
Skip the rambo infantry shit and go to college first, then if you still want to be a Marine you can be an Marine infantry officer which is better than an infantry Marine enlisted man. You my think I don't know shit but let me tell you buddy war is not cool or fun and all you get out of being a grunt is nothing but hell, don't get me wrong serving your country is fine and being a grunt mostly sucks, especially under fire.

Semper Fi
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Besides, in college you may learn about punctuation.
Link Posted: 4/16/2002 9:49:51 PM EDT
I am in the Army National Guard ,just joined.  I am also 32 yrs old, have a wife and two kids, full time job, etc...  If I were you I'd join the Marines.  You are young and can hack it.  Don't get me wrong, I am loving the Guard, but only because its the branch of service that is most feasible to me at this late stage in my life.  I wanted to be a Marine but got talked out of it by a friend that was one.  He told me that I didn't want to do it while Clinton was president.  It will always be a big regret.  I am already grooming my 2 year old son to be a Marine!  If I were in your shoes I would go for the Corps.
Link Posted: 4/16/2002 9:54:10 PM EDT
First off, I'd like to say that I appreciate all of your help.

My parents and their friends all want me to go to college before enlisting also, but to tell you the truth I've been waiting to join the military too long to push it off for another four years. And the whole time I'd be in college I'd just be concentrating on what I could have been doing had I joined the Army or Marines instead. It may seem strange to some of you, but I have no interest AT ALL regarding attending college. I might attend afer serving, or I might make a career out of the military. Depends on how I like military life.  

I agree that both have their pro's and con's, and that's what I'm trying to filter out. Very tough decision. Keep sending in the advice! Thanks again!
Link Posted: 4/16/2002 10:01:44 PM EDT
Go Air Force or go Air Canada...
Link Posted: 4/16/2002 10:48:10 PM EDT
Quoted:It's almost a toss-up, but currently I'm leaning towards the Marines.
View Quote

Ever see the Iwo Jima monument or a picture of it in Wash.,D.C.?  Ever see a similar one from the Army? No.

Ever see the Marines saluting the President when he deboards his helicopter? Ever see a doggie saluting there? No.

Ever see the Marine guards at US embassies around the world? Ever see a doggie there? No.

Ever see the Marine guards at Camp David, the presidential retreat? Ever see the Army there? No.

Ever hear of "Custer's Last Stand"? Ever hear of a Marine equivilent? No.

Ever hear of the Army disaster at Kasserine Pass in North Africa? Ever hear of a Marine equivilent? No.

Ever read about the retreat from the Chinese in the Korean War where the Army surrendered & allowed the Chinese to shoot their wounded? Ever hear the Marine equivilent?  No.

Ever read about the Army's "X Corps" units in the North Korean invasion who literally RAN from the battlefield when the Chinese attacked? Ever hear of the Marine equivilent?  No.

The Army has had many fine & distinguished warriors: Patton, MacArthur, etc. The Army has had many distinguished battles: Battle of the Bulge, D-Day, etc.

But the Army will NEVER approach the dedication, comraderie, motivation, desire and lethalness of the individual Marine. Every SINGLE Marine is a rifleman & shoots for score every year.

Join the Marines only if you wish to become one of the best.

Semper Fidelis.
Link Posted: 4/16/2002 11:45:39 PM EDT
J_ While you've probably had your fill of advice, I think I have a unique way to look at your decision.

I was 20 when I enlisted in the Army. I had done 2 years in college when I signed up. I got sick of my parents pressuring me to do what they wanted. (go to college) I did alot of growing up in the Army. I spent 4 years as an 11B. I decided to get out and finish school. Im in my senior year at 26. (Just FYI)

This is my take on it...
- If you go in after college (Army or Marines) you'll be the old guy with the E-4 rank in basic training. (you get promoted for the 4yr college degree)
- If you go in and then go to school later, again you'll be the old guy in your freshman classes.
-If I could do it again I'd do the military first. For all the misery the military imparted on me (i.e. sleeping in the rain @34 degrees or being smoked till I puked) I'm a better person for it. Additionally, I've found I'm a better student the second time round too.(discipline)
-On choices of service, Marines or Army? I have respect for both. I've worked with all breeds form both, and they both have their pros and cons. As an alternative look at the Air Force combat controller teams. I've played with these guys, they've got ALOT of cool toys, get extra pay for every little thing. (typical Air Force SOP)I almost re-uped for it. If you go Army though and you want infantry, when/if you sign, get the 11X w/ ranger option and hold out for three years. You'll get 11B training, jump school straight from basic, then RIP to a ranger battalion. (stepping stone for many into Spec ops) Again this is my take, you should read all the posts (positive and negative) then choose what you want to do, not what mom and dad want you to do.
Link Posted: 4/16/2002 11:51:25 PM EDT
Go with your gut, if you want to be a Marine, be one. If you want to carry on "the family tradition" join the Army. Either way you will serve your country, either way is honorable, which way is your way?
Link Posted: 4/17/2002 2:38:35 AM EDT
Go Army...but don't be a "Leg"
Marines have great esprit de corps...but are largely legends in their own minds...they did not conquer the Pacific in WWII, but had great PR...after all, they took a few islands...how many Marines were there at Normandy? How would they have faired against Tiger Tanks, 88's and the MG42?...Marines were kicked out of SOCOM...and they are Legs...their best trained guys go to Army schools...if you want to go Combat Arms then do the Airborne/Ranger/SF thing and be elite...or go SEAL, they're the true elite of the Navy...if I was getting ready to do it all over again the two things I'd avoid would be being a Leg in the Army or a Marine...now Abn/Rgr/SF or a SEAL...that's the ticket...and that's elite...All the Way!!!
Link Posted: 4/17/2002 3:20:23 AM EDT
J Money...you might want to check out this site....


whatever you decide...good luck and godspeed!!!
Link Posted: 4/17/2002 3:47:48 AM EDT
I was guaranteed infantry/airborne and stationed at a Ranger battalion when I joined the Army as long as I passed the schools.

If dropped airborne I would have been a leg somewhere like 10th mountain division.(you will meet some Marines in airborne school, this is when you will be glad you aren't one) [;)]
And then if I failed Ranger Indoctrination Program (RIP) I would have got sent to like 82nd Airborne. So I earned my black beret before I was 19. (before they gave them away for signing a paper)

If you want to do combat arms that's the way to go. (if they still do it like that) Then when your in Ranger Bat a while get some rank/classes/tab/schools and lots of fun stuff to do, if your up to it. Start running!
Link Posted: 4/17/2002 4:20:35 AM EDT
If you examine how our military is being used NOW, you will note that the first units in combat are special forces, followed by rangers and such, not marines.  The marines are not equipped to fight the way the brass hats want to wage war.

If you want to fight, the advice to be a ranger is good.
Link Posted: 4/17/2002 6:55:35 AM EDT
Quoted:It's almost a toss-up, but currently I'm leaning towards the Marines.
View Quote

Ever see the Iwo Jima monument or a picture of it in Wash.,D.C.?  Ever see a similar one from the Army? No.

Ever see the Marines saluting the President when he deboards his helicopter? Ever see a doggie saluting there? No.

Ever see the Marine guards at US embassies around the world? Ever see a doggie there? No.

Ever see the Marine guards at Camp David, the presidential retreat? Ever see the Army there? No.

Ever hear of "Custer's Last Stand"? Ever hear of a Marine equivilent? No.

Ever hear of the Army disaster at Kasserine Pass in North Africa? Ever hear of a Marine equivilent? No.

Ever read about the retreat from the Chinese in the Korean War where the Army surrendered & allowed the Chinese to shoot their wounded? Ever hear the Marine equivilent?  No.

Ever read about the Army's "X Corps" units in the North Korean invasion who literally RAN from the battlefield when the Chinese attacked? Ever hear of the Marine equivilent?  No.

The Army has had many fine & distinguished warriors: Patton, MacArthur, etc. The Army has had many distinguished battles: Battle of the Bulge, D-Day, etc.

But the Army will NEVER approach the dedication, comraderie, motivation, desire and lethalness of the individual Marine. Every SINGLE Marine is a rifleman & shoots for score every year.

Join the Marines only if you wish to become one of the best.

Semper Fidelis.
View Quote

Actually yes to several.

Ever heard of the Old Guard?
Link Posted: 4/17/2002 6:57:03 AM EDT
As a Marine I respect the Army for what it is, but the absolute ignorance of most Army types is making that respect diminish day by day.

Treefrog:  Marines kicked out of SOCOM ?!!!  Pull your head out of you ass.  The Marines refused to join SOCOM for good reason.  The website you refer to belongs to Mike Sparks, a well known anti-Marine slug who threw a fit when the Corps dumped him from OCS.  Any serious analysis of his arguments reveals he is a fruit loop.

Tinker:  The "brass" you refer to is the Army's "Armor Mafia" which just had their noses rubbed in by the SecDef.  Who will be the next SACEUR?  The MARINE Commandant!

Some of my best friends are Rangers, and even they admit that I'm a better shooter than they are.   Marines don't need fancy equipment, half of which doesn't work, or cool berets.  Marines get the job done.  The Army has a ton of schisms, branches, and petty jealousies (Leg, Airborne, Ranger, etc.), the Marines are the Marines...end of story.  What's more, you can be the most high speed Army type but you're leaders are a bunch of PC wimps.  The Corps is led by Warriors who aren't afraid to kill people and break things.

Link Posted: 4/17/2002 7:05:24 AM EDT
Marines sure scare the hell out of Italian skiers, Mexican goat herders and young Japanese girls...
Link Posted: 4/17/2002 7:20:40 AM EDT
From a different angle:  Consider the Air Force Special Tactics command.  There are three specialties in the organization, Pararescue, Combat Control (combat aircraft control), and Combat Weather.  These guys are about as high speed, low drag as you can get on a first enlistment (if you can get through the pipeline's 80% wash out rate.)  

The Special Tactics organization is not a full on combat arms organization, but they operate with combat arms, directly supporting them.  They are Airborne, HALO, HAHO, Air Assault, Scuba, etc. qualified. The pararescue jumpers go to the SF medic's course, combat controllers become FAA licensed air traffic controllers with the viscious twist of doing it from a combat LZ or DZ.

Pararescue and Combat Controller personel are present at virtually every Special Operations mission that involves helicopters or airplanes.  It is also the second shortest route to the special ops community (next to the Ranger Battallions).  Despite that, it is one of the hardest military training programs there is.

My cousin's husband did 17 years as a Pararescueman. He got incredible training, very similar to SF and SEALs for intensity and depth.  Everything from Sniper School at the Army's JFK Target Interdiction Course, to Arctic and Mountain Warfare training and everything in between.  One word of warning, arrive at the indoc course in extreme condition. Minimum scores are not going to cut it.

Give it a look see at:


Link Posted: 4/17/2002 7:24:55 AM EDT
[b]J_MONEY[/b] - One thing I've learned in my 35 years is that you can't tell the future.  It never ends up the way you thought it would.  At 18 I had no clue what I wanted to do, but I wanted nothing to do with school at the time.  A few years later, when I HAD to get out of my folk's house, I joined the Corps.  I contributed to the GI Bill and thought I might go to college someday (still waiting).  I got into a technical MOS that gave me some good schooling and some hope for a decent job after 4 years.

Where is this all going?  Well, shortly before my enlistment was up, I got married.  Told my wife 'no matter what happens, don't let me re-enlist'.  Then she got pregnant.  I did re-enlist because I didn't think I had many options.  And ended up 12 years in the Corps.

Why only 12 years and out you might ask.  Well, second wife.  Didn't like the Corps after I married her.  Had a couple more kids.  Didn't want to transfer away and lose them.  This is a whole 'nuther story!

But again, I'm saying you don't know what's gonna happen.  Having a plan is great (enlist now, school later).  And I could tell you how I think I should have done things - or how I think you should do things, but the truth is I have to play with the cards the way they were dealt.  And you have to make your own choices from your heart.

One thing I will say about the issue of Marines vs Army (or any branch).  I had a Major give us a motivational type of speech once.  His point was something like this.  Of all the branches, the Marines are the only one whose individual members are referred to the same as the branch.  When you look at that Marine in Dress Blues, he/she is a Marine.  If it's the Army, he/she is a soldier.  The Navy, a salior.  The Air Force, airman.

Follow your heart.
Link Posted: 4/17/2002 7:33:31 AM EDT
SCREW YOU Johnny_Reno

What have you done for your country?
The only input you have is to criticize someone else when the rest of us are trying to help a guy out.

I bet your married to Janet Reno

You non hacking puke.
Link Posted: 4/17/2002 7:44:03 AM EDT
Treefrog:  I could mention that soldier convicted of raping a murdering a little Bosnian girl, the 82d ABN troopers commiting racist hate crimes, or disgruntled doggies who open fire on their BN staff during PT.  
That 'innocent' Mexican goat herder paid the ultimate price for his ultimate stupidity.
Link Posted: 4/17/2002 8:24:58 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/17/2002 10:12:50 AM EDT
street dweasdel.........yes, and those bastards were all court martialed for and it there was no cover up......USMC, where "keep your honor clean" has a special meaning................
Link Posted: 4/17/2002 11:04:33 AM EDT
Ugh, treefrog you are exactly the type of soldier that destroys my respect for the Army.  You get busted for spouting crap and revert to the antics of a 3 year old.  Let me see what plays on your login I can come up with ?  Somehow I doubt you have a clue as to what honor really means.
Link Posted: 4/17/2002 1:12:22 PM EDT
There is one embassy Det commander that is a solider, it is somewhere in Africa, the reason for that has something to do some minor historical event that occurred in that nation.

The Marine Corps has been deployed on average once every 10 weeks since the end of world war 2, and every 5 weeks since the end of the cold war for contingency missions.  It just a matter that a MAU/MEU (SOC) can arrive off the coast of any nation with a coastline within a few days and provide a flexible-sustainable force, unlike other forces that may arrive quicker but without the fire power or the ability to sustain themselves.

Those that fought against the Germans fought a very worthy and tough advisory, but one that would surrender.  Although all war is hell, most would agree the only place in Europe that matched the ferocity of the Pacific (which quite a few army units under MacArthur did both bad and good in) was on the eastern front.  It too was like the struggle in the pacific were no quarter was given.
Link Posted: 4/17/2002 1:34:33 PM EDT
My often lack of respect for many marines stem from their loud-mouthed unprofessional ignorant blatherings.
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Since I have instructed officers from both services and have probably more time with the army than most soldiers do with the Marines, I would not think any one in the army would want to make a comparison between the two services when it comes to this issue.
Link Posted: 4/17/2002 1:40:50 PM EDT
Notice in every army v. marine thread... its always the marines (ie. bob cole, et al) that start talking sh*t and turn each discussion into a pissing contest.

My often lack of respect for many marines stem from their loud-mouthed unprofessional ignorant blatherings.
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So who'd you serve with? It ain't bragging if it's the truth...

FWIW, JM, I joined the Corps 3 days after turning 18, finished HS, and went to PI at the end of August, in order to be spared some of the heat and humidity. (It didn't matter.) I thought about Army, being a snake-eater type, and even toyed with the idea of going USAF, my family's tradition. Bottom line; while I wasn't always having what could be called an all-out joyful blast, I did have a great time, got an education that no ivy draped institution could ever impart, and wouldn't trade the experience for the world. AND, I'm still damned proud for doing it, 15 years after getting out, because pride is forever, and I never have to wonder or second guess "Could I have hacked it?".

USMC- The rewards will last you the rest of your life.

Best of luck, and thanks in advance for serving your country, whatever you decide. Semper Fidelis.

Link Posted: 4/17/2002 1:41:40 PM EDT
Go Army. The Marine definitely has its strong points, and they certainly have tradition and a certain "legend."

You will probably promote to E-4 (which is all you can generally expect out of a four year enlistment) more quickly in the Army.

If you want to do the "high-speed" "low drag" stuff, especially more towards the Special Operations end of the spectrum, the Army has alot more opportunities.

The Army has a better living conditions in garrison and less chickens--t once you are past your initial training. You may occasionally be treated like a human being.

If you want to be a simple grunt and wear a pretty uniform, then the Marines are a better option. Either way, you'll be serving your country. DOn't be put off by the screaming and ranting here-it just shows how deeply thse who have served feel about their respective branches.
Link Posted: 4/17/2002 1:59:28 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/17/2002 2:09:19 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/17/2002 2:17:04 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/17/2002 2:18:15 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/17/2002 2:28:25 PM EDT
if you are gonna go straight infantry I would say the marines are probably your best bet. but personally I am an army cdt captain so you can see which I choose. if you really want to do serve in your country in the combat arms and not just be another target a.k.a. jarhead [}:D] join the army and go special ops. the marines in general leave less room for the slackers to slack off, but the army leaves more room for the over acheivers to excell.  you know they say that marines are always the first in, but in reality spec ops are usually around even before the s. h's. t. f.

so I guess it kinda depends on what you want, if you want to go in and be the average grunt than (target) than put your thumb print on the marine papers, if you want to go and be a proffessional, dedicated, hardcore soldier sign up with the army.

as you can tell I am naturally biased but the army just lets me advance more.

ps their are alot of learning opertunities in the military, and great ways to go to college like green to gold. personally I don't feel nearly as comfortable with rotc lt. as I am with a ocs lt. who has actually been there and done that. either way I don't truly feel comfortable with them till they have had there metal truly tested but I just feel more confident in a former nco.

navy is pretty good aswell (my uncle served for 17 years as a seabee nco) but all that really interest me about them is their seal program.
Link Posted: 4/17/2002 3:19:58 PM EDT
Thanks to everyone who posted something!! I have read-over and thought about everything that was said here. It's still a tough decision, but you guys have helped me understand more about the military through your own experiences, for which I am very grateful. If you have more to say, please post it, as I find all your information useful towards my final decision. Thanks again...
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