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Posted: 5/23/2002 3:08:17 PM EDT

...my fiance' just got an offer from a company called VIVA USA.  They're an IT management and consulting group.  Checked out the website, but the info is kinda vague.  They've got branches in the US and India.  Was wondering if any of the IT professionals on this site have any real world experience and/or info on them?  Their home office is in Rolling Meadows, IL.  The offer isn't firm yet, but I'd like to know what and who she might be getting involved with.

Thanks all,
Link Posted: 5/23/2002 4:15:51 PM EDT
Has she interviewed with them yet? They appear to be owned and managed by Indians. In fact, if you go to their employees page the vast majority of ex-employees they list are Indian.

Personally, I prefer not to work for foreigners who tend to hire mostly foreigners. But that's just me.
Link Posted: 5/23/2002 7:19:45 PM EDT
I've been in the biz for about 7 years, mostly in the Chicago burbs.  I personally have never heard of them.  Doesn't mean their bad, I certainly don't know of everyone, but their definitly not prominent on the stage.  If it is in the Chicago burbs where she will be working you can pretty much be assured of working with at least some East Indians.

Link Posted: 5/23/2002 7:20:35 PM EDT

Thanks Matja. Yea, just came from their site, pretty much an Indian run company.  She hasn't interviewed with them yet, so I suppose we'll wait till then to make a final decision.  I'd have to say I tend to agree with you about foreign companies, but, considering the current job market, this might at least be a decent interim job and a step up from what she's doing now.

Thanks again,
Link Posted: 5/23/2002 11:16:43 PM EDT
No problem Dan. Hey, the more experience, the better, right? No one said she has to make a career of it.
Link Posted: 5/24/2002 4:36:45 AM EDT
In today's IT market, an interview or even a phone call for that matter is a good thing.

I've got 10 years experience in this business and have been looking for a job for 8 months.

I'm employed right now as a LAN Admin, but I'm not challenged and wonder if I'll have a job tomorrow because the company is dead slow. Not a good feeling...

Anyway, I would have her ask questions about how long they have been in business, are they vested, what type of revenue are they bringing in, etc, etc. These are things that are important if considering a career with them.

The fact that there are a lot of Indian people working there wouldn't bother me unless I was a minority.

It's obvious there isn't a lot of time involved in the design of their webpage. Sad as it is to say, that would concern me...
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