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Posted: 8/14/2007 6:15:31 AM EDT
Everyone is always trying to convince the angry, self-righteous "hardcore" NRA bashers to join the NRA.

Who the hell needs them?

For the past 100 years, the NRA has done very well without the following:

1. Fudd hunters who think the NRA is "too extreme".

2. Tacticool armchair commandos who think the NRA is "not extreme enough".

The Fudds think the NRA is full of "assault weapon gun nuts" and the armchair commandos think the NRA is full of Fudds with single shot 22 rifles.

Both groups are full of crap.

The truth is that the NRA represents a wide spectrum of shooters.  

Also, the NRA must actually operate in the real world, not the phantasy land of the average ARFCOM commando NRA basher.

There are 50 million gun owners in the USA.

There are four million NRA members.

We've been dragging the dead weight of you fudd hunters and archair commandos for 100 years, we'll continue to do so.

It's been working just fine.

Now go sit on the sofa and fondle your $35.  Or send it to some tiny, useless, invisible "hardcore gun rights group."

We've done without your lame do-nothing ass for a 100 years, we still have the strongest political lobby in the USA.  

So who needs you?

Keep the $35.

Link Posted: 8/14/2007 6:20:57 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 6:21:20 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 6:21:43 AM EDT
reverse psychology?
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 6:22:19 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 6:24:00 AM EDT

What's your favorite color?
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 6:24:28 AM EDT
Trying to compensate for all the "We need more money." phone calls?

NRA is a cash generating BUSINESS....they are more interested in selling NRA purses and golf tee's then actually helping gun owners.
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 6:24:31 AM EDT


What's your favorite color?


i can't believe you asked that
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 6:24:48 AM EDT
Great post, and spot on.
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 6:25:15 AM EDT
It's one thing to support an organization that claims to be pro 2A.

It's another thing to support an organization that is actually pro 2A and not a pandering, compromising, bunch of sell-outs.

Politics are inherently local. The SAF has done more in Ohio than the NRA. The SAF was instrumental in backing and winning CCW for the state. The NRA was nowhere to be found. I vote with my wallet and the SAF gets the vote.
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 6:27:32 AM EDT
Is membership down?  What was it before it reached 4 million?

BTW, I am a life member.
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 6:27:55 AM EDT

Trying to compensate for all the "We need more money." phone calls?

NRA is a cash generating BUSINESS....they are more interested in selling NRA purses and golf tee's then actually helping gun owners.

You can't be serious.  AARP is the 800 lb. gorilla of lobbying.  NRA is the 750 lb gorilla.  

Without NRA, there would be no 2nd Amendment rights left.

Without NRA, John Kerry could be President.

Thank God for NRA.
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 6:29:00 AM EDT

NRA is a cash generating BUSINESS....they are more interested in selling NRA purses and golf tee's then actually helping gun owners.

You had me there for a minute...  
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 6:29:04 AM EDT

reverse psychology?

I believe so.

NRA spam says otherwise. join join join! pride pride pride! save guns guns guns!

Link Posted: 8/14/2007 6:30:49 AM EDT
so i'm confused do you want my money or not want it?
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 6:31:21 AM EDT
Life Member here. Also a Life Member of the LEAA.

Also a member of GOA, and the 2nd Amendment, NTEU and FOP.

Hell, the money I paid out in Memberships would have bought me around three or four more guns.
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 6:34:31 AM EDT
The truth gentleman is probably somewhere in the middle. The NRA is neither the champion holding the gate nor the corrupt lobbyist.
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 6:34:59 AM EDT
$35 Thats like 2 whole months of World of Warcraft! And enought change to get a couple of RockStars to keep me questing!

Guns.. Well they are over rated!
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 6:40:03 AM EDT
Yeah!! That's right. Some of you are not good enough for the NRA. So stay out!!!

Best Regards,
HTG - NRA Life Member
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 6:40:04 AM EDT

reverse psychology?

it's just simple truth -

you got 50 million gun owners in the USA

according to the "hardcore" ARFCOM NRA bashers, only Fudds belong to the NRA.

This implies that there are 4 million Fudd idiots belonging to the NRA and 46 million awesome extreme hardcore commandos (tm) who will not compromise, etc.

The truth is that you got 4 million stand-up guys willing to part with 35 whole dollars a year to defend their gun rights and you got 46 million guys who are dead weight.

The 46 million are made up of fudd hunters and extreme commandos.  They are useless.

It's always been that way.

If those kind of guys never joined in the past, and we're doing fine with out them, I guess we don't need them.

Most hunters will not join the NRA unless their gun club forces them to.

And the extreme commandos are just hopeless...  the arguments they present sound like something a 14 year old would come up with.

Why the hell should you guys break you ass trying to convince a fudd or extreme commando to join?

It's a waste of time arguing with them, we don't need them, we never have needed them, and maybe we're better off with out them.

Link Posted: 8/14/2007 6:41:06 AM EDT

Everyone is always trying to convince the angry, self-righteous "hardcore" NRA bashers to join the NRA.

Who the hell needs them?

For the past 100 years, the NRA has done very well without the following:

1. Fudd hunters who think the NRA is "too extreme".

2. Tacticool armchair commandos who think the NRA is "not extreme enough".

The Fudds think the NRA is full of "assault weapon gun nuts" and the armchair commandos think the NRA is full of Fudds with single shot 22 rifles.

Both groups are full of crap.

The truth is that the NRA represents a wide spectrum of shooters.  

Also, the NRA must actually operate in the real world, not the phantasy land of the average ARFCOM commando NRA basher.

There are 50 million gun owners in the USA.

There are four million NRA members.

We've been dragging the dead weight of you fudd hunters and archair commandos for 100 years, we'll continue to do so.

It's been working just fine.

Now go sit on the sofa and fondle your $35.  Or send it to some tiny, useless, invisible "hardcore gun rights group."

We've done without your lame do-nothing ass for a 100 years, we still have the strongest political lobby in the USA.  

So who needs you?

Keep the $35.

I renew my NRA membership every single year. Hell I renew 2 to 3 times a year just for the hell of it so I don't have to worry about it expiring so I can easily say I've DEFINITELY made my contributions to the NRA........ and I'll still say it. THE NRA IS TOO FUCKING SOFT!  So you've done well without my do-nothing ass? ok... well I guess it's time to stop sending them money. it's quite obvious you don't need me. that' fine. maybe I'll send my donations to the VPC instead? how's that? keep in mind not every person who hates the NRA doesn't contribute to it.

I HATE THE NRA!!!!!!!!



guess what....... I still contribute quite a bit. I acknowledge the NRA is really all we have despite that they really are a bunch of money-grubbers. If I want my rights though I really don't have much of a choice. now please go fuck yourself.
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 6:43:10 AM EDT
The underlining got me over to your side.
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 6:45:34 AM EDT
Okay, that plan works for me.

Unlike the NRA.

Link Posted: 8/14/2007 6:48:35 AM EDT

so i'm confused do you want my money or not want it?

i was just thinking today......

50 million gun owners......

4 million NRA members.......

who makes up the 46 million non-members?

fudd hunters & extreme commandos

if you gotta be forced or begged to join then maybe you should just keep the $35

let us foolish NRA morons drag your dead weight, that is working out fine and maybe it's better that way.

I know one thing for sure, next time i see a fudd hunter or extreme commando bad mouthing the NRA, i'm sure as hell not going to argue with the guy.  why bother?

actually, i did see a gun shop owner throw a fudd out of his store when the guy started bad mouthing assault rifles.  that was highly gratifying.
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 6:49:10 AM EDT

Also, the NRA must actually operate in the real world, not the phantasy land of the average ARFCOM commando NRA basher.

You mean the phantasy land where it's only a matter of time before they finally get to shoot it out with radoiactive zombies, JBT's coming to 'confiscate the guns', the neighbor who was so irritating in the tree dispute, and the aliens in charge of world government since 1957?

It IS a good thing the NRA distances itself from most of the prevailing wisdom on on here.
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 6:49:38 AM EDT

What's your favorite color?

Blue, no green, agggggghhhhhh
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 6:54:01 AM EDT
I love all these guys who bitch about the NRA wanting money.

They're lobbyists.  Lobbyists don't work for free.  They're mostly lawyers, who are some over-charging sonsabitches.  


Would you like the NRA better if they said, "Hey, we don't want any money; just say a prayer for us every night!"

Some of you guys are like children.  "We want our gun rights and we don't want to fight for them.  The NRA should be like a bunch of monks, fighting for free and without greasing any of the political wheels."
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 7:00:14 AM EDT
You guys who are anti-NRA are freakin RETARDS.

It may not be perfect - but with out it you all would be arguing which single shot .410 would be the best home defense - because that is probably all we would have left.

Link Posted: 8/14/2007 7:10:00 AM EDT
This thread has gone remarkably well so far.  Tag for future reading.
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 7:25:37 AM EDT
AARP is like an army, that wear depends, and pulls the waist of it's pants up to its nipples.
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 9:57:01 AM EDT
Let me know when the NRA stops spending time and attention on laws about dogs being tethered, or spayed/neutered.

As long as stuff like that is a priority for the NRA, it's clear they have plenty of money for their 2A activities, and that they don't need any more from me.
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 10:03:51 AM EDT
Just renewed my membership a few weeks ago.
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 10:04:03 AM EDT
I see both sides.

I am an NRA member and will remain so.  I have not sent any donations in a long while but I plan to do so.

I also plan on joining GOA soon.

i know I haven't done enough contribution wise in the last year and a half.  i aim to fix that.  The NRA isn't what it would be if it was up to me, but its pretty damn good.  We are certainly better off with the NRA then we are without, there is no question about that.
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 10:08:09 AM EDT

Let me know when the NRA stops spending time and attention on laws about dogs being tethered, or spayed/neutered.

As long as stuff like that is a priority for the NRA, it's clear they have plenty of money for their 2A activities, and that they don't need any more from me.

In other words, you will let someone else foot the bill for the fight.
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 10:14:42 AM EDT

I see both sides.

I am an NRA member and will remain so.  I have not sent any donations in a long while but I plan to do so.

I also plan on joining GOA soon.

i know I haven't done enough contribution wise in the last year and a half.  i aim to fix that.  The NRA isn't what it would be if it was up to me they had 50 million members, instead of just 4 million, but its pretty damn good.  We are certainly better off with the NRA then we are without, there is no question about that.

There, fixed it for ya....

Link Posted: 8/14/2007 10:17:52 AM EDT


Trying to compensate for all the "We need more money." phone calls?

NRA is a cash generating BUSINESS....they are more interested in selling NRA purses and golf tee's then actually helping gun owners.

You can't be serious.  AARP is the 800 lb. gorilla of lobbying.  NRA is the 750 lb gorilla.  

Without NRA, there would be no 2nd Amendment rights left.

Without NRA, John Kerry could be President.

Thank God for NRA.


If these anti-NRA people spent as much time working for our second amendment rights as they do bashing the NRA this country would be in a lot better shape...
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 10:18:27 AM EDT
NRA Life Member

Link Posted: 8/14/2007 10:18:43 AM EDT

$35 Thats like 2 whole months of World of Warcraft! And enought change to get a couple of RockStars to keep me questing!

Guns.. Well they are over rated!

You never cease to crack me up
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 10:52:38 AM EDT

NRA Life Member

I need to annie up and do the same, it's a burden to have to keep renewing my membership every year.
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 11:42:52 AM EDT


NRA is a cash generating BUSINESS....they are more interested in selling NRA purses and golf tee's then actually helping gun owners.

Link Posted: 8/14/2007 11:47:15 AM EDT
I did my time and paid my dues to insure the continuation of the government that my forefathers put in place. It is time for the next generation to come forward and put up or shut up.

If every body gave of themselves, there would be no need for a bunch of money hungry lobby liars.

You take better care of something that you had to work for, than something that was given to you.
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 1:44:23 PM EDT
[Kanye West] The NRA doesn't care about black people [/Kanye West]

Link Posted: 8/14/2007 1:50:11 PM EDT
Thats good news, because I don't need them anymore.
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 1:52:14 PM EDT



Trying to compensate for all the "We need more money." phone calls?

NRA is a cash generating BUSINESS....they are more interested in selling NRA purses and golf tee's then actually helping gun owners.

You can't be serious.  AARP is the 800 lb. gorilla of lobbying.  NRA is the 750 lb gorilla.  

Without NRA, there would be no 2nd Amendment rights left.

Without NRA, John Kerry could be President.

Thank God for NRA.


If these anti-NRA people spent as much time working for our second amendment rights as they do bashing the NRA this country would be in a lot better shape...

Who says we don't have enough time for both. You forget how easy it is to whine and moan on the internet.

EDIT: excessive use of the word both.
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 1:54:27 PM EDT
Been a member for years. Sooner or later I'll bite the bullet and mail in the check to become a lifer. I know they arent perfect, but they are the largest group fighting for our rights.
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 1:54:35 PM EDT
Can we get a count on the number of people who have ever signed up with the NRA based on one of these "If you don't chew Big Red, then fuck you" threads?
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 1:56:30 PM EDT
Money well spent. I signed up a buddy too.

Sheesh, you get a great magazine every month.

Colonel Hurtz
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 2:03:15 PM EDT
what i dont get is:

why the hell are we even negociating on regulating the 2nd amendment

the 2nd amendment is just that...yet it seems the best way to "preserve'' our rights is to allow them to be barted with by allowing some "minor" gun control in favor of something more major...all of which is in itself wrong  
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 2:47:10 PM EDT
The NRA SUCKS,  They will sell us out quicker than shit for the sake of the pure hunters.  I've seen it time and time again, and I've never talked to a hunter thought the NRA was full of gun nuts and to extreme.

That said, no one else is doing a better job, so they get a yearly check from me for 3 memberships plus some extra.
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 2:48:34 PM EDT
I am a member of the NRA and GOA.  I wish there was more people in these groups.  They help keep me in the loop when my fucktard reps try to push some more anti gun garbage.  

While I do not agree with the NRA negotiating with those lying bastards, I do recognise their ability to lobby in DC.  Personally if I were chairman, I would be sueing over every gun control law in the same manner the grabbers have used on us.  One law at a time.  I would be willing to chip in for the increased costs as well.

You can't sit around and not support a group who is supporting your rights.  You are just helping the enemy.  If you do not like the way the group is going, fire up the letters to the leadership, if enough respond, they will alter their support and tactics.  But if you do nothing, you will have no sympathy from me when they come to collect 'em, you have been warned.
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 2:52:05 PM EDT
If they'd start getting aggressive at attacking existing gun control, I'd up my yearly contribution to $500 or more.

I'll give them $1000 if they get nationwide CCW passed.

It's VERY worth it to me.  I know many more would do the same.
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