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Posted: 1/18/2001 3:29:28 PM EDT

Well I am so confused at this point in my life. I am 37 years old and I have strived so hard and so long to do what is right and what is legal. I did NOT ever use an illegal drug, nor did I drink prior to the legal age, which by the way was 18 way back when, nor have I ever used a weapon of any kind against another human being, except in defense of myself.

My parents instilled in me a respect for property and people. They taught me that education was the way to becoming a better person. I took that to heart and became a lawyer. Sometimes today I am ashamed of my profession, but then I am ashamed of most professions today, including doctors, police and especially politicians. Isn’t it funny that today, politicians are considered a profession. When in the past people went into politics as a calling to serve their fellow man, and then returned to their private lives, today there is no public service because being a politician is no longer a calling but a career. I have never willfully broken a law, my wife even gets mad at me for not speeding. She tells me that I am old fashion in my opinions and my attitudes and to tell you the truth I am proud of being old fashion.

I am proud of my education, my parents and my two children. I am proud that I have never used and illegal drug. I am proud that I don’t drink to excess and only drink responsibly at my home. I am proud of my country, yes even today. I am proud to be an American and I love to hear the star spangled banner. I still cry when I say the pledge of allegiance. When I see my country’s colors, my throat tightens and I get a warm feeling in my chest. Yes I am proud to old fashion.

I have been shooting since I was 12 years old, when my father gave me my first BB gun. A Daisy Spitting Image that looked just like a Winchester Model 1893 lever action. I was so proud of that gun. My father and I spent many happy hours shooting tin cans and learning to respect guns and use them properly.

I am old fashion when I believe that people are responsible for their actions. I believe that everyone has the right to freedom and free speech and I hold dearly ......

Yours forever in Liberty and Freedom

Judge Blackhawk

Link Posted: 1/19/2001 12:08:30 AM EDT
Praise the baby Jeebus!!!!
Link Posted: 1/19/2001 9:27:51 AM EDT
Neel before him.

(getting closer)
Link Posted: 1/19/2001 11:04:41 AM EDT
I am afraid that people like Chuck Schumer, Diane Fienstein etc, would vehemently disagree with you.  "Criminals have guns, therefore people with guns are criminals."
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