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Page AR-15 » Ammunition
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Posted: 8/20/2006 3:30:51 PM EDT
Just noticed on the AIM web site.

SS109 price increase going into effect tomorrow morning 8/21 at 9am. hen
Got my order in for 2 cans this evening.
Link Posted: 8/20/2006 4:03:37 PM EDT
I can't find it on th website...how much is it going up? I was going to place an order Fri.

Link Posted: 8/20/2006 4:57:54 PM EDT


they do not indicate the amount of the increase.
Link Posted: 8/20/2006 6:28:45 PM EDT
Pure BS marketing; I love AIM & have purchased many C&R firearms & ammo from them but this just stinks; it SCREAMS order NOW before the price increase.

Link Posted: 8/20/2006 6:33:26 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/20/2006 6:48:00 PM EDT

Pure BS marketing; I love AIM & have purchased many C&R firearms & ammo from them but this just stinks; it SCREAMS order NOW before the price increase.

Ah stop your bitching, I would rather have a vendor TELL me when they plan on increasing prices rather than finding out after the fact.  I think it is VERY cool that AIM made the announcement.  If they wanted to be EVIL wouldn't they just raise the price without telling anyone?  Now if they didn't raise the price and used a fake increase announcement as a ploy to get orders, then that would be BS.
Link Posted: 8/20/2006 6:53:08 PM EDT


Pure BS marketing; I love AIM & have purchased many C&R firearms & ammo from them but this just stinks; it SCREAMS order NOW before the price increase.

Ah stop your bitching, I would rather have a vendor TELL me when they plan on increasing prices rather than finding out after the fact.  I think it is VERY cool that AIM made the announcement.  If they wanted to be EVIL wouldn't they just raise the price without telling anyone?  Now if they didn't raise the price and used a fake increase announcement as a ploy to get orders, then that would be BS.

Absolutely, If they wanted to screw us they wouldn't have told us.  Very cool to give your customer fair warning and give us a chance to order before hand.  AIM is A-OK in my book.
Link Posted: 8/20/2006 6:54:12 PM EDT

Pure BS marketing; I love AIM & have purchased many C&R firearms & ammo from them but this just stinks; it SCREAMS order NOW before the price increase.

So you LOVE AIM, but are calling BS on them because they are raising prices and they were GOOD enough to let us know in advance so we could save some bucks  if we so desired.

Sheesh, get a life and quitcher bitchin about a company that has gone far out of it's way to please me as a customer, and has a steller reputation for service.

In case you missed it, they posted this price increase about a week ago to give us a heads up, quite courteous of them in my book. They just as easily could have upped the price without warning or cancelled orders as some OTHER companies have been doing.

Link Posted: 8/20/2006 7:01:41 PM EDT


Pure BS marketing; I love AIM & have purchased many C&R firearms & ammo from them but this just stinks; it SCREAMS order NOW before the price increase.

So you LOVE AIM, but are calling BS on them because they are raising prices and they were GOOD enough to let us know in advance so we could save some bucks  if we so desired.

Sheesh, get a life and quitcher bitchin about a company that has gone far out of it's way to please me as a customer, and has a steller reputation for service.

In case you missed it, they posted this price increase about a week ago to give us a heads up, quite courteous of them in my book. They just as easily could have upped the price without warning or cancelled orders as some OTHER companies have been doing.

NO; if you could read I said I call BS on announcing the price increase; thereby making people hurry up & order as much as they can right away. I have no problem with anyone raising prices; however I feel they are capitalizing on the current "ammo shortage fear" & are trying to accelerate sales.

Link Posted: 8/20/2006 7:15:07 PM EDT


Pure BS marketing; I love AIM & have purchased many C&R firearms & ammo from them but this just stinks; it SCREAMS order NOW before the price increase.

There was a thread by them here that said the increased freight charges are driving up the prices.  Is this the 2nd or 3rd time the SA .308 has gone up in the last couple of months?

If it is Freight charges then why is the price increase  only for certain surplus calibers? I have ordered 480 rounds of 7.5x55 & that has to weigh as much or more than the items listed for a price increase?

Link Posted: 8/20/2006 7:20:57 PM EDT
Maybe it is like the Sportsmans Guide shipping problem; they make money on the average order but lose money on large heavy orders & now they are trying to correct their pricing problem. Just a guess.

Link Posted: 8/20/2006 7:24:18 PM EDT



Pure BS marketing; I love AIM & have purchased many C&R firearms & ammo from them but this just stinks; it SCREAMS order NOW before the price increase.

So you LOVE AIM, but are calling BS on them because they are raising prices and they were GOOD enough to let us know in advance so we could save some bucks  if we so desired.

Sheesh, get a life and quitcher bitchin about a company that has gone far out of it's way to please me as a customer, and has a steller reputation for service.

In case you missed it, they posted this price increase about a week ago to give us a heads up, quite courteous of them in my book. They just as easily could have upped the price without warning or cancelled orders as some OTHER companies have been doing.

NO; if you could read I said I call BS on announcing the price increase; thereby making people hurry up & order as much as they can right away. I have no problem with anyone raising prices; however I feel they are capitalizing on the current "ammo shortage fear" & are trying to accelerate sales.

So if they raised prices and sold the ammo they would make MORE money then telling us first so we can buy it at a cheaper price.

I don't think AIM needs to accelerate their ammo sales, they seem to do quite well as it is. Besides it actually would hurt them short term as many would buy cheaper, then not order for a while.

They are a bit behind the ammo price increases actually, I find that AIM raises prices AFTER most others do.

Link Posted: 8/20/2006 7:30:28 PM EDT

Maybe it is like the Sportsmans Guide shipping problem; they make money on the average order but lose money on large heavy orders & now they are trying to correct their pricing problem. Just a guess.

Probably, they are getting low on inventory on the ammo they raised, and since new or surplus ammo has to be bought to replace what they sell and that has gone up in price, they need to raise their price to buy more to make a profit.

I don't LIKE it, but I do understand it.

I don't see all that much surplus coming in in those calibers right now and if and when they sell out of it, new ammo will have to be procured. Therefore they need the capital to buy it.

I'd bet those 3 calibers make up the majority of what they sell.
Link Posted: 8/20/2006 10:20:27 PM EDT



Pure BS marketing; I love AIM & have purchased many C&R firearms & ammo from them but this just stinks; it SCREAMS order NOW before the price increase.

There was a thread by them here that said the increased freight charges are driving up the prices.  Is this the 2nd or 3rd time the SA .308 has gone up in the last couple of months?

If it is Freight charges then why is the price increase  only for certain surplus calibers? I have ordered 480 rounds of 7.5x55 & that has to weigh as much or more than the items listed for a price increase?


Perhaps, the fact that some ammunition is shipped further, and in stages, by multiple carriers........
Link Posted: 8/21/2006 3:48:45 AM EDT
Total f-ing BS by AIM (and I am a customer). They're also increasing the price on Czech and Hungarian 7.62x54R surplus - - as if this stuff that they obviously have sitting there was made yesterday.

I refuse to fall victim  to such predatory tactics.

It's one thing for Winchester to rumor: "no more commercial .223 for 6-9 months because of the war production effort" (which is BS too) but it's a really cheez ball tactic to announce a price increase on a specific hour and date that applies to ammo made 30 yrs ago; imported
five years ago and still sitting in warehouses.

I say: "Shame on AIM" And I thought they were better than that!
Link Posted: 8/21/2006 4:21:23 AM EDT
Crud. Decisions decisions. I could really use some more but the wife wouldn't agree.
Link Posted: 8/21/2006 4:34:46 AM EDT
I vote that all threads about ammo price increases be immediately deleted.
Link Posted: 8/21/2006 5:10:04 AM EDT
Not too bad. Now $139.95.
Link Posted: 8/21/2006 1:23:38 PM EDT

Total f-ing BS by AIM (and I am a customer). They're also increasing the price on Czech and Hungarian 7.62x54R surplus - - as if this stuff that they obviously have sitting there was made yesterday.

I refuse to fall victim  to such predatory tactics.

It's one thing for Winchester to rumor: "no more commercial .223 for 6-9 months because of the war production effort" (which is BS too) but it's a really cheez ball tactic to announce a price increase on a specific hour and date that applies to ammo made 30 yrs ago; imported
five years ago and still sitting in warehouses.

I say: "Shame on AIM" And I thought they were better than that!

Get into the surplus and new ammo business then and "show" em!!!!

You have no idea what predatory tactics are in the least do you?
Link Posted: 8/21/2006 2:25:43 PM EDT
Additional information almost at the bottom of this thread.



Link Posted: 8/21/2006 2:49:40 PM EDT
They had an unusual amount of orders over the weekend... I wonder why?

Got my Order in Friday.

The increase wasn't bad, so i will get some more if it works out in my M4gery.
Link Posted: 8/21/2006 4:09:24 PM EDT
hey, fxintime, you can disagree but you don't need to go bashing me and flaming about
"I have no idea what predatory tactics are about" wtf is that about and who tf do think you are??? huh? I made my statement and that's that. Agree, disagree whatever.  So don't go starting a flame war.

Back off.
Link Posted: 8/21/2006 5:24:47 PM EDT

hey, fxintime, you can disagree but you don't need to go bashing me and flaming about
"I have no idea what predatory tactics are about" wtf is that about and who tf do think you are??? huh? I made my statement and that's that. Agree, disagree whatever.  So don't go starting a flame war.

Back off.

I am NOT flaming you, I'm telling you that you have NO IDEA what predatory pricing tactics are and that YOU are bashing a company unjustly and unfairly.

If you somehow think that is a flame war get a clue.

You have the CHOICE to buy it from anyone who has it. You don't NEED it from AIM, you really don't NEED it from anyone, actually. In fact, you can MAKE your own. AIM cannot "prey" on you and force you to buy anything. Your rant about "predatory" pricing is total BS and asinine.

PS. Are you a dealer of some sort?

PSS. I did not buy ANYTHING from AIM since they posted they were having an increase, so it did not affect me in any way.

Link Posted: 8/21/2006 5:25:48 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/21/2006 5:29:33 PM EDT

Some of the dumbest people on earth post in the ammo forums.  

You did not even scratch the surface with that one.    Why can't GD contain them all?
Link Posted: 8/21/2006 5:44:04 PM EDT
Bashing a company unfairly??? You must work there or something.

Dude, get a clue yourself, they announced a price increase on 30-50 yr old milsurp too.
Ammo sitting there for months or years.

They're gouging the buyers IMO and I won't be a party to that and I won't buy from them anymore

It's the same as if you walk into any store and they paste price increase stickers over the old stickers of existing supply. AIM is doing nothing different here

That's all
Link Posted: 8/21/2006 5:52:42 PM EDT
There are surely some people here that bought new Colt SP1's in the 80's for under $500.  Will they sell them now for $500?  People adjust prices to what the market is willing to pay, it's just good business.  I don't like paying more for ammo either but I don't blame AIM for raiseing their prices.  If I had something for sale and I was selling as fast as I could ship it I would do the same thing and so would any of us here.
Link Posted: 8/21/2006 6:09:31 PM EDT

Bashing a company unfairly??? You must work there or something.

Dude, get a clue yourself, they announced a price increase on 30-50 yr old milsurp too.
Ammo sitting there for months or years.

They're gouging the buyers IMO and I won't be a party to that and I won't buy from them anymore

It's the same as if you walk into any store and they paste price increase stickers over the old stickers of existing supply. AIM is doing nothing different here

That's all

They also have to purchase replacement stock, you make the money to buy that by selling your existing product. If you receive a price increase on your replacement stock, you raise the price on your already paid for stock so as to be able to buy the new stock without losing money.

Surplus is just like any other product, while it was made years ago, it was bought by a company or companies, and wholesaled to others. While AIM seems to have been one of the main retailers of this stuff, it also went to other companies and they also seem to have done some wholesaling themselves from talking with dealers I know. I believe the supply is low enough on some of the calibers that they have stopped this practice as of late. To me this is a signal that it is not all that plentiful and they need the cash to look for new ammo stocks as some surplus calibers are not going to be renewed by "fresh" stocks for now.

I do not work for AIM, never have, and have never been in either firearm sales or ammo sales. I DO know how business works.
Link Posted: 8/21/2006 6:11:12 PM EDT
Whoops dbl post.
Link Posted: 8/21/2006 6:19:03 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/21/2006 6:28:08 PM EDT
Well, the bottom line is, that ordering Radway Green from AIM would be stupid.

Why order the Radway Green when you could get the Guatemalan ammo for cheaper?  That Guatemalan ammo kicks ass and the seconds stuff they're selling now is better than the stuff they sold me six months ago!
Link Posted: 8/22/2006 8:39:20 AM EDT
Must have missed it for sale somewhere else.  I saw the Guat for sale at $260 for 1440 rounds through century.  No longer offered as of a few days ago.  I also think it was not reloadable, is this correct?

Aim had the Radway at $130 per 720.  Same price, but you had to pay shipping.  $30 on four cases for me.  And you get a ammo can with each case.  

I am glad they announced the price increase.  I have been waiting to buy some due to the 8mm I have been buying.  Knowing it was going up, I went ahead and purchased 4 more cans.  That ups my supply to 3500 rounds that can be reloaded.  Once shot brass is about 5 cents each, makes it a nice deal.  Better than wolf right now.

I for one am happy with AIM and century.  Found the .223 wolf for a fair price once at SG and IN STOCK, but I passed on it.  Saving a few bucks and having to deal with them is just not worth it.

Link Posted: 8/22/2006 4:15:08 PM EDT
You kids shouldn't play so rough, someone's going to get their feelings hurt...
it's a $10 per can increase;  they told us it was coming.
Besides, does ANYONE have cans of RG for a better price???
IIRC, all the other retailers raised there prices on RG 3-4 months ago,
and AIM is still lower than anyone else, if that's not correct, by all means let me know,
but come on, it's $10.
Link Posted: 8/22/2006 4:31:22 PM EDT

You kids shouldn't play so rough, someone's going to get their feelings hurt...
it's a $10 per can increase;  they told us it was coming.
Besides, does ANYONE have cans of RG for a better price???
IIRC, all the other retailers raised there prices on RG 3-4 months ago,
and AIM is still lower than anyone else, if that's not correct, by all means let me know,
but come on, it's $10.

Link Posted: 8/22/2006 7:27:58 PM EDT
Whats Wideners selling that stuff for , something like $133.- per 720?
Link Posted: 8/22/2006 7:52:15 PM EDT

You kids shouldn't play so rough, someone's going to get their feelings hurt...
it's a $10 per can increase;  they told us it was coming.
Besides, does ANYONE have cans of RG for a better price???
IIRC, all the other retailers raised there prices on RG 3-4 months ago,
and AIM is still lower than anyone else, if that's not correct, by all means let me know,
but come on, it's $10.

Yeah, Wideners is cheaper.  $133.00 for 720 rds, packaged the same as Aim (strippers, cans, etc.).  They also have a special going right now: 4 or more cans for $125.00 each.  Shipping was cheaper from Wideners on my last order, as well.  I saved $40.00 on 5 cans from Wideners over Aim.

ETA: It was $40.00 cheaper over Aim's old prices ($129 per 720 rds).  I would have saved another $50.00 with Aim's new pricing structure on the order
Link Posted: 8/23/2006 2:52:46 PM EDT
Yeah, Wideners is cheaper.  $133.00 for 720 rds, packaged the same as Aim (strippers, cans, etc.).  They also have a special going right now: 4 or more cans for $125.00 each.  Shipping was cheaper from Wideners on my last order, as well.  I saved $40.00 on 5 cans from Wideners over Aim.

ETA: It was $40.00 cheaper over Aim's old prices ($129 per 720 rds).  I would have saved another $50.00 with Aim's new pricing structure on the order

Good, buy from Wideners then... I didn't know about them, but, AIM is pretty close, and before the price increase they were lowest right? Anyone else have a lower price than $140?
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AR Sponsor: bravocompany
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