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Posted: 6/9/2002 8:20:21 PM EDT
Hmm.  Everything about AZ gun laws look great with one exception...

No carry in restaurants that serve alcohol?  

Let me see if I've got this right.  I go to an Olive Garden and don't go to the bar.  I don't drink a thing but a Coke.  If I'm carrying concealed, I'm in violation of the law..?

Please tell me I'm reading this wrong.

If I'm not reading this wrong, what about open carry?


Link Posted: 6/9/2002 8:42:14 PM EDT
Check out www.dps.state.az.us/ccw/ for all you ccw questions.

As for myself, If I'm eating at Olive Garden, not drinking alcohol, I'm carrying. I don't carry in an establishment that is only a bar.
Link Posted: 6/9/2002 8:52:58 PM EDT
It is a whacky rule.  WolfPack loves to tease me about this (he is in Nevada).

I agree with "mleaky".  I have had no problems.

I Nevada, you are only able to carry the 2 weapons listed on your permit.  So if you need something smaller or larger, you are screwed.  That drove me crazy when I lived there.  I have many carry weapons and had a hard time only listing two.

WolfPack you win...
Link Posted: 6/9/2002 8:57:10 PM EDT
Tom, that law is now void, Nevadaians can carry any and all guns they qualify with, yes we DO have to qualify any gun we carry, AZ does not have that rule. I think it is to protect the state from lawsuits in case a CCW holder shoot am innocent person, the State of Nevada can basically say "Hey, he qualified with the weapon he shot, don't blame us."
Link Posted: 6/9/2002 9:00:12 PM EDT

Do you have to list it on your permit??
Link Posted: 6/9/2002 9:06:11 PM EDT
Yes, on the new CCW's you still have to list the guns, but the number is unlimited, I would like to see one with like 100 guns listed it would be 12 inches long

I think they don't expect people to list more than 5, I wouldn't see the purpose of listing more than that anyways.
Link Posted: 6/9/2002 9:10:47 PM EDT
Damn, you Arizona guys just lost Utah on your reciprocity list, be careful not to carry in Utah now.

Also you Utahians can't carry in Arizona, read the link mleaky posted.
Link Posted: 6/9/2002 9:29:49 PM EDT
www.packing.org/ has a lot of info concerning CCW questions.
Link Posted: 6/10/2002 4:29:00 AM EDT

In a particular state, read the law carefully, including the case law.  Here in FL, the alcohol prohibition covers only the bar area of the restaurant.  

This is another example of an area in the CCW laws which needs "cleaning up."  It's something that looks good on paper, but can be a problem.  Most experienced cops know very well what they are looking at in a situation, and wouldn't bother anyone who isn't making trouble.  All you need is one prick, or a new one out to make a name, and you have trouble.

In TX, for example, the law defines an alcohol establishment as one which derives more than 50% of its revenue from the sale of alcohol.  In FL, the law is "more than half."  On paper, they say the same thing.  Depending on the spin at a trial, I suspect a tight ass could make a better case against you with "here are the numbers" than in the other.  

The clean-up I'd suggest would involve a better definition, probably codifying (as opposed to case-precedent) the over half part, and possibly adding a demonstrable intent, such as sitting at the bar rather than just walking through (to go to the bathroom).  Another area is large stores which want to prohibit carry.  It's a public accommodation.  If I'm complying with the law, leave me alone!  This private property business is fine for an individual, but not a public accommodation - think what teh reactions would be in any other context than guns.  <rant over>
Link Posted: 6/10/2002 6:19:14 AM EDT
The relevant AZ law (4-244) prohibits:

"any person other than a peace officer, the licensee or an employee of the licensee acting with the permission of the licensee to be in possession of a firearm while on the licensed premises of an on-sale retailer knowing such possession is prohibited."

The last 5 words specify that if one doesn't know such possession is prohibited, then he has committed no crime.
Link Posted: 6/10/2002 6:34:00 AM EDT

The relevant AZ law (4-244) prohibits:

"any person other than a peace officer, the licensee or an employee of the licensee acting with the permission of the licensee to be in possession of a firearm while on the licensed premises of an on-sale retailer knowing such possession is prohibited."

The last 5 words specify that if one doesn't know such possession is prohibited, then he has committed no crime.

Is your lawyer that good?
Link Posted: 6/10/2002 4:43:42 PM EDT


The last 5 words specify that if one doesn't know such possession is prohibited, then he has committed no crime.

Is your lawyer that good? hr

I have no lawyer, which is why I don't know that many things are prohibited.

And sometimes I am too drunk to know what's going on, including what's prohibited.
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