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Link Posted: 3/22/2012 1:55:39 PM EDT
Originally Posted By Everrest:
Townhall: Survey Results Show ATF Leadership Has an Honesty and Integrity Problem
Earlier this week, ATF special agents were sent email notifications about the need for "feedback on ATF Senior Leadership." The email read in part:

"Within the next few days, the Office of Human Resources and Professional Development (HRPD) will be issuing a survey to all employees concerning ATF's senior leadership. Late last year, ATF received the results of the 2011 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (EVS). A key area in which ATF fell short was leadership. Most troubling were responses to the question -"My senior leaders maintain high standards of honesty and integrity." The honesty and integrity of senior leadership is fundamental to the success of any organization. Given recent changes to ATF senior leadership, we want to reassess views on this issue and gather information on the specific behaviors which influence both positive and negative responses to this question. Responses will be anonymous, but will be shared with the ATF Executive Staff and field leadership. The Executive Staff is committed to using the feedback from this survey to determine what actions should be taken to address this critical issue."
more at link.

Translation for the general public:  Look, we're DOING SOMETHING!  Look at our survey, it shows how much we CARE!  Pay no attention to that corruption behind the curtain!

Any bets on whether the results of this survey are A) accurate, and B) if they are, ever see the light of day?
Link Posted: 3/22/2012 2:03:38 PM EDT
It seems clear to me that many members of the Senate and House know more than they are letting on with this case, as usual.  

When Senator Mike Lee brought up the wire tap authority provisions and USC Section 18, and made the connection of the chain of authority that precedes a wire tap, it was clear he was letting something out of the bag that made the other Senate Oversight Committee members extremely uncomfortable, like when Borat brought the fat prostitute to dinner and the preacher had to get up and leave.

My bet is still on these select members of the exclusive VIP game having cards at the table they are counting on for future political/economic ambitions, none of which involve revealing the dirty truth about this mess.

It's the D.C. way.  All they have to do is stall this and slow-walk it like they have been.  There isn't enough awareness on this issue, despite the attempts of a few journalists right now.

At my Republican Caucus meeting last week, nobody had even heard of Fast & Furious.  They just wanted Orrin Hatch to get re-elected for the most part, so we'll have him at the purse strings of the powerful Senate Finance Committee.

Just got off the phone with Matheson's Salt Lake Office.  He has no stated position on this issue.
Link Posted: 3/22/2012 2:46:03 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/22/2012 3:11:02 PM EDT
Dave Workman: Issa to Fox News: ‘We are moving toward…contempt’ on Holder
   Congressman Darrell Issa told Fox News Thursday morning that he is moving slowly and methodically, building a case for Congress to vote on a contempt citation against Attorney General Eric Holder over his failure to cooperate fully with the investigation of Operation Fast and Furious.

   Issa has been under fire lately for not moving faster to fulfill his threat to hold Holder in contempt of Congress. Here’s what he told Fox News:

“We are moving toward the methodical process of creating the case for a vote on contempt

That’s the jurisdiction I have, it’s something we can control.

Only the president can control whether or not Eric Holder resigns.

We can control whether or not we hold Justice and Eric Holder in contempt for willfully and for almost a year refusing to answer Senator Grassley’s lawful requests or our committee’s requests in any thorough way.”
More at link. (very slowly)
Link Posted: 3/22/2012 4:10:01 PM EDT
LATimes: 'Fast and Furious' probe: Chief suspect released more than once

Manuel Celis-Acosta, the chief suspect in the ATF’s "Fast and Furious" investigation who was caught but released at the U.S.-Mexico border in May 2010, was also stopped and released two months earlier while in possession of a Colt .38-caliber pistol purchased illegally under the gun-tracking operation.

The revelation that officials twice declined to arrest their prime suspect shows that agents were keenly aware of Celis-Acosta’s activities yet repeatedly turned down opportunities to charge him with felony offenses and bring a quick end to the Fast and Furious probe. Instead, the investigation dragged on for months more, with the loss of about 1,700 U.S. firearms on both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border.

The new disclosure was highlighted in a letter Thursday to Atty. Gen. Eric H. Holder Jr., as the two top congressional investigators on Fast and Furious demanded answers as to why Celis-Acosta was twice permitted to dodge arrest. It was sent by Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Vista), chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, and Sen. Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa), the top Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee.
More at link.
Link Posted: 3/22/2012 4:18:12 PM EDT
Contempt of Congress = hoping DOJ will arrest itself

There are reasons this has been delayed, the main one being the head of DOJ isn't going to go and charge himself with this major crime.

It's a waste of effort, because the power rests with them - which is why they've delayed and laughed at this whole thing.

In something closer to a perfect world, Holder is obviously guilty.  Let's hope the election goes the right way.

Link Posted: 3/22/2012 5:12:21 PM EDT
Originally Posted By Hedonist:
Contempt of Congress = hoping DOJ will arrest itself

There are reasons this has been delayed, the main one being the head of DOJ isn't going to go and charge himself with this major crime.

It's a waste of effort, because the power rests with them - which is why they've delayed and laughed at this whole thing.

In something closer to a perfect world, Holder is obviously guilty.  Let's hope the election goes the right way.

The congress shall have the power "To constitute Tribunals inferior to the supreme Court;" All it takes is guts something that congress is very lacking of.

Link Posted: 3/22/2012 8:02:56 PM EDT
I get the whole "innocent until proven guilty" thing.....but come on.
Link Posted: 3/22/2012 8:25:24 PM EDT
Originally Posted By miker84:
I get the whole "innocent until proven guilty" thing.....but come on.

QFT,,, seems like at least 1/2 the ATF leadership needs to be frogmarched from the House to the nearest Federal Holding cell for transport to lock up until trials begin
while I respect the agent in the feild, just trying to get the job done, avoid waves and make it to retirement,,THIS is beyond contempt of, for and by the Constitution
Link Posted: 3/22/2012 8:40:22 PM EDT
This is going so slow, Holder wil die of old age before he is carged with anything. I suppose Issa is right though, any charges against the AG must be iron clad and have no apearance of being politicized. This could go on until 0bama finally casts a vote of no confidence.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 3/22/2012 10:19:49 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/22/2012 10:27:21 PM EDT

Two House Democrats called upon the Department of Justice’s Acting Inspector General Cynthia Schnedar, who is investigating the department’s failed “Fast and Furious” gun walking operation, to deliver her report before the 2012 November elections pass.

Congressman Nick Rahall, West Virginia Democrat, and Congressman Gene Green Texas Democrat, are among Democrats who sent a letter to President Barack Obama on June 3, 2011 "expressing serious concerns about the Administration's response to investigations of the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco Firearms and Explosives' (ATF) "Project Gunrunner" and its offshoot known as "Fast and Furious." In the joint letter, 31 Democrats write:

More at link (on mobile so forgive me if it's a bad link)
Link Posted: 3/22/2012 10:38:18 PM EDT
good link, Nolo.

Link Posted: 3/23/2012 12:12:06 PM EDT
[Last Edit: Everrest] [#14]
Can't cut and paste on this article. It needs reason read in it's entirety.

ETA: damn speed check, no wonder the confusion.
I've only found 2 sites that didn't allow cut and paste.
Link Posted: 3/23/2012 12:17:47 PM EDT
Originally Posted By Everrest:
Can't cut and paste on this article. It needs reason in it's entirety.

quite a read there.

Link Posted: 3/23/2012 12:26:15 PM EDT
[Last Edit: Hedonist] [#16]

Originally Posted By Everrest:


Can't cut and paste on this article. It needs reason in it's entirety.

Sorry Everrest, at first read I thought you meant you couldn't cut and paste - on a second read I see you can - but didn't because we should read it in it's entirety - which you are correct.

You may look over the 2 snips I placed below - but as Everrest noted, please read the entire article.
A snippet:

If he didn’t weigh as much as a small house, I’d love to midget toss Reverend Al and the rest of the race parade right out of Florida, banished from ever speaking again about the intersection of racism and gun violence.

Trayvon Martin’s killing by a Hispanic man improbably named George
Zimmerman a month ago has suddenly become a lightning rod galvanizing
the race-baiting industry and bringing the usual suspects together to
whine about inequality, racism, and how they can be paid to shut up
until they once again run out of blood money.

another snippet:
And yes, I believe that the Sanford, FL Police Department ran an
incompetent, incomplete and more than likely biased investigation that
precludes justice ever being served in this case. The political pressure
is such that George Zimmerman will stand trial. It is also almost
certain that as a result of an incompetent investigation, prosecutors
will not have enough forensic evidence to put Zimmerman in jail for
manslaughter, which should probably be the outcome. I understand, as
much as any middle-aged white male can, with why blacks are up in arms
over how the Sanford PD botched the investigation into Martin’s killing.

But you know what? Screw you.

You’re willing to give a song and dance routine now that it is
politically advantageous, and our stuttering… miserable failure of a
President is crashing in the polls, and needs some diversion from the
wars he’s losing, the respect he’s lost, the economy he’s destroyed, and
he hate he’s brewed. You’re more than happy to go on a rampage of
self-righteous indignation now that a single young man was gunned down
by a wannbe mall ninja.
Link Posted: 3/23/2012 12:35:52 PM EDT

Originally Posted By Hedonist:

Originally Posted By Everrest:


Can't cut and paste on this article. It needs reason in it's entirety.

A snippet:

If he didn’t weigh as much as a small house, I’d love to midget toss Reverend Al and the rest of the race parade right out of Florida, banished from ever speaking again about the intersection of racism and gun violence.

Trayvon Martin’s killing by a Hispanic man improbably named George Zimmerman a month ago has suddenly become a lightning rod galvanizing the race-baiting industry and bringing the usual suspects together to whine about inequality, racism, and how they can be paid to shut up until they once again run out of blood money.

another snippet:

And yes, I believe that the Sanford, FL Police Department ran an incompetent, incomplete and more than likely biased investigation that precludes justice ever being served in this case. The political pressure is such that George Zimmerman will stand trial. It is also almost certain that as a result of an incompetent investigation, prosecutors will not have enough forensic evidence to put Zimmerman in jail for manslaughter, which should probably be the outcome. I understand, as much as any middle-aged white male can, with why blacks are up in arms over how the Sanford PD botched the investigation into Martin’s killing.

But you know what? Screw you.

You’re willing to give a song and dance routine now that it is politically advantageous, and our stuttering… miserable failure of a President is crashing in the polls, and needs some diversion from the wars he’s losing, the respect he’s lost, the economy he’s destroyed, and he hate he’s brewed. You’re more than happy to go on a rampage of self-righteous indignation now that a single young man was gunned down by a wannbe mall ninja.


Ah, the new narrative to justify outrage if Zimmerman is not convicted, that the Sanford Police Department deliberately botched the investigation.  Of course, the Reverend Shitbag has already made at least one provably false claim that the police let Zimmerman go with his gun, when the police report clearly shows it was taken into evidence that night.

Link Posted: 3/23/2012 12:36:57 PM EDT
Originally Posted By miker84:
Originally Posted By Everrest:
Can't cut and paste on this article. It needs reason in it's entirety.

quite a read there.

No kidding
Link Posted: 3/23/2012 1:15:08 PM EDT

Originally Posted By NoloContendere:

Originally Posted By miker84:

Meanwhile in DC......

House GOP Leaders rankled by calls for Holder's head

More than 100 Republicans in the House are clamoring for Eric Holder’s head, but GOP leaders are reluctant to vote on a measure suggesting the ouster of the U.S. attorney general.Freshman Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.) is leading the charge. He said he won’t let up until he gets a vote on his resolution.

Asked for comment about whether they were pressing for a vote on the measure, House Speaker John Boehner’s (R-Ohio) and House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy’s (R-Calif.) offices said only that they do not handle the schedule of the House floor. Majority Leader Eric Cantor’s (R-Va.) office, which does schedule the floor agenda, did not respond to numerous email and phone requests for comment.

More at link.

strange that boehner would be so protective of this administration.

More interesting, than strange. When the rumor of Boehner sweeping this under the rug surfaced from inside sources, his office responded quickly (And just a bit too adamantly, IMO) to the thousands and thousands of calls and, e-mails & letters from outraged voters. They assured everyone that it was full speed ahead. They are as afraid of a huge .gov scandal as the dems are. Clearly.

Keep the pressure on these RINO scum, as they will take the easy path, every time, if allowed. They have to be smashed in the face, as a tap on the shoulder will be ignored every time as a petty nusance.
Link Posted: 3/23/2012 1:53:14 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/23/2012 2:53:58 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/23/2012 7:27:40 PM EDT

William LaJeunesse makes the connection –– the Miramontes brothers –– on the payroll of the FBI –– are finally outed.
It ran at 6:15 PM Eastern on FOX. When I have the links I'll let you know. William connects the dots between Celis-Acosta and the one-armed man and his brother –– the "stone cold killers" Miramontes –– laying it at the door of the Hoover Building. complete with a non-denial denial from the Fibbies. Katie Pavlich posted this letter (see page 15, footnote 48) which mentions the Miramontes. The Miramontes brothers are said to be linked to the rip crew that killed Brian Terry.

pg 15 attached here:

Link Posted: 3/23/2012 8:11:47 PM EDT
Originally Posted By NoloContendere:

William LaJeunesse makes the connection –– the Miramontes brothers –– on the payroll of the FBI –– are finally outed.
It ran at 6:15 PM Eastern on FOX. When I have the links I'll let you know. William connects the dots between Celis-Acosta and the one-armed man and his brother –– the "stone cold killers" Miramontes –– laying it at the door of the Hoover Building. complete with a non-denial denial from the Fibbies. Katie Pavlich posted this letter (see page 15, footnote 48) which mentions the Miramontes. The Miramontes brothers are said to be linked to the rip crew that killed Brian Terry.

pg 15 attached here:


I am literally starting to tear up.  This may be the best thing I have seen on F&F in a LONG time.


You too, Nolo.
Link Posted: 3/23/2012 11:16:37 PM EDT
Originally Posted By alphajaguars:
Originally Posted By NoloContendere:

William LaJeunesse makes the connection –– the Miramontes brothers –– on the payroll of the FBI –– are finally outed.
It ran at 6:15 PM Eastern on FOX. When I have the links I'll let you know. William connects the dots between Celis-Acosta and the one-armed man and his brother –– the "stone cold killers" Miramontes –– laying it at the door of the Hoover Building. complete with a non-denial denial from the Fibbies. Katie Pavlich posted this letter (see page 15, footnote 48) which mentions the Miramontes. The Miramontes brothers are said to be linked to the rip crew that killed Brian Terry.

pg 15 attached here:


I am literally starting to tear up. This may be the best thing I have seen on F&F in a LONG time.


You too, Nolo.

Agree. The question is, what will the spineless republican leadership do now? Bonehead is probably crying already (as he normally does), wondering how in the world he can get away w/ raising his "freshly laundered white flag of surrender" yet again

Yeah ... I'm jaded
Link Posted: 3/23/2012 11:18:41 PM EDT
Originally Posted By alphajaguars:
Originally Posted By NoloContendere:

William LaJeunesse makes the connection –– the Miramontes brothers –– on the payroll of the FBI –– are finally outed.
It ran at 6:15 PM Eastern on FOX. When I have the links I'll let you know. William connects the dots between Celis-Acosta and the one-armed man and his brother –– the "stone cold killers" Miramontes –– laying it at the door of the Hoover Building. complete with a non-denial denial from the Fibbies. Katie Pavlich posted this letter (see page 15, footnote 48) which mentions the Miramontes. The Miramontes brothers are said to be linked to the rip crew that killed Brian Terry.

pg 15 attached here:


I am literally starting to tear up.  This may be the best thing I have seen on F&F in a LONG time.


You too, Nolo.

Seriously, shit just got real.
Link Posted: 3/24/2012 1:07:20 AM EDT
[Last Edit: Everrest] [#26]
CNN: Lawmakers faulted in Fast and Furious investigative leaks
(CNN) –– The latest twist in the tug of war over Department of Justice documents central to the investigation of Operation Fast and Furious came Friday evening, when a top Justice official refused a congressional request for subpoenaed documents and blamed GOP lawmakers over the leaking of sensitive information.

In a letter to Rep. Darrell Issa, R-California, and Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, Assistant Attorney General Ronald Weich suggested that sensitive information relating to ongoing investigations is coming from their staffs.

Information from the documents appeared in news reports after it was shared with the lawmakers' staffs, he said.

"While we do not know who provided these letters to reporters, we are deeply disturbed that the sensitive law-enforcement information contained in them has now entered the public realm," Weich said. "This public disclosure is impeding the department's efforts to hold individuals accountable for their illegal acts."

The documents refer specifically to reports of investigation (ROI's) involving an active criminal investigation of a firearms trafficking ring, and to the prosecution of suspect Manuel Celis-Acosta, who awaits trial on felony counts, Weich said.

The Justice official said he was denying Issa's and Grassley's requests for additional documents because of the sensitivity of the ongoing operations.
Friday night, in response to the Justice Department letter refusing the documents, Issa spokeswoman Becca Watkins said, "It is troubling that the attorney general continues to express the outlandish view that his compliance with lawful and binding subpoenas is merely optional."
more at link.
Link Posted: 3/24/2012 7:07:08 AM EDT

Originally Posted By Everrest:

CNN: Lawmakers faulted in Fast and Furious investigative leaks

"While we do not know who provided these letters to reporters, we are deeply disturbed that the sensitive law-enforcement information contained in them has now entered the public realm," Weich said.
more at link.

I'll bet you are. I'll bet you are.

Link Posted: 3/24/2012 7:12:25 AM EDT
[Last Edit: 15jonshoot] [#28]
Originally Posted By Everrest:
Can't cut and paste on this article. It needs reason read in it's entirety.

ETA: damn speed check, no wonder the confusion.
I've only found 2 sites that didn't allow cut and paste.

Link in your article to Pajama's Media

The Brady Campaign, the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, and Mayors Against Illegal Guns have refused repeated requests by PJ Media for comment on the hundreds of Mexican citizens believed murdered with firearms provided by the Obama administration.
The organization once questioned President Obama on his perceived lack of gun-control efforts, receiving a reply from the president that some contend was a reference to Fast and Furious: “I just want you to know that we are working on it. We have to go through a few processes, but under the radar.”

Since Operation Fast and Furious became public knowledge and the congressional investigation began, the Brady Campaign has been conspicuously quiet: they have made no public statement condemning the program and have released only two statements discussing it. One was an attempt to use the government-run smuggling operation to push for more gun-control laws; a later statement was a reiteration of the first with a reference to the government program:

Rest at link
Link Posted: 3/24/2012 9:16:31 AM EDT
I was just reading Meltson's testimony from http://www.atf.gov/press/releases/2010/03/030410-testimony-atf-dir-melson-fy11-appropriations.html and this caught my eye:

"We developed this budget to directly support ’s and the Department of Justice’s priorities of detecting, preventing and investigating violent crime and terrorism. The additional funding we are seeking in 2011 would annualize positions we received to combat firearms trafficking along the -Mexican border and provide resources for to fulfill its role of coordinating a unified law enforcement response to national disasters and emergencies."

I don't want these guys in charge of law enforcement during a disaster.
Link Posted: 3/24/2012 9:21:08 AM EDT
Originally Posted By Tacberry:
I was just reading Meltson's testimony from http://www.atf.gov/press/releases/2010/03/030410-testimony-atf-dir-melson-fy11-appropriations.html and this caught my eye:

"We developed this budget to directly support ’s and the Department of Justice’s priorities of detecting, preventing and investigating violent crime and terrorism. The additional funding we are seeking in 2011 would annualize positions we received to combat firearms trafficking along the -Mexican border and provide resources for to fulfill its role of coordinating a unified law enforcement response to national disasters and emergencies."

I don't want these guys in charge of law enforcement during a disaster.

Link Posted: 3/24/2012 10:03:57 AM EDT
Originally Posted By alphajaguars:
Originally Posted By Tacberry:
I was just reading Meltson's testimony from http://www.atf.gov/press/releases/2010/03/030410-testimony-atf-dir-melson-fy11-appropriations.html and this caught my eye:

"We developed this budget to directly support ’s and the Department of Justice’s priorities of detecting, preventing and investigating violent crime and terrorism. The additional funding we are seeking in 2011 would annualize positions we received to combat firearms trafficking along the -Mexican border and provide resources for to fulfill its role of coordinating a unified law enforcement response to national disasters and emergencies."

I don't want these guys in charge of law enforcement during a disaster.


Based on what I've read and seen over the past year, I want these guys in prison, not running the prison.
Link Posted: 3/24/2012 3:59:58 PM EDT
[Last Edit: Everrest] [#32]
Foxnews: Operation Fast and Furious investigation escalates as ATF, FBI disconnect revealed
The investigation of Operation Fast and Furious escalated this past week as Fox News learned a leak at the Justice Department is providing documents to the Congressional investigators.
The scope of investigation also includes the Federal Bureau of Investigation, which records show failed to tell ATF its own confidential informants were helping finance the illegal gun purchases.

Eduardo and Jesus A. Miramontes-Varela, Mexican nationals born in Juarez worked for the Sinaloa Cartel when they became informants for the FBI in 2009, according to sources.
Previously, the brothers, ages 36 and 37, worked as informants for police in Miami, the U.S. Marshall's Service, and the DEA.
According to DEA and Congressional reports, the two men were the primary cartel contacts used to finance the illegal gun trafficking ring. Jim Needles, the assistant Agent in Charge of the Phoenix ATF office estimated the brothers spent $250,000 on guns tracked by his agency while conducting Operation Fast and Furious. Needles called it “a disappointment” the FBI didn’t bother to tell his agency of the connection.
more at link (video).
Link Posted: 3/24/2012 4:02:35 PM EDT
[Last Edit: polymer4me] [#33]
Originally Posted By RocketmanOU:
Originally Posted By alphajaguars:
Originally Posted By Tacberry:
I was just reading Meltson's testimony from http://www.atf.gov/press/releases/2010/03/030410-testimony-atf-dir-melson-fy11-appropriations.html and this caught my eye:

"We developed this budget to directly support ’s and the Department of Justice’s priorities of detecting, preventing and investigating violent crime and terrorism. The additional funding we are seeking in 2011 would annualize positions we received to combat firearms trafficking along the -Mexican border and provide resources for to fulfill its role of coordinating a unified law enforcement response to national disasters and emergencies."

I don't want these guys in charge of law enforcement during a disaster.


Based on what I've read and seen over the past year three decades, I want these guys in prison, not running the prison.

FIFY ;-)

ETA - and someone older than me can probably change that to either four or five decades ;-)
Link Posted: 3/24/2012 4:07:48 PM EDT

On Friday evening, Assistant Attorney General Ronald Weich refused the congressional request for subpoenaed documents regarding Operation Fast and Furious– claiming that GOP lawmakers can’t be trusted with the information.

According to CNN, in a letter to Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) and Sen. Charles Grassley (R-IA), Weich suggested that sensitive information was being leaked to the media by their staffs.

“While we do not know who provided these letters to reporters, we are deeply disturbed that the sensitive law-enforcement information contained in them has now entered the public realm…This public disclosure is impeding the department’s efforts to hold individuals accountable for their illegal acts,” he said.
More at link.
Link Posted: 3/24/2012 4:38:02 PM EDT
SipseySI: Critical Mass: The FBI's Poster Boys for Murderous Paid Confidential Informants Outed for Everybody –– even the deliberately near-sighted John Boehner –– to See.
Operation Fast and Furious investigation escalates as ATF, FBI disconnect revealed.
By William La Jeunesse
"The investigation of Operation Fast and Furious escalated this past week as Fox News learned a leak at the Justice Department is providing documents to the Congressional investigators.
The scope of investigation also includes the Federal Bureau of Investigation, which records show failed to tell ATF its own confidential informants were helping finance the illegal gun purchases."
more at link.

examiner: Breaking: source at DOJ leaks documents in Fast and Furious scandal
Citizen journalist Mike Vanderboegh, who first broke the Fast and Furious scandal story in December 2010, is reporting this afternoon that a source inside the Justice Department has leaked a series of documents to Congressional officials who are investigating the scandal.

The leak would be a major break in the case and would fuel an escalation in the investigation into the scandal in which the Obama Administration placed U.S. guns directly into the hands of Mexican criminals in order to make a case for new gun control laws.

According to William Lajeunesse at Fox News, the investigation into Fast and Furious now includes the FBI.

Records show that the FBI failed to inform the ATF that its own confidential informants were helping pay for the purchase of the firearms that were sent to Mexico.
more at link.
Link Posted: 3/24/2012 5:01:46 PM EDT
There's a lot of other stuff distracting people from this investigation - such as the Trayvon Skittles thing, and the slow speed which of uncovering F&F evidence makes this just seem old and laborious.

However - I'm thinking the lid just got blown off this thing while nobody was really looking, much like how many here expected some gotcha moment at the hearings, but that didn't happen.

This is really the beginning of the F&F cover-up collapse.

Is this view reasonable?

Link Posted: 3/24/2012 5:11:48 PM EDT
Originally Posted By Hedonist:
There's a lot of other stuff distracting people from this investigation - such as the Trayvon Skittles thing, and the slow speed which of uncovering F&F evidence makes this just seem old and laborious.

However - I'm thinking the lid just got blown off this thing while nobody was really looking, much like how many here expected some gotcha moment at the hearings, but that didn't happen.

This is really the beginning of the F&F cover-up collapse.

Is this view reasonable?

I hope so.
Link Posted: 3/24/2012 6:17:46 PM EDT
Originally Posted By Hedonist:
There's a lot of other stuff distracting people from this investigation - such as the Trayvon Skittles thing, and the slow speed which of uncovering F&F evidence makes this just seem old and laborious.

However - I'm thinking the lid just got blown off this thing while nobody was really looking, much like how many here expected some gotcha moment at the hearings, but that didn't happen.

This is really the beginning of the F&F cover-up collapse.

Is this view reasonable?

Link Posted: 3/24/2012 6:34:55 PM EDT
Originally Posted By Hedonist:
There's a lot of other stuff distracting people from this investigation - such as the Trayvon Skittles thing, and the slow speed which of uncovering F&F evidence makes this just seem old and laborious.

However - I'm thinking the lid just got blown off this thing while nobody was really looking, much like how many here expected some gotcha moment at the hearings, but that didn't happen.

This is really the beginning of the F&F cover-up collapse.

Is this view reasonable?

Concur, albeit in my usually jaded and guarded-optimism manner.
Link Posted: 3/24/2012 6:46:51 PM EDT
[Last Edit: Everrest] [#40]
David Codrea: DOJ charges release of ‘Gunwalker’ reports impedes investigations
“The latest twist in the tug of war over Department of Justice documents central to the investigation of Operation Fast and Furious came Friday evening, when a top Justice official refused a congressional request for subpoenaed documents and blamed GOP lawmakers over the leaking of sensitive information,” CNN reported Friday.

In a letter to Rep. Darrell Issa, R-California, and Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, Assistant Attorney General Ronald Weich suggested that sensitive information relating to ongoing investigations is coming from their staffs.

“Late Friday, Department of Justice Assistant Attorney General Ron Weich warned Issa, ‘We are deeply disturbed that the sensitive law enforcement information…has entered the public realm,’” William La Jeunesse of Fox News revealed.

He said it is impeding the DOJ’s prosecution of current criminal cases arising from Fast and Furious.

A Congressional spokesperson for Issa made no apologies, saying the documents being leaked to the committee “are precisely what the Justice Department is hiding and what congressional investigators are seeking – basic information about who knew what when about Fast and Furious.”

More at link!
(thanks to David Codrea, Mike V. and others for their work.)
ETA: Scribd: Weich letter to Issa and Grassley 3-23-2012
Link Posted: 3/24/2012 6:47:54 PM EDT
Originally Posted By Hedonist:
There's a lot of other stuff distracting people from this investigation - such as the Trayvon Skittles thing, and the slow speed which of uncovering F&F evidence makes this just seem old and laborious.

However - I'm thinking the lid just got blown off this thing while nobody was really looking, much like how many here expected some gotcha moment at the hearings, but that didn't happen.

This is really the beginning of the F&F cover-up collapse.

Is this view reasonable?

Those were my thoughts exactly.
Link Posted: 3/24/2012 8:30:09 PM EDT
Originally Posted By wunbadweel:
Originally Posted By Hedonist:
There's a lot of other stuff distracting people from this investigation - such as the Trayvon Skittles thing, and the slow speed which of uncovering F&F evidence makes this just seem old and laborious.

However - I'm thinking the lid just got blown off this thing while nobody was really looking, much like how many here expected some gotcha moment at the hearings, but that didn't happen.

This is really the beginning of the F&F cover-up collapse.

Is this view reasonable?

Concur, albeit in my usually jaded and guarded-optimism manner.


This is HUGE imho. That said, I do agree with wunbadweel's statement above

I guess only time will tell as to where this whole thing goes ...
Link Posted: 3/24/2012 10:35:14 PM EDT
[Last Edit: RocketmanOU] [#43]

Eduardo and Jesus A. Miramontes-Varela, Mexican nationals born in Juarez worked for the Sinaloa Cartel when they became informants for the FBI in 2009, according to sources.

Previously, the brothers, ages 36 and 37, worked as informants for police in Miami, the U.S. Marshall's Service, and the DEA.

According to DEA and Congressional reports, the two men were the primary cartel contacts used to finance the illegal gun trafficking ring. Jim Needles, the assistant Agent in Charge of the Phoenix ATF office estimated the brothers spent $250,000 on guns tracked by his agency while conducting Operation Fast and Furious. Needles called it “a disappointment” the FBI didn’t bother to tell his agency of the connection.

“You are getting at the very basis of this investigation,” Senator Charles Grassley said Friday.

“But I have to wait till we have all the information before we bring down the hammer.”

More at link
Link Posted: 3/24/2012 11:05:25 PM EDT
And IIRC, the Miramontes brothers (although we didn't know the name back then) were being discussed about 100 pages back in this thread. We were perplexed as to why the FBI seemed to be protecting them. It was assumed they were CI's.

Then someone here pointed out (in a rather humorous way) that it wouldn't be very difficult to figure out who they really were. Two Mexican brothers, tied to the Sinaloa Cartel, one of which was missing an arm. Even the Keystone Cops could have solved that mystery.

Now we come to find out, they weren't just some low level CI's. They were, in fact, tied right into the "big fish" the ATF were supposedly looking for. And tied to the rip crew that killed Brian Terry.  And the whole time they were under the protection of the FBI. Yeah, this is BIG.

Kind of reminds me of Whitey Bulger, the Irish mob boss from south Boston, who the FBI protected for over a decade during the 80's and early 90s (while allowing him to continue running the Irish mob). Now, over two decades later, we see the FBI is still up to their old tricks

Calling Speaker Boehner, calling Speaker Boehner ... is anyone out there? Is anyone home? Are you listening? Are you even conscious? Did I mention, this is big Speaker Boehner ...  Speaker Boehner, can you hear us???
Link Posted: 3/24/2012 11:12:22 PM EDT
Originally Posted By polymer4me:
And IIRC, the Miramontes brothers (although we didn't know the name back then) were being discussed about 100 pages back in this thread. We were perplexed as to why the FBI seemed to be protecting them. It was assumed they were CI's.

Then someone here pointed out (in a rather humorous way) that it wouldn't be very difficult to figure out who they really were. Two Mexican brothers, tied to the Sinaloa Cartel, one of which was missing an arm. Even the Keystone Cops could have solved that mystery.

Now we come to find out, they weren't just some low level CI's. They were, in fact, tied right into the "big fish" the ATF were supposedly looking for. And tied to the rip crew that killed Brian Terry.  And the whole time they were under the protection of the FBI. Yeah, this is BIG.

Kind of reminds me of Whitey Bulger, the Irish mob boss from south Boston, who the FBI protected for over a decade during the 80's and early 90s (while allowing him to continue running the Irish mob). Now, over two decades later, we see the FBI is still up to their old tricks

Calling Speaker Boehner, calling Speaker Boehner ... is anyone out there? Is anyone home? Are you listening? Are you even conscious? Did I mention, this is big Speaker Boehner ...  Speaker Boehner, can you hear us???

Kinda hard for him to hear us with his fingers stuck in his ears going, "La la la la la."
Link Posted: 3/24/2012 11:21:33 PM EDT
[Last Edit: Everrest] [#46]
From the fox article:
“The latest twist in the tug of war over Department of Justice documents central to the investigation of Operation Fast and Furious came Friday evening, when a top Justice official refused a congressional request for subpoenaed documents and blamed GOP lawmakers over the leaking of sensitive information,” CNN reported Friday.

In a letter to Rep. Darrell Issa, R-California, and Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, Assistant Attorney General Ronald Weich suggested that sensitive information relating to ongoing investigations is coming from their staffs.

Late Friday, Department of Justice Assistant Attorney General Ron Weich warned Issa, ‘We are deeply disturbed that the sensitive law enforcement information…has entered the public realm,’” William La Jeunesse of Fox News revealed.

He said it is impeding the DOJ’s prosecution of current criminal cases arising from Fast and Furious.

A Congressional spokesperson for Issa made no apologies, saying the documents being leaked to the committee “are precisely what the Justice Department is hiding and what congressional investigators are seeking – basic information about who knew what when about Fast and Furious.

Reminds me of the following exchange (skip  to 2:36)
McHenry to AG Holder: 13 Months After The Fact, What Action Will You Take & When?
Link Posted: 3/24/2012 11:44:52 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/25/2012 12:02:37 AM EDT
[Last Edit: hugh1] [#48]
Originally Posted By Everrest:

On Friday evening, Assistant Attorney General Ronald Weich refused the congressional request for subpoenaed documents regarding Operation Fast and Furious– claiming that GOP lawmakers can’t be trusted with the information.

According to CNN, in a letter to Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) and Sen. Charles Grassley (R-IA), Weich suggested that sensitive information was being leaked to the media by their staffs.

“While we do not know who provided these letters to reporters, we are deeply disturbed that the sensitive law-enforcement information contained in them has now entered the public realm…This public disclosure is impeding the department’s efforts to hold individuals accountable for their illegal acts,” he said.
More at link.
I would like to ask Weich, which investigation should take precedent one about straw buyers or one about mass murder and treason? I would like to see how he fielded that one.

Edit; After all the DOJ likes to go after the big fish well here is there chance, just get out of the way and let Issa at it.
Link Posted: 3/25/2012 12:43:39 AM EDT
Originally Posted By Garryowen:
These double talking motherfuckers make me sick. I would love for them to be held to 1/2 the standard they hold "Us" to...

Every video I watch gets harder and harder to make it to the end.
Link Posted: 3/25/2012 1:11:31 AM EDT
Those who were wondering why the cartels would spend so much for US sourced guns instead of getting full auto AK's for $50 ea down south of them now know why. The Fibbies were footing the bill. Add that up, and you can see clearly the whole back channel conspiracy to pump up the number of guns recovered in Mexico. ATF was supplying, FBI was buying, and the American people were getting fucked with their own tax money.
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