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Posted: 2/21/2016 8:21:27 PM EDT
Was driving eastbound on I-10 from El Paso today towing a travel trailer I had just bought. Rolled up to the checkpoint near Sierra Blanca and stopped expecting them to want to check out the trailer and basically give me a hard time like everyone else around here seems to get.
BP officer asks if we are U.S. citizens to which I reply yes ma'am. She tells me to have a good weekend and I drive away.

Maybe they planted a tracking device?
Link Posted: 2/21/2016 8:25:20 PM EDT
Are you white?

Link Posted: 2/21/2016 8:28:20 PM EDT
Drone inbound, hide your dag.
Link Posted: 2/21/2016 8:29:31 PM EDT
Border Patrol gives zero fucks nowadays, as per orders.
Link Posted: 2/21/2016 8:29:58 PM EDT
White privledge...
Link Posted: 2/21/2016 8:30:55 PM EDT
I wonder if anybody ever answers "No".

I've had friends answer yes in Spanish before and they just get waved through. Nobody cares.
Link Posted: 2/21/2016 8:31:12 PM EDT
I wonder if anybody ever answers "No".

I've had friends answer yes in Spanish before and they just get waved through. Nobody cares.
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They hand you a map to the nearest sanctuary city/welfare office and a voter registration form pre-marked for Democrat
Link Posted: 2/21/2016 8:31:36 PM EDT
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Are you white?

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No i am not an albino.

I do have some serious silver hair going on though,
Link Posted: 2/21/2016 8:32:03 PM EDT
What's the point, then?

Link Posted: 2/21/2016 8:33:30 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/21/2016 8:36:01 PM EDT
I'm sorry you had to drive that stretch of road.

Link Posted: 2/21/2016 8:37:02 PM EDT
Was driving eastbound on I-10 from El Paso today towing a travel trailer I had just bought. Rolled up to the checkpoint near Sierra Blanca and stopped expecting them to want to check out the trailer and basically give me a hard time like everyone else around here seems to get.
BP officer asks if we are U.S. citizens to which I reply yes ma'am. She tells me to have a good weekend and I drive away.

Maybe they planted a tracking device?
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That has always been my experience.  
A dog did hit on my coworkers truck north of Laredo once though.
He had a half eaten taco in the bed.  

There was something that happened two or three years ago and the BP agents were all bummed out.
One asked me if I was a citizen and I jokingly replied "does it matter?"   He shook his head and waved me through.
Link Posted: 2/21/2016 8:39:34 PM EDT
There is a checkpoint on I-19, about 20 miles south of Tucson-----that one it pretty much a breeze to pass through and I suspect that they are most looking for drugs (they use dogs) and other smuggled items.  That said, there is another checkpoint just west of there---located on the 2-land road between Amado and Arivaca (a major drug and illegal route) that is a PITA to pass through-----then too, it is likely that the Border Patrol officers there just don't have enough to keep them occupied.
Link Posted: 2/21/2016 8:43:12 PM EDT
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What's the point, then?

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Security theater. Bullshit they even exist inside the US. But if they're going to, might as well do some shit.
Link Posted: 2/21/2016 8:44:02 PM EDT
Did you not spot the small white cargo trailers, off to the sides, surrounded by lights on poles, about 100 yards before the checkpoint? You all got infra-red scanned/x-rayed on the drive up. They already knew how many people were travelling with you.
Link Posted: 2/21/2016 8:46:41 PM EDT

You should have refused to say anything except ask if you are being detained.

Link Posted: 2/21/2016 8:50:56 PM EDT
Was driving eastbound on I-10 from El Paso today towing a travel trailer I had just bought. Rolled up to the checkpoint near Sierra Blanca and stopped expecting them to want to check out the trailer and basically give me a hard time like everyone else around here seems to get.
BP officer asks if we are U.S. citizens to which I reply yes ma'am. She tells me to have a good weekend and I drive away.

Maybe they planted a tracking device?
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The have UCs (under-covers) working, dressed as homeless people at intersections, off ramps, cashiers, gas station attendants and so on at service stations and restaurants along the I-10 corridor, along with drones, facial recognition cameras, license plate readers, and cloned cell phone towers, for a few hundred plus miles on either side of that checkpoint... all that data is cross referenced with the NCIC, state dmv records, cellphone companies, lexis-nexus, and facebook...at that checkpoint, they knew you were coming by at least 30 minutes to an hour out. A mile or two before the checkpoint, they have scales under the pavement, and that's compared to the average chassis weight of what your driving looking for any anomalies, they have cameras in the ground, on power poles, and even disguised as cactus, as they funnel you into the lanes, they have a backscatter radar device that sees right thru your vehicle, heck, did the Officer tell you that you should quit smoking, because that device can tell them if you have cancerous cells. All that data is available on high tech screens within that raggedy metal shack they stand in, with most of the servers, hardware, other equipment about two stories beneath...

I found all that out by listening to Coast-To-Coast AM the other night

Link Posted: 2/21/2016 8:54:43 PM EDT
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Did you not spot the small white cargo trailers, off to the sides, surrounded by lights on poles, about 100 yards before the checkpoint? You all got infra-red scanned/x-rayed on the drive up. They already knew how many people were travelling with you.
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Yup yup.  
Also had plates scanned.   They see what other checkpoints or borders you have crossed on their computer.
That data also goes to state police and other federal agencies.
Link Posted: 2/21/2016 8:54:59 PM EDT
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Did you not spot the small white cargo trailers, off to the sides, surrounded by lights on poles, about 100 yards before the checkpoint? You all got infra-red scanned/x-rayed on the drive up. They already knew how many people were travelling with you.
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I was wondering about those. They are using Ka band radar because they made my Passport go crazy.
Link Posted: 2/21/2016 8:56:10 PM EDT


Was driving eastbound on I-10 from El Paso today towing a travel trailer I had just bought. Rolled up to the checkpoint near Sierra Blanca and stopped expecting them to want to check out the trailer and basically give me a hard time like everyone else around here seems to get.

BP officer asks if we are U.S. citizens to which I reply yes ma'am. She tells me to have a good weekend and I drive away.
Maybe they planted a tracking device?
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Went up to Hatch last year...so...probably same checkpoint I believe. Same experience. Me and two other guys from work...

Still weird hitting a BP CP that far inland...

Link Posted: 2/21/2016 8:58:23 PM EDT
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The have UCs (under-covers) working, dressed as homeless people at intersections, off ramps, cashiers, gas station attendants and so on at service stations and restaurants along the I-10 corridor, along with drones, facial recognition cameras, license plate readers, and cloned cell phone towers, for a few hundred plus miles on either side of that checkpoint... all that data is cross referenced with the NCIC, state dmv records, cellphone companies, lexis-nexus, and facebook...at that checkpoint, they knew you were coming by at least 30 minutes to an hour out. A mile or two before the checkpoint, they have scales under the pavement, and that's compared to the average chassis weight of what your driving looking for any anomalies, they have cameras in the ground, on power poles, and even disguised as cactus, as they funnel you into the lanes, they have a backscatter radar device that sees right thru your vehicle, heck, did the Officer tell you that you should quit smoking, because that device can tell them if you have cancerous cells. All that data is available on high tech screens within that raggedy metal shack they stand in, with most of the servers, hardware, other equipment about two stories beneath...

I found all that out by listening to Coast-To-Coast AM the other night

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Was driving eastbound on I-10 from El Paso today towing a travel trailer I had just bought. Rolled up to the checkpoint near Sierra Blanca and stopped expecting them to want to check out the trailer and basically give me a hard time like everyone else around here seems to get.
BP officer asks if we are U.S. citizens to which I reply yes ma'am. She tells me to have a good weekend and I drive away.

Maybe they planted a tracking device?

The have UCs (under-covers) working, dressed as homeless people at intersections, off ramps, cashiers, gas station attendants and so on at service stations and restaurants along the I-10 corridor, along with drones, facial recognition cameras, license plate readers, and cloned cell phone towers, for a few hundred plus miles on either side of that checkpoint... all that data is cross referenced with the NCIC, state dmv records, cellphone companies, lexis-nexus, and facebook...at that checkpoint, they knew you were coming by at least 30 minutes to an hour out. A mile or two before the checkpoint, they have scales under the pavement, and that's compared to the average chassis weight of what your driving looking for any anomalies, they have cameras in the ground, on power poles, and even disguised as cactus, as they funnel you into the lanes, they have a backscatter radar device that sees right thru your vehicle, heck, did the Officer tell you that you should quit smoking, because that device can tell them if you have cancerous cells. All that data is available on high tech screens within that raggedy metal shack they stand in, with most of the servers, hardware, other equipment about two stories beneath...

I found all that out by listening to Coast-To-Coast AM the other night

Some of that is true.  
If the trailers are open you can see some of the data servers.
They run a predator drone out of NAS Corpus Christi.
I have not seen scales, but they do use the speed bumps to watch for modified suspension.
Link Posted: 2/21/2016 9:01:57 PM EDT
The trick is to have some left over carne asada sitting on your front seat. K9 gets a whiff, goes ape shit and you get the secondary inspection.
Link Posted: 2/21/2016 9:02:00 PM EDT
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Did you not spot the small white cargo trailers, off to the sides, surrounded by lights on poles, about 100 yards before the checkpoint? You all got infra-red scanned/x-rayed on the drive up. They already knew how many people were travelling with you.
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This one is at least a mile from the checkpoint.

Link Posted: 2/21/2016 9:02:27 PM EDT
On the immigration front I was just watching a show called "Drug Wars".
Haitians would pay coyotes to take them to Puerto Rico, but the coyotes would rip some of them off
by dropping them off on an island near PR. They would be stranded there if it were not for our Parks Dept
patrolling the island.

So the Parks Dept calls Border Patrol, and they fly in via a helicopter to take them to PR for processing. The
Helo can only hold like seven illegals, so in this episode they had to make two flights to get them all to PR.
The BP then goes on to say that they will interview them all to see if they paid a coyote, and he said most will lie and say no.
I guess if you admit it you get sent back ASAP. The BP went on to say if they answer the questioning properly, and have not
been picked up before, or can not be proven to be a criminal most will get sent to Miami. Once in Miami they will get an
immigration hearing and most will be let go on an ROR (released on your own recognizance). Which means they most likely
just disappear into America.

WTF is wrong with this nation? How much does all of this BS cost the US taxpayer.
Link Posted: 2/21/2016 9:02:45 PM EDT
Next time get out, pull the back of your t-shirt up and on top of your head, and ask if they are threatening you.
Link Posted: 2/21/2016 9:04:31 PM EDT
OP, that silver hair would indicate that you were born in an era where manners and courtesy were taught to you.
I'll bet that played a large roll in why the Border Patrol agent was pleasant to you in return.
Link Posted: 2/21/2016 9:04:46 PM EDT
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On the immigration front I was just watching a show called "Drug Wars".
Haitians would pay coyotes to take them to Puerto Rico, but the coyotes would rip some of them off
by dropping them off on an island near PR. They would be stranded there if it were not for our Parks Dept
patrolling the island.

So the Parks Dept calls Border Patrol, and they fly in via a helicopter to take them to PR for processing. The
Helo can only hold like seven illegals, so in this episode they had to make two flights to get them all to PR.
The BP then goes on to say that they will interview them all to see if they paid a coyote, and he said most will lie and say no.
I guess if you admit it you get sent back ASAP. The BP went on to say if they answer the questioning properly, and have not
been picked up before, or can not be proven to be a criminal most will get sent to Miami. Once in Miami they will get an
immigration hearing and most will be let go on an ROR (released on your own recognizance). Which means they most likely
just disappear into America.

WTF is wrong with this nation? How much does all of this BS cost the US taxpayer.
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So many drop dead around here they have emergency water stations with a distress button.  
If water does not fix them up they can hit the button and BP will come pick them up.
Link Posted: 2/21/2016 9:05:51 PM EDT
Been that way for awhile, I ran into  the same as early as 2008.
Link Posted: 2/21/2016 9:06:24 PM EDT
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Did you not spot the small white cargo trailers, off to the sides, surrounded by lights on poles, about 100 yards before the checkpoint? You all got infra-red scanned/x-rayed on the drive up. They already knew how many people were travelling with you.

This one is at least a mile from the checkpoint.



First I've heard of this
Link Posted: 2/21/2016 9:06:30 PM EDT
I thought BP was ordered to stand down a few weeks ago?
Link Posted: 2/21/2016 9:07:06 PM EDT
Yet you were still stopped without probable cause....hmmm seems unconstitutional to me
Link Posted: 2/21/2016 9:07:46 PM EDT
What a wasteful, pathetic joke they checkpoints are. Wide open borders with illegals operating in our cities with impunity, and they want to fuck with you. Disgraceful.
Link Posted: 2/21/2016 9:08:15 PM EDT
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Yet you were still stopped without probable cause....hmmm seems unconstitutional to me
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Not sure if serious, but I agree.
Link Posted: 2/21/2016 9:10:14 PM EDT
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Not sure if serious, but I agree.
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Yet you were still stopped without probable cause....hmmm seems unconstitutional to me

Not sure if serious, but I agree.

Nope dead serious.  What probable cause was there for the detainment?  Other than enforcing the lethal hand of an over zealous government
Link Posted: 2/21/2016 9:11:31 PM EDT
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Next time get out, pull the back of your t-shirt up and on top of your head, and ask if they are threatening you.
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Link Posted: 2/21/2016 9:13:09 PM EDT
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Nope dead serious.  What probable cause was there for the detainment?  Other than enforcing the lethal hand of an over zealous government
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Yet you were still stopped without probable cause....hmmm seems unconstitutional to me

Not sure if serious, but I agree.

Nope dead serious.  What probable cause was there for the detainment?  Other than enforcing the lethal hand of an over zealous government

Link Posted: 2/21/2016 9:14:29 PM EDT
"Negative, I am a meat popsicle."

They love that one.
Link Posted: 2/21/2016 9:15:00 PM EDT

I've had hundreds of interactions with BP and never had a negative experience.

Link Posted: 2/21/2016 9:18:55 PM EDT
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I've had hundreds of interactions with BP and never had a negative experience.

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I have easily had hundreds myself, and the only two negative encounters involved false hits from K9's. Actually, the only negative encounter involved a K9 and a female agent with a complex.
Link Posted: 2/21/2016 9:30:18 PM EDT
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There is a checkpoint on I-19, about 20 miles south of Tucson-----that one it pretty much a breeze to pass through and I suspect that they are most looking for drugs (they use dogs) and other smuggled items.  That said, there is another checkpoint just west of there---located on the 2-land road between Amado and Arivaca (a major drug and illegal route) that is a PITA to pass through-----then too, it is likely that the Border Patrol officers there just don't have enough to keep them occupied.
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The one out by Three Points.  My friend has been working it and the Border Patrol has been warned from higher ups to not arrest any illegals, they are there only to intercept drugs, apparently now under the administration's kinder gentler immigration policy.
Link Posted: 2/21/2016 9:32:17 PM EDT
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Is that the one by Three Points?  My friend has been working it and the Border Patrol has been warned from higher ups to not arrest any illegals, they are there only to intercept drugs, apparently now under the administration's kinder gentler immigration policy.
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There is a checkpoint on I-19, about 20 miles south of Tucson-----that one it pretty much a breeze to pass through and I suspect that they are most looking for drugs (they use dogs) and other smuggled items.  That said, there is another checkpoint just west of there---located on the 2-land road between Amado and Arivaca (a major drug and illegal route) that is a PITA to pass through-----then too, it is likely that the Border Patrol officers there just don't have enough to keep them occupied.

Is that the one by Three Points?  My friend has been working it and the Border Patrol has been warned from higher ups to not arrest any illegals, they are there only to intercept drugs, apparently now under the administration's kinder gentler immigration policy.

The one at Three Points is on SR86, different from the Amado/Arivaca checkpoint.
I went through Three Points checkpoint last week.
Link Posted: 2/21/2016 9:32:38 PM EDT
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That has always been my experience.  
A dog did hit on my coworkers truck north of Laredo once though.
He had a half eaten taco in the bed.  

There was something that happened two or three years ago and the BP agents were all bummed out.
One asked me if I was a citizen and I jokingly replied "does it matter?"   He shook his head and waved me through.
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Was driving eastbound on I-10 from El Paso today towing a travel trailer I had just bought. Rolled up to the checkpoint near Sierra Blanca and stopped expecting them to want to check out the trailer and basically give me a hard time like everyone else around here seems to get.
BP officer asks if we are U.S. citizens to which I reply yes ma'am. She tells me to have a good weekend and I drive away.

Maybe they planted a tracking device?

That has always been my experience.  
A dog did hit on my coworkers truck north of Laredo once though.
He had a half eaten taco in the bed.  

There was something that happened two or three years ago and the BP agents were all bummed out.
One asked me if I was a citizen and I jokingly replied "does it matter?"   He shook his head and waved me through.

Bull shit! That was you? I remember that video being played all over the place

Edit, in the video, didn't the officer respond, "not any more it doesn't."
Link Posted: 2/21/2016 9:34:34 PM EDT
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Bull shit! That was you? I remember that video being played all over the place
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Was driving eastbound on I-10 from El Paso today towing a travel trailer I had just bought. Rolled up to the checkpoint near Sierra Blanca and stopped expecting them to want to check out the trailer and basically give me a hard time like everyone else around here seems to get.
BP officer asks if we are U.S. citizens to which I reply yes ma'am. She tells me to have a good weekend and I drive away.

Maybe they planted a tracking device?

That has always been my experience.  
A dog did hit on my coworkers truck north of Laredo once though.
He had a half eaten taco in the bed.  

There was something that happened two or three years ago and the BP agents were all bummed out.
One asked me if I was a citizen and I jokingly replied "does it matter?"   He shook his head and waved me through.

Bull shit! That was you? I remember that video being played all over the place

No, that video is where I got the idea.  
I don't remember what happened but it was something like a catch and release program.  
One coworkers wife is a BP agent and she was pissed about it and said morale was really low after that shit started.

This is the original video.  

Link Posted: 2/21/2016 9:38:01 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/21/2016 9:38:02 PM EDT
Amen  ...     deport them all   the crooks  
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Had to listen to Hillary on the TV while out for lunch today she was talking about all the poor hard working immigrants she talks to who are worried about deportation......

If they are legal immigrants they have nothing to worry about, if they are criminals who entered the country illegally they deserve to be deported.
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Border Patrol gives zero fucks nowadays, as per orders.

Had to listen to Hillary on the TV while out for lunch today she was talking about all the poor hard working immigrants she talks to who are worried about deportation......

If they are legal immigrants they have nothing to worry about, if they are criminals who entered the country illegally they deserve to be deported.

Link Posted: 2/21/2016 9:38:43 PM EDT
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Border Patrol gives zero fucks nowadays, as per orders.
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Verisimilitudinous is this post.
Link Posted: 2/21/2016 9:48:03 PM EDT
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Did you not spot the small white cargo trailers, off to the sides, surrounded by lights on poles, about 100 yards before the checkpoint? You all got infra-red scanned/x-rayed on the drive up. They already knew how many people were travelling with you.

This one is at least a mile from the checkpoint.



I guess they missed or didn't care about the loaded SIG in my driver's door pocket.
Link Posted: 2/21/2016 9:53:23 PM EDT
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The one at Three Points is on SR86, different from the Amado/Arivaca checkpoint.
I went through Three Points checkpoint last week.
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There is a checkpoint on I-19, about 20 miles south of Tucson-----that one it pretty much a breeze to pass through and I suspect that they are most looking for drugs (they use dogs) and other smuggled items.  That said, there is another checkpoint just west of there---located on the 2-land road between Amado and Arivaca (a major drug and illegal route) that is a PITA to pass through-----then too, it is likely that the Border Patrol officers there just don't have enough to keep them occupied.

Is that the one by Three Points?  My friend has been working it and the Border Patrol has been warned from higher ups to not arrest any illegals, they are there only to intercept drugs, apparently now under the administration's kinder gentler immigration policy.

The one at Three Points is on SR86, different from the Amado/Arivaca checkpoint.
I went through Three Points checkpoint last week.

They have been catching a number of Middle Eastern individuals out there recently, no speaka Spanish, suspected Syrians who are not very nice individuals.  Think they had about 9 of them in custody last week one day.
Link Posted: 2/21/2016 9:53:59 PM EDT
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I wonder if anybody ever answers "No".

I've had friends answer yes in Spanish before and they just get waved through. Nobody cares.
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I answered no.
Guy had me wait for a minute or 2 while he fetched a couple of bottles of water out of a cooler (it was very cold water) and wished me a safe trip.

That was on I-10 heading east, probably an hour or so out of El Paso. Just after the 4th of July, probably the 6th or 7th.
Made it all the way to Lake Charles Louisiana that day.
No A/C in the car either, I shall never forget that day.
Link Posted: 2/21/2016 9:54:06 PM EDT
They put crack in your tail lights and will be pulling you over again soon.
Link Posted: 2/21/2016 9:55:52 PM EDT
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I guess they missed or didn't care about the loaded SIG in my driver's door pocket.
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Did you not spot the small white cargo trailers, off to the sides, surrounded by lights on poles, about 100 yards before the checkpoint? You all got infra-red scanned/x-rayed on the drive up. They already knew how many people were travelling with you.

This one is at least a mile from the checkpoint.



I guess they missed or didn't care about the loaded SIG in my driver's door pocket.

They don't care.    I have never had them ask me about guns.   Only illegals and drugs.
Even that is rare.    95% of the time it is either "Are you a US Citizen?"   or  "Are you alone in the vehicle?"

One did stop to hold a flashlight for me on Old Mines Road North of Laredo.    He did mention that having a gun would not be a bad idea in the area.   I told him that was a good idea and I would look into it. .

I don't get the hate for them.    The checkpoints are kind of a BS deal but they do not get to pick where they work.   Each morning they are assigned to a different job (except maybe the horseback guys, I think they are always on horse patrol).  They do not know if they will be checking tags at the check point or crusing a rubicon across a texas ranch.
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