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Posted: 12/4/2013 4:41:51 PM EDT
Brandon Webb recently (Dec 2nd) announced his intention to run for an NRA board seat in 2015.

For whatever reason, he is intentionally keeping his positions vague. The main concerns I have are his language when speaking of "compromise" and "participation" in the legislative process.... I also think his military experience lends little to nothing to his credentials when in consideration for a board seat on the NRA.

I have only been an NRA member for the past two years, so I do not believe I am allowed to vote yet. I would not vote for Brandon Webb if I was able to do so.

link to original FB post


Brandon Webb:


here is a little piece he wrote for his blog:

the gun problem in america

"I don’t have all the solutions on this issue but I do know that I’m personally ready to compromise to limit mass shootings, and I’m ready to have an intelligent conversation on this issue.  If leading gun organizations like the NRA don’t take a leadership role in proposing realistic solutions, then they will have failed to truly represent gun owners. The result will be that politicians will end up passing more ridiculous laws that don’t make sense for anyone. The issue is cultural also, you can’t just go after gun control. Most silly laws passed, especially magazine limitations. It’s like trying to get rid of drunk drivers by shrinking the size of gas tanks in cars. Yes, it really is that silly.

Sometimes change, as difficult as it can be at first, is a good thing, after all it was once within our constitutional rights to own and enslave other human beings.If we continue to do nothing then we can expect more mass shootings in the near future. Remember that when you kiss your kids goodbye on their way to school."

OK, after reading the post above I am changing my stance from "maybe he is misunderstood" to "fuck this guy"...



BW NRA FB opposition group
Link Posted: 12/4/2013 4:45:42 PM EDT
Yea...I'm gonna go with...fuck off Brandon.
Link Posted: 12/4/2013 4:47:59 PM EDT
Screw him.  He's not vague.  He's vain and anti gun.  He says "idiots" shouldn't have guns and everyone should take an NRA course. He completely misses the fucking target 7 lanes over.  It's a fucking Right and no tests or requirements are needed to have rights. He also says the NRA should have a say in the legislative process of passing common sense gun laws.  The only people that say common sense laws are people that try to pass laws that restrict freedoms.

Fuck You Brandon Webb.
Link Posted: 12/4/2013 4:48:02 PM EDT
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Yea...I'm gonna go with...fuck off Brandon.
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Link Posted: 12/4/2013 4:48:13 PM EDT
This man is up to no good...

Link Posted: 12/4/2013 4:49:33 PM EDT
He sounds like a Obama plant.

He is exactly what the NRA DOESN'T need, A NINO. [NRA in name only]
Link Posted: 12/4/2013 4:50:28 PM EDT
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Yea...I'm gonna go with...fuck off Brandon.
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Link Posted: 12/4/2013 4:50:47 PM EDT
The NRA has a selection committee and only passes a couple people.  By his first statement about the NRA he will never make it through the committee.

Link Posted: 12/4/2013 4:50:58 PM EDT

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Yea...I'm gonna go with...fuck off Brandon.


Link Posted: 12/4/2013 4:53:03 PM EDT
Not one inch... No more compromise.
Link Posted: 12/4/2013 4:53:37 PM EDT
He was a SEAL, has written a few books about SEALs, hes the self proclaimed expert on all things dealing with SEALs, he's also annoying as fuck and needs to just go away.
Link Posted: 12/4/2013 4:53:57 PM EDT
Hmm... "If his professional accomplishments as a sniper don't speak for me" or whatever the fuck he said, and "compromise on liegislation"...

I'm thinking brandon is a fucking douchebag with a very high opinion of himself who is very willing to fuck us all over in a heartbeat.

as usual, FPNI
Link Posted: 12/4/2013 4:54:04 PM EDT
Nope. Universal training for CCW? Nope, nope, nope. He likes the term "common sense gun laws" too much. He's somebody's plant.
Link Posted: 12/4/2013 4:54:56 PM EDT
Fuck this nihilistic asshole. I used to look at sofrep, but fuck this guy.

IQ tests for firearm ownership, huh???

HE gets to choose who can have guns?


FUCK brandon webb
Link Posted: 12/4/2013 4:55:55 PM EDT
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He was a SEAL, has written a few books about SEALs, hes the self proclaimed expert on all things dealing with SEALs, he's also annoying as fuck and needs to just go away.
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and he is a californian, to boot!
Link Posted: 12/4/2013 4:56:30 PM EDT
he can eat my ass but i don't swing that way so its a moot point.
Link Posted: 12/4/2013 4:57:10 PM EDT
Of course he is a sniper, everybody in the military is a sniper.

Sorry bud, no, you're "professional accomplishments" are NOT enough to elect you to the board of the NRA. Kindly take your "common sense" legislation and !@@# %%^^ &&***.
Link Posted: 12/4/2013 4:57:20 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/4/2013 4:57:59 PM EDT
This guy used the word "sport"

Brandon Hussein Obama
Link Posted: 12/4/2013 4:58:32 PM EDT
Yep. Already on the list to make sure to keep the hell off the board.
Link Posted: 12/4/2013 4:59:07 PM EDT
Not just no, but hell no. I don't want ANY NRA participation in the legislative process. 99% of any new gun laws would be taking away freedoms in exchange for diddly squat. No, the answer is no. I am against all new gun laws, because I don't trust the people making those laws.
Link Posted: 12/4/2013 4:59:20 PM EDT

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and he is a californian, to boot!
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He was a SEAL, has written a few books about SEALs, hes the self proclaimed expert on all things dealing with SEALs, he's also annoying as fuck and needs to just go away.


and he is a californian, to boot!
Oh teh noes!!!!

So are all GD's beloved movie stars, dead and alive.

Link Posted: 12/4/2013 4:59:46 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/4/2013 5:00:01 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/4/2013 5:01:37 PM EDT
Nope. Go away
Link Posted: 12/4/2013 5:01:45 PM EDT

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You've been on a roll today

Link Posted: 12/4/2013 5:02:14 PM EDT
Looks like a queer.
Link Posted: 12/4/2013 5:02:38 PM EDT
Nope, I don't believe his bullsh*t.
Link Posted: 12/4/2013 5:03:51 PM EDT

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Nope. Universal training for CCW? Nope, nope, nope. He likes the term "common sense gun laws" too much. He's somebody's plant.
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Fuck off BW

Link Posted: 12/4/2013 5:04:28 PM EDT
This guy does not get it or is a plant by the anti gun groups. Will not vote for him.
Link Posted: 12/4/2013 5:04:41 PM EDT
No Brandon, your military career doesn't qualify you to represent NRA members.

He refuses to take a stand on his facebook page and he expects us to trust him taking a stand on a national level?

Fuck him, he must be related to Joaquin Jackson.
Link Posted: 12/4/2013 5:05:15 PM EDT
The NRA is weak enough as is . I want harder no compromise guys who will go on the offensive , NOT some sort of brady bunch RINO
Link Posted: 12/4/2013 5:06:10 PM EDT
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Yea...I'm gonna go with...fuck off Brandon.
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Link Posted: 12/4/2013 5:07:32 PM EDT
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Hmm... "If his professional accomplishments as a sniper don't speak for me" or whatever the fuck he said, and "compromise on liegislation"...

I'm thinking brandon is a fucking douchebag with a very high opinion of himself who is very willing to fuck us all over in a heartbeat.

as usual, FPNI
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without a doubt on all of this.
Link Posted: 12/4/2013 5:08:44 PM EDT

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He was a SEAL, has written a few books about SEALs, hes the self proclaimed expert on all things dealing with SEALs, he's also annoying as fuck and needs to just go away.
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Thanks, wondering who he was.
Link Posted: 12/4/2013 5:09:24 PM EDT
Not a chance in hell has he.
Link Posted: 12/4/2013 5:09:41 PM EDT

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without a doubt on all of this.
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Hmm... "If his professional accomplishments as a sniper don't speak for me" or whatever the fuck he said, and "compromise on liegislation"...

I'm thinking brandon is a fucking douchebag with a very high opinion of himself who is very willing to fuck us all over in a heartbeat.

as usual, FPNI


without a doubt on all of this.

Arrogant X-gen

Link Posted: 12/4/2013 5:10:02 PM EDT
Anyone who relies on their military service to send a point home is full of shit.  

I was a combat medic so I know about brain surgery you should all listen to me,
Link Posted: 12/4/2013 5:10:22 PM EDT
I stopped reading when I saw the bit about how being a sniper should qualify him for a spot on the board.

That has absolutely nothing to do with it.
Link Posted: 12/4/2013 5:14:34 PM EDT
Hey Brandon" />

Link Posted: 12/4/2013 5:14:58 PM EDT
Being a sniper doesn't qualify you as a fry cook, much less qualify you for an NRA position. Flimsy ass Trojan Horse attempt.
Link Posted: 12/4/2013 5:15:06 PM EDT
We need to run an Arfcommer.  Whatever happened  to that failed attempt?
Link Posted: 12/4/2013 5:18:13 PM EDT
I'll make sure to not vote for him
Link Posted: 12/4/2013 5:21:33 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/4/2013 5:21:49 PM EDT
Compromise?  Fuck Off Brandon W

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 12/4/2013 5:22:09 PM EDT
that guy can go fuck himself.  he said my magic words:

"compromise" and "Common Sense".

If you had any "common sense", you'd see that gun legislation doesn't work.

and "compromise" to these guys usually means, "here let me hold my ass cheeks out of the way while you dry fuck me".
Link Posted: 12/4/2013 5:22:32 PM EDT

After reading this response...  Nope!

Link Posted: 12/4/2013 5:23:00 PM EDT

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We need to run an Arfcommer.  Whatever happened  to that failed attempt?
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I'm pretty sure people attempted to AROCK Old_Painless, but I don't remember the details.

Link Posted: 12/4/2013 5:24:33 PM EDT
common sense huh....lol...
Link Posted: 12/4/2013 5:25:59 PM EDT
Maybe the LAV should run against him, i've heard he's entertained the the idea of being on the NRA board as well.
Link Posted: 12/4/2013 5:27:58 PM EDT
Brandon Webb recently (Dec 2nd) announced his intention to run for an NRA board seat in 2015.

For whatever reason, he is intentionally keeping his positions vague. The main concerns I have are his language when speaking of "compromise" and "participation" in the legislative process.... I also think his military experience lends little to nothing to his credentials when in consideration for a board seat on the NRA.

I have only been an NRA member for the past two years, so I do not believe I am allowed to vote yet. I would not vote for Brandon Webb if I was able to do so.

link to original FB post


Brandon Webb:













here is a little piece he wrote for his blog:

the gun problem in america

"I don’t have all the solutions on this issue but I do know that I’m personally ready to compromise to limit mass shootings, and I’m ready to have an intelligent conversation on this issue.  If leading gun organizations like the NRA don’t take a leadership role in proposing realistic solutions, then they will have failed to truly represent gun owners. The result will be that politicians will end up passing more ridiculous laws that don’t make sense for anyone. The issue is cultural also, you can’t just go after gun control. Most silly laws passed, especially magazine limitations. It’s like trying to get rid of drunk drivers by shrinking the size of gas tanks in cars. Yes, it really is that silly.

Sometimes change, as difficult as it can be at first, is a good thing, after all it was once within our constitutional rights to own and enslave other human beings.If we continue to do nothing then we can expect more mass shootings in the near future. Remember that when you kiss your kids goodbye on their way to school."

OK, after reading the post above I am changing my stance from "maybe he is misunderstood" to "fuck this guy"...



BW NRA FB opposition group
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Just wait for him to pull a gomez if he hasn't already.

This is the kind of person we need to support:


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