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Posted: 5/27/2002 7:55:01 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/27/2002 9:16:23 AM EDT
I wonder what Begala's cooking up this time. [:D]
Link Posted: 5/27/2002 11:05:41 AM EDT
What time (central)?
Link Posted: 5/27/2002 4:15:54 PM EDT
Ted was great!

Paul Begala started feeding him a line about the necessity of the Brady bill and about "teenagers having access to fully automatic weapons".  Ted did an excellent job of illustrating the intent of our Founding Fathers when they drafted the 2nd Amendment. He even made a point out of how that during the LA riots, those that had semi-autos managed to keep their homes and businesses from being torched.

Obviously, none of this is new info for the AR15.com crowd, but it was nice to see the point being made in a national spotlight.

Crossfire is on again tonight at 11PM (EST) so set your VCRs if you would like to see it for yourself.  Ted's the third guest and comes on about 40 minutes through the program.
Link Posted: 5/27/2002 6:54:59 PM EDT
BTT 'cuz it's nearly Ted-time.
Link Posted: 5/27/2002 9:12:23 PM EDT
For a transcript go to:

Link Posted: 5/27/2002 9:17:38 PM EDT
Ted did a good job.  Begala, could not stand to look at that guy before...still can't, apparently the only thing people do with an AK is go out and shoot hundreds of people in the streets. I guess I know a whole bunch of people with defective AK's.  Too bad Ted was choking half the time, he could have gotten in a few more excellent points.  
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