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Posted: 5/9/2004 8:18:49 AM EDT
But it's at 2am

That shows you how popular it is I guess.
Link Posted: 5/9/2004 8:46:49 AM EDT
They got some prime time coverage yesterday, or was it the day before on one of the news channels, I think it was cnbc.

The news man kept asking about why the MMM are not protesting guns other than assault weapons, since they actually kill more people.  The wench kept blabbing about AK-47s and Uzis.
Link Posted: 5/9/2004 8:47:53 AM EDT
Real moms would be spending time with their children this weekend making them pies!

Link Posted: 5/9/2004 8:52:25 AM EDT

They got some prime time coverage yesterday, or was it the day before on one of the news channels, I think it was cnbc.

The news man kept asking about why the MMM are not protesting guns other than assault weapons, since they actually kill more people.  The wench kept blabbing about AK-47s and Uzis.

When ever someone spouts off the (false) statistic that "20% of officers killed are killed with assault weapons," I
1. Look very concerned
2. Gasp and say MY GOD!
3. Then say "Whatever is killing 80% of our officers needs to be BANNED!

They n ever know what to do after that.
Link Posted: 5/9/2004 8:58:23 AM EDT

Real moms would be spending time with their children this weekend making them pies!


I think that most of these "moms" little boys will grow up to be pies.  
Link Posted: 5/9/2004 1:58:01 PM EDT

They got some prime time coverage yesterday, or was it the day before on one of the news channels, I think it was cnbc.

The news man kept asking about why the MMM are not protesting guns other than assault weapons, since they actually kill more people.  The wench kept blabbing about AK-47s and Uzis.

Actually, no gun has ever killed a person.  Someone using or misusing a gun has killed people.
Link Posted: 5/9/2004 2:02:24 PM EDT
Guns don't kill people... unless you throw them REALLY hard!
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 2:32:34 AM EDT

Guns don't kill people... unless you throw them REALLY hard!

The stock on my CMP Garand has a large, round depression in it.  I like to think that it came from cracking the skull of the enemy durring WW II.
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 3:43:44 AM EDT


They got some prime time coverage yesterday, or was it the day before on one of the news channels, I think it was cnbc.

The news man kept asking about why the MMM are not protesting guns other than assault weapons, since they actually kill more people.  The wench kept blabbing about AK-47s and Uzis.

Actually, no gun has ever killed a person.  Someone using or misusing a gun has killed people.

Actually I thought it was a bullet going very very fast that killed the person.
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 4:28:51 AM EDT



They got some prime time coverage yesterday, or was it the day before on one of the news channels, I think it was cnbc.

The news man kept asking about why the MMM are not protesting guns other than assault weapons, since they actually kill more people.  The wench kept blabbing about AK-47s and Uzis.

Actually, no gun has ever killed a person.  Someone using or misusing a gun has killed people.

Actually I thought it was a bullet going very very fast that killed the person.

Actually i think it's the gaping hole that is left behind after the bullet finishes its trip.
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 4:55:09 AM EDT
The Million Moron March is on CSPAN2 right now.
What a bunch of fucking cunts, whores, low-life gan banger fucks, trailer trash pieces of shit.

If there are over 500 people there I'll be dipped in dogshit.

Lot's of empty fucking seats.

JESSE JACKSON is leading the march.
How come that fucker is still on the news.
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