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Posted: 5/14/2002 6:17:00 PM EDT
I wondered why the national news sites had no further info on the two Israelis stopped last week, where on the spot tests showed exposives on hands and gear shift.

Turns out no further reports because no further story.  According to a brief report in the Jrerusalem Post, (www.jpost.com) more complete testing at the FBI labs showed the residue to be deisel fuel. The Israelis were in the country illegally and probably will be deported (unlike the illegal Mexicans who have taken over the street I live on), and they were working as movers.
Link Posted: 5/14/2002 6:57:04 PM EDT
Oh, no! No way! That can't be! Nope! Someone's lying! Another media cover-up! It's those friggin you-know-who's again! Yep, Zionist bastids! The jig is up! Heads will roll! It's about time! Serves them right! Payback is sweet! Mothers! Didn't I warn you this is what would happen! It's a tragedy! A farce! A disgrace! Bush is just Sharon's butt-boy! See what 2-3-4-5 Billion Dollars annually buys us! I can't wait to see what happens now! Somavabitzhes! They deserve everything that comes their way! Sept 11th would never have happened if Hitler had been more thorough! That Wannsee Conference in 1942 shoulda taken place in 1938 and we wouldn't be facing this crisis!

There. I think I've just about covered all the bases!

No need for anyone to reply. Just nod your head in agreement!

Eric The(Helpful)Hun[>]:)]
Link Posted: 5/14/2002 6:58:21 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/14/2002 7:42:00 PM EDT
This thread will die a guick death, that's for sure.

The truth is never as interesting as the voices in your head...
Link Posted: 5/14/2002 8:02:04 PM EDT
I just might have to tack this one! [:D]

Naw, I trust we'll have some more traffic through here.

Eric The(TheUsualSuspects)Hun[>]:)]
Link Posted: 5/14/2002 8:11:28 PM EDT
And the source is unimpeachable...

Jerusalem Post

Seriously Eric, I'm TOTALLY willing to buy it because it makes sense. But when you discount the obvious when sourced by some liberal or pro palestinian organization you have to be prepared to reap the same.

Regardless of source, truth is truth.

I don't like liberals, and have less tolerance for Palestinians lately. But if they state something that is true, it remains true.

There now I started a debate guaranteeing this one will get argued about and keeping your vital info on page one.

You're welcome.
Link Posted: 5/14/2002 8:17:22 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/14/2002 9:22:59 PM EDT
Have to agree with SA on this one, the truth is the truth.  It is also usually the truth that the liberal democrat media Craps all over Israel at every turn.  The poor downtroden are their innocent victims and they are really part of some vast conspiracy centered in area 51 just to control us.  

In truth they get blamed for stuff only to have it recanted later even more than the cops in LA.
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Its because there is no story! You scum sucking bigots will stop at nothing wont you... its all some part of the great Jewish conspiricy to take over the world.. you people are SICK!
Link Posted: 5/15/2002 2:11:17 AM EDT
It is also usually the truth that the liberal democrat media Craps all over Israel at every turn.
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But this can't be true - Mr. Kroagnon stated in another thread that Jews own most of the media and use it to further their agendas. [;)]
Link Posted: 5/15/2002 3:47:56 AM EDT
Post from SteyrAUG -
Seriously Eric, I'm TOTALLY willing to buy it because it makes sense. But when you discount the obvious when sourced by some liberal or pro palestinian organization you have to be prepared to reap the same.
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But the Jerusalem Post has a solid reputation for factual, unbiased reporting among media critics I listen to without hesitation.

It amazes me that some conservatives place themselves on the same side of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict as most liberals,

I can't think of one liberal Hollywood-type or media weasel that supports Ariel Sharon and the recent forays by the IDF into the West Bank. It doesn't matter if they're Jewish or not, they simply do [u]not[/u] like right-wing Israelis, period.

That's what makes me LOVE right-wing Israelis!

Eric The(Likud-like)Hun[>]:)]
Link Posted: 5/15/2002 3:57:43 AM EDT
Oh, no! No way! That can't be! Nope! Someone's lying! Another media cover-up! It's those friggin you-know-who's again! Yep, Zionist bastids! The jig is up! Heads will roll! It's about time! Serves them right! Payback is sweet! Mothers! Didn't I warn you this is what would happen! It's a tragedy! A farce! A disgrace! Bush is just Sharon's butt-boy! See what 2-3-4-5 Billion Dollars annually buys us! I can't wait to see what happens now!

Eric The(THANKful)Hun[>]:)]
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Agreed.  (Head nodded)
Link Posted: 5/15/2002 4:03:37 AM EDT
[red]Turns out no further reports because no further story.[/red]

Quite convenient for ya, Eric. What did ya expect?

[b]Is this the FBI that got caught lying and manufacturing/withholding evidence in the Randy Weaver/Ruby Ridge case, the same FBI responsible for the murder of Randy's wife[/b]?

[b]Would this be the same FBI which was responsible for the death of women and children at Waco, (oh yea, that’s right you think they burned themselves up). This wouldn’t be the FBI who carted away all of the evidence at Waco according to reports by our own Texas Rangers. The FBI who knew they'd have a real nightmare trying to explain the 50 caliber bullet holes in the roof of the Davidian compound testified to in San Antonio, Texas during that farce of a trial. The trial in which the judge in the case retrieves a dropped weapons charge and re-instates it when the jury find the Davidians on trial NOT GUILTY. Then turns around sends them to jail on that dropped weapons charge for 30 years when the maximum penalty for the charge was 10-15 years[/b].

[b]This wouldn’t by any chance be the same FBI caught red-handed altering and destroying evidence in the Oklahoma Bombing Case[/b].

[b] Or the FBI which used fraud to manufacture testimony in the Vincent Foster case[/b].

[b]Couldn’t possibly be the same FBI that was all hot and bothered to find the Arab sender of the Anthrax Letters but lost interest when the prime suspect turned out not to be an Arab, etc. etc. etc…….. ad nausium[/b].

[green]But the FBI said last night it had taken a pass on the case, handing it over to immigration officials after further tests for explosives.
"All were negative," said FBI spokeswoman Melissa Mallon.[/green]

This is the FBI your willing to believe, boy your one trusting soul Hun.

IMHO, anyone who takes anything the FBI says at face value is an idiot or a government shill, take your pick.

[red]According to a brief report in the Jerusalem Post, (www.jpost.com) more complete testing at the FBI labs showed the residue to be diesel fuel.[/red]

[b] Funny the reports in the Post Intelligencer said a law enforcement source told them that the dog and the first round of tests may have picked up nothing more than residue left by a cigarette lighter[/b].  Which is it?

[blue]The specific claim is made that residue from the trucks cigarette lighter confused the tests for TNT and RDX. That doesn't explain why the trained bomb sniffing dog, who surely knows the difference between explosives and cigarettes (else he would false-positive every smoker, ashtray, and convenience store he came across) gave the first indications of explosives in the truck that led to the tests in the first place. Likewise, were the chemical tests unable to discriminate between tobacco and TNT/RDX, which are chemically quite different from tobacco combustion products, they would give false positive results for every vehicle ever tested in which smokers had ever ridden. Given the likelihood of finding tobacco residues in any car, such tests would have to be designed to tell the difference.[/blue]

Unlike you Hun, stories and re-cantations like this make me very suspicious, of course I’m NOT nearly as trusting as the know-it-all HUN.

Link Posted: 5/15/2002 4:08:49 AM EDT

That's what makes me LOVE right-wing Israelis!

Eric The(Likud-like)Hun[>]:)]
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Dear Likud-like,

The Israeli (right-wing, Likud-like) attack on the USS Liberty continues.

"Despite his injuries, Weaver tried to make it to one of the LIFE RAFTS. "And I was going as fast as I could and I remember my feet were going through BLOOD that was running down the deck like a small river......."  
"My LIFE RAFT was BLOWN to smithereens, there was just nothing left of it..........

Excerpted from :  Body of Secrets, Bamford, James, Doubleday 2001, pages 217 & 218
Link Posted: 5/15/2002 4:14:30 AM EDT
I neither accept nor reject this story as there is not enough information to do either.

I do know Israel has killed Americans before and killed Americans with immunity.

Do I believe the Israelis will again kill Americans ?  Yes I do and based on past history of the U.S. government and the Israel-only media they will probably walk again.  I especially believe this to be true if only a few inconsequential military personnel are the targets.  (Military personnel and their killing will never be inconsequential to me.)
Link Posted: 5/15/2002 4:24:18 AM EDT
'Israel-only media'? Jeepers, [b]subsailor[/b], what country do you live in? [:D]

Do you know any conservatives that support Israel? Do you know any liberals who do?

Course I will admit that living in Oklahoma, you might be faced with some good old-time conservative folks who know their wholesale from their retail and would definitely support Israel over any other country other than the US!

Like y'all's two Senators, and J.C. Watts, and just about everyone else in Congress from Oklahoma.  

Guess those good old boys don't understand Israel's nastiness quite the way you do![:D]

Eric The(TexasSassy)Hun[>]:)]
Link Posted: 5/15/2002 4:31:24 AM EDT
BTW, [b]subsailor[/b], when I read those stories in Bamford's book, I couldn't get over the fact that they seemed to me to be, well, getting better with age, if you know what I mean.

Seamen who testified in the original Naval Board of Inquiry as to never having been on deck during the attack itself, were suddenly recalling events that not even the Captain on the bridge was able to see and describe.

But, as you've said, lies were told. At the Board of Inquiry and later. But once you tell a lie, you are a liar, and whatever you thereafter say cannot be reasonably believed.

I know you've read the original transcript of the Board of Inquiry, so compare that with the stories that later arose.

The sailors of the USS Liberty were victims.

But to believe Bamford, they were victims of their own nation and service branch, just as much as victims of Israeli murderous...rage?

Eric The(Rage?)Hun[>]:)]
Link Posted: 5/15/2002 4:50:41 AM EDT

The sailors of the USS Liberty were victims.

But to believe Bamford, they were victims of their own nation and service branch, just as much as victims of Israeli murderous...rage?

Eric The(Rage?)Hun[>]:)]
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These U.S. sailors were victims of the Israelis and the U.S. government.  The Navy followed orders.

I'm not certain the two 'furniture' delivering Israelis are in the clear as yet.
Link Posted: 5/15/2002 5:01:23 AM EDT
Post from 5subslr5 -
The Navy followed orders.
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Interesting choice of words there, [b]subsailor[/b]. I'm certain that Adm. Doenitz could not have said it better![:D]

Far be it from me to criticise what people must do in order to save their careers, but that said, it's not the kind of environment that leads me to a great deal of confidence in what they are saying [b]now![/b]
I'm not certain the two 'furniture' delivering Israelis are in the clear as yet.
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Well, let us know when the [b]subsailor bureau of investigation[/b] clears them, OK?

Eric The(Infamous'S.B.I')Hun[>]:)]
Link Posted: 5/15/2002 5:03:43 AM EDT

Well, let us know when the [b]subsailor bureau of investigation[/b] clears them, OK?

Eric The(Infamous'S.B.I')Hun[>]:)]
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Link Posted: 5/15/2002 9:07:00 AM EDT
[b][red]So who do you believe, AR-15.com'ers:[/red][/b]

I place more credibility on the [b]police dog’s nose[/b], doing the sniffing in the first place, than the current FBI claims that it was all a big mistake. IMHO, the dog probably knows better than the FBI the difference between cigarette lighters/ diesel fuel and TNT/RDX. Or am I the only person who remembers the fiasco of improprieties by the FBI lab in years past.

And yes, I noticed how conveniently the Hun it was addressed to above and others chose to ignored my post and let this thread drop to the nether regions.


PS - I am currently attempting contact w/ Carl Cameron w/ Fox News author of the original article to question him about aspects of his article. I will report back what information I get from him, for those of you who don't know, he was the originator of the Israeli Spy articles on Fox News.  
Link Posted: 5/15/2002 10:30:50 AM EDT
Post from mr_wilson -
And yes, I noticed how conveniently the Hun it was addressed to above and others chose to ignored my post and let this thread drop to the nether regions.
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Sorry, I didn't know I was under compulsion to answer [u]any[/u] post around here. My bad.
Unlike you Hun, stories and re-cantations like this make me very suspicious...
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Be honest, the simple mention of Israelis in such stories makes you nervously suspicious. Even more so than if it were fundamentalist Muslims we were talking about, right?
...of course I’m NOT nearly as trusting as the know-it-all HUN.
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I trust nearly no one, but, unlike others, I do not mistrust anyone simply because they're Israelis.

Let us know how the Carl Cameron story works out!

Eric The(KnowItAll)Hun[>]:)]
Link Posted: 5/15/2002 10:42:36 AM EDT
[b][red]So who do you believe, AR-15.com'ers:[/red][/b]

I place more credibility on the [b]police dog’s nose[/b], doing the sniffing in the first place, than the current FBI claims that it was
all a big mistake.
IMHO, the dog probably knows better than the FBI the difference between cigarette lighters/ diesel fuel and TNT/RDX.
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So how did the dog communicate this exactly - I can imagine a Scooby-Doo like voice saying "rrrTeeeEnnnTeeeeee!  AArrrrDeeEEEExxx!!  Scooby dooby doooooo!"

If you get pulled over sometime and a police dog start sniffing around your car and barking and the cop says "Hey bud, this dog smells TNT and RDX!!!" even though you are innocent, MAKE SURE AND DO NOT REQUEST A LAB TEST, the dog knows all.  Just turn yourself in to jail and sign up to be Bubba's butt buddy.

Link Posted: 5/15/2002 11:23:36 AM EDT
Is it time for a lawyer joke yet?  

Three reasons they're using lawyers instead of lab rats in research these days:

1.  There's more of them.

2.  The lab assistants were getting attached to the rats.

3.  There *are* some things a rat won't do.

(Sorry Eric! [:D] )

Seriously, Eric, I think you're right.  It's all about, "I'll see it when I believe it"!

Link Posted: 5/15/2002 3:28:46 PM EDT
Have to agree with SA on this one, the truth is the truth.  It is also usually the truth that the liberal democrat media Craps all over Israel at every turn.  The poor downtroden are their innocent victims and they are really part of some vast conspiracy centered in area 51 just to control us.  

In truth they get blamed for stuff only to have it recanted later even more than the cops in LA.
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Its because there is no story! You scum sucking bigots will stop at nothing wont you... its all some part of the great Jewish conspiricy to take over the world.. you people are SICK!
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Nobody said it WASN'T the truth.

If you took the time to read you would have noticed...

"Seriously Eric, I'm TOTALLY willing to buy it because it makes sense."

All I did was point out to Eric that if he discredits some sources do to being pro palestinian or liberal, he must be willing to have pro Israeli and ultra conservative sources held to the same standard.

My point was simply about truth over agenda. But those with a agenda will not understand.
Link Posted: 5/15/2002 4:50:01 PM EDT
Post from SteyrAUG -
All I did was point out to Eric that if he discredits some sources do to being pro palestinian or liberal, he must be willing to have pro Israeli and ultra conservative sources held to the same standard.
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Sure, I'm all for holding conservative and pro-Israeli sources to the same high standards everyone else should be held to - the good news is they always pass with flying colors!

Eric The(TotallySatisfied)Hun[>]:)]
Link Posted: 5/15/2002 5:47:41 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/15/2002 5:54:14 PM EDT
Damn, dogs make errors too.  Truck is taken back to FBI lab, swabs are run through a machine (spectrometer) and now it's diesel fuel not nitrates.

Then subsailer starts sprewing about some other topic, unrelated to the discussion.  Subsailer, make a new topic on what you want to talk about, but not here.

I neither accept nor reject this story as there is not enough information to do either.

I do know Israel has killed Americans before and killed Americans with immunity.

Do I believe the Israelis will again kill Americans ?  Yes I do and based on past history of the U.S. government and the Israel-only media they will probably walk again.  I especially believe this to be true if only a few inconsequential military personnel are the targets.  (Military personnel and their killing will never be inconsequential to me.)
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