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Posted: 5/11/2004 2:53:50 PM EDT
Or I swear to God, I will not be responsible for my actions.

I just watched THE video of REAL torture and I am fucking outraged.

It makes me so mad my stomach hurts.

Pics of their pee pees indeed.

Link Posted: 5/11/2004 2:58:10 PM EDT
At the very least, I hope the word "atrocity" has been clarified, placed in context, and will fall from it's current overuse.
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 2:59:37 PM EDT
If you feel that you cannot control your emotions and it will lead to violence, then it may be time for you to re-evaluate your ownership of firearms.
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 3:06:19 PM EDT

If you feel that you cannot control your emotions and it will lead to violence, then it may be time for you to re-evaluate your ownership of firearms.

Hey Imbroglio... Fuck you. Fuck off.
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 3:17:36 PM EDT


Hey Imbroglio... Fuck you. Fuck off.

A sentiment that I have felt many times in the past, but refused to waste the time to express.

Thanks, FiveO. I'm glad I'm not the only one that thinks his schtick, silly, inane and not serious as it may be,  grows old.

Link Posted: 5/11/2004 3:21:26 PM EDT

Or I swear to God, I will not be responsible for my actions.

I just watched THE video of REAL torture and I am fucking outraged.

It makes me so mad my stomach hurts.

Pics of their pee pees indeed.


I'm right with you, brother!!!
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 3:27:25 PM EDT
after the chechan (spell check) video, I would NOT see another beheading vid, I suggest the same to all.

Oh Imbro STFU I know your comment means well (at least I hope so), but let the man vent, this pisses us ALL off, fuckN animals
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 3:27:32 PM EDT
I haven't really participated in theforums where people go off and advocate killing every muslim in the world .... I DO NOT COMDEM THEM  for saying those things. I just happen to be alittle older  and reserved and know that it will not be my ass doing the dying. I do however feel the anger . However today my eyes were welling up as I drove to the gym to work out. I was tearing up not from sadness for  this poor soul, altough he and his family have that from me. It was from anger and frustration that my country is not fighting this war to win. I want total war, no conditions for surrender but total subjacation to our will. I am angry at the Democrats who are betraying our country eveyday with this fucking farce of a panel investigating the abuse of the prisoners. I know that they are doing it in ther lust for power and to hell with the country. They are traitors plain and simple. I just this once will allow myself the release of my emotions. I want every muslim that wishes my country harm to pay with their life and I don't care how many "innocents" are killed. They shoud have taken care of this problem, now we are going to GOD DAMMIT!

Imbrolio fuck you! Your childish comments are not needed in threads like this.
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 4:04:29 PM EDT
Well I hope that I don't get shot for saying this, but I really feel sorry for a lot of muslims in this country. I just took my daughter to Burger King for something to eat. There in the far corner and behind the kids play area was a woman and 2 kids, 8 to 10 yrs?. The woman and 1 girl were wearing head covering although I don't know what faith they were.

My daughter wanted to play so we went in there to sit. As we got closer to the people I saw that they were reading a paper. As we walked by I could see that they were reading about the events from Irag. When they realized that someone was walking behind them they were startled and looked scared. It was them that I realized that all three of them were crying.

We were there for about 20 minutes and all that time the only thing those people was cry and look over their shoulder at any noise.  I don't know what they were crying about, nor do I care. The look of pure fear on the faces said enough for me. As we left I laid a handful of napkins on the table as we passed.

Link Posted: 5/11/2004 4:18:01 PM EDT

Well I hope that I don't get shot for saying this, but I really feel sorry for a lot of muslims in this country. I just took my daughter to Burger King for something to eat. There in the far corner and behind the kids play area was a woman and 2 kids, 8 to 10 yrs?. The woman and 1 girl were wearing head covering although I don't know what faith they were.

My daughter wanted to play so we went in there to sit. As we got closer to the people I saw that they were reading a paper. As we walked by I could see that they were reading about the events from Irag. When they realized that someone was walking behind them they were startled and looked scared. It was them that I realized that all three of them were crying.

We were there for about 20 minutes and all that time the only thing those people was cry and look over their shoulder at any noise.  I don't know what they were crying about, nor do I care. The look of pure fear on the faces said enough for me. As we left I laid a handful of napkins on the table as we passed.

Good.  Maybe they will get with the fucking program and dress like AMERICANS and eschew thier anachonism dating from the 7th century.  

While they are at it, maybe they will become a positive force within their Mosque to reform their "religion" to not include killing "infidels."  

Oh, and while they are at it, maybe they will start a grass roots movement among Muslims to condem all of these terrorist acts and to change Islamic's hearts and minds about the violent ways of their religion.  

AND, while they are at it, maybe they will stop feeling sorry for themselves and do something to avoid their "religion" from FOREVER being associated with murder, terrorism, subjugation of women, fascism, and general nastiness.  

But, wait, listen, hear that?  

It's crickets asshole.  Nothing.  The silence from the Muslim community remains deafening.  

Cry me a fucking river.  
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 4:21:53 PM EDT


Well I hope that I don't get shot for saying this, but I really feel sorry for a lot of muslims in this country. I just took my daughter to Burger King for something to eat. There in the far corner and behind the kids play area was a woman and 2 kids, 8 to 10 yrs?. The woman and 1 girl were wearing head covering although I don't know what faith they were.

My daughter wanted to play so we went in there to sit. As we got closer to the people I saw that they were reading a paper. As we walked by I could see that they were reading about the events from Irag. When they realized that someone was walking behind them they were startled and looked scared. It was them that I realized that all three of them were crying.

We were there for about 20 minutes and all that time the only thing those people was cry and look over their shoulder at any noise.  I don't know what they were crying about, nor do I care. The look of pure fear on the faces said enough for me. As we left I laid a handful of napkins on the table as we passed.

Good.  Maybe they will get with the fucking program and dress like AMERICANS and eschew thier anachonism dating from the 7th century.  

While they are at it, maybe they will become a positive force within their Mosque to reform their "religion" to not include killing "infidels."  

Oh, and while they are at it, maybe they will start a grass roots movement among Muslims to condem all of these terrorist acts and to change Islamic's hearts and minds about the violent ways of their religion.  

But, wait, listen, hear that?  

It's crickets asshole.  Nothing.  The silence from the Muslim community remains deafening.  

Cry me a fucking river.  

Safe bet they were not crying over the young American.
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 4:24:33 PM EDT

Safe bet they were not crying over the young American.


They were crying over thier "religion" being blashemed over this and their immediate physical peril for being associated with these monsters.  

Link Posted: 5/11/2004 4:29:20 PM EDT

If you feel that you cannot control your emotions and it will lead to violence, then it may be time for you to re-evaluate your ownership of firearms.

Hey Imbroglio... Fuck you. Fuck off and go die a long painful life.
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 4:34:34 PM EDT


If you feel that you cannot control your emotions and it will lead to violence, then it may be time for you to re-evaluate your ownership of firearms.

Hey Imbroglio... Fuck you. Fuck off.

Imbroglio, even though I know you're a troll doing what you've done since I can remember and I know it's all an act, I agree with FiveO's comments.
Fuck off imbro.

Link Posted: 5/11/2004 4:35:04 PM EDT


If you feel that you cannot control your emotions and it will lead to violence, then it may be time for you to re-evaluate your ownership of firearms.

Hey Imbroglio... Fuck you. Fuck off and go die a long painful life.

Link Posted: 5/11/2004 4:35:51 PM EDT

If you feel that you cannot control your emotions and it will lead to violence, then it may be time for you to re-evaluate your ownership of firearms.

I think it's time for you to re-evaluate your ownership of a computer.
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 4:38:36 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 6:23:00 PM EDT
Hmm, when are one of you real americans gonna claim dibs on Kareem Abdul Jabbar?

The last time real americans started shooting on sight all the idiots shot were Sikhs.

And if we're gonna shoot folks on sight for not looking like americans, could somebody define that for us??

I guess Lord Trader needs to take cover, after all he's in Texas and doesn't look like a real american,  he could really be from  Zamboanga or Palawan.  That would be close enough to shoot on sight for some of the guys around here.

If you're in New England I guess that since a lot of Mexicans wear jeans and cowboy hats, do you shoot everybody wearing jeans and Cowboy Hats?  or do you measure the buckle to see if they're from Texas first?

I can understand why they might be crying some one toothed neanderthal probably drooled on their table while stuttering "I'm gonna kill you  after I finish mah Dr. Pepper."
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 6:26:13 PM EDT

If you feel that you cannot control your emotions and it will lead to violence, then it may be time for you to re-evaluate your ownership of firearms.

This shit is why people don't like you!
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 6:27:54 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 6:30:24 PM EDT
I am going to the neighborhood bar right up the street..they always have CNN on..i am just going to lay in wait for some fucking liberal to say something about it and then i am going to unleash on their ass....wish me luck!!![
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 6:34:34 PM EDT
I watched the Chechen video last night when I was on another site.Then when I heard about this one on the news tonite I was sickened.
I truly hate all Democrat /Liberal /Socialists and believe that Liberalism is a Mental Disorder.
Now I am developing a true disdain for all Politicians.
Dont even want to go what I feel about the Muslims.

Sons of Ishmael indeed  Genesis 16:11,12   Ishmael-He will be a Wild Man
                                                                     And his hand will be against everyman
                                                                     And everymans hand will be against him

Paraphrased to the best of my memory right now
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 6:55:26 PM EDT
That man did not deserve to be treated that way. What a way to go. Fucking animals. Aren't civvies allowed to arm themselves in Iraq? Just curious.
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 7:00:41 PM EDT

That man did not deserve to be treated that way. What a way to go. Fucking animals. Aren't civvies allowed to arm themselves in Iraq? Just curious.

If they aren't ............ then they should not be there.
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 7:04:56 PM EDT
The "horrific" treatment of the Iraqi prisoners was still the topic of conversation at work today.  When my boss asked me if I heard about the decapitated American, I said that I had and that I was relieved to hear that the poor man hadn't had to endure anything as horrible as having a sack put over his head.    To my ("Americans are evil; everybody else is good") boss' credit, he was speechless.
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 7:09:23 PM EDT


If you feel that you cannot control your emotions and it will lead to violence, then it may be time for you to re-evaluate your ownership of firearms.

You know, I have no doubt that iyou nteract with no human beings other than on the internet during the course of the day.  If you did, you'd get your ass kicked on a regular basis.

You BS makes me doubt your loyalty to your country somedays, but with this I doubt your loyalty to fellow human beings.  If you dont feel outrage, maybe you should re-evaluate what fucking country you live in.

Well put.  
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 7:10:48 PM EDT

I am going to the neighborhood bar right up the street..they always have CNN on..i am just going to lay in wait for some fucking liberal to say something about it and then i am going to unleash on their ass....wish me luck!!![

Have fun! Let us know...
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 7:10:52 PM EDT
fizasist i am going to use that one tomorrow..awesome!
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 7:13:13 PM EDT


If you feel that you cannot control your emotions and it will lead to violence, then it may be time for you to re-evaluate your ownership of firearms.

You know, I have no doubt that iyou nteract with no human beings other than on the internet during the course of the day.  If you did, you'd get your ass kicked on a regular basis.

Best. Post. EVER.  
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 7:17:30 PM EDT


Well I hope that I don't get shot for saying this, but I really feel sorry for a lot of muslims in this country. I just took my daughter to Burger King for something to eat. There in the far corner and behind the kids play area was a woman and 2 kids, 8 to 10 yrs?. The woman and 1 girl were wearing head covering although I don't know what faith they were.

My daughter wanted to play so we went in there to sit. As we got closer to the people I saw that they were reading a paper. As we walked by I could see that they were reading about the events from Irag. When they realized that someone was walking behind them they were startled and looked scared. It was them that I realized that all three of them were crying.

We were there for about 20 minutes and all that time the only thing those people was cry and look over their shoulder at any noise.  I don't know what they were crying about, nor do I care. The look of pure fear on the faces said enough for me. As we left I laid a handful of napkins on the table as we passed.

Good.  Maybe they will get with the fucking program and dress like AMERICANS and eschew thier anachonism dating from the 7th century.  

While they are at it, maybe they will become a positive force within their Mosque to reform their "religion" to not include killing "infidels."  

Oh, and while they are at it, maybe they will start a grass roots movement among Muslims to condem all of these terrorist acts and to change Islamic's hearts and minds about the violent ways of their religion.  

AND, while they are at it, maybe they will stop feeling sorry for themselves and do something to avoid their "religion" from FOREVER being associated with murder, terrorism, subjugation of women, fascism, and general nastiness.  

But, wait, listen, hear that?  

It's crickets asshole.  Nothing.  The silence from the Muslim community remains deafening.  

Cry me a fucking river.  

Amen Brother!!!
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 7:18:45 PM EDT


If you feel that you cannot control your emotions and it will lead to violence, then it may be time for you to re-evaluate your ownership of firearms.

You know, I have no doubt that iyou nteract with no human beings other than on the internet during the course of the day.  If you did, you'd get your ass kicked on a regular basis.

You BS makes me doubt your loyalty to your country somedays, but with this I doubt your loyalty to fellow human beings.  If you dont feel outrage, maybe you should re-evaluate what fucking country you live in.

So I am loyal to my country if I express my desire to kill someone for mentioning the torture pictures?
There is a difference between maniacal outrage, which you condone, and rational outrage.  I won't be sitting in jail for assault or murder for "expressing my loyalty" to my country by blowing away some "muslim" looking guy walking down the street.
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 7:18:51 PM EDT
Imbroglio is problably just some MMM or Brady Campaign supporter trying to infiltrate our forum

Link Posted: 5/11/2004 7:24:35 PM EDT



If you feel that you cannot control your emotions and it will lead to violence, then it may be time for you to re-evaluate your ownership of firearms.

You know, I have no doubt that iyou nteract with no human beings other than on the internet during the course of the day.  If you did, you'd get your ass kicked on a regular basis.

You BS makes me doubt your loyalty to your country somedays, but with this I doubt your loyalty to fellow human beings.  If you dont feel outrage, maybe you should re-evaluate what fucking country you live in.

So I am loyal to my country if I express my desire to kill someone for mentioning the torture pictures?
There is a difference between maniacal outrage, which you condone, and rational outrage.  I won't be sitting in jail for assault or murder for "expressing my loyalty" to my country by blowing away some "muslim" looking guy walking down the street.

Imbroglio, there is a legal and healthy thing called "Venting". Some people need to talk and get their anger out instead of getting violent. Let these guys alone, we don't need a babysitter.
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 7:25:56 PM EDT



If you feel that you cannot control your emotions and it will lead to violence, then it may be time for you to re-evaluate your ownership of firearms.

You know, I have no doubt that iyou nteract with no human beings other than on the internet during the course of the day.  If you did, you'd get your ass kicked on a regular basis.

You BS makes me doubt your loyalty to your country somedays, but with this I doubt your loyalty to fellow human beings.  If you dont feel outrage, maybe you should re-evaluate what fucking country you live in.

So I am loyal to my country if I express my desire to kill someone for mentioning the torture pictures?
There is a difference between maniacal outrage, which you condone, and rational outrage.  I won't be sitting in jail for assault or murder for "expressing my loyalty" to my country by blowing away some "muslim" looking guy walking down the street.

But if you had any interpersonal skills, you would have known to have left your commentary out of this thread. Today is a day for venting, ranting, and raving. You usually have more tact than this.
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 7:33:53 PM EDT

So I am loyal to my country if I express my desire to kill someone for mentioning the torture pictures?

No...actually there's no way you could be loyal to your country.  You're too far gone.
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 8:13:42 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 8:21:14 PM EDT



If you feel that you cannot control your emotions and it will lead to violence, then it may be time for you to re-evaluate your ownership of firearms.

You know, I have no doubt that iyou nteract with no human beings other than on the internet during the course of the day.  If you did, you'd get your ass kicked on a regular basis.

You BS makes me doubt your loyalty to your country somedays, but with this I doubt your loyalty to fellow human beings.  If you dont feel outrage, maybe you should re-evaluate what fucking country you live in.

So I am loyal to my country if I express my desire to kill someone for mentioning the torture pictures?
There is a difference between maniacal outrage, which you condone, and rational outrage.  I won't be sitting in jail for assault or murder for "expressing my loyalty" to my country by blowing away some "muslim" looking guy walking down the street.

Instead of describing what you feel, you instead stick to your schtick and deflect the discussion. So, how do you feel about the act of beheading Americans?
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 9:45:32 PM EDT


So I am loyal to my country if I express my desire to kill someone for mentioning the torture pictures?

No...actually there's no way you could be loyal to your country.  You're too far gone.

I am waiting for the "resistance is futile, you will be assimilated" line from your borg collective.
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 9:48:19 PM EDT

Instead of describing what you feel, you instead stick to your schtick and deflect the discussion. So, how do you feel about the act of beheading Americans?

I don't like it and they should go after the perps, but I am not going to go on a mindless killing rampage or pick a fight with someone in a bar just because of it.

Link Posted: 5/11/2004 9:57:33 PM EDT


Instead of describing what you feel, you instead stick to your schtick and deflect the discussion. So, how do you feel about the act of beheading Americans?

I don't like it and they should go after the perps, but I am not going to go on a mindless killing rampage or pick a fight with someone in a bar just because of it.

Imbrog, to be perfectly honest, I appreciate it when you "speak" like a normal person...

The constant dry wit, smart remarks and sarcasm is...well...   A little old to say the least.
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 9:59:39 PM EDT


Well I hope that I don't get shot for saying this, but I really feel sorry for a lot of muslims in this country. I just took my daughter to Burger King for something to eat. There in the far corner and behind the kids play area was a woman and 2 kids, 8 to 10 yrs?. The woman and 1 girl were wearing head covering although I don't know what faith they were.

My daughter wanted to play so we went in there to sit. As we got closer to the people I saw that they were reading a paper. As we walked by I could see that they were reading about the events from Irag. When they realized that someone was walking behind them they were startled and looked scared. It was them that I realized that all three of them were crying.

We were there for about 20 minutes and all that time the only thing those people was cry and look over their shoulder at any noise.  I don't know what they were crying about, nor do I care. The look of pure fear on the faces said enough for me. As we left I laid a handful of napkins on the table as we passed.

Good.  Maybe they will get with the fucking program and dress like AMERICANS and eschew thier anachonism dating from the 7th century.  

While they are at it, maybe they will become a positive force within their Mosque to reform their "religion" to not include killing "infidels."  

Oh, and while they are at it, maybe they will start a grass roots movement among Muslims to condem all of these terrorist acts and to change Islamic's hearts and minds about the violent ways of their religion.  

AND, while they are at it, maybe they will stop feeling sorry for themselves and do something to avoid their "religion" from FOREVER being associated with murder, terrorism, subjugation of women, fascism, and general nastiness.  

But, wait, listen, hear that?  

It's crickets asshole.  Nothing.  The silence from the Muslim community remains deafening.  

Cry me a fucking river.  

Couldn't have said it better myself.

Link Posted: 5/11/2004 10:30:07 PM EDT

If you feel that you cannot control your emotions and it will lead to violence, then it may be time for you to re-evaluate your ownership of firearms.

Die please.

Link Posted: 5/11/2004 10:32:16 PM EDT

Well I hope that I don't get shot for saying this, but I really feel sorry for a lot of muslims in this country. I just took my daughter to Burger King for something to eat. There in the far corner and behind the kids play area was a woman and 2 kids, 8 to 10 yrs?. The woman and 1 girl were wearing head covering although I don't know what faith they were.

My daughter wanted to play so we went in there to sit. As we got closer to the people I saw that they were reading a paper. As we walked by I could see that they were reading about the events from Irag. When they realized that someone was walking behind them they were startled and looked scared. It was them that I realized that all three of them were crying.

We were there for about 20 minutes and all that time the only thing those people was cry and look over their shoulder at any noise.  I don't know what they were crying about, nor do I care. The look of pure fear on the faces said enough for me. As we left I laid a handful of napkins on the table as we passed.

Waah. They are in the greatest, most safe country on the planet now.

Link Posted: 5/11/2004 10:33:31 PM EDT



If you feel that you cannot control your emotions and it will lead to violence, then it may be time for you to re-evaluate your ownership of firearms.

You know, I have no doubt that iyou nteract with no human beings other than on the internet during the course of the day.  If you did, you'd get your ass kicked on a regular basis.

You BS makes me doubt your loyalty to your country somedays, but with this I doubt your loyalty to fellow human beings.  If you dont feel outrage, maybe you should re-evaluate what fucking country you live in.

So I am loyal to my country if I express my desire to kill someone for mentioning the torture pictures?
There is a difference between maniacal outrage, which you condone, and rational outrage.  I won't be sitting in jail for assault or murder for "expressing my loyalty" to my country by blowing away some "muslim" looking guy walking down the street.

You are the enemy within.

Link Posted: 5/12/2004 2:53:06 AM EDT
May I add one last enthusiastic fuck you for Imbroglio.
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 3:08:10 AM EDT



So I am loyal to my country if I express my desire to kill someone for mentioning the torture pictures?

No...actually there's no way you could be loyal to your country.  You're too far gone.

I am waiting for the "resistance is futile, you will be assimilated" line from your borg collective.

Unfortunately, you WON'T be assimilated.  You won't be part of anything except your own paranoid fantasies.
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 3:14:35 AM EDT


If you feel that you cannot control your emotions and it will lead to violence, then it may be time for you to re-evaluate your ownership of firearms.

Hey Imbroglio... Fuck you. Fuck off.

LOL FiveO!
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 6:13:07 AM EDT


Instead of describing what you feel, you instead stick to your schtick and deflect the discussion. So, how do you feel about the act of beheading Americans?

I don't like it and they should go after the perps, but I am not going to go on a mindless killing rampage or pick a fight with someone in a bar just because of it.

Then just say that, dammit!  Most of the people on this board would agree with you.  It's your constant juvenile attempts to be pithy and cute that is the reason everyone thinks that you're an asshole.
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 6:33:54 AM EDT

Imbroglio is problably just some MMM or Brady Campaign supporter trying to infiltrate our forum


I think you guys all got it wrong. I've been listening to Imbroglio for what..6 years now. He just does this to keep the heat off himself. He's probably already killed a few dozen muslims and buried them in pigfat.

You go dude
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 7:16:12 AM EDT


Imbroglio is problably just some MMM or Brady Campaign supporter trying to infiltrate our forum


I think you guys all got it wrong. I've been listening to Imbroglio for what..6 years now. He just does this to keep the heat off himself. He's probably already killed a few dozen muslims and buried them in pigfat.

You go dude

The only thing 'brog has ever killed is time.  And possibly a few million of his own brain cells.
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 7:23:23 AM EDT



Imbroglio is problably just some MMM or Brady Campaign supporter trying to infiltrate our forum


I think you guys all got it wrong. I've been listening to Imbroglio for what..6 years now. He just does this to keep the heat off himself. He's probably already killed a few dozen muslims and buried them in pigfat.

You go dude

The only thing 'brog has ever killed is time.  And possibly a few million of his own brain cells.

He had that many to even start with?
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