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Link Posted: 12/17/2005 8:24:47 AM EDT




Most of the insurgents we fight today do NOT appear to be Iraqis, fellas.

Most Iraqis want the insurgents dead.

As well they should. As well as they may deserve to be. But as I stated, they are the ones to cut off heads, who drag bodies through the streets, who string them up from bridges, who taunt and gloat with grotesque and macabre barbarism over the war shattered bodies of the fallen. We're better than that, better then them. At least we should be.

One glaring difference that seems to be lost upon you Belloc is that the dead they party over are usually the innocent and unarmed victims that they have chosen because they are easy targets.  They do not go out of their way to distinguish legitimate combatant targets from innocent bystanders and civilians.  The US and coalition forces have gone out of their way, jeopardizing themselves in many cases, to avoid unneccessary casualties and killing the innocent.  Yeah, we're happy about their dead.  But the dead in this case are armed combatants that were actively engaged in attempting to kill our uniformed and identifiable troops.  
Civillians and other non-combatant targets to the jihadists are just "Allah's will" that should be happy they have been sent to a better place by some homicidal detatched sphincter, or that deserved death because they were collaborating with the infidel.
Sell that 10s or 100s of thousands of innocent Iraqis killed by US bombs tripe to some ignorant Eurodweeb somewhere else.  If the US didn't hold any human life in high regard we would have FAE'd the whole area and taken the damn oil over the smoking carcasses of a couple of million lesser forms of humanity.  
I've known several friends that have gone out of their way and damn near lost their lives to avoid injuring an Iraqi woman or child.  I've had to deal with the wrecks of my brother and his troops that have had to deal with the loss of a little girl they didn't even know but got blown to shit by these noble defenders of their Iraqi homes (as you would seem to think of them) because she just happened to be standing on the street corner that US troops drove by.  The US troops threw candy (not grenades) to the kids because overwhelmingly that's what US troops would rather do with foreign kids as opposed to turning them into steaming hunks of goo.  I've got that little girl's picture on my hard drive, and I can't look at it without crying.  My brother is the same way;  he took that picture right before the bomb went off.  He's probably one of the last people to see her happy.  Her mother probably didn't even have the chance to see her in one piece.  We don't know her name, but nobody who's seen that picture or knows the story will ever forget her.  It's really hard for me because she looks a lot like my little girl and I can't imagine the pain of her parents.
And right now Belloc, I hope the sick son of a bitch that was avenging whatever imagined injustice is remembering her as well.  In the deepest pit of Hell that I can't even imagine.  I hope he gets to see what he did to her.  And I hope that the angels that came to get that bastard gave him a long slow ride down there.

Go look at Michael Yon's picture of a US captain holding a little girl named Farrah.  She's dead too.  Another victim of some noble insurgent avenging the evils of the Amis.


I've probably said too much and been a little hot-headed.  But this morning I really don't care.  I'm sick of this crap.  I'll feel bad for the little girls like Farrah and the one on the side of the street.  For the waste of lung space on the street in that picture, I say Bravo Fuckin Zulu to the Marines that did it.  Just be glad they operate with restraint of a civilized America.  Pissed off Marines with no restrictions or remorse is what you should really be worried about.
Rant over, I need to calm down dammit.

Pic added, and I have to agree

And THIS ladies and gentlemen should be the last post on this thread, for it sums up perfectly the sentiment that is shared by most on this board.

Sadly those that don't 'get it' by now never will. This post epitomizes the 'difference' between us and 'them'.......

Azman-1 out.....
Link Posted: 12/17/2005 8:33:15 AM EDT

Pic added, and I have to agree

Thanks DP.  I really didn't want to find it again, it's rather painful to see.  I love and hate that picture at the same time.  I'll probably end up buying the pic form Yon because I believe in what he's doing.  But I don't know that I could ever have it hanging in my house.
It turns my stomach that there are sick bastards out there that will willingly and knowingly inflict that on a child just to justify their homcidal end.  But at the very least as a father I am glad that there was someone close by and who cared that could hold that little girl while she died and that would try to help her in whatever way could be done.
I don't want to hear any justification from Europe or anywhere else about how the subhumans who do that are somehow justified.
Link Posted: 12/17/2005 9:40:26 AM EDT
One glaring difference is that the dead they party over are usually the innocent and unarmed victims that they have chosen because they are easy targets.

Which is two things:
1. True
2. Has nothing at all to do with the fact that we do not behave as they do and like barabaric savages (which they are) gloat over corpses.

I've probably said too much and been a little hot-headed.  But this morning I really don't care.  I'm sick of this crap.  I'll feel bad for the little girls like Farrah and the one on the side of the street.  For the waste of lung space on the street in that picture, I say Bravo Fuckin Zulu to the Marines that did it.  Just be glad they operate with restraint of a civilized America.  Pissed off Marines with no restrictions or remorse is what you should really be worried about.
Rant over, I need to calm down dammit.

My friend, I pray for them every day. This is not about them. It is about those back home NOT doing the fighting acting beneath the honor and dignity of the very ideals those marines are fighting for. How is it that you can disagree with this?
Link Posted: 12/17/2005 10:06:03 AM EDT

One glaring difference is that the dead they party over are usually the innocent and unarmed victims that they have chosen because they are easy targets.

Which is two things:
1. True
2. Has nothing at all to do with the fact that we do not behave as they do and like barabaric savages (which they are) gloat over corpses.

I've probably said too much and been a little hot-headed.  But this morning I really don't care.  I'm sick of this crap.  I'll feel bad for the little girls like Farrah and the one on the side of the street.  For the waste of lung space on the street in that picture, I say Bravo Fuckin Zulu to the Marines that did it.  Just be glad they operate with restraint of a civilized America.  Pissed off Marines with no restrictions or remorse is what you should really be worried about.
Rant over, I need to calm down dammit.

My friend, I pray for them every day. This is not about them. It is about those back home NOT doing the fighting acting beneath the honor and dignity of the very ideals those marines are fighting for. How is it that you can disagree with this?

Exact same way I feel.
War is ugly, and terrible.
I have a real problem with the mastubatory glee which some posters have.
Kinda like kids who tie firecrackers to animals to prove their manhood.
Ask yourselves this - how would the WW2 generation have acted if graphic pictures had been posted in the newspapers?
There is something wrong with you if you enjoy death.
Killing is neccessary, but it is never fun, even when the people who have died warrented killing.
At best, there is no feeling, at worst, there is a twinge of regret.
Link Posted: 12/17/2005 10:56:37 AM EDT

Exact same way I feel.
War is ugly, and terrible.
I have a real problem with the mastubatory glee which some posters have.
Kinda like kids who tie firecrackers to animals to prove their manhood.
Ask yourselves this - how would the WW2 generation have acted if graphic pictures had been posted in the newspapers?
There is something wrong with you if you enjoy death.
Killing is neccessary, but it is never fun, even when the people who have died warrented killing.
At best, there is no feeling, at worst, there is a twinge of regret.

Yes war is an ugly thing.  But if we don't relish the destruction of our enemies we are doomed to defeat.  It is that very mind set that has taken hold of the western world that worries me, very few of us are willing to do battle anymore because of the sentiment.
Link Posted: 12/17/2005 10:59:24 AM EDT


Exact same way I feel.
War is ugly, and terrible.
I have a real problem with the mastubatory glee which some posters have.
Kinda like kids who tie firecrackers to animals to prove their manhood.
Ask yourselves this - how would the WW2 generation have acted if graphic pictures had been posted in the newspapers?
There is something wrong with you if you enjoy death.
Killing is neccessary, but it is never fun, even when the people who have died warrented killing.
At best, there is no feeling, at worst, there is a twinge of regret.

Yes war is an ugly thing.  But if we don't relish the destruction of our enemies we are doomed to defeat.  It is that very mind set that has taken hold of the western world that worries me, very few of us are willing to do battle anymore because of the sentiment.

I don't have a problem with soldiers having some glee.
Does this make sense?
I don't like a bunch of couch commandos getting their rocks off on something they themselves have not, and will not, do.
Link Posted: 12/17/2005 11:09:17 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/17/2005 11:17:52 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/17/2005 11:36:03 AM EDT
As of now, I understand they're averaging about 100 terrorist attacks a day in Iraq.  We, through are totally fair and balanced media[cough]bullshit...bullshit[/cough], are informed only of the ones that produce casualties against our troops or Iraqui citizens and defence forces.  That onlt accounts for about a half dozen or so attacks.  I guess the rest of the 94 attacks must look like that picture on page one.  

Nice to know that someone is taking the time to let the rest know what is going on.

Link Posted: 12/17/2005 12:13:14 PM EDT



Pardon me if I do not share in your grief.  Civilized people do not settle "grievances" at gunpoint.

They are all savages and need to be put down like rabid dogs.

And THAT is the source of the grief, not over their fate, but the fact of saying things like "kill the rapid dogs" while dancing around in their blood is not only unworthy of a great people and nation, is it what they would do.


Here's a hanky, wipe your tears.
Link Posted: 12/17/2005 1:36:23 PM EDT

Yes war is an ugly thing.  But if we don't relish the destruction of our enemies we are doomed to defeat.  It is that very mind set that has taken hold of the western world that worries me, very few of us are willing to do battle anymore because of the sentiment.

What's that, the sentiment of the honorable warrior? I don't think so. An honorable soldier or man does not get macabre joy or pleasure out of destruction and horror. The other side does because they are monsters. I see that some are here as well. Just like that individual a few days ago who posted that we must not worry about killing every last woman and child in the middle east if that is what it takes to defeat the bad guys.
Link Posted: 12/17/2005 1:38:59 PM EDT


Here's a hanky, wipe your tears.

I'm all out. Can you grab me another out of your purse?
Link Posted: 12/17/2005 1:40:17 PM EDT


Yes war is an ugly thing.  But if we don't relish the destruction of our enemies we are doomed to defeat.  It is that very mind set that has taken hold of the western world that worries me, very few of us are willing to do battle anymore because of the sentiment.

What's that, the sentiment of the honorable warrior? I don't think so. An honorable soldier or man does not get macabre joy or pleasure out of destruction and horror. The other side does because they are monsters. I see that some are here as well. Just like that individual a few days ago who posted that we must not worry about killing every last woman and child in the middle east if that is what it takes to defeat the bad guys.

I more than willing to compare my acumen as warrior against yours any day of week.  

The problem is many, it sounds like you included, have become weak.  It takes guys like me who are willing to kill so you can think that you are better than us because you are too good to do it.  
Link Posted: 12/17/2005 1:45:15 PM EDT



Yes war is an ugly thing.  But if we don't relish the destruction of our enemies we are doomed to defeat.  It is that very mind set that has taken hold of the western world that worries me, very few of us are willing to do battle anymore because of the sentiment.

What's that, the sentiment of the honorable warrior? I don't think so. An honorable soldier or man does not get macabre joy or pleasure out of destruction and horror. The other side does because they are monsters. I see that some are here as well. Just like that individual a few days ago who posted that we must not worry about killing every last woman and child in the middle east if that is what it takes to defeat the bad guys.

I more than willing to compare my acumen as warrior against yours any day of week.  

The problem is many, it sounds like you included, have become weak.  It takes guys like me who are willing to kill so you can think that you are better than us because you are too good to do it.  

Only a mindless barbaric idiot, i.e. al-queda moron, would think that the will to kill and taking enjoyment in killing are the same things.
Link Posted: 12/17/2005 1:47:23 PM EDT




Yes war is an ugly thing.  But if we don't relish the destruction of our enemies we are doomed to defeat.  It is that very mind set that has taken hold of the western world that worries me, very few of us are willing to do battle anymore because of the sentiment.

What's that, the sentiment of the honorable warrior? I don't think so. An honorable soldier or man does not get macabre joy or pleasure out of destruction and horror. The other side does because they are monsters. I see that some are here as well. Just like that individual a few days ago who posted that we must not worry about killing every last woman and child in the middle east if that is what it takes to defeat the bad guys.

I more than willing to compare my acumen as warrior against yours any day of week.  

The problem is many, it sounds like you included, have become weak.  It takes guys like me who are willing to kill so you can think that you are better than us because you are too good to do it.  

Only a mindless barbaric idiot, i.e. al-queda moron, would think that the will to kill and taking enjoyment in killing are the same things.

If you say so.  So many wars have you fought in?  What bases do have to speak about war and violence?
Link Posted: 12/17/2005 1:49:06 PM EDT
The point is you don't take joy out killing it what is required. I don't know how many dead guys you have been around but it soesn't exactly put a smile on my face looking at a15 year kids head that got blown while he was trying to emplace an IED.
Link Posted: 12/17/2005 1:53:15 PM EDT

The point is you don't take joy out killing it what is required. I don't know how many dead guys you have been around but it soesn't exactly put a smile on my face looking at a15 year kids head that got blown while he was trying to emplace an IED.

People react to violence and having to do violence differently.  I know some of my Marines had to get counseling and some were good to go.  Personelly didn't bother me at all.  
Link Posted: 12/17/2005 1:57:26 PM EDT


If you say so.  So many wars have you fought in?  What bases do have to speak about war and violence?

Let's hope that when the shooting stops you finish your education and make us all proud.
If I ever figure out just what the hell it was you tried to post I will endeavor to respond to it.
Link Posted: 12/17/2005 1:58:35 PM EDT
I guess the point I am trying to make is I come home I get all these armchair G.I joes showing me some mpeg of some idiot getting lit up with an RPG on his shoulder, and their laughing and cracking jokes like it so funny. At the time it is pretty grim business there is no pleasure or sorrow it is a suck thing to be in that situation period. It just makes me wanna slap these guys because they just don't get it.
Link Posted: 12/17/2005 2:06:12 PM EDT
Allot of the guys I know, about 99 percent professional military, love the MPEGs of the guys getting lit up.  Nothing wrong with that at all.
Link Posted: 12/17/2005 2:08:37 PM EDT
There is no joy greater than winning a fight face to face with an armed men trying to kill you. I have done that and that is my personal experience. Elation, joy call it what you want. You lived, you survived, that is what is important you won the battle not only with your foe but also with yourself. Pictures of the dead are  pictures of someone else's battle, they are history thats all. Am I glad to see a picture of a dead man who wanted to kill a GI? Yes I am. Do I give a shit about it ? Well no.
Link Posted: 12/17/2005 2:09:01 PM EDT



If you say so.  So many wars have you fought in?  What bases do have to speak about war and violence?

Let's hope that when the shooting stops you finish your education and make us all proud.
If I ever figure out just what the hell it was you tried to post I will endeavor to respond to it.

Sorry instead of studying grammar and writing.  I was leading Marines.  I know in some crowds it's the writer and the poet that is important.  My crowd however it's the leader and the warrior.  
Link Posted: 12/17/2005 2:17:23 PM EDT

Allot of the guys I know, about 99 percent professional military, love the MPEGs of the guys getting lit up.  Nothing wrong with that at all.

Somewhere around 99% of the population in the Islamic Middle East loved seeing the Towers come crashing down. Percentage has nothing to do with the rightness or wrongness of a thing.
Link Posted: 12/17/2005 2:17:27 PM EDT
At some point, you have to come home, and reality begins to set in. You were only doing your job while you were there, and you were part of "the boys" and all that helps make it a little easier while you are there. I know guys that are haunted by what they did or saw...not that they were wrong or anything, but that kind of stuff really goes against the grain at some point, and your humanity returns.

Seriously, I pray that the men and women who are there can put this in the right place in their lives one day, and not be haunted by it. God bless them all.

If you have never been in war, then you have no idea what I am talking about, and I hope you never have to be. It is a necessary evil we will never be without.
Link Posted: 12/17/2005 2:20:30 PM EDT


Allot of the guys I know, about 99 percent professional military, love the MPEGs of the guys getting lit up.  Nothing wrong with that at all.

Somewhere around 99% of the population in the Islamic Middle East loved seeing the Towers come crashing down. Percentage has nothing to do with the rightness or wrongness of a thing.

That is why we cannot be weak like you, and we few that are willing have to protect those you who won't.
Link Posted: 12/17/2005 2:54:35 PM EDT


Allot of the guys I know, about 99 percent professional military, love the MPEGs of the guys getting lit up.  Nothing wrong with that at all.

Somewhere around 99% of the population in the Islamic Middle East loved seeing the Towers come crashing down. Percentage has nothing to do with the rightness or wrongness of a thing.

You are still not getting it.  The dead in the Towers were non-combatants.  People at work who were murdered by deluded homicidal zealots.  The dead in the picture that started this thread are those same zealots, killed by uniformed troops.  There is a difference.
Link Posted: 12/17/2005 3:08:19 PM EDT
That is why we cannot be weak like you, and we few that are willing have to protect those you who won't.

Yeah, right "weak". Get your bench press to within even 100lbs of 410 and we'll talk.

Sorry instead of studying grammar and writing. I was leading Marines. I know in some crowds it's the writer and the poet that is important. My crowd however it's the leader and the warrior.

Leading? Leading them where, to what? To becoming mindless uneducated simpletons who delight in slaughter like yourself? I thought that is what we were fighting against. I thought we were fighting not a country, but an idea. A barbaric monstrosity of an twisted philosophy that threatens not America (or not just America) but civilization itself because it IS so barbaric.  It's rather tragic to learn that the idea of the scholar and soldier, the warrior poet, seems so rank or at least an enigma to you. The learned men who founded the Republic would have a different understanding.  On this forum in the past weeks there have been posts and threads belittling the Navy SEALS, about whether or not one should urinate on his prospective future wife and mother of his children, of exclaiming as tenable the outright slaughter of every single last man, woman and child in the Middle East in the pursuit of defeating those who would have no compunction about killing every last man, woman and child in the West, and of deriving morose delectation from displays of the war shattered bodies of the dead. What the hell are is happening to the men of the Republic?  
I do however have a bit of a classical education and for all my learning cannot think to name even one great American General or soldier who would be so vile as demonstrate such a lack of character as to actually "relish" and take delight and pleasure in blown apart human remains. Used to be that Ameridans had too much honor to do that. It is only the "weak" of character that do otherwise.

Link Posted: 12/17/2005 3:13:08 PM EDT



Allot of the guys I know, about 99 percent professional military, love the MPEGs of the guys getting lit up.  Nothing wrong with that at all.

Somewhere around 99% of the population in the Islamic Middle East loved seeing the Towers come crashing down. Percentage has nothing to do with the rightness or wrongness of a thing.

You are still not getting it.  The dead in the Towers were non-combatants.  People at work who were murdered by deluded homicidal zealots.  The dead in the picture that started this thread are those same zealots, killed by uniformed troops.  There is a difference.

No, it is you who are still not getting it. As there is a difference between their war dead and our civilian dead, so there is, or should be, a difference between their "soldiers" and ours. There is nothing honorable in what they do, and nothing honorable when we act like them.
Link Posted: 12/17/2005 3:15:32 PM EDT

That is why we cannot be weak like you, and we few that are willing have to protect those you who won't.

Yeah, right "weak". Get your bench press to within even 100lbs of 410 and we'll talk.

Sorry instead of studying grammar and writing. I was leading Marines. I know in some crowds it's the writer and the poet that is important. My crowd however it's the leader and the warrior.

Leading? Leading them where, to what? To becoming mindless uneducated simpletons who delight in slaughter like yourself? I thought that is what we were fighting against. I thought we were fighting not a country, but an idea. A barbaric monstrosity of an twisted philosophy that threatens not America (or not just America) but civilization itself because it IS so barbaric.  It's rather tragic to learn that the idea of the scholar and soldier, the warrior poet, seems so rank or at least an enigma to you. The learned men who founded the Republic would have a different understanding.  On this forum in the past weeks there have been posts and threads belittling the Navy SEALS, about whether or not one should urinate on his prospective future wife and mother of his children, of exclaiming as tenable the outright slaughter of every single last man, woman and child in the Middle East in the pursuit of defeating those who would have no compunction about killing every last man, woman and child in the West, and of deriving morose delectation from displays of the war shattered bodies of the dead. What the hell are is happening to the men of the Republic?  
I do however have a bit of a classical education and for all my learning cannot think to name even one great American General or soldier who would be so vile as demonstrate such a lack of character as to actually "relish" and take delight and pleasure in blown apart human remains. Used to be that Ameridans had too much honor to do that. It is only the "weak" of character that do otherwise.

Until you have been in battle you have no room to talk.  How the fuck do you know how it feels to have survived when one of those bastards tries to kill you.  How do you know how you should feel after a fight when your life was on the line?  You fucking don't, so until you are willing to pick up the rifle and do the job.  Shut the fuck up with your higher than thou bull shit.  

I have heard allot of claims on the net, about the 400 lbs bench pressing and the thousands of rounds fire.  All of it's Bull shit, most claims on the internet are 4 to 5 times the real number.
Link Posted: 12/17/2005 3:20:31 PM EDT

I do however have a bit of a classical education and for all my learning cannot think to name even one great American General or soldier who would be so vile as demonstrate such a lack of character as to actually "relish" and take delight and pleasure in blown apart human remains. Used to be that Ameridans had too much honor to do that. It is only the "weak" of character that do otherwise.

"Magnificent! Compared to war all other forms of human endeavor shrink to insignificance.
God help me, I do love it so!"
- General George Patton Jr

Kill them all, let Allah sort them out.   They have the ability to expose and eliminate the scum who are responsible for this shit, and they choose not to do so.  
Link Posted: 12/17/2005 3:27:33 PM EDT
Until you have been in battle you have no room to talk.  How the fuck do you know how it feels to have survived when one of those bastards tries to kill you.  How do you know how you should feel after a fight when your life was on the line?

So, what you are actually trying to say is that all those American soldiers in all those wars who were shot at by all those enemies and who did not become just mindless rambling barbaric killing machines, who did not in fact behave like the very enemy they were trying to destroy, have nothing to say on the issue. Right.

You fucking don't, so until you willing to pick up the rifle and do the job.  Shut the fuck up with your higher than thou bull shit.  
I have heard allot of claims on the net, about the 400 lbs bench pressing and the thousands of rounds fire.  All of it's Bull shit, most claims on the internet are 4 to 5 times the real number.

And here I thought you had no poetic side.
Link Posted: 12/17/2005 3:30:56 PM EDT
I don't have a poetic side or a sense of humor, but I do have the ability to quickly size people up.

And you have no idea of US military history if you think my behavior is unusual.  In the pacific war it was very common for the total elimination of the enemy force, hell they gave a sub commander a Navy Cross for surfacing and machine gunning Japanese troops in the water.  And let us not forget Dresden and the wan-ten us of artillery to clear villages.  You ignorance of the  subject is glaring.  
Link Posted: 12/17/2005 3:42:43 PM EDT



It's easy, almost necessary, to dehumanize the enemy.  

A normal human being cannot be trained to kill any other way.  David Grossman, a self proclaimed killologist, has done a lot of research in this area.  Overcoming the resistance to kill is an integral part of preparing soldiers for war.  

Yeah that guy was doing the news interview and talk show circuit after Columbine. He would go on about violent computer/video games i.e. first person shooters, having a direct link to what Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold did at their high school. He implied thats the way U.S. troops have to be trained to be more effective killers on the battlefield. Create a disconnect in their brain between killing and the guilt or hesitation to kill.
Link Posted: 12/17/2005 3:55:51 PM EDT

I don't have a poetic side or a sense of humor,  

I really don't think anyone is surprised by this. No matter, at least you have that education to fall back on.
Link Posted: 12/17/2005 3:58:43 PM EDT


I don't have a poetic side or a sense of humor,  

I really don't think anyone is surprised by this. No matter, at least you have that education to fall back on.

hey, you're from italy.

my great-grandfather went there to kill people once.
Link Posted: 12/17/2005 4:01:29 PM EDT
Actually you have to have a degree to be commissioned officer, and it helps to have a masters to be a field grade.  My writing may not be up to speed on the forums because, I fail to take time to proof sometimes.  But trust me I have many years of education, both civil and military behind me.

So don't worry when I retire, I will not have to fall back on my humor or my abilities to do poetry.
Link Posted: 12/17/2005 4:02:54 PM EDT

dude, can I have your chest rig?

I'd say it's bad luck.  
Link Posted: 12/17/2005 4:03:04 PM EDT



I don't have a poetic side or a sense of humor,  

I really don't think anyone is surprised by this. No matter, at least you have that education to fall back on.

hey, you're from italy.

my great-grandfather went there to kill people once.

Actually I am from Washington DC. I came to Rome last year to do some courses in philosophical anthropology and metaphysics.
Link Posted: 12/17/2005 4:05:10 PM EDT

Actually you have to have a degree to be commissioned officer, and it helps to have a masters to be a field grade.  My writing may not be up to speed on the forums because, I fail to take time to proof sometimes.  But trust me I have many years of education, both civil and military behind me.

So don't worry when I retire, I will not have to fall back on my humor or my abilities to do poetry.

"..most claims on the internet are 4 to 5 times the real number."
Link Posted: 12/17/2005 4:06:50 PM EDT
Yep, but you can easily look up the requirements to be a commissioned officer in the Corps, our education and career track.
Link Posted: 12/17/2005 4:11:21 PM EDT
All I have to say is GOOD JOB MARINES!!!
Link Posted: 12/17/2005 4:15:07 PM EDT

I guess the point I am trying to make is I come home I get all these armchair G.I joes showing me some mpeg of some idiot getting lit up with an RPG on his shoulder, and their laughing and cracking jokes like it so funny. At the time it is pretty grim business there is no pleasure or sorrow it is a suck thing to be in that situation period. It just makes me wanna slap these guys because they just don't get it.

No, they don't get it because they've never been there and they'll never have to go.  For them, their bravado will always be built on someone else's children and money.  For you, find the ones that understand and stay close to them.  Don't be afraid to talk, just be careful who you talk to.  No matter what, BE VERY PROUD of being a warrior and doing your duty.  The greatest gift is that you'll probably never have better friends than those you served with.  The rest of it really doesn't matter very much.
Link Posted: 12/17/2005 4:21:51 PM EDT

Actually I am from Washington DC. I came to Rome last year to do some courses in philosophical anthropology and metaphysics.

Hey, Belloc, since you are already more than halfway there, why don't you shut the books and do a little research?  It would make a great Masters Thesis.  A comparison of conventional metaphysical theories and their practical application in the war in Iraq.  The short title could be, "Six Months behind an M-16"
Link Posted: 12/17/2005 4:38:14 PM EDT


Actually I am from Washington DC. I came to Rome last year to do some courses in philosophical anthropology and metaphysics.

Hey, Belloc, since you are already more than halfway there, why don't you shut the books and do a little research?  It would make a great Masters Thesis.  A comparison of conventional metaphysical theories and their practical application in the war in Iraq.  The short title could be, "Six Months behind an M-16"


Here is the irony, I actually have more respect for those men laying the street than all ones like Belloc.  
Link Posted: 12/17/2005 4:46:18 PM EDT


Yes war is an ugly thing.  But if we don't relish the destruction of our enemies we are doomed to defeat.  It is that very mind set that has taken hold of the western world that worries me, very few of us are willing to do battle anymore because of the sentiment.

What's that, the sentiment of the honorable warrior? I don't think so. An honorable soldier or man does not get macabre joy or pleasure out of destruction and horror. The other side does because they are monsters. I see that some are here as well. Just like that individual a few days ago who posted that we must not worry about killing every last woman and child in the middle east if that is what it takes to defeat the bad guys.

I'd bet that the only being that does not get emotionaly involved in that shit is an actual robot.   Please tell me you do not believe that a person in that situation would not take some measure of satisfaction out of  making of puddle of blood out of some turd who minutes ago was trying to kill him, or had just pushed the plunger on an IED and killed friends and innocent kids?  Could be why Europe is going down the shitter.  You think too much, when your enemy has no plans beyond hacking off your head.  

Sip your latte in peace.  Some uneducated American savage lacking in manners, chivalry and social graces will keep your head on your shoulders.  
Link Posted: 12/17/2005 5:04:22 PM EDT


Here is the irony, I actually have more respect for those men laying the street than all ones like Belloc.  

You just said you had respect for the very islamic fundamentalist butchers that kill and torture innocent civilians including children.
In what did you take your degree at Complete Whack Job Community College and Tractor Repair School?
Link Posted: 12/17/2005 5:10:12 PM EDT
   You think too much, when your enemy has no plans beyond hacking off your head.

Unlike the nutcase above I have no respect whatsoever for the enemy.

Link Posted: 12/17/2005 5:11:24 PM EDT


They were still human beings.

You sure about that?

Link Posted: 12/17/2005 5:48:12 PM EDT
Well, I respect those I have killed.  They were at aleast willing to take up arms for a cause.  I don't respect those who study in useless fields when there is a war going on.   I am sure you will always find a reason not to fight.  Hey what can I say, I don't respect pussies.  

Link Posted: 12/17/2005 8:36:58 PM EDT



Here is the irony, I actually have more respect for those men laying the street than all ones like Belloc.  

You just said you had respect for the very islamic fundamentalist butchers that kill and torture innocent civilians including children.
In what did you take your degree at Complete Whack Job Community College and Tractor Repair School?


Your ignorance cannot be compensated for by college degrees.
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