So i'm at dinner the other day with a good friend of our family, which is the head of IA for a pretty large police department (northeast city) and i bring up a incident we had the other week. Seems a lesbian female officer had just found a newer girlfriend, and went out drinking. On the way home she decided to pull over on a highway, get out of her car and draw and fire her sidearm into the air to show off to the new girlfriend. A state tropper sitting with a radar gun heard the shots, and made the arrest. When I asked about her punishment, she got 60 days no pay. But she still has a job, and can still carry a pistol, and can still tell you and me they we are the bad people. She did the following:
1, drank and drove
2, had a loaded pistol in the car
3, fired this pistol while drunk
4, fired the pistol into the air with no backstop
If a civilian had done this, we would of lost out pistol permit instantly (NYS), lost all of out pistols, been made a felon, then lost any rights to vote or have any firearms. She gets 60 days with no pay, and the best line as said by the head of IA, "ITS THE PERKS OF THE JOB" and "IT WAS JUST ONE MINOR INDESCRETION". Gotta love the two sides of the law.