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Posted: 4/18/2001 4:06:18 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/18/2001 5:59:56 PM EDT

My freaking good coax crimpers!
I ask wife what they are doing on the countertop. She says the on off knob was missing off of the crockpot, so she found these in my toolbox, said it fit the switch stem just fine. DOH!  

Guess I'll have to lock those up with the duct tape :)
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Mine does the same thing all the time. I can't find an important /expensive tood or item, tear the whole house apart....nothing! When she is asked if She knows where it might be. I get the "I can't keep track of everything!" Then looks at Me weird when I get upset when I find it "Like You did" or outside rusting where She "Needed" it. Oh Well!, Ya Gotta' love Em!

Tall Shadow
Link Posted: 4/18/2001 6:03:21 PM EDT
Mines the opposite, we have more bent butter knives than we do screws. I have put many a screwdriver in the kitchen, buuuut nnnnooooooooooooooo, gotta use a butterknife on a screw.
Link Posted: 4/18/2001 6:05:48 PM EDT
Mines the opposite, we have more bent butter knives than we do screws. I have put many a screwdriver in the kitchen, buuuut nnnnooooooooooooooo, gotta use a butterknife on a screw.
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I think it must be instinct with them!
The whole "butterknife" thing!


So true.....

Link Posted: 4/18/2001 6:20:16 PM EDT
I have exactly the opposite problem...

All of my screwdrivers seem to migrate from the garage to the 'junk' drawer.

I have NO idea what she does with them, or WHY she needs so many different types of these screwdrivers when we don't have that many different types of screws in the whole house!

What could this woman want with a torx screwdriver when she doesn't any mechanical interest anyway?
Link Posted: 4/18/2001 6:24:49 PM EDT
My boss......makes twice as much as i do, calls me three times a day with mucho questions........duhh....who`s the dummy?.....waldo...don`t worry..two different mindsets, besides...you know better than to try to understand them!!!!!.....[grenade]
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