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Posted: 7/2/2008 11:37:35 PM EDT
"I didn't do it"

Followed by a laugh...in line at the grocery store in uniform. ( or anywhere else for that matter with the public)

I don't even polite chuckle anymore, IT DRIVES ME NUTS.

Link Posted: 7/2/2008 11:45:35 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/2/2008 11:49:00 PM EDT

"I didn't do it"

Followed by a laugh...in line at the grocery store in uniform. ( or anywhere else for that matter with the public)

I don't even polite chuckle anymore, IT DRIVES ME NUTS.

So.... you're an angry cop?

ETA:  Just out of curiosity where in OR are you?  A couple friends of mine live in Philomath.
Link Posted: 7/2/2008 11:49:00 PM EDT
Yep, I feel yer pain. What would really make my eye twitch is when they would put their hands behind their backs too. Still managed a chuckle, but it was very tough.
Link Posted: 7/2/2008 11:51:02 PM EDT
Bahaha! I'm angry and BITTER. but.. I love all God's creatures.
Link Posted: 7/2/2008 11:56:32 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/2/2008 11:57:40 PM EDT
That or when everyone points at one of their co-workers and says "He did it" or "I'll bet your here for him".
Link Posted: 7/2/2008 11:59:53 PM EDT
How about when they tell the little kids you better be good or the Cop is gonna get you?  That one gets me.  Scares the little kiddos everytime.  I try to smile and give them a sticker or trading card...
Link Posted: 7/3/2008 12:03:44 AM EDT
Them: "I DIDN'T DO IT!"

Me: "Then you don't win the prize, do you?"
Link Posted: 7/3/2008 12:07:54 AM EDT

The last time a parent used the "be good or the cop will arrest you" line, I told mommy, "Ma'am, It's hard enough trying to be a positive influence with kids, you'll make my job easier if you tell your son I'm there to help"

Guess what....

I got beefed.

Link Posted: 7/3/2008 12:10:14 AM EDT
Nothing like trying to eat in peace and getting the "Do you have a second?"  Then you get the 10 minute long version of how their neighbor's nephew got a DUI and how should they go about fighting it in court.

Or lately I have been getting, "Hey do you know your car is running?" followed by "I'm a taxpayer and I don't pay for you to leave it running."  (I guess the giant "Stay Away" "K9" is not a big enough hint for people)
Link Posted: 7/3/2008 12:11:33 AM EDT
Link Posted: 7/3/2008 12:12:03 AM EDT
Nothing like trying to eat in peace and getting the "Do you have a second?"  Then you get the 10 minute long version of how their neighbor's nephew got a DUI and how should they go about fighting it in court.

Or lately I have been getting, "Hey do you know your car is running?" followed by "I'm a taxpayer and I don't pay for you to leave it running." hinking.gif  (I guess the giant "Stay Away" "K9" is not a big enough hint for people) HAAA!
Link Posted: 7/3/2008 12:22:03 AM EDT


Nothing like trying to eat in peace and getting the "Do you have a second?"  Then you get the 10 minute long version of how their neighbor's nephew got a DUI and how should they go about fighting it in court.

Or lately I have been getting, "Hey do you know your car is running?" followed by "I'm a taxpayer and I don't pay for you to leave it running."  (I guess the giant "Stay Away" "K9" is not a big enough hint for people)

HAAA! I tell 'em; "My car will go off automatically" most just nod and move on!

I'll have to remember that one.

Actually had a few complaints about leaving my vehicle running while on lunch or on a call. You have to love people sometimes.
Link Posted: 7/3/2008 1:10:54 AM EDT
Drunk walks into the local osama bin ladin quicki mart, sees us 4 standing there drinking monsters, he goes grabs a 6 pack of 24 oz natural light walks up to us and says

"what the hell is this a donut shop"


"nope, its just a AA meeting!"

then he got cocky

then my partner notice that the drunk has his shoes on the wrong feet.

then he notice they were and denied it, and gave the stupid look like we knew they were, and he knew they were but he didn't want to admit they were.

then we ROFL'd him out the door LOL'n him on his way.

It made the night.

By the way, dont slam drink 2 24 oz monster blue, I was tweakin.
Link Posted: 7/3/2008 1:14:31 AM EDT

Drunk walks into the local osama bin ladin quicki mart, sees us 4 standing there drinking monsters, he goes grabs a 6 pack of 24 oz natural light walks up to us and says

"what the hell is this a donut shop"


"nope, its just a AA meeting!"

then he got cocky

then my partner notice that the drunk has his shoes on the wrong feet.

then he notice they were and denied it, and gave the stupid look like we knew they were, and he knew they were but he didn't want to admit they were.

then we ROFL'd him out the door LOL'n him on his way.

It made the night.

By the way, dont slam drink 2 24 oz monster blue, I was tweakin.

Judging by the writing style there, I think you still are.
Link Posted: 7/3/2008 1:58:36 AM EDT
The next person that points at their friend and says "He did it" when I walk into a store/restaurant/etc... is getting the cuffs thrown on them.
Link Posted: 7/3/2008 2:25:38 AM EDT
I know.
Link Posted: 7/3/2008 3:26:31 AM EDT
I don't mind the "take him" comments or silly questions, grownups can act however they want.

It's the nudging their kids, pointing at me, and then turning me into some sort of blue suited boogie man that annoys me.  How in the hell am I ever going to get kids to trust or respect police if their own damn parents make me into some sort of monster?  That crap pretty much guarantees a (polite) lecture.
Link Posted: 7/3/2008 3:28:17 AM EDT
I did it

And I'm sorry
Link Posted: 7/3/2008 3:59:23 AM EDT
When i was 16, my 2nd job ever was at Dunkin Donuts, try working there and hearing people stumble in and saying "Time to make the doughnuts" every day, 10 times a day, each person thinking they are the funniest bastard that ever set foot in a Dunkin Donuts.

You arent the only one, everyone hates their fucking job sometimes.
Link Posted: 7/3/2008 5:34:16 AM EDT
I didn't do it!

Link Posted: 7/3/2008 5:48:08 AM EDT
"I pay your salary"

And the next guy who raises his hands up when I walk or drive by.......
Link Posted: 7/3/2008 6:19:49 AM EDT
We have a saying in the Navy:

"Choose yer rate, choose yer fate"

I'm just sayin..

and for the record, I DIDN'T DO IT!!

Link Posted: 7/3/2008 6:29:24 AM EDT
them:   "I didn't do it"
me:     "What? Brush your teeth?"

usually leaves em speechless
Link Posted: 7/3/2008 6:35:56 AM EDT
Anyone ever had an Arfcommer ask if you were there for the dog?
Link Posted: 7/3/2008 7:04:39 AM EDT

"I didn't do it"

Followed by a laugh...in line at the grocery store in uniform. ( or anywhere else for that matter with the public)

I don't even polite chuckle anymore, IT DRIVES ME NUTS.

Response: Are you sure?? Your neighbor just showed me the video of you and the goat.
Link Posted: 7/3/2008 7:46:22 AM EDT
When they say crap like that I usually ask them if they have a guilty conscience or something.  Then, I ask if they have any warrants and do I need to check.  That usually shuts them up.  I've never seen one get pissed off but if they ever do I plan on just telling the Lt "Shit Phil, I thought we were both just joking around!"
Link Posted: 7/3/2008 8:35:00 AM EDT
Had a guy complain about me leaving the car running while I was eating lunch.  He gives the "My tax dollars are being wasted" yada yada yada

I just asked him if his boss shut the AC off in his office when he went to lunch.  He walked away without another word.
Link Posted: 7/3/2008 8:56:17 AM EDT

"I'm a taxpayer and I don't pay for you to leave it running."

My dad is the type to say that, and has said it to a local officer

Link Posted: 7/3/2008 9:13:45 AM EDT

"I pay your salary"

I can assure you that the captain does not think it's funny to ask these people for a raise when they say that.
Link Posted: 7/3/2008 9:17:53 AM EDT
"But officer, there's no blood in my alcohol."
Link Posted: 7/3/2008 9:19:17 AM EDT

Had a guy complain about me leaving the car running while I was eating lunch.  He gives the "My tax dollars are being wasted" yada yada yada

I just asked him if his boss shut the AC off in his office when he went to lunch.  He walked away without another word.

Only difference there is that his boss is most likely paying the bill and can do what he wants.

You on the other hand  most likely get paid with taxpayer dollars.

There is a difference.
Link Posted: 7/3/2008 9:36:48 AM EDT

Had a guy complain about me leaving the car running while I was eating lunch.  He gives the "My tax dollars are being wasted" yada yada yada

I just asked him if his boss shut the AC off in his office when he went to lunch.  He walked away without another word.

Just curious: Why do you leave it running? Is there a K-9 in the back, or is it something else?

Around here someone is likely to steal it.
Link Posted: 7/3/2008 9:44:12 AM EDT
Link Posted: 7/3/2008 9:57:43 AM EDT

"I pay your salary"

Through taxes?.....well I pay those same taxes. Therefore I pay my own salary. Therefore I am a self-employed police officer, so you can go whistle....
Link Posted: 7/3/2008 10:16:48 AM EDT


Had a guy complain about me leaving the car running while I was eating lunch.  He gives the "My tax dollars are being wasted" yada yada yada

I just asked him if his boss shut the AC off in his office when he went to lunch.  He walked away without another word.

Only difference there is that his boss is most likely paying the bill and can do what he wants.

You on the other hand  most likely get paid with taxpayer dollars.

There is a difference.

I take it you don't drive a squad car. Most modern police cars have about 500 pounds of battery draining electrical equipment in them. If I turn it off for any length of time, everything resets, including the computer, GPS, digital camera and microphone recorder.....etc. It takes about 20 minutes to reboot and reset all the equipment (at least mine). If I get a call during this time, it won't be on video or recorded on tape. If my contact with the "taxpayer" isn't on tape or recorded, i will be written up. I have been written up for this exact scenario twice. I leave my car running now.

Why don't you write your city council and request that police stay at the station and deploy to calls like fireman. It would save gas, and I could sleep and play xbox until I get a call. I always wanted to be a fireman

There are alot of other things to bitch about in this world besides cops leaving their cars running. Jesus.
Link Posted: 7/3/2008 10:16:54 AM EDT
Link Posted: 7/3/2008 10:19:42 AM EDT
There's plenty of other careers out there if you dislike your current one.
Link Posted: 7/3/2008 10:21:21 AM EDT
I feel your pain.  EVERY SINGLE TIME (no exceptions) we went shopping for our daily meal groceries at Wally World, without fail - some 400 pound woman in stretch pants with a total of 5 teeth in her mouth (3 of which wiggled when she talks to you) HAS to say "Where da fiyah at?"  To which I respond "Must not be here or I'd be spraying you with a hose."
Link Posted: 7/3/2008 10:21:33 AM EDT



Had a guy complain about me leaving the car running while I was eating lunch.  He gives the "My tax dollars are being wasted" yada yada yada

I just asked him if his boss shut the AC off in his office when he went to lunch.  He walked away without another word.

Only difference there is that his boss is most likely paying the bill and can do what he wants.

You on the other hand  most likely get paid with taxpayer dollars.

There is a difference.

I take it you don't drive a squad car. Most modern police cars have about 500 pounds of battery draining electrical equipment in them. If I turn it off for any length of time, everything resets, including the computer, GPS, digital camera and microphone recorder.....etc. It takes about 20 minutes to reboot and reset all the equipment (at least mine). If I get a call during this time, it won't be on video or recorded on tape. If my contact with the "taxpayer" isn't on tape or recorded, i will be written up. I have been written up for this exact scenario twice. I leave my car running now.

Why don't you write your city council and request that police stay at the station and deploy to calls like fireman. It would save gas, and I could sleep and play xbox until I get a call. I always wanted to be a fireman

There are alot of other things to bitch about in this world besides cops leaving their cars running. Jesus.

I was commenting on his analogy is all.

Wasn't bitching, I have better shit to do then bitch about a cop turning off his ignition.
Link Posted: 7/3/2008 10:39:54 AM EDT
"If I turn the car off I have to let the dog out and we don't want a hot, excited, angry dog attacking any people here do we, doofus?"

"These aren't my pants!"
"Who else would fit into them, lardass!"

"I pay your salary."
"Thanks. i earned your amount when I wrote the last ticket that's on your windshield!"

Happy 4th of July!

Link Posted: 7/3/2008 10:52:07 AM EDT


Drunk walks into the local osama bin ladin quicki mart, sees us 4 standing there drinking monsters, he goes grabs a 6 pack of 24 oz natural light walks up to us and says

"what the hell is this a donut shop"


"nope, its just a AA meeting!"

then he got cocky

then my partner notice that the drunk has his shoes on the wrong feet.

then he notice they were and denied it, and gave the stupid look like we knew they were, and he knew they were but he didn't want to admit they were.

then we ROFL'd him out the door LOL'n him on his way.

It made the night.

By the way, dont slam drink 2 24 oz monster blue, I was tweakin.

Judging by the writing style there, I think you still are.

I was, kinda like the Taledaga Nights movie. "I'm all jacked up on Moutain Dew!" I was unable to go to sleep until like 6 this morning, and I got off at 0300.
Link Posted: 7/3/2008 11:27:33 AM EDT
When they give you the "i pay your salary" line, try responding with "So your the cheap bastard!"  Your sgt will be happy.

And yes I love my job and wouldn't trade it for anything.  
Link Posted: 7/3/2008 12:05:31 PM EDT


"I pay your salary"

I can assure you that the captain does not think it's funny to ask these people for a raise when they say that.

As a Reserve Officer I didn't get paid a dime.  One of the nice things about being a volunteer was not having to worry about being fired.
Link Posted: 7/3/2008 12:12:08 PM EDT
Shut-up Farva
Link Posted: 7/3/2008 12:29:25 PM EDT

You see that po-leese man right there?  If you don't start listennin to me, he'll take you to jail!

That is when you get down at eye level with the kid and say "Nah buddy, I'm here to help you.  It's the dentist you need to worry about...he sticks the sharp objects in your mouth."

Stand up, look at mom and say Hi, smile and walk away.
Link Posted: 7/3/2008 12:33:05 PM EDT
Look at it this way--most people are honest, hardworking, and law-abiding. They want to bridge the gap with the cops; but most police are intimidating to them. So they try to make a (small) joke to break the ice.

And you, in turn, (by not even "politely chuckling" at their little jokes anymore) reinforce the idea that most cops are power mad assholes who look at everyone as scum of the earth. You make the gap wider.

Half-joking ; but half-serious, too. Meant with the best of intentions. Think about it.
Link Posted: 7/3/2008 12:43:19 PM EDT
as long as you don't hear it coming from dogs, i think you will be okay
Link Posted: 7/3/2008 12:49:00 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/3/2008 12:53:16 PM EDT

Why don't you write your city council and request that police stay at the station and deploy to calls like fireman. It would save gas, and I could sleep and play xbox until I get a call. I always wanted to be a fireman

Sounds like win-win to me. You get to stay in an air conditioned station until needed, and I don't have to worry about obeying those bastardly low speed limits. And if there are more BGs than my AR-15 can handle I'll just give you a call.
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