I currently own a Bushmaster M4A1 and would like another one to match it. The things I like about the Bushmaster are the chrome lined barrel and that it goes bang every time. Apparently the bolt carrier is nice quality according to the people I had look at it. I just want another one to match it with similar quality parts.
My goal was to do this for around $500. The people I asked so far said it was going to run around $700 minimum. That's about how much I paid for my BM. Hmmm What should I do?
Oh, another question...,
I have thought about changing my current AR to a flat top so I can mount optics easier in the future. This is bring up two tough questions for me. 1.) What kind of new upper should I buy? I'm noticing some have different kinds of feed ramps than other and I'm not sure which one will give the best performance 2.) Who can I find to mount my barrel to the new receiver? I don't have any gun friends and you can tell I don't know a lot about this stuff.