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Posted: 8/12/2017 12:05:28 AM EDT
I am so sick of this shit.

Facebook Banned Me Today Again!!!
Link Posted: 8/12/2017 12:11:45 AM EDT
FB is a bunch of commies
Link Posted: 8/12/2017 12:13:33 AM EDT
Missed that video. I have never had a Facebook cause no one needs to know what I am doing all the time. And fuck that liberal run company that he wants to kick people off of his place he bought in Hawaii yet they have claims to the land and he is taking them to court which they cannot pay.
Link Posted: 8/12/2017 12:16:06 AM EDT
Good. I'll save some money for the next few days.
Link Posted: 8/12/2017 12:18:57 AM EDT
You choose to be on their Facebook.

No fucks given.
Link Posted: 8/12/2017 12:29:53 AM EDT
I don't get why people keep supporting Facebook. They are not going to suddenly get red pilled and see the error of their ways. All people are doing by using that site is further lining Zuk's pockets. 

You win by making the site irrelevant. 
Link Posted: 8/12/2017 12:37:11 AM EDT
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I don't get why people keep supporting Facebook. They are not going to suddenly get red pilled and see the error of their ways. All people are doing by using that site is further lining Zuk's pockets. 

You win by making the site irrelevant. 
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I discuss my thoughts on that in the video.
Link Posted: 8/12/2017 12:37:39 AM EDT
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I don't get why people keep supporting Facebook. They are not going to suddenly get red pilled and see the error of their ways. All people are doing by using that site is further lining Zuk's pockets. 

You win by making the site irrelevant. 
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No shit, knowing these Marxist fucks are going to censor them, and when it happens they bitch. Why use it at all?

We should revolt and all join Myspace just to flick a booger in their eye!
Link Posted: 8/12/2017 12:41:02 AM EDT
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I discuss my thoughts on that in the video.
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I don't get why people keep supporting Facebook. They are not going to suddenly get red pilled and see the error of their ways. All people are doing by using that site is further lining Zuk's pockets. 

You win by making the site irrelevant. 
I discuss my thoughts on that in the video.
I watched it. Doesn't change the fact that I'm right. 

How we beat facebook, is by making it as relevant as MySpace. You do that by not using it anymore. 
Link Posted: 8/12/2017 12:41:20 AM EDT
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I discuss my thoughts on that in the video.
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Yeah, but they're only tolerating you. As soon as you say something they don't like they ban you, why even bother with them. You have GD for that
Link Posted: 8/12/2017 12:47:42 AM EDT
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I discuss my thoughts on that in the video.
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I understand what you're saying and what they do is bullshit,but right now they have you half way to where they want you.
Which is gone.

Keep making good vids man.
Link Posted: 8/12/2017 12:48:12 AM EDT
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I watched it. Doesn't change the fact that I'm right. 

How we beat facebook, is by making it as relevant as MySpace. You do that by not using it anymore. 
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I don't get why people keep supporting Facebook. They are not going to suddenly get red pilled and see the error of their ways. All people are doing by using that site is further lining Zuk's pockets. 

You win by making the site irrelevant. 
I discuss my thoughts on that in the video.
I watched it. Doesn't change the fact that I'm right. 

How we beat facebook, is by making it as relevant as MySpace. You do that by not using it anymore. 

Link Posted: 8/12/2017 12:49:16 AM EDT
Their site, their rules.

I'm not on it but my wife is, too much drama for me.
Just another FSA playground as far as I see it.

Maybe the subject is a paying member and has a legit complaint.
If not, well then pick up your ball and go home.

Every member here has a Code of Conduct to adhere to, paid or not.
Break it and suffer the consequence.

I imagine FB is the same.

Link Posted: 8/12/2017 12:52:18 AM EDT
That's a funny photochop in the thumbnail
Link Posted: 8/12/2017 12:54:54 AM EDT
Do you get to find out your accuser?
If you have a corporate account and the same person makes multiple false allegations, do you have any recourse?
Link Posted: 8/12/2017 12:55:36 AM EDT
Lots of people in this thread who apparently don't understand that a resurgence of conservatism in young people has a lot to do with spreading the message on social media (and not just echo chambers like this sites) which is, many times, against the will of the far left elitists that run said social media sites.

"Taking your ball and going home" ensures that the only talking points that get put out there...is theirs.
Link Posted: 8/12/2017 12:59:22 AM EDT
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Yeah, but they're only tolerating you. As soon as you say something they don't like they ban you, why even bother with them. You have GD for that
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I think that it is important for the 2A/conservative crowd to have a strong position in social media and like it or not Facebook is a player. It gets our message out.
Link Posted: 8/12/2017 1:01:09 AM EDT
Like I said
Link Posted: 8/12/2017 1:01:57 AM EDT
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Do you get to find out your accuser?
If you have a corporate account and the same person makes multiple false allegations, do you have any recourse?
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Link Posted: 8/12/2017 1:03:05 AM EDT
72 hrs?  that's better than me - I appear to be permanently banned.
Link Posted: 8/12/2017 1:05:46 AM EDT
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Lots of people in this thread who apparently don't understand that a resurgence of conservatism in young people has a lot to do with spreading the message on social media (and not just echo chambers like this sites) which is, many times, against the will of the far left elitists that run said social media sites.

"Taking your ball and going home" ensures that the only talking points that get put out there...is theirs.
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Link Posted: 8/12/2017 1:06:21 AM EDT
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I watched it. Doesn't change the fact that I'm right. 

How we beat facebook, is by making it as relevant as MySpace. You do that by not using it anymore. 
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I don't get why people keep supporting Facebook. They are not going to suddenly get red pilled and see the error of their ways. All people are doing by using that site is further lining Zuk's pockets. 

You win by making the site irrelevant. 
I discuss my thoughts on that in the video.
I watched it. Doesn't change the fact that I'm right. 

How we beat facebook, is by making it as relevant as MySpace. You do that by not using it anymore. 
Actually, people "suddenly getting red pilled" on social media is exactly what happened during the last election.  Do you think Trump has the MSM to thank for his win?  A majority of their coverage was negative...  Trump won because of his presence on social media, he used their weapons against them.  

The best way for us to make Facebook irrelevant is to make them show their true colors.  The more conservatives that get banned, the better.  People are starting to wake up and notice exactly how anti free speech these liberals actually are.

Like it or not, Sun Tzu's teachings in the Art of War can also be applied to our new social media battlefield.
Link Posted: 8/12/2017 1:06:55 AM EDT
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That's a funny photochop in the thumbnail
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Lol, this. I rost
Link Posted: 8/12/2017 1:10:01 AM EDT
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I discuss my thoughts on that in the video.
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As a guy residing a stones throw from Silicon Valley I feel your pain. I ditched FB in 2010/2011 but I understand need for access to audience, good luck man, I enjoy your stuff
Link Posted: 8/12/2017 1:11:09 AM EDT
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It isn't just about Facebook.

Where does our message get out there if it isn't for social media...most of which is owned by liberal elites?

Fucking rush Limbaugh? Fox News?

I guarantee you if it wasn't for a strong social media presence that bypasses "traditional" media we would have a second Clinton president right now.

But I guess it is easier to sit on this (social media) site and have a circle jerk, while having masturbatory fantasies of the next civil war and typing FHRC every other thread.
Link Posted: 8/12/2017 1:12:21 AM EDT
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I watched it. Doesn't change the fact that I'm right. 

How we beat facebook, is by making it as relevant as MySpace. You do that by not using it anymore. 
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I don't get why people keep supporting Facebook. They are not going to suddenly get red pilled and see the error of their ways. All people are doing by using that site is further lining Zuk's pockets. 

You win by making the site irrelevant. 
I discuss my thoughts on that in the video.
I watched it. Doesn't change the fact that I'm right. 

How we beat facebook, is by making it as relevant as MySpace. You do that by not using it anymore. 
Link Posted: 8/12/2017 1:21:16 AM EDT
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Yeah, but they're only tolerating you. As soon as you say something they don't like they ban you, why even bother with them. You have GD for that
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You do have a point.

MrGunsngear's post count here is relatively low.
Link Posted: 8/12/2017 1:21:59 AM EDT
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Lots of people in this thread who apparently don't understand that a resurgence of conservatism in young people has a lot to do with spreading the message on social media (and not just echo chambers like this sites) which is, many times, against the will of the far left elitists that run said social media sites.

"Taking your ball and going home" ensures that the only talking points that get put out there...is theirs.
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I agree. But it's about time someone other than a commie globalist owns the home field.
Link Posted: 8/12/2017 2:50:17 AM EDT
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Lots of people in this thread who apparently don't understand that a resurgence of conservatism in young people has a lot to do with spreading the message on social media (and not just echo chambers like this sites) which is, many times, against the will of the far left elitists that run said social media sites.

"Taking your ball and going home" ensures that the only talking points that get put out there...is theirs.
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This is the truth. We lose at social media because of the "fuck Facebook" mentality.
Link Posted: 8/12/2017 3:17:04 AM EDT
What I don't understand is why anyone from the right hasn't come out with a site to counter the book of faces. After many short term bans that kept growing in length I said fuck it and dumped it for good a couple of years ago. Surely we have enough coders and web designers to make it happen, what gives?!
Link Posted: 8/12/2017 3:29:44 AM EDT
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What I don't understand is why anyone from the right hasn't come out with a site to counter the book of faces. After many short term bans that kept growing in length I said fuck it and dumped it for good a couple of years ago. Surely we have enough coders and web designers to make it happen, what gives?!
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It's still there tho, you can't ever delete one of those damn things. Getting banned would be a good way to be rid of the fucking thing, for those who keep getting banned and bitching about it.. wtf do some of these retards here think is gonna happen when they don't toe the commie line? Then they're shocked when it happens.
Link Posted: 8/12/2017 3:30:06 AM EDT
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I have never had a Facebook cause no one needs to know what I am doing all the time
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Yet you've posted here 10,498 times in the past year
Link Posted: 8/12/2017 3:33:37 AM EDT
Leftist censorship of right wing views proves that your opinion is effective.  Do not give up.  FB and youtube are important tools.
Link Posted: 8/12/2017 3:36:19 AM EDT
I am so sick of this shit.

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It's like moving into a community with an HOA, then bitching about the HOA. 

Their site, their rules.

ETA: Sept. 2016 join date with 156 posts. Now FaceSpace bans you and you come here to cry about it?

ETA 2: Seems to me that your FakeSpace revenue stream is being negatively impacted so you come here to ginny up some fake outrage.
Link Posted: 8/12/2017 4:06:30 AM EDT
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What I don't understand is why anyone from the right hasn't come out with a site to counter the book of faces. After many short term bans that kept growing in length I said fuck it and dumped it for good a couple of years ago. Surely we have enough coders and web designers to make it happen, what gives?!
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While it is more like Twitter, Gab is what you seek.
Link Posted: 8/12/2017 4:09:40 AM EDT
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It isn't just about Facebook.

Where does our message get out there if it isn't for social media...most of which is owned by liberal elites?

Fucking rush Limbaugh? Fox News?

I guarantee you if it wasn't for a strong social media presence that bypasses "traditional" media we would have a second Clinton president right now.

But I guess it is easier to sit on this (social media) site and have a circle jerk, while having masturbatory fantasies of the next civil war and typing FHRC every other thread.
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Facebook isn't the only game in town. It's a big one, but not the only one. Continuing to play ball in their court isn't hurting them like you think it is. 

Regarding the effectiveness of arguing over the internet and changing opinions, how well are the CTR, nevertrumpers, and Soros shills doing at swaying your opinion?

Facebook doesn't like links to gun distributors. OMG! Better make a video. Please like, comment, and subscribe. 
Link Posted: 8/12/2017 4:38:14 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/12/2017 4:41:20 AM EDT
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While it is more like Twitter, Gab is what you seek.
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Looked at it, firearm and ammunition transactions are prohibited which is what my bans from Facebook were for.
Link Posted: 8/12/2017 4:43:00 AM EDT
Fuck Facebook.

Oh look, the Communists built a playground! Let's join them !!!

Sorry if I don't share your outrage for someone being put in timeout.

I'll just enjoy the echo chamber here...you know, a gun board, that predates FB.
Link Posted: 8/12/2017 5:41:35 AM EDT
Same thing happened to me, appeal process does nothing.

If youtube and facebook drive your revenue, i would suggest diversifying into a blog.

GoogleTube and facebook will tighten the rope eventually.
Link Posted: 8/12/2017 6:18:52 AM EDT
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I think that it is important for the 2A/conservative crowd to have a strong position in social media and like it or not Facebook is a player. It gets our message out.
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+1  - What is prevalent on social media is this county's future.  Unfortunate or not, that's how millennials get their information.
Link Posted: 8/12/2017 6:26:56 AM EDT
Like it or not, Facebook, Twitter, et al, are major influences.  Therefore, I will continue to use it.  It provides insight into fake news, the Left and gives you a chance to rebut stupid shit.  If FB bans me, so be it.
Link Posted: 8/12/2017 7:26:53 AM EDT
I guess it just depends on what Facebook is for you.

I enjoy it for keeping up with friends, family, old co-workers and old Army buddies. I've reconnected with many great people because of its widespread adoption.

If you have the self control to abide by the age old rules of polite conversation, i.e., avoid vulgarity and don't grandstand on sex, religion or politics, you'll enjoy yourself. If you can't, probably best to stick to other platforms.
Link Posted: 8/12/2017 7:32:21 AM EDT
Military Arms Channel is trying the same thing with full30.com. Ask them how it's working out for them. They are trying to create a "youtube for the gun world" but I don't think they are getting much traction. Originally, people posted their videos there first and on youtube a few days later. Now it seems to be the same time. They have some growth pains and I'm sure Tim has sunk a ton of his own money in it. 

BUT- it's going to take a crapload to get the critical mass to overthrow the behemoths. And besides- social media isn't for US. It's for the people that might be THINKING of buying a gun. Those are the folks we want seeing Mr.GunsandGear, etc.

I wish Tim and his partners well and hope they make a go of it as an alternative. But I don't think "Isolationism" is his goal and it shouldn't be ours.
Link Posted: 8/12/2017 7:33:47 AM EDT
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Lots of people in this thread who apparently don't understand that a resurgence of conservatism in young people has a lot to do with spreading the message on social media (and not just echo chambers like this sites) which is, many times, against the will of the far left elitists that run said social media sites.

"Taking your ball and going home" ensures that the only talking points that get put out there...is theirs.
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This.  I have a younger person I'm friends with who posted some conservative stuff and his parents blew their lids.  . It was quite fun trolling them about how they should be open and willing to hear different viewpoints...kid got grounded but told me thanks
Link Posted: 8/12/2017 7:34:02 AM EDT
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I watched it. Doesn't change the fact that I'm right. 

How we beat facebook, is by making it as relevant as MySpace. You do that by not using it anymore. 
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Sorry; but I can't do that because I've never used it.

I had a Cuban sandwich for lunch yesterday if anyone gives a shit; and my granddaughters have a dance recital this afternoon if anyone cares.

I might go to the gun show later and probably buy coffee and a blueberry muffin.
Link Posted: 8/12/2017 7:37:17 AM EDT
I am so sick of this shit.

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Anything less than a lifetime ban is nothing to brag about. Besides anybody on flakebook is just a wannabe american idol drama llama inviting controversy. 

This is just staged, free advertising for the flakebook and morons sop it up like bacon grease on a biscuit.
Link Posted: 8/12/2017 7:57:25 AM EDT
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You choose to be on their Facebook.

No fucks given.
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Link Posted: 8/12/2017 9:59:57 AM EDT
Getting rid of facebook is stupid.

Look at how fast memes and irrelevant stuff 'trends'.

It is an open microphone to those that know how to use it, orders of magnitude faster than any previous way to get a message to the people and cheaper than owning your own satellite video or radio channel.

We SHOULD be going the opposite direction, and making fb work for us, instead of saying, well, their ball their rules when they pull shit like this.
Link Posted: 8/12/2017 10:09:36 AM EDT
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I watched it. Doesn't change the fact that I'm right. 

How we beat facebook, is by making it as relevant as MySpace. You do that by not using it anymore. 
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yeah you'll  show them!!!! There's something like 1.5 billion accounts...
Link Posted: 8/12/2017 10:20:07 AM EDT
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So I have to watch a video to get your thoughts on getting banned from Facepage?

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<Please Mister,Cant you spare just one click?>
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