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Posted: 6/11/2002 11:40:17 AM EDT

Link Posted: 6/11/2002 11:52:51 AM EDT
In WWII, we donated pots and pans, nylons, rubber, gasoline, and meat so that GIs might have what they needed. We need your help, again. Here's what we intend-
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That's different, as there was a genuine shortage.  This problem is being caused by some dickpie's red tape.  Infuriating.

Not to be a ass, but I'll be damned if I'm going to donate 30 round mags to an entity that has decided to try and stop me from having them in the first place.  Something just rubs me the wrong way about donating money to the government, especially when I look at the amount of taxes taken out of my paycheck.

Please don't take this as lack of support for our troops, but this sort of thing [b]really[/b] pisses me off.
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 11:58:55 AM EDT
In WWII, we donated pots and pans, nylons, rubber, gasoline, and meat so that GIs might have what they needed. We need your help, again.
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Hmmmm, this is not a world war, and the Gov has deep pockets when it comes to issuing troops beans and bullets.  Whats up?!
A complacency issue...getting civilian mags off the streets?
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 11:59:11 AM EDT
When Garryowen was in the middle east his unit had problems getting mags also, so he called his folks and had them send him some.
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 12:02:17 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 12:05:41 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 12:05:54 PM EDT
In WWII, we donated pots and pans, nylons, rubber, gasoline, and meat so that GIs might have what they needed. We need your help, again. Here's what we intend-
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That's different, as there was a genuine shortage.  This problem is being caused by some dickpie's red tape.  Infuriating.

Not to be a ass, but I'll be damned if I'm going to donate 30 round mags to an entity that has decided to try and stop me from having them in the first place.  Something just rubs me the wrong way about donating money to the government, especially when I look at the amount of taxes taken out of my paycheck.

Please don't take this as lack of support for our troops, but this sort of thing [b]really[/b] pisses me off.
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Ill second that opinion.
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 12:11:08 PM EDT

I can't believe this!  This is either an eff-up by the CO or some kind of scam.

Hundreds of Billions of dollars for defense, and these guys want me to donate my $25 per preban mags (that the Gov't. doesn't want me to have), when the government buys them for less than $5 per?  NO WAY!

This reserve unit will not be called up if this is true, and if they are called up, they will be supplied by the US gov't.
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 12:15:09 PM EDT
[i]"A fool and his magazines are soon parted"[/i]

Actually, not a bad opportunity to dump any postban LEO/military mags you've gotten stuck with.

The worst part about this scam - perfectly good preban mags will get confiscated by the military and eventually demilled (read DESTROYED)

What a great scam to pull preban mags off the market.
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 12:18:50 PM EDT
got a couple of slightly used USA mags ill let them have for a buck each.
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 12:26:23 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 12:26:42 PM EDT
If this is a legitimate situation, and I have my doubts, I have to assume that at least part of the shortage comes from the reg that requires mags to be junked after two uses.  That's how come there are so many surplus mags out there.

Gee, I wonder why they chose to make this appeal on the FAL forum, and not the AR15 forum.Hmmmmmm?

Well, I can't donate any mags anyway. All mine are either Orlite or Thermold, and the only way I'm sending money is if I can deduct it from my income taxes.
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 12:33:03 PM EDT
If this is a legitimate situation, and I have my doubts, I have to assume that at least part of the shortage comes from the reg that requires mags to be junked after two uses.  
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WTF???  Where did you get that bit of intel?  

What reg, for what service?  I NEVER knew of mags being turned in for any reason while I was in the Army.  We used them till they fell apart or were "lost".

I'm willing to bet the "lost" part is primarily responsible for the mags on the civilian market.
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 12:45:09 PM EDT
That board (FAL Files) has a LONG history of taking peoples money and losing it.  They still owe me a FAL polo shirt.

They can have one of my AR magazines right after they suck a turd out of my ass.
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 12:50:17 PM EDT
Sounds like a scam.  
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 12:52:02 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 1:15:29 PM EDT

Not to be a ass, but I'll be damned if I'm going to donate 30 round mags to an entity that has decided to try and stop me from having them in the first place.  
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What he said! [soapbox]
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 1:28:27 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 1:33:35 PM EDT
There's plenty of 10 round mags available, they could use them [;D]
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 1:50:12 PM EDT

Not to be a ass, but I'll be damned if I'm going to donate 30 round mags to an entity that has decided to try and stop me from having them in the first place.  
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What he said! [soapbox]
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Link Posted: 6/11/2002 1:56:47 PM EDT
There's plenty of 10 round mags available, they could use them [;D]
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10 rounds is all they "need" anyways.
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 2:05:28 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 2:13:50 PM EDT
Assuming this is for real and they are being deployed, What I dont understand is if they cant get mags immediately through unit supply, why don't they just buy it from a civilian source using their IMPAC card?  I'm sure it's fully charged if they're being deployed.
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 2:17:11 PM EDT
I only use 20's.
I have 4 colts, 4 Adventurelines and 4 Simmons that I am sending right out.

Right after pigs fly or Imbroglio gets laid.
Whichever comes first!
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 6:17:11 PM EDT

Actually, not a bad opportunity to dump any postban LEO/military mags you've gotten stuck with.
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Link Posted: 6/11/2002 6:58:13 PM EDT
Sniff....Sniff..... (putting on nomex waders)....
Seems like a scam to me.
I can go down to cash sales and get postban mags for $9.47 now, NIW. I can go to the armory and get mags issued to go to the range (they have STACKS of them).
If this CO cannot find a way to get ISSUED ITEMS then we have a problem with the SYSTEM. A combat unit getting ready to deploy HAS FIRST DIBS on ALL needed gear, wether it is paper, or major parts.
But then again, it IS the
R(eady to be)
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 7:03:52 PM EDT
I have the solution! Just give everyone belt fed M4's!!! No mags needed!![;)]

Link Posted: 6/11/2002 7:07:32 PM EDT
- He can get oodles of big ticket items (Class VI and Class VII), but they come from different pots of money. Get all the nice jazzy sights and accessories he wants, but cannot convert these funds to Class IX purchases.
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The solution to this problem is so simple that I really am amazed.

Unit A: Sgt Slacker speaking, May I help you?

Unit B: Hey, this is Cpl Clem.  I need to do some trading for some M-16 mags.  What do you guys need?

Sgt S: Um, the CO wants and can't get one.

Cpl C: Okay, I'll order it and trade it to you for "x" amount of mags.

Sgt S: Okay.

That's all there is to it.  You can even do the paperwork afterward to make it all legal.

Link Posted: 6/11/2002 7:12:36 PM EDT
I too belive this to be a scam.I will really get worried when the goverment decides its time to give us mags.
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 7:13:30 PM EDT
During WWII, folks donated "pots and pans, nylons, rubber, gasoline, and meat" to be used as material in manufacturing.  As far as I know, there is no shortage of aluminum.

I got a couple of Thermolds they can have.
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 7:20:32 PM EDT
[size=6][blue]Send[/blue] [red]in the [/red] [blue]Tens![/blue][/size=6]

(10 round mags, that is!)
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 8:31:30 PM EDT
Posted by blackmanta...
During WWII, folks donated "pots and pans, nylons, rubber, gasoline, and meat" to be used as material in manufacturing.
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In reality, there was no shortage of the items you listed.  The donation drives were done to boost domestic morale, and make Americans feel that they were "doing their part" in the war effort.

Yup... we still would have won WWII even if your parents and grand parents didn’t sacrifice their cookware on the altar of patriotism.  

As for this desperate plea for magazines, I'm good for a few just as soon as my government trusts me enough to allow me to purchase "normal capacity" mags that were manufactured post 10/13/94.  

Sounds fair to me.  

Link Posted: 6/11/2002 8:36:43 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 10:11:58 PM EDT
I couldent help myself, I had to post a message over there.

With the deep pockets the Gov has, and the restrictions they place on us, I dont think its appropriate for you to ask us to donate to the government items that they deem as inappropriate for us to own.  [b]Therefore, you can have all the 10rd'rs I can muster![/b]

In WWII, we donated pots and pans, nylons, rubber, gasoline, and meat so that GIs might have what they needed. We need your help, again.
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This is not a world war, and those items were not restricted to civilians.  It looks like a complacency issue...getting civilian mags off the streets perhaps?
Maybe you should see what the AR15.com'rs think about this (maybe thats why you didn't make your request over there).  We know the value of our hard to find pre-ban mags!  The Gov gets 'em for $5 ea, we have to pay $20-50 a pop!!
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Link Posted: 6/11/2002 11:07:31 PM EDT
Try reading some of the bunk at [url]www.falfiles.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=40347[/url]

Mostly good for a laugh, but I did take offense to EMDII's comment that...[b]" AR15.com is not carrying this, and I don't think they have the sand to do so."[/b]

WTF!!! Just because we are not blindly sending our irreplaceable and expensive pre ban AR15 mags to some unnamed and unverified military unit that may or may not even exist, we are not good patriots in the eyes of EMDII (a moderator at the FAL Files, by the way, and the driving force behind "the great magazine hunt").  

I normally shy away from stirring up crap between Internet gun boards, but in this case, I call [b]BS[/b] on EMDII and his "Great magazine scam!"

Hey EMDII, you can have a baker's dozen of my pre ban mags provided you can fit them up your ass first!
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 11:21:51 PM EDT
Here is the total so far from those that mentioned what they gave:

105 mags

I say you all get together your stuff and beat that total.

Besides that one guy said that no one will get mad if their mags aren't returned...
Link Posted: 6/12/2002 6:07:22 AM EDT
Besides that one guy said that no one will get mad if their mags aren't returned...
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They are VERY free with other peoples money aren't they?  

It is sad really, I've done business with Mark from FWRA before and he's a hell of a nice guy and he is displaying very honorable intentions.  But these people will never see, a) their money, or, b) their magazines, ever again.

The more I get to know Western European military rifle enthusiasts, the more often I encounter individuals that have more money than sense.  Their behavior is amusing to observe though!
Link Posted: 6/12/2002 6:09:38 AM EDT
Yes, this whole thing just smells bad.
Link Posted: 6/12/2002 7:01:12 AM EDT
This smells fishy

I am not sending them anything. If I knew someone in that unit I would give them what they personally need.  I bought my brother some goodies  before he went to Saudi Arabia and once he got there I told him to contact me if he needed anything else.

I pay taxes to in part arm and equip the military. If they can't do it on what I have given them it their fault. Most likely someone either didn't order them, lost them , or stole them.

BTW if it a manufacturing issue I bet they could speed up the production line if they didn't inscribe a date on them.
Link Posted: 6/12/2002 8:57:14 AM EDT
Military personnel, correct me if I am wrong, but don't guard units fall under control of individual states, unless activated for federal service.
Link Posted: 6/12/2002 9:12:09 AM EDT
My fault guys i mis read thought it said guard. I still smell a rat.
Link Posted: 6/12/2002 9:55:22 AM EDT
I still smell a rat.
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I don't know exactly [i]what[/i] I smell, but now over on the FAL Files, the true test of your patriotism is being measured not only by how many magazines you ship to the board mod (you can't send them to the reserve unit in question for OPSEC reasons of course), but now they are stating a preference for CASH DONATIONS!  Isn't there a saying about "a fool and his money" or something?  I hope justice catches up to whoever hatched this plot.

Supposedly this "anonymous" unit that's going to be sent from Ohio to the 'stan doesn't meet the Army's classification as one that requires more than two 30 rounders per soldier.  And now, the "mystery" C.O. thinks that the best way to correct this deficiency is to solicit donations from civilians?

Despite 6 years worth of contrary experience, I [I]had[/I] some inkling of hope that there was a least one useful officer in the whole entire United States military - but if I was in this guy's unit, he'd better not dream of getting between me and any open door on a aircraft.
Link Posted: 6/12/2002 10:21:39 AM EDT
Maybe it's the unit that services the porta-johns or something?  I mean, just how many mags do you need for a job like that?


I know, I know, just shoot me for being un-patriotic...
Link Posted: 6/12/2002 10:33:41 AM EDT
What does this say for the readiness of this unit. My brother had 6-30 round mazagines issued to from his reserveunit with his web gear. Did these guys suddenly realize that they didn't have any magazine?  So we went from the greastest military in history to a military asking for hand-outs? Sweet

Assuming that this is true and that the magazines will be returned.  Has anyone thought about the legal issues of a military unit giving magazines to cilivians?

Link Posted: 6/12/2002 10:35:33 AM EDT
Next thing they'll be soliciting for weapons, body armor, and vehicles ...

Yeah, I served and bought a lot of stuff, especially when we went to the Gulf, but this is pathetic.  The only way this kind of thing will be solved is when some unit gets overrun because they have lots of ammo but no mags (see the excellent movie 'Zulu Dawn' for a graphic example of this kind of bureaucratic mindset).  Then we will have Congressional hearings where all the people who created this ridiculous system will grandstand and pass some bandaid.

Soldiers will have to die to change the system, unfortunately.  That's the sad fact when nobody is held accountable for anything in government.  I mean, can anybody name one person who got canned in disgrace for 9/11, at any kind of senior pay grade?

Didn't think so.
Link Posted: 6/12/2002 10:55:55 AM EDT
In WWII, we donated pots and pans, nylons, rubber, gasoline, and meat so that GIs might have what they needed. We need your help, again. Here's what we intend-
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That's different, as there was a genuine shortage.  This problem is being caused by some dickpie's red tape.  Infuriating.

Not to be a ass, but I'll be damned if I'm going to donate 30 round mags to an entity that has decided to try and stop me from having them in the first place.  Something just rubs me the wrong way about donating money to the government, especially when I look at the amount of taxes taken out of my paycheck.

Please don't take this as lack of support for our troops, but this sort of thing [b]really[/b] pisses me off.
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I agree
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I concur.
Link Posted: 6/12/2002 11:22:22 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/12/2002 11:26:29 AM EDT
[color=green]A word of Caution-
If you don't believe in this effort, that's fine. We don't need what you cannot give. But do not grouse, bellyache, and bitch here like a bunch of shool-boys made to give up their prized spit-ball straw. It's beneath you, and me.[/color]

One more thing-
[SIZE=4][color=red]I [b]WILL[/b] moderate this thread to keep it on-track. If someone wants to bitch, grouse, bellyache, or whine, they may do so w/ my blessings in Dumping Brass. IF YOU DO IT HERE, EXPECT ME TO TAKE ACTION.[/color][/SIZE]

How convenient for him.....


Link Posted: 6/12/2002 11:46:32 AM EDT
They can't trade or liberate magazines from another unit?  

They can't contact a manufacture directly and plead their case.

A similar situation has come to light in Charleston,SC.  Apparently, an engineer with a couple AR-15s doesn't have enough beta-c magazines. I can't tell you much (OpSec) but this fine man really need your help.

You can send your extra beta-c magazines or a cash gift to me and I will make sure he gets them.  These magazines will be return when he is done with them, approximatley 60 years from now.
Link Posted: 6/12/2002 12:04:48 PM EDT
That board (FAL Files) has a LONG history of taking peoples money and losing it.  They still owe me a FAL polo shirt....

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That makes two of us at least!
I guess I'll never get mine.  That's been over a year ago, right?
Link Posted: 6/12/2002 12:08:14 PM EDT
got a couple of slightly used USA mags ill let them have for a buck each.
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Ditto on that!
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