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Link Posted: 4/25/2024 7:59:48 AM EDT
The Colonel offered them a free lunch.
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 8:08:44 AM EDT
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In bedrock terms...

There's always speech that (rightly) should be restricted.  

That's not even up for argument, and if we think it is, cool.

We'll send someone down to the nearest and most crowded place and start having them tell everyone your full name, address, drivers license number, bank account, SSI, etc.

If we say "Oh but that's different" ... that's time to stare in a mirror and realize somethings mentally out of whack.

So, WHY ... do we restrict people from exactly the kind of speech I just used as an example?  Not merely because it's private information,but also because of the effects that you reasonably expect to follow it if it's widely broadcasted.

Here's a different example.

Dude tried to publish a book on how to groom kids in order to do pedo stuff to them on amazon.

Book (speech) got pulled.  It wasn't spreading private info like the first example, but I doubt anyone here would say it shouldn't have been restricted, and that amazon should have been punished for ever letting it get on the site in the first place, because they should have known better.


I'd guess the question at hand is ... exactly what are the protestors saying, and is it morally the same kind of thing as the examples given above.  

... and if we decide it is, we'd better be right, because it's going to have to be applied equally everywhere it would otherwise apply.
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You couldn’t be more wrong. Regarding your first example, it is up to YOU to keep your information private, those who improperly release or fail to secure that information are responsible for civil damages. Those who use that information to commit a crime (fraud, theft, etc.) then become criminally responsible.

In your second straw man example, pedophiles have every right to out themselves through free speech. The benefit to society is that we then know who these monsters are and can focus a judicial microscope on them (if resources can ever be taken away from hunting January 6th insurrectionists) and prosecute them to the fullest, once they cross that line between free speech and a crime.

Amazon was NOT violating the monsters right to free speech because they had no obligation to provide a platform for his monstrous work. They were acting with a rare sense of corporate responsibility.

Also, people have every right to be anti-Semitic, just like people have a right to hate Muslims, Blacks, Whites, chili with beans, whatever. What you don’t have a right to do is cause physical or tangible harm to someone (feelings not included) nor do you have a right to make someone or some entity provide a platform for your fucked-up beliefs.

That is how free speech works.

Of course, I mean “you” in the collective sense, not personally.
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 8:27:39 AM EDT
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A few weeks ago, I was finishing up with my tax guy. He is Jewish, I’ve worked with him for 14 tax years. He is fiscally conservative, a family man, doesn’t understand why anyone not a cop or a soldier “needs” a gun but doesn’t “hate” guns. Yet, he voted for Hilary, voted for Biden and will vote for Biden again because he thinks Trump is “too divisive”. He also reminds me that he is an American Jew, not an Israeli. I get the distinction and appreciate it but the man is literally voting for his own extinction. I don’t understand how smart people can look at what is happening with…we’ll…EVERYTHING and still be voting for Democrats.
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You're still working with him. He faces no consequences for being a leftist, why would he care? People don't care and by the time their lives are impacted enough for them to care voting their way out usually is no longer an option.
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 8:29:08 AM EDT
Let's face it, these anti Israel/jewish protests across  all the liberal shitholes are being staged by the same people that did blm bullshit in 2020. The difference is that antisemtims thats being stirred up will get people killed.

As a jew, I am beyond fucking livid seeing what's happening across the campuses and cities across America.

How can this be allowed to happen? How are people this fucking stupid?

This will not end well...
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People protest while people every day. Join the club, bigot. You're not tan enough.
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 8:31:05 AM EDT
People act like this shit is something new. The Left has always hated Jews... and Jews have always been Lefties.
(Which shows that, while they may value education, they don't always value common sense.)
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 8:34:36 AM EDT
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I see some very brave men and women. Many post here. It is true that many embrace however wrongly the liberal left of academia with some holdover of the shtetl mentality of pacifism that survived intact here, but died off in Europe and never made it to Israel.

No, what you see here is not cowardice, more of a hubris born out of the success of prior generations leading to some sort of disconnect with reality. See American Jews that were not there never saw the horror of mid 20th century Europe.  They lived in the Pax Americana where they could indulge their altruism. The boomers through present never really had to face violence and are wholly unprepared for it.
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I see some very brave men and women. Many post here. It is true that many embrace however wrongly the liberal left of academia with some holdover of the shtetl mentality of pacifism that survived intact here, but died off in Europe and never made it to Israel.

No, what you see here is not cowardice, more of a hubris born out of the success of prior generations leading to some sort of disconnect with reality. See American Jews that were not there never saw the horror of mid 20th century Europe.  They lived in the Pax Americana where they could indulge their altruism. The boomers through present never really had to face violence and are wholly unprepared for it.

You’re right, I was too crude in my assessment.


So you are ready to throw out the baby with the bathwater? Really fucking upstanding of you. You are supposed to stand up for the weak.

Also, there are plenty of jews that will not put up with this bullshit again. Trust me on this...

I’m ready to throw you out with the bath water because I DO have a baby to take care of. Sounds like you think I should give the 70% of American Jews who helped cause this mess in the first place my very last drop of blood. I won’t. I’m just one guy though with an outlier background.

Respectfully, I think I’ve done plenty thank you. My mother’s friends are STILL planning on voting for Biden.

And no, I don’t trust you on this. Why should I? The data is telling me otherwise. We will see come November if the American Jewish populace cares about themselves at all.
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 8:50:06 AM EDT
The current intelligencia is wrapped up heavily in post modernist thought.  A tearing down of the old societies and their institutions.  The Jews in particular are at the core of it.

They have little control of the tsunami they've unleashed.  The rank and file campus critter has morphed into a Self-Gassing, Auto-Cremating Heb.
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 8:52:36 AM EDT
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It's freaking frightening. I don't understand why the sudden 180...
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Useful (Useless) Idiots be that way.
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 8:52:45 AM EDT
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I see some very brave men and women. Many post here. It is true that many embrace however wrongly the liberal left of academia with some holdover of the shtetl mentality of pacifism that survived intact here, but died off in Europe and never made it to Israel.

No, what you see here is not cowardice, more of a hubris born out of the success of prior generations leading to some sort of disconnect with reality. See American Jews that were not there never saw the horror of mid 20th century Europe.  They lived in the Pax Americana where they could indulge their altruism. The boomers through present never really had to face violence and are wholly unprepared for it.
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What are you basing your assessment of American Jew's experiences off of?  The reason I ask is that I went to middle school and HS in Upstate NY, about 20 miles north of NYC. I would venture to guess that in the 1970's that area was perhaps 50-60% Jewish, maybe more. Nowadays it has overwhelmed by orthodox and Hassidic Jews…probably in 70-80% range.  As another data point arguably the NYC area of the US has by far the largest concentration of Jews

The reason I mention all of this is that in 9th grade I was made to attend mandatory Holocaust classes twice a week, each a 90 min class, for two semesters. The fact that I'm not a jew had no bearing…jew and Goyum alike were all made to attend. This was indoctrination, not really education, about the horrors of the Holocaust.  

Additionally many of the parents of the friends that I had bore the tattoos form the camps. In fact that was pretty common, not unusual at all.

So from my experiences the largest concentration of jews in the US, which is the largest Diaspora of Jews in the world, have been well "educated" on the atrocities of WW2.

My opinion is that Jews voting Dem as a rule has little to do with their not having experienced violence.
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 8:53:06 AM EDT
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I 100% sympathize with the Jewish people who vote conservative in this country. The Jews who keep voting for lieberal demonrats year after year are just reaping what they have sowed, so to speak.
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A former co worker of mine is a secular, ultra conservative Jew. He despises the left and especially has harsh words for Jews who vote Democrat. He's told me more than once they would vote for and support a leftist candidate just to be contrarians, even if it meant being loaded into a box car........
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 9:00:28 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 9:23:08 AM EDT
Who do Jews overwhelmingly vote for again?

I can't find any sympathy for Jewish Americans that made their bed with the left decades ago and now find it has bedbugs.
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 9:23:08 AM EDT
This is way too long to read.
Skip the post unless you want to waste time on a detailed observation.

So, when I was a kid I found out something that led me to really wanting to understand anti-semitism.
Which to explain requires some weird copy pasta -ish back story.

I was a teenager and with my uncle.  I grew up in rural northern New England.  The kind of place where people have been working the same dairy farm for a couple of hundred years, family has been mining slate or granite, or logging, or whatever since their ancestors got to America.  In the early 80s there was a town meeting- and there was some weird thing where the mayor of Burlington, a professor at UVM, the state AG of Mass. or something, and some out of state businessmen were in some kind of weird thing where they were rich people in NYC, Boston, etc. where they were buying property in Maine, VT, NH, etc. and getting people in local government changing and messing with zoning and manipulating property values and squeezing out old family land types then getting the property cheap then changing zoning or property taxes and developing, selling, etc.  I don’t remember if it was the annual March town meeting or a special one.  But it was full of stuff being said like godamn greedy Jew cheating bastards, rabble rousing hippy ass Jew agitators, etc.  My uncle was kind of sick looking, and said- let’s go.  My dad had died in a log truck accident a few years before, my grandfather a little before that in his 70s. Neither them nor my uncle was known for being cowardly.  And my uncle and grandfather looked like 80s WWF 220 pound six footer types with many legit tavern brawl in their histories.  I didn’t understand why he was in a hurry to leave all of a sudden.  Like 98.87% of the people in town, that side of the family and mine were basic Protestants at the one little church in town.  Now, I have described this before and gotten a warning for antisemitism.  But it happened and it’s why my uncle told me some stuff I didn’t know.

So, my uncle gave me a talk after we left.  And told me some details I don’t think even his wife or my mom knew.

My great grandfather was French Ashkenazi who went from France to Quebec.  He was going to make his fortune in the fur trade but in the later 1800s it was more of a just getting by thing.  He trapped and somehow his gun was a cut down British Artillery rifled musket.  My understanding is being Jewish was something he never really had any involvement or practicing or anything after arriving in Canada.  I guess a lot more men than women immigrated and he married a Huron girl whose dad was chief /leader of the village or little res.  She was like his fifth daughter or something so he threw in a Remington rolling block rimfire with a bunch of brass tacks, a leather wrap, etc. On it as the dowry.  Her village had missionaries and she had been raised “Catholic.”  So I guess they were Catholic until they moved away east to New Brunswick.  and ended up moving away from that area.  and basically were in a little rural area where everyone was basically Protestant and there was one tiny little church. My grandmother was one of their daughters born around 1903 and got married to a burly man in New Brunswick.  Whose mother was Jewish and also grew up not doing any stuff related to being Jewish and whose family grew up basic local Protestant. .  Her siblings ended up in Quebec, New Brunswick, Maine, and Nova Scotia.  They ended up in another New England state.   Where my dad and aunts and uncles were born and also raised Protestant and where I grew up.

So, kind of looking into things over the years, one aspect of the rise of anti-semitism in Germany was a similar anti-traditional German culture, mores, Values, agitation and progressive influence, combined with mercantile disgust, combined with old school European baseline dislike- that did not deserve but was a part of the full retard hammer of Thor dropping on them.its a horrible event in world history,  but it was not random.  It’s a rough pill to swallow, but it wasn’t random.

Here in America, we have the traditional business financial prejudice dislike aspect, etc. that has been around forever, and now about 50 years of 2% of the population being very disproportionately involved in activism, progressivism, anti-traditional America culture, communism, and values, etc.
And, unlike Germany, a murderous brutal repercussion never came.  The seeds they planted and the flames they fanned grew and spread.   And are circling back on them.  For reason I cannot explain or understand-
Jewish people in America have disproportionately been involved in stirring up a ton of progressive discord, backing communism, and weird academic shit and weird social acceptances of deviant sexual shit, and legal stuff disruptive to a functional criminal system, etc.  All the stuff that gave them the safest, most harmonious, most opportunity, landscape for success land and life in their entire history.

I don’t hate Jewish people.  I don’t want a repeat of the Holocaust.  I don’t want a warning for anti-semtism.

I’m just trying to objectively state something along the lines of-
You had a big wonderful farm in america.  It was nice.
Then you guys - for a reason I can’t understand - planted a bunch of kudzu on the school playground, on the local college campus, in the town park, and by the courthouse.  Now that kudzu is overflowing your farm.  
And you don’t like it.
None of your neighbors want it on their farm either.
And we never wanted you to plant it.
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 9:28:39 AM EDT
Any Jew still voting democrat is a freaking moron!
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 9:35:59 AM EDT
The irony of their prejudice and hatred is lost on them.
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 9:39:32 AM EDT
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I lost a Jewish friend of mine in 2020 over the whole whiteness BLM shit. 20 years of friendship pissed away because she kept on about how embarrassed I should be of my white privileged and my 'nazi ancestors'
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Get back in touch.
Ask her if she's properly embarrassed about Israel's attacks on the poor downtrodden terrorists and the Jewish NAZIs who bomb their hospitals.
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 9:41:47 AM EDT
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During World War II the German Left killed 6 million Jews.

Lately the Left's COVID has killed more than 7 million people, the number comes from the World Health Organization.

Left is extreme evil.  Leftists are extreme evil.

It's not just Jews, it appears the Left wants to kill civilization itself.  Look at the Left's Voluntary Human Extinction Movement.


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They just want it to start with the next generation. This is the reason for the abortion and trans movement. The children they can't kill in the womb they sterilize.
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 9:45:17 AM EDT
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“Literally Hitler”

Is what we kept hearing about Trump.

Seems like we are weeks away from the left rounding up Jews for camps.

Shocked at how everything they screamed about Trump is happening under Biden. The wars, whatever ism you want to call it. All happening as they said, just under their guy.

Be odd to see the amount of Americans dancing in the streets when the next 9/11 happens.
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This happened because we let them infiltrate the educational system. We now have several generations of thoroughly indoctrinated people That think it is legitimate to silence, imprison, or kill people that don't agree with their politics.
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 9:45:18 AM EDT
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I'm not Jewish, but I'm with OP.
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Let's face it, these anti Israel/jewish protests across  all the liberal shitholes are being staged by the same people that did blm bullshit in 2020. The difference is that antisemtims thats being stirred up will get people killed.

As a jew, I am beyond fucking livid seeing what's happening across the campuses and cities across America.

How can this be allowed to happen? How are people this fucking stupid?

This will not end well...

I'm not Jewish, but I'm with OP.

Link Posted: 4/25/2024 9:50:10 AM EDT
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"The Godless bunch" "blessings we now enjoy"

i get you are referring to the minority protesting

i think we are soft and have been soft in fighting back

if anything this mess is more likely to be resolved after the boomers fade away

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Being straight here, the Marxism pushed by liberal Jewish professors for the last 60 years is biting them in the ass. Their chickens have come home to roost.

Not that I support it but am a staunch Israel supporter. Those that curse Israel will be cursed by God. I pray for the peace of Jerusalem. What is disturbing is that this godless bunch will take over after us Boomers fade away. Between the millions of souls of the aborted crying for justice and this bunch cursing Israel, God will withdraw the many blessings we now enjoy. America may be no more.

Then Israel will truly stand alone.

"The Godless bunch" "blessings we now enjoy"

i get you are referring to the minority protesting

i think we are soft and have been soft in fighting back

if anything this mess is more likely to be resolved after the boomers fade away

How so?

Link Posted: 4/25/2024 9:56:24 AM EDT
The hammer will fall when it’s time!
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 9:58:20 AM EDT
According to the extreme left it's not a hate crime if crimes are against Jews.  Any other religious or sexual identity it's a hate crime.
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 10:15:42 AM EDT
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If I had to guess it all goes back to the drumbeat of race politics the left has been harping on since the Obama presidency. Jews lost their "minority status" and became just more white people that need their privilege checked.
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It's freaking frightening. I don't understand why the sudden 180...

If I had to guess it all goes back to the drumbeat of race politics the left has been harping on since the Obama presidency. Jews lost their "minority status" and became just more white people that need their privilege checked.


It's just upsetting to me that this pushback only occurs when it's them that's hurting, it never seemed to bother anyone when it was just white people getting beaten/assaulted/discriminated against etc.
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 10:16:08 AM EDT
Satan hates all those who were created in God's image.
He figured out a way to play us all against each other.
He hates his own followers as well but delights in using them against the People who have accepted Jesus Christ as their savior...and Satan hates the People of the Promise made to Abraham,Isaac and Jacob.
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 10:21:07 AM EDT
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Who do Jews overwhelmingly vote for again?

I can't find any sympathy for Jewish Americans that made their bed with the left decades ago and now find it has bedbugs.
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Generally, the more conservative religiously the far greater likelihood that voting will be for Republicans. I don't know any Orthodox who vote Democrat.
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 10:24:36 AM EDT
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Generally, the more conservative religiously the far greater likelihood that voting will be for Republicans. I don't know any Orthodox who vote Democrat.
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Who do Jews overwhelmingly vote for again?

I can't find any sympathy for Jewish Americans that made their bed with the left decades ago and now find it has bedbugs.

Generally, the more conservative religiously the far greater likelihood that voting will be for Republicans. I don't know any Orthodox who vote Democrat.

Ok but they're a far minority amongst Jews, so that's worth very little.
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 10:24:38 AM EDT
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What are you basing your assessment of American Jew's experiences off of?  The reason I ask is that I went to middle school and HS in Upstate NY, about 20 miles north of NYC. I would venture to guess that in the 1970's that area was perhaps 50-60% Jewish, maybe more. Nowadays it has overwhelmed by orthodox and Hassidic Jews probably in 70-80% range.  As another data point arguably the NYC area of the US has by far the largest concentration of Jews

The reason I mention all of this is that in 9th grade I was made to attend mandatory Holocaust classes twice a week, each a 90 min class, for two semesters. The fact that I'm not a jew had no bearing jew and Goyum alike were all made to attend. This was indoctrination, not really education, about the horrors of the Holocaust.  

Additionally many of the parents of the friends that I had bore the tattoos form the camps. In fact that was pretty common, not unusual at all.

So from my experiences the largest concentration of jews in the US, which is the largest Diaspora of Jews in the world, have been well "educated" on the atrocities of WW2.

My opinion is that Jews voting Dem as a rule has little to do with their not having experienced violence.
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I see some very brave men and women. Many post here. It is true that many embrace however wrongly the liberal left of academia with some holdover of the shtetl mentality of pacifism that survived intact here, but died off in Europe and never made it to Israel.

No, what you see here is not cowardice, more of a hubris born out of the success of prior generations leading to some sort of disconnect with reality. See American Jews that were not there never saw the horror of mid 20th century Europe.  They lived in the Pax Americana where they could indulge their altruism. The boomers through present never really had to face violence and are wholly unprepared for it.

What are you basing your assessment of American Jew's experiences off of?  The reason I ask is that I went to middle school and HS in Upstate NY, about 20 miles north of NYC. I would venture to guess that in the 1970's that area was perhaps 50-60% Jewish, maybe more. Nowadays it has overwhelmed by orthodox and Hassidic Jews probably in 70-80% range.  As another data point arguably the NYC area of the US has by far the largest concentration of Jews

The reason I mention all of this is that in 9th grade I was made to attend mandatory Holocaust classes twice a week, each a 90 min class, for two semesters. The fact that I'm not a jew had no bearing jew and Goyum alike were all made to attend. This was indoctrination, not really education, about the horrors of the Holocaust.  

Additionally many of the parents of the friends that I had bore the tattoos form the camps. In fact that was pretty common, not unusual at all.

So from my experiences the largest concentration of jews in the US, which is the largest Diaspora of Jews in the world, have been well "educated" on the atrocities of WW2.

My opinion is that Jews voting Dem as a rule has little to do with their not having experienced violence.

I'm curious, did they teach about the non-Jews that were also killed in the holocaust? Like you, I grew up in an area (central NY) with a large Jewish population. Few of the Jews that I spent time with or was friends with ever discussed or acknowledged that there were other groups taken to the camps.

Not making light of the experience of Jews during the holocaust, just curious about how complete the curriculum was.

Link Posted: 4/25/2024 10:29:39 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 10:34:57 AM EDT
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You couldn’t be more wrong. Regarding your first example, it is up to YOU to keep your information private, those who improperly release or fail to secure that information are responsible for civil damages. Those who use that information to commit a crime (fraud, theft, etc.) then become criminally responsible.

In your second straw man example, pedophiles have every right to out themselves through free speech. The benefit to society is that we then know who these monsters are and can focus a judicial microscope on them (if resources can ever be taken away from hunting January 6th insurrectionists) and prosecute them to the fullest, once they cross that line between free speech and a crime.

Amazon was NOT violating the monsters right to free speech because they had no obligation to provide a platform for his monstrous work. They were acting with a rare sense of corporate responsibility.

Also, people have every right to be anti-Semitic, just like people have a right to hate Muslims, Blacks, Whites, chili with beans, whatever. What you don’t have a right to do is cause physical or tangible harm to someone (feelings not included) nor do you have a right to make someone or some entity provide a platform for your fucked-up beliefs.

That is how free speech works.

Of course, I mean “you” in the collective sense, not personally.
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In bedrock terms...

There's always speech that (rightly) should be restricted.  

That's not even up for argument, and if we think it is, cool.

We'll send someone down to the nearest and most crowded place and start having them tell everyone your full name, address, drivers license number, bank account, SSI, etc.

If we say "Oh but that's different" ... that's time to stare in a mirror and realize somethings mentally out of whack.

So, WHY ... do we restrict people from exactly the kind of speech I just used as an example?  Not merely because it's private information,but also because of the effects that you reasonably expect to follow it if it's widely broadcasted.

Here's a different example.

Dude tried to publish a book on how to groom kids in order to do pedo stuff to them on amazon.

Book (speech) got pulled.  It wasn't spreading private info like the first example, but I doubt anyone here would say it shouldn't have been restricted, and that amazon should have been punished for ever letting it get on the site in the first place, because they should have known better.


I'd guess the question at hand is ... exactly what are the protestors saying, and is it morally the same kind of thing as the examples given above.  

... and if we decide it is, we'd better be right, because it's going to have to be applied equally everywhere it would otherwise apply.

You couldn’t be more wrong. Regarding your first example, it is up to YOU to keep your information private, those who improperly release or fail to secure that information are responsible for civil damages. Those who use that information to commit a crime (fraud, theft, etc.) then become criminally responsible.

In your second straw man example, pedophiles have every right to out themselves through free speech. The benefit to society is that we then know who these monsters are and can focus a judicial microscope on them (if resources can ever be taken away from hunting January 6th insurrectionists) and prosecute them to the fullest, once they cross that line between free speech and a crime.

Amazon was NOT violating the monsters right to free speech because they had no obligation to provide a platform for his monstrous work. They were acting with a rare sense of corporate responsibility.

Also, people have every right to be anti-Semitic, just like people have a right to hate Muslims, Blacks, Whites, chili with beans, whatever. What you don’t have a right to do is cause physical or tangible harm to someone (feelings not included) nor do you have a right to make someone or some entity provide a platform for your fucked-up beliefs.

That is how free speech works.

Of course, I mean “you” in the collective sense, not personally.

They have the right to be whatever. The minute people start getting hurt(assulted) or threatened with bodily harm(Columbia) it crosses the line from free speech and requires action. BTW, both of those meet full description of terrorism... where is the fbi on this one?
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 10:37:41 AM EDT
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You’re right, I was too crude in my assessment.

I’m ready to throw you out with the bath water because I DO have a baby to take care of. Sounds like you think I should give the 70% of American Jews who helped cause this mess in the first place my very last drop of blood. I won’t. I’m just one guy though with an outlier background.

Respectfully, I think I’ve done plenty thank you. My mother’s friends are STILL planning on voting for Biden.

And no, I don’t trust you on this. Why should I? The data is telling me otherwise. We will see come November if the American Jewish populace cares about themselves at all.
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Short sighted. But it's okay. I'll stand up for you anyway... because it's the right thing to do and I have two kids to take care of too...
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 10:40:15 AM EDT

Got one!

Disgusting? Just because it's different from what you believe it's Disgusting? Very American of you... I mean leftist...
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 10:43:57 AM EDT
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This is way too long to read.
Skip the post unless you want to waste time on a detailed observation.

So, when I was a kid I found out something that led me to really wanting to understand anti-semitism.
Which to explain requires some weird copy pasta -ish back story.

I was a teenager and with my uncle.  I grew up in rural northern New England.  The kind of place where people have been working the same dairy farm for a couple of hundred years, family has been mining slate or granite, or logging, or whatever since their ancestors got to America.  In the early 80s there was a town meeting- and there was some weird thing where the mayor of Burlington, a professor at UVM, the state AG of Mass. or something, and some out of state businessmen were in some kind of weird thing where they were rich people in NYC, Boston, etc. where they were buying property in Maine, VT, NH, etc. and getting people in local government changing and messing with zoning and manipulating property values and squeezing out old family land types then getting the property cheap then changing zoning or property taxes and developing, selling, etc.  I don’t remember if it was the annual March town meeting or a special one.  But it was full of stuff being said like godamn greedy Jew cheating bastards, rabble rousing hippy ass Jew agitators, etc.  My uncle was kind of sick looking, and said- let’s go.  My dad had died in a log truck accident a few years before, my grandfather a little before that in his 70s. Neither them nor my uncle was known for being cowardly.  And my uncle and grandfather looked like 80s WWF 220 pound six footer types with many legit tavern brawl in their histories.  I didn’t understand why he was in a hurry to leave all of a sudden.  Like 98.87% of the people in town, that side of the family and mine were basic Protestants at the one little church in town.  Now, I have described this before and gotten a warning for antisemitism.  But it happened and it’s why my uncle told me some stuff I didn’t know.

So, my uncle gave me a talk after we left.  And told me some details I don’t think even his wife or my mom knew.

My great grandfather was French Ashkenazi who went from France to Quebec.  He was going to make his fortune in the fur trade but in the later 1800s it was more of a just getting by thing.  He trapped and somehow his gun was a cut down British Artillery rifled musket.  My understanding is being Jewish was something he never really had any involvement or practicing or anything after arriving in Canada.  I guess a lot more men than women immigrated and he married a Huron girl whose dad was chief /leader of the village or little res.  She was like his fifth daughter or something so he threw in a Remington rolling block rimfire with a bunch of brass tacks, a leather wrap, etc. On it as the dowry.  Her village had missionaries and she had been raised “Catholic.”  So I guess they were Catholic until they moved away east to New Brunswick.  and ended up moving away from that area.  and basically were in a little rural area where everyone was basically Protestant and there was one tiny little church. My grandmother was one of their daughters born around 1903 and got married to a burly man in New Brunswick.  Whose mother was Jewish and also grew up not doing any stuff related to being Jewish and whose family grew up basic local Protestant. .  Her siblings ended up in Quebec, New Brunswick, Maine, and Nova Scotia.  They ended up in another New England state.   Where my dad and aunts and uncles were born and also raised Protestant and where I grew up.

So, kind of looking into things over the years, one aspect of the rise of anti-semitism in Germany was a similar anti-traditional German culture, mores, Values, agitation and progressive influence, combined with mercantile disgust, combined with old school European baseline dislike- that did not deserve but was a part of the full retard hammer of Thor dropping on them.its a horrible event in world history,  but it was not random.  It’s a rough pill to swallow, but it wasn’t random.

Here in America, we have the traditional business financial prejudice dislike aspect, etc. that has been around forever, and now about 50 years of 2% of the population being very disproportionately involved in activism, progressivism, anti-traditional America culture, communism, and values, etc.
And, unlike Germany, a murderous brutal repercussion never came.  The seeds they planted and the flames they fanned grew and spread.   And are circling back on them.  For reason I cannot explain or understand-
Jewish people in America have disproportionately been involved in stirring up a ton of progressive discord, backing communism, and weird academic shit and weird social acceptances of deviant sexual shit, and legal stuff disruptive to a functional criminal system, etc.  All the stuff that gave them the safest, most harmonious, most opportunity, landscape for success land and life in their entire history.

I don’t hate Jewish people.  I don’t want a repeat of the Holocaust.  I don’t want a warning for anti-semtism.

I’m just trying to objectively state something along the lines of-
You had a big wonderful farm in america.  It was nice.
Then you guys - for a reason I can’t understand - planted a bunch of kudzu on the school playground, on the local college campus, in the town park, and by the courthouse.  Now that kudzu is overflowing your farm.  
And you don’t like it.
None of your neighbors want it on their farm either.
And we never wanted you to plant it.
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Unfortunately I can't disagree. I came to the US in 1989(legally). It was already too late at that point. I'm just trying to manage the fallout... it's just shocking to me that it's gotten so bad so fast. I also understand that it's the leftist commies that are pushing this agenda. I'm just horrified at the kids eating this shit up...
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 10:44:51 AM EDT
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It's just upsetting to me that this pushback only occurs when it's them that's hurting, it never seemed to bother anyone when it was just white people getting beaten/assaulted/discriminated against etc.
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Also agree. That's 100% bs. This behavior was unacceptable when it was blm in 2020, it's unacceptable now.
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 10:52:41 AM EDT
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Unfortunately I can't disagree. I came to the US in 1989(legally). It was already too late at that point. I'm just trying to manage the fallout... it's just shocking to me that it's gotten so bad so fast. I also understand that it's the leftist commies that are pushing this agenda. I'm just horrified at the kids eating this shit up...
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? ???? ??????? ??????? ???
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 10:58:57 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 10:59:58 AM EDT
Generally, the more conservative religiously the far greater likelihood that voting will be for Republicans. I don't know any Orthodox who vote Democrat.
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Ok but they're a far minority amongst Jews, so that's worth very little.
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My only experience with "hardline" type Jews was with Hasidim, and they all seemed to be in bed with the Democrats.

As I said earlier, the Left has had a hard-on for Jews since forever.
That some people are acting like this is something new... kinda leaves me scratching my head.
And of course, in the West, the Jews have been up the ass of the Left since forever, which, for years, left me scratching my head as well.
Honestly, I think it shows what a decent bunch of folks non-Jewish Westerners are, that they'd support Jews at a time like this.
(Well, decent... or naive. One or the other. Maybe a bit of both?)
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 11:01:20 AM EDT
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I'm curious, did they teach about the non-Jews that were also killed in the holocaust? Like you, I grew up in an area (central NY) with a large Jewish population. Few of the Jews that I spent time with or was friends with ever discussed or acknowledged that there were other groups taken to the camps.

Not making light of the experience of Jews during the holocaust, just curious about how complete the curriculum was.

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I grew up in a town of a couple of hundred people next to a town of 1000 people, another town of a couple hundred people, and another town of about 500 people.  And a big town to the north of about 1500 people with a grocery store, pharmacy, and little general practice office and dentist.  With grandparents, aunts uncles all in the same or  adjacent towns and the other grandparents one other town over with a few hundred people.  Half the roads are still dirt and there is not cell coverage in most of it.  In maybe a 250 sq mile area.  To go to other grocery stores or a movie- like one movie in an old theatre -, or a McDonald’s about 45 minutes away.  Each town I was talking about had one little Protestant church.  That was as much social/community oriented, or more, than religious.  About maybe 15% of the town’s population were Catholic, and some did go to that one Catholic Church the big town had in addition to the Protestant one.  There was a family or two of Jehova’s, and one single old unmarried guy that was Jewish.

Despite the absence of practicing or even just know Jewish people, we got heavy on the curriculum the horrors of the holocaust, and the appropriate stories, books, etc.   We didn’t hear anything of interning the Japanese, or the horrors done by Japan, etc.  Maybe there was a one sentence mention of gays, blacks, and gypsies also being unwanted.

So I don’t think having a heavy Jewish presence is required for a similar curriculum.

The main interaction would have been with vacation city Jewish people coming north.
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 11:05:02 AM EDT
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Unfortunately I can't disagree. I came to the US in 1989(legally). It was already too late at that point. I'm just trying to manage the fallout... it's just shocking to me that it's gotten so bad so fast. I also understand that it's the leftist commies that are pushing this agenda. I'm just horrified at the kids eating this shit up...
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This is way too long to read.
Skip the post unless you want to waste time on a detailed observation.

So, when I was a kid I found out something that led me to really wanting to understand anti-semitism.
Which to explain requires some weird copy pasta -ish back story.

I was a teenager and with my uncle.  I grew up in rural northern New England.  The kind of place where people have been working the same dairy farm for a couple of hundred years, family has been mining slate or granite, or logging, or whatever since their ancestors got to America.  In the early 80s there was a town meeting- and there was some weird thing where the mayor of Burlington, a professor at UVM, the state AG of Mass. or something, and some out of state businessmen were in some kind of weird thing where they were rich people in NYC, Boston, etc. where they were buying property in Maine, VT, NH, etc. and getting people in local government changing and messing with zoning and manipulating property values and squeezing out old family land types then getting the property cheap then changing zoning or property taxes and developing, selling, etc.  I don't remember if it was the annual March town meeting or a special one.  But it was full of stuff being said like godamn greedy Jew cheating bastards, rabble rousing hippy ass Jew agitators, etc.  My uncle was kind of sick looking, and said- let's go.  My dad had died in a log truck accident a few years before, my grandfather a little before that in his 70s. Neither them nor my uncle was known for being cowardly.  And my uncle and grandfather looked like 80s WWF 220 pound six footer types with many legit tavern brawl in their histories.  I didn't understand why he was in a hurry to leave all of a sudden.  Like 98.87% of the people in town, that side of the family and mine were basic Protestants at the one little church in town.  Now, I have described this before and gotten a warning for antisemitism.  But it happened and it's why my uncle told me some stuff I didn't know.

So, my uncle gave me a talk after we left.  And told me some details I don't think even his wife or my mom knew.

My great grandfather was French Ashkenazi who went from France to Quebec.  He was going to make his fortune in the fur trade but in the later 1800s it was more of a just getting by thing.  He trapped and somehow his gun was a cut down British Artillery rifled musket.  My understanding is being Jewish was something he never really had any involvement or practicing or anything after arriving in Canada.  I guess a lot more men than women immigrated and he married a Huron girl whose dad was chief /leader of the village or little res.  She was like his fifth daughter or something so he threw in a Remington rolling block rimfire with a bunch of brass tacks, a leather wrap, etc. On it as the dowry.  Her village had missionaries and she had been raised "Catholic."  So I guess they were Catholic until they moved away east to New Brunswick.  and ended up moving away from that area.  and basically were in a little rural area where everyone was basically Protestant and there was one tiny little church. My grandmother was one of their daughters born around 1903 and got married to a burly man in New Brunswick.  Whose mother was Jewish and also grew up not doing any stuff related to being Jewish and whose family grew up basic local Protestant. .  Her siblings ended up in Quebec, New Brunswick, Maine, and Nova Scotia.  They ended up in another New England state.   Where my dad and aunts and uncles were born and also raised Protestant and where I grew up.

So, kind of looking into things over the years, one aspect of the rise of anti-semitism in Germany was a similar anti-traditional German culture, mores, Values, agitation and progressive influence, combined with mercantile disgust, combined with old school European baseline dislike- that did not deserve but was a part of the full retard hammer of Thor dropping on them.its a horrible event in world history,  but it was not random.  It's a rough pill to swallow, but it wasn't random.

Here in America, we have the traditional business financial prejudice dislike aspect, etc. that has been around forever, and now about 50 years of 2% of the population being very disproportionately involved in activism, progressivism, anti-traditional America culture, communism, and values, etc.
And, unlike Germany, a murderous brutal repercussion never came.  The seeds they planted and the flames they fanned grew and spread.   And are circling back on them.  For reason I cannot explain or understand-
Jewish people in America have disproportionately been involved in stirring up a ton of progressive discord, backing communism, and weird academic shit and weird social acceptances of deviant sexual shit, and legal stuff disruptive to a functional criminal system, etc.  All the stuff that gave them the safest, most harmonious, most opportunity, landscape for success land and life in their entire history.

I don't hate Jewish people.  I don't want a repeat of the Holocaust.  I don't want a warning for anti-semtism.

I'm just trying to objectively state something along the lines of-
You had a big wonderful farm in america.  It was nice.
Then you guys - for a reason I can't understand - planted a bunch of kudzu on the school playground, on the local college campus, in the town park, and by the courthouse.  Now that kudzu is overflowing your farm.  
And you don't like it.
None of your neighbors want it on their farm either.
And we never wanted you to plant it.

Unfortunately I can't disagree. I came to the US in 1989(legally). It was already too late at that point. I'm just trying to manage the fallout... it's just shocking to me that it's gotten so bad so fast. I also understand that it's the leftist commies that are pushing this agenda. I'm just horrified at the kids eating this shit up...

With specific reference to the recent college protests, I suspect only a small percentage of the protesters are true antisemites. Most I would guess are just caught up in the latest thing, as evidenced by how few, when questioned, can articulate the details of the issue. They're NPCs that are being manipulated, much like the bulk of the people tat showed up to the BLM and Antifa actions of a few years ago.

What's truly alarming is how easily they're moved to action and violence over things they don't understand and that they didn't care about as recently as a few months ago. That's a weapon that can be pointed in any direction.

Link Posted: 4/25/2024 11:11:55 AM EDT
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? ???? ??????? ??????? ???
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Unfortunately I can't disagree. I came to the US in 1989(legally). It was already too late at that point. I'm just trying to manage the fallout... it's just shocking to me that it's gotten so bad so fast. I also understand that it's the leftist commies that are pushing this agenda. I'm just horrified at the kids eating this shit up...

? ???? ??????? ??????? ???

Kiev... the old spelling. :-)
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 11:16:00 AM EDT
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Kiev... the old spelling. :-)
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Parents brought you here in ‘89 or did you come as an adult?
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 11:23:00 AM EDT
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I grew up in a town of a couple of hundred people next to a town of 1000 people, another town of a couple hundred people, and another town of about 500 people.  And a big town to the north of about 1500 people with a grocery store, pharmacy, and little general practice office and dentist.  With grandparents, aunts uncles all in the same or  adjacent towns and the other grandparents one other town over with a few hundred people.  Half the roads are still dirt and there is not cell coverage in most of it.  In maybe a 250 sq mile area.  To go to other grocery stores or a movie- like one movie in an old theatre -, or a McDonald's about 45 minutes away.  Each town I was talking about had one little Protestant church.  That was as much social/community oriented, or more, than religious.  About maybe 15% of the town's population were Catholic, and some did go to that one Catholic Church the big town had in addition to the Protestant one.  There was a family or two of Jehova's, and one single old unmarried guy that was Jewish.

Despite the absence of practicing or even just know Jewish people, we got heavy on the curriculum the horrors of the holocaust, and the appropriate stories, books, etc.   We didn't hear anything of interning the Japanese, or the horrors done by Japan, etc.  Maybe there was a one sentence mention of gays, blacks, and gypsies also being unwanted.

So I don't think having a heavy Jewish presence is required for a similar curriculum.

The main interaction would have been with vacation city Jewish people coming north.
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I'm curious, did they teach about the non-Jews that were also killed in the holocaust? Like you, I grew up in an area (central NY) with a large Jewish population. Few of the Jews that I spent time with or was friends with ever discussed or acknowledged that there were other groups taken to the camps.

Not making light of the experience of Jews during the holocaust, just curious about how complete the curriculum was.

I grew up in a town of a couple of hundred people next to a town of 1000 people, another town of a couple hundred people, and another town of about 500 people.  And a big town to the north of about 1500 people with a grocery store, pharmacy, and little general practice office and dentist.  With grandparents, aunts uncles all in the same or  adjacent towns and the other grandparents one other town over with a few hundred people.  Half the roads are still dirt and there is not cell coverage in most of it.  In maybe a 250 sq mile area.  To go to other grocery stores or a movie- like one movie in an old theatre -, or a McDonald's about 45 minutes away.  Each town I was talking about had one little Protestant church.  That was as much social/community oriented, or more, than religious.  About maybe 15% of the town's population were Catholic, and some did go to that one Catholic Church the big town had in addition to the Protestant one.  There was a family or two of Jehova's, and one single old unmarried guy that was Jewish.

Despite the absence of practicing or even just know Jewish people, we got heavy on the curriculum the horrors of the holocaust, and the appropriate stories, books, etc.   We didn't hear anything of interning the Japanese, or the horrors done by Japan, etc.  Maybe there was a one sentence mention of gays, blacks, and gypsies also being unwanted.

So I don't think having a heavy Jewish presence is required for a similar curriculum.

The main interaction would have been with vacation city Jewish people coming north.

I learned about the holocaust in HS from Dr. Myron Koch. He survived one of the camps as an orphan child, had the number on his arm, and first hand memory of the horrors of it all. He taught us what I still believe to be a pretty accurate account of what took place in a very matter of fact way. We learned not only about Jews, but also the crippled, the mentally ill, the genetically diseased, the Roma, Gypsies, homosexuals, political opponents, and others that when combined amount to several million more victims. They seem to be forgotten now.

We also learned about the internment of Japanese, the Bataan death march and other atrocities, communist leaders like Mao, Stalin, and Pol Pot and their body counts, etc.

My HS was run by the Christian Brothers.
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 11:25:14 AM EDT
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Unfortunately I can't disagree. I came to the US in 1989(legally). It was already too late at that point. I'm just trying to manage the fallout... it's just shocking to me that it's gotten so bad so fast. I also understand that it's the leftist commies that are pushing this agenda. I'm just horrified at the kids eating this shit up...
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Then other than the actual religious aspects and practices, American Jewish cultural, political, social,  activist, progressive, communist, etc. behaviors, efforts, opinions, actions, history, etc. have probably been as confusing and difficult to understand since the 80s for you as they have been for me.
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 11:27:36 AM EDT
it doesnt matter all the jews will vote dem anyway in the fall
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 11:29:02 AM EDT
It’s very interesting to watch, protesting for people who started the fight with Israeli.  I find it funny that the Muslim communities don’t hold any of their bad actors responsible for their treachery. It’s also strange that some of these leftists shithole universities seem to be turning on their own types too.
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 11:33:33 AM EDT
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Short sighted. But it's okay. I'll stand up for you anyway... because it's the right thing to do and I have two kids to take care of too...
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What are you doing to stand up for me? Vote for the Republicans in November?

That is what I’m doing already.

My point is just this; if the overwhelming majority of Americas Jews hop in a voting booth and vote for the same party all these vile left wing cretins are voting for then what should my takeaway be?
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 11:34:33 AM EDT
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I learned about the holocaust in HS from Dr. Myron Koch. He survived one of the camps as an orphan child, had the number on his arm, and first hand memory of the horrors of it all. He taught us what I still believe to be a pretty accurate account of what took place in a very matter of fact way. We learned not only about Jews, but also the crippled, the mentally ill, the genetically diseased, the Roma, Gypsies, homosexuals, political opponents, and others that when combined amount to several million more victims. They seem to be forgotten now.

We also learned about the internment of Japanese, the Bataan death march and other atrocities, communist leaders like Mao Stalin, and Pol Pot and their body counts, etc.

My HS was run by the Christian Brothers.
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I went to basic rural, public school.  Which was not a bad education. But there were certainly no Ph.D. History professor types.  
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 11:51:34 AM EDT
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It's freaking frightening. I don't understand why the sudden 180...
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It wasn't sudden. If you think that it was, you haven't been paying attention. Just like much of the rest of the population that doesn't pay attention. The left and party of the KKK (Democrats) started dropping their facade and exposing their anti-Semitic beliefs a long time ago. I started seeing it in the early 2000s.
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 12:25:06 PM EDT
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This is way too long to read.
Skip the post unless you want to waste time on a detailed observation.

My great grandfather was French Ashkenazi who went from France to Quebec.  He was going to make his fortune in the fur trade but in the later 1800s it was more of a just getting by thing.  He trapped and somehow his gun was a cut down British Artillery rifled musket.  My understanding is being Jewish was something he never really had any involvement or practicing or anything after arriving in Canada.  I guess a lot more men than women immigrated and he married a Huron girl whose dad was chief /leader of the village or little res.  She was like his fifth daughter or something so he threw in a Remington rolling block rimfire with a bunch of brass tacks, a leather wrap, etc. On it as the dowry.  Her village had missionaries and she had been raised “Catholic.”  So I guess they were Catholic until they moved away east to New Brunswick.  and ended up moving away from that area.  and basically were in a little rural area where everyone was basically Protestant and there was one tiny little church. My grandmother was one of their daughters born around 1903 and got married to a burly man in New Brunswick.  Whose mother was Jewish and also grew up not doing any stuff related to being Jewish and whose family grew up basic local Protestant. .  Her siblings ended up in Quebec, New Brunswick, Maine, and Nova Scotia.  They ended up in another New England state.   Where my dad and aunts and uncles were born and also raised Protestant and where I grew up.

I don’t hate Jewish people.  I don’t want a repeat of the Holocaust.  I don’t want a warning for anti-semtism.

I’m just trying to objectively state something along the lines of-
You had a big wonderful farm in america.  It was nice.
Then you guys - for a reason I can’t understand - planted a bunch of kudzu on the school playground, on the local college campus, in the town park, and by the courthouse.  Now that kudzu is overflowing your farm.  
And you don’t like it.
None of your neighbors want it on their farm either.
And we never wanted you to plant it.
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Buddy they are going to shove you into the cattle car next to mine LMAO.

You’re of Jewish descent.

Thank you for sharing though that was an interesting read.
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 12:42:14 PM EDT
And this is the kind of bullshit we have to put up with...

Shame shame shame... I hope the mods ban him...

Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 12:45:31 PM EDT
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It wasn't sudden. If you think that it was, you haven't been paying attention. Just like much of the rest of the population that doesn't pay attention. The left and party of the KKK (Democrats) started dropping their facade and exposing their anti-Semitic beliefs a long time ago. I started seeing it in the early 2000s.
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It's freaking frightening. I don't understand why the sudden 180...

It wasn't sudden. If you think that it was, you haven't been paying attention. Just like much of the rest of the population that doesn't pay attention. The left and party of the KKK (Democrats) started dropping their facade and exposing their anti-Semitic beliefs a long time ago. I started seeing it in the early 2000s.

I live in Dallas. Shockingly, I have not experianced a single case of antisemetism in my 35 years in dfw.

I know it's bad elsewhere and my shock is not about it existing, it's the kids dog piling on it instead of supporting their jewish schoolmates.
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