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Posted: 6/2/2006 6:29:09 PM EDT
I guess he was professional enough to shoot the Glock foe-tay

Homeowner shoots bear inside house

Anchorage Daily News

Published: June 2, 2006
Last Modified: June 2, 2006 at 04:53 PM

A large black bear broke into an Anchorage home early this morning, rummaged around like a burglar and feasted on a box of chocolates before the homeowner shot him dead with a Glock.

The bear entered the two-story Stuckagain Heights house on the Anchorage hillside around 2:30 a.m., according to police.

Stan Knowlton, who lives next door to the house, said his son and daughter-in-law own the place that was ransacked. They were asleep in their bedroom with their Rottweiller, Baby, when the dog started barking wildly, he said.

The bedroom door was closed. Outside, the couple could hear things being knocked over.

Police spokesman Lt. Paul Honeman said the owners initially thought the bear was a burglar. They could not be reached for comment.

Knowlton said his son quickly determined the real identity of the intruder.

"He opens the (bedroom) door and he's face to face with this big black bear," he said. "He slammed the door right away."

Knowlton said his son hollered at the bear to go away and it ran downstairs. The man grabbed a .40-caliber Glock automatic handgun from another bedroom and looked around. The bear had knocked some things over and eaten a box of chocolates that had been sitting near the couch.

"It left all the heart candy sitting in a basket there," Knowlton said.

Knowlton said the bear started back up the stairs toward his son. He shot the animal multiple times and it went back downstairs.

Knowlton said his son didn't know if the bear was dead. He called police. Honeman said the sergeant who responded quipped that he'd been in many a hairy situation over the years, but few so scary as entering a house where there might be a wounded bear on the loose.

Officers found the bear dead in a bathroom, surrounded by a pool of blood and scat. Knowlton said state wildlife officials came and picked up the carcass. It took four people to load it into the truck, he said.
Link Posted: 6/2/2006 6:32:50 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/2/2006 6:33:18 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/2/2006 6:34:10 PM EDT


Officers found the bear dead in a bathroom, surrounded by a pool of blood and scat.

"Does a bear shit in the woods?"

Guess not.
Link Posted: 6/2/2006 6:34:43 PM EDT
poor guy just had to take a number 2.    

Link Posted: 6/2/2006 6:34:52 PM EDT
I love the word scat.
Link Posted: 6/2/2006 6:35:28 PM EDT


Officers found the bear dead in a bathroom, surrounded by a pool of blood and scat.

I thought he died years ago.

Link Posted: 6/2/2006 6:47:44 PM EDT
So, the bear is getting his freak on in the john with some scat porn, and that guy barges in with a Glock FoTay and offs him....that is some sick shit.....
Link Posted: 6/2/2006 6:49:30 PM EDT

BAD BEAR!!!!!!!

Link Posted: 6/2/2006 6:55:51 PM EDT
Scary shit there.
Looks like the fur would make a nice rug.
Link Posted: 6/2/2006 6:57:34 PM EDT



Officers found the bear dead in a bathroom, surrounded by a pool of blood and scat.

I thought he died years ago.


Can't you get banned for posting pictures of scat?
Link Posted: 6/2/2006 6:57:48 PM EDT
Haul it off! I don't think so I want that bastard mounted in my living room.  Heck of a story that is.
Link Posted: 6/2/2006 6:57:54 PM EDT
But there was supposed to be an EARTH SHATTERING KABOOM!!!

Link Posted: 6/2/2006 7:00:18 PM EDT
At least the bear had the right room for shitting.
Link Posted: 6/2/2006 7:01:02 PM EDT

40tay does it.

I might need to get one now.  

Link Posted: 6/2/2006 7:01:04 PM EDT

But there was supposed to be an EARTH SHATTERING KABOOM!!!


Link Posted: 6/2/2006 7:01:26 PM EDT
So .40 S/W can bring down a black bear???

Damn lucky he was...I would have gone reached for my .308.

Would any 5.56 lovers have grabbed their M4gery?
Link Posted: 6/2/2006 7:02:34 PM EDT
He shoved the glock into the bears mouth and it


The grenading fragments did it in.
Link Posted: 6/2/2006 7:03:57 PM EDT

So, the bear is getting his freak on in the john with some scat porn, and that guy barges in with a Glock FoTay and offs him....that is some sick shit.....

the bear was german?
Link Posted: 6/2/2006 7:05:21 PM EDT
And the CG of Alaska's policy concerning POW's is to keep the Joes safe...
Link Posted: 6/2/2006 7:06:58 PM EDT
Busted a cap in its ass.
Link Posted: 6/2/2006 7:08:26 PM EDT
Black bears are the pussies of the bear world.

ETA: Let's see him try to take down a polar bear with a .40.
Link Posted: 6/2/2006 7:12:47 PM EDT
...poor bear just wanted something to eat !......
Link Posted: 6/2/2006 7:17:42 PM EDT

Black bears are the pussies of the bear world.

ETA: Let's see him try to take down a polar bear with a .40.

Polar Bear?

No, that's when you shoot YOURSELF with the .40.
Link Posted: 6/2/2006 7:20:29 PM EDT

Scary shit there.
Looks like the fur would make a nice rug.

+1 I would at least want the hide...
Link Posted: 6/2/2006 7:21:48 PM EDT
awwww, poor little bear. he just wanted some chocolate
Link Posted: 6/2/2006 7:22:25 PM EDT
that's a beary scary story
Link Posted: 6/2/2006 7:25:14 PM EDT

He just couldn't leave those 'picanick baskets' alone
Link Posted: 6/2/2006 7:33:04 PM EDT
Well, this thread just determined the caliber of my next carry gun!
Link Posted: 6/2/2006 7:34:58 PM EDT

Well, this thread just determined the caliber of my next carry gun!

"So why do you carry a .40?"
"Because somebody in Alaska shot a black bear with one and it died."

".. Oh, well that's perfectly reasonable."
Link Posted: 6/2/2006 7:35:29 PM EDT
Photo is fishy....     Are you sure it isnt just taking a nap?
Link Posted: 6/2/2006 7:40:15 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/2/2006 7:51:50 PM EDT
I don't think it was necessary to kill it but, he did have the right to.

I would've tried messing around with it... Uh, not like that! I mean I would've trained it as my guard bear and visited the neighbors with my new leashed pet.
Link Posted: 6/2/2006 7:51:52 PM EDT



Officers found the bear dead in a bathroom, surrounded by a pool of blood and scat.

I thought he died years ago.


Das Bowlegs!!!
Link Posted: 6/2/2006 7:55:04 PM EDT


Officers found the bear dead in a bathroom, surrounded by a pool of blood and scat.

I guess you could say he shot the shit out of it. Oh No! A Glock AUTOMATIC handgun! AHHHHH!
Link Posted: 6/2/2006 8:01:55 PM EDT

Black bears are the pussies of the bear world.

ETA: Let's see him try to take down a polar bear with a .40.

Actually they are responsible for more deaths than any other bear.  They tend to be more violent in their attacks and it is recommended that if attacked by a black bear that the usual fetal position and motionless attitude should be abandoned and you fight as your life depends on it..
Link Posted: 6/2/2006 8:18:00 PM EDT


Black bears are the pussies of the bear world.

ETA: Let's see him try to take down a polar bear with a .40.

Actually they are responsible for more deaths than any other bear.  They tend to be more violent in their attacks and it is recommended that if attacked by a black bear that the usual fetal position and motionless attitude should be abandoned and you fight as your life depends on it..

If a black bear stops attacking you he is just trying to determine the best part of you to eat.
Link Posted: 6/2/2006 8:25:27 PM EDT
He just had to get something to eat and take a dump in the middle of the night, just like any normal guy!
Link Posted: 6/2/2006 8:26:16 PM EDT



Officers found the bear dead in a bathroom, surrounded by a pool of blood and scat.

"Does a bear shit in the woods?"

Guess not.

Link Posted: 6/2/2006 8:30:29 PM EDT
Come on, one shot from a .45 would have exploded the bear with one shot.  There would have been blood, guts, bone, fur, and scat plastered all over the walls and celing.

Boom!  nuthing but a pink and brown mist.
Link Posted: 6/2/2006 8:33:40 PM EDT
Well, if I'm ever in Alaska and something goes bump in the house, I'm clearing rooms with my .45/70.
Link Posted: 6/2/2006 8:48:08 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/2/2006 9:21:09 PM EDT
I heard about a guy who killed a bear with a .22 once. Not something I'd wanna try either.

But when they are in your house what the hell do you have to lose?
Link Posted: 6/2/2006 9:24:44 PM EDT

"The blood belonged to the bear, and the scat was where the owner shit himself when he opened his bedroom door and saw a bear".
Link Posted: 6/2/2006 10:00:28 PM EDT

that's a beary scary story

Oh No You Didn't!
Link Posted: 6/2/2006 10:05:44 PM EDT

I don't think it was necessary to kill it but, he did have the right to.

I would've tried messing around with it... Uh, not like that! I mean I would've trained it as my guard bear and visited the neighbors with my new leashed pet.

Did you read the thing?  It was coming back up the stairs at him.
Link Posted: 6/2/2006 10:20:50 PM EDT

My god.... thankfully i've got my mossburg 12 gauge with 3in. mag slugs.

or... theres always my full size Ka-bar fighting knife.
that brown bitch aint takin me down without a fight.
Link Posted: 6/2/2006 10:22:15 PM EDT
Another reason I wanna move to Alaska, I wanna kill big animals with big guns.  If it was me Id have put on the ear muffs and took the .454 to his ass.
Link Posted: 6/2/2006 10:42:11 PM EDT


Black bears are the pussies of the bear world.

...he says sitting at his computer chair in NEVADA.....

I'm from Pennsylvania!

We had bears.... I think.

ETA: I know we had them at the zoo.
Link Posted: 6/2/2006 10:42:51 PM EDT
At least you don't have to drive far to hunt a massive Black Bear in AK.
Link Posted: 6/2/2006 11:56:02 PM EDT

Come on, one shot from a .45 would have exploded the bear with one shot.  There would have been blood, guts, bone, fur, and scat plastered all over the walls and celing.

Boom!  nuthing but a pink and brown mist.

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