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Posted: 6/8/2002 4:41:22 AM EDT

                           In both trials the victims were Caucasian women, but Judge Michael Finnane had
                           cautioned the jury in the latest trial that they were "not trying a class of persons or a race".

                           "You have to put aside any view that you might have... about Muslims, either favourable or
                           unfavourable, because this court is not concerned with a political trial," he said.

Another legacy of not allowing citizens to protect themselves, their loved ones, and neighbors against terrorists...
Link Posted: 6/8/2002 4:47:31 AM EDT
so do they get to be put in a cell block with about 20 or so gay, biker, ku klux klansmen with aids.

Link Posted: 6/8/2002 5:44:18 AM EDT
Ahh... "enriching" Australia with their middle-eastern customs... the multicultis were right.

The victim, now 20, was told by the first man who raped her at a Bankstown car park toilet block "I'm going to f--k you Leb-style", and the men at various times called her "Aussie pig". At one point, a gun was held to her head as she was driven to a Chullora industrial site where the final attacks occurred.
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Link Posted: 6/8/2002 6:00:08 AM EDT
Well, it wouldn't matter if this had occurred in the United States - it still would not have qualified as a 'hate crime.'

Apparently, heterosexual white folks are the only ones who are capable of hate!

They keep this BS up, they may be right!

Eric The([u]Disarmed[/u]Aussies?WhoWouldHaveEverThought!)Hun[>]:)]
Link Posted: 6/8/2002 6:06:06 AM EDT
Jail is too good for these guys.  They shouldh have their wankers ripped off and fed to a dingo.
Link Posted: 6/8/2002 6:20:14 AM EDT
The names have been concealed to protect the guilty.
Link Posted: 6/8/2002 6:28:47 AM EDT
Now, boys, there will be justice served in this case, however, when they're thrown into the General Prison population, I can just imagine that the first greeting they will receive will be something along the lines of:

[b]'We're going to f--k you Aussie-style'[/b]

Pardon my English!

Eric The(Indignant)Hun[>]:)]
Link Posted: 6/8/2002 8:51:49 AM EDT
I thought they were a peace loving lot?
Link Posted: 6/8/2002 9:01:10 AM EDT
Apparently, heterosexual white folks are the only ones who are capable of hate!

They keep this BS up, they may be right!
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I'll give that my insight of the day award.  It just might be true.  Judging from the responses here to that type of thing, there is a lot of pent-up anger.z
Link Posted: 6/8/2002 9:20:36 AM EDT
If it was my daughter ,there would have been no trial,period.
Link Posted: 6/8/2002 9:54:30 AM EDT
white girls that want to play on the wild side and get their tits caught in a ringer don't get sympathy from me either.
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Did you read the article?

The woman's ordeal began when she was surrounded by five teenagers on a train from Belmore to Lidcombe. It ended over six hours later after she had been sexually assaulted more than 20 times by 14 men at three locations in Bankstown and Chullora.
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Link Posted: 6/8/2002 10:23:52 AM EDT
If it were up to me, they'd be smiling all the way to the gallows.
Link Posted: 6/8/2002 11:35:17 AM EDT
Wasn't that a different case? The one that these bastids had been convicted on and were awaiting sentencing, before this case?

Eric The(Confused)Hun[>]:)]
Link Posted: 6/8/2002 11:42:18 AM EDT
Yes Eric I thought i read that to ,it was def. two seperate cases.
And since when is the punishment for wanting to smoke a joint gang rape.(I don't condone drug use by the way)
Some times I wonder about the compassion by some of the members.
Link Posted: 6/8/2002 11:54:20 AM EDT
They won't be smiling the first time they have their ass stretched.
Jail is to good for "people" like this.
The world would be a better place if their mouths were sealed with duct tape, a few gallons of gas poured through their nose, and a burning road flare kicked up their ass until lift off.

Link Posted: 6/8/2002 12:25:48 PM EDT
The major problem in this case is one of perception.

The LEO's, prosecutors, and jurors clearly mistook a group of animals for human beings.

A cursory analysis of the facts would lead any reasonable person to the conclusion that (physical appearance notwithstanding) this case involved a roving pack of wild animals.

When an animal attacks a human it is not put on trial. It is swiftly and humanely destroyed. Questions of nationality, skin color, socioeconomic background, and religious affiliation have no place in situations such as this.

The pertinent question is a simple one: Did these individuals act like human beings or dangerous animals? If the latter, the only question remaining regards method of destruction.
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