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Posted: 4/27/2011 8:53:46 PM EDT
Don't know if anyone posted these before and I apologize for not having context for a few of these

Link Posted: 4/27/2011 8:57:34 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/27/2011 8:59:16 PM EDT
Wow, they actually have the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier looking pretty awesome.  It's a far cry from '05-06 when we were there:

Link Posted: 4/27/2011 9:09:35 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/27/2011 9:10:28 PM EDT
It's kind of weird seeing Abrams in a parade. I'm used to seeing them just wrecking people's things.
Link Posted: 4/27/2011 9:13:24 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/27/2011 9:38:17 PM EDT
good stuff thanks for sharing
Link Posted: 4/27/2011 9:41:58 PM EDT
how long til we have to wreck their shit again?
Link Posted: 4/27/2011 10:06:32 PM EDT


Hey, I've been shot at by those!    
Well, not THOSE, the ones that shot at us caught a regimental fire for effect from counter battery

Link Posted: 4/27/2011 10:23:26 PM EDT
They've sure got a strange mix of equipment. Are they totally reliant upon Western contractors for the advanced maintenance of systems like the Abrams? Last I knew, this was the case in Saudi Arabia, I imagine the situation is similar in Iraq.

I like the BTR-80UPs.

Link Posted: 4/27/2011 10:24:52 PM EDT

Anybody know the details on these Fords?

Are they the Euro diesel Rangers?
Link Posted: 4/28/2011 2:23:12 AM EDT

Anybody know the details on these Fords?

Are they the Euro diesel Rangers?

Diesel yes, something tells me they aren't made in Europe though.   The ANP and ANA drive them over here too, get me a ride every once in a while on patrol.   I think they are propably made in Asia somewhere's.   That's just what I think/
Link Posted: 4/28/2011 2:38:22 AM EDT
I still don't like the fact they are using M1's.

We should have scoured the country for old M60's and given them those.
Link Posted: 4/28/2011 2:42:24 AM EDT


Anybody know the details on these Fords?

Are they the Euro diesel Rangers?

Good catch; I just completely glanced over that and it didn't register.

What an odd hodgepodge of crap they use.

Link Posted: 4/28/2011 3:39:33 AM EDT


I still don't like the fact they are using M1's.

We should have scoured the country for old M60's and given them those.

I do think that there were ulterior motives in that decision.  They don't get enough of them to make a difference against us, and that leaves our military an "in" as trainers and maintenance.

Link Posted: 4/28/2011 3:42:59 AM EDT
I hope you enjoyed the pictorial review......because YOU AND I PAID FOR EVERY BIT OF IT!!!
Link Posted: 4/28/2011 3:49:37 AM EDT
It's kind of weird seeing Abrams in a parade. I'm used to seeing them just wrecking people's things.

when did the iraqis get abrams
Link Posted: 4/28/2011 4:01:04 AM EDT
It's kind of weird seeing Abrams in a parade. I'm used to seeing them just wrecking people's things.

when did the iraqis get abrams

My guess is the US

Link Posted: 4/28/2011 4:01:23 AM EDT
Soooo....when do they start using our equipment against us?
Link Posted: 4/28/2011 4:03:25 AM EDT



I still don't like the fact they are using M1's.

We should have scoured the country for old M60's and given them those.

I do think that there were ulterior motives in that decision. They don't get enough of them to make a difference against us, and that leaves our military an "in" as trainers and maintenance.

That is what we thought in Iran in the late 70's as well.   As long as the current power structure stays in place that is well and good, but things can change fairly quickly and radically in that area.
Link Posted: 4/28/2011 4:07:47 AM EDT




I still don't like the fact they are using M1's.

We should have scoured the country for old M60's and given them those.

I do think that there were ulterior motives in that decision. They don't get enough of them to make a difference against us, and that leaves our military an "in" as trainers and maintenance.

That is what we thought in Iran in the late 70's as well.   As long as the current power structure stays in place that is well and good, but things can change fairly quickly and radically in that area.

Decent argument, but even the stuff we gave Iran stopped being relevant quite a long time ago.

Link Posted: 4/28/2011 4:09:49 AM EDT
I hope you enjoyed the pictorial review......because YOU AND I PAID FOR EVERY BIT OF IT!!!

Yep! it made me feel weird seeing the Iraqi Army rolling around in Abrams and Paladin's.

Just wondering if they'll be using our own hardware against us in the near future.
Link Posted: 4/28/2011 4:20:24 AM EDT



I still don't like the fact they are using M1's.

We should have scoured the country for old M60's and given them those.

I do think that there were ulterior motives in that decision. They don't get enough of them to make a difference against us, and that leaves our military an "in" as trainers and maintenance.

That is what we thought in Iran in the late 70's as well.   As long as the current power structure stays in place that is well and good, but things can change fairly quickly and radically in that area.

Decent argument, but even the stuff we gave Iran stopped being relevant quite a long time ago.

This.  Aren't those monkey model abrams?
Link Posted: 4/28/2011 4:20:35 AM EDT
We will be fighting them in a few years...
Link Posted: 4/28/2011 4:31:50 AM EDT





I still don't like the fact they are using M1's.

We should have scoured the country for old M60's and given them those.

I do think that there were ulterior motives in that decision. They don't get enough of them to make a difference against us, and that leaves our military an "in" as trainers and maintenance.

That is what we thought in Iran in the late 70's as well. As long as the current power structure stays in place that is well and good, but things can change fairly quickly and radically in that area.

Decent argument, but even the stuff we gave Iran stopped being relevant quite a long time ago.

True, but that wasn't the fact in 1980.  We were lucky we weren't in a postition to have to engage Iran in the early 80's.
And yes, these M1s are not the top of the line. But I still don't want our guys (or the Saudis) fighting them in 2015.

Link Posted: 4/28/2011 4:39:18 AM EDT
I hope you enjoyed the pictorial review......because YOU AND I PAID FOR EVERY BIT OF IT!!!


Defense-related purchase requests from Iraq over the last 2 weeks of July 2008 totaled over $10.9 billion, and included tanks, wheeled LAV wheeled APCs and/or wheeled M1117 armored cars, armed reconnaissance helicopters, C-130J transport aircraft, and major infrastructure build-outs. December 2008 additions include coastal patrol boats, 56 trainers and light attack aircraft, command & control equipment, and small arms. The Iraqi request for M1A1s was updated with a similar December 2008 request, which is now confirmed to be additive. Deliveries have begun…

Link Posted: 4/28/2011 4:44:46 AM EDT

"We’ll come in low, out of the rising sun, and about a mile out,

   we’ll put on the music…"
Link Posted: 4/28/2011 5:42:34 AM EDT



I hope you enjoyed the pictorial review......because YOU AND I PAID FOR EVERY BIT OF IT!!!


Defense-related purchase requests from Iraq over the last 2 weeks of July 2008 totaled over $10.9 billion, and included tanks, wheeled LAV wheeled APCs and/or wheeled M1117 armored cars, armed reconnaissance helicopters, C-130J transport aircraft, and major infrastructure build-outs. December 2008 additions include coastal patrol boats, 56 trainers and light attack aircraft, command & control equipment, and small arms. The Iraqi request for M1A1s was updated with a similar December 2008 request, which is now confirmed to be additive. Deliveries have begun…


The fact that the Iraq actually paid for all this equipment themselves is much less dramatic.

Link Posted: 4/28/2011 5:49:02 AM EDT
lol at the Iraqi Air Force. I remember seeing those guys take off and land at FOB Warrior in Kirkuk.. you'd see their pilots walking around in flight suits like they were from Top Gun but they were flying little Cessnas and shit.

Surprised they didn't have any of the Strykers we gave them on display. I remember on one of my last missions in 2009 I got passed by some of them going into Mosul on Tampa near the Baghdad Traffic Circle. They were painted all stupid and had Iraqi flags pretty much anywhere you could think to put them. I said "Oh shit, look dude there are Iraqi Strykers" and my TC asked how I could tell they were Iraqi and I informed them of the flags and such.... and the fact that every one of their gunners flagged me with their crew served weapon systems!
Link Posted: 4/28/2011 5:54:48 AM EDT
I dont like them having Abrams...what is a 'monkey model'?

Even if we did 'go back to war with them', I dont think they would be as proficient with them, right? And once something started, the contracted maintenance crews would diminish also, correct?

Not so bad I guess...
Link Posted: 4/28/2011 5:55:56 AM EDT


I dont like them having Abrams...what is a 'monkey model'?

Even if we did 'go back to war with them', I dont think they would be as proficient with them, right? And once something started, the contracted maintenance crews would diminish also, correct?

Not so bad I guess...

They are the export model no DU armor things like that..

Link Posted: 4/28/2011 5:57:47 AM EDT



Anybody know the details on these Fords?

Are they the Euro diesel Rangers?

Good catch; I just completely glanced over that and it didn't register.

What an odd hodgepodge of crap they use.

I was expecting Hilux's myself.

Link Posted: 4/28/2011 6:03:18 AM EDT



"We’ll come in low, out of the rising sun, and about a mile out,

   we’ll put on the music…"

And the song that comes to mind isn't the one you think...

Link Posted: 4/28/2011 6:12:38 AM EDT




I still don't like the fact they are using M1's.

We should have scoured the country for old M60's and given them those.

I do think that there were ulterior motives in that decision. They don't get enough of them to make a difference against us, and that leaves our military an "in" as trainers and maintenance.

That is what we thought in Iran in the late 70's as well.   As long as the current power structure stays in place that is well and good, but things can change fairly quickly and radically in that area.

I'm wondering if we have a plan to sabotage/destroy them in the case of an unfavorable regime change.

Or perhaps we wired something in to them that would render them inoperable if we send out a radio signal.

Link Posted: 4/28/2011 6:14:03 AM EDT
Looks like they are trying at least.

Good for them, hope it works out.
Link Posted: 4/28/2011 6:19:57 AM EDT
They've sure got a strange mix of equipment. Are they totally reliant upon Western contractors for the advanced maintenance of systems like the Abrams? Last I knew, this was the case in Saudi Arabia, I imagine the situation is similar in Iraq.

We built some pretty advanced schooling and maintenance facilities for them, but when the pull-out became time-based that plan pretty much became a sham.  They simply don't get it when it comes to funding and supporting equipment in the long run- they would rather buy 1000 tanks with no support package than 700 tanks with the ability to sustain them, and that philosophy pervades EVERYTHING in their culture.  They have some VERY good maintenace and repair faciltiies that are falling into disarray and lack trained, paid mechanics who give a shit.  In short, I expect they will not be able to do much with their higher-end equipment a few years down the road.

lol at the Iraqi Air Force. I remember seeing those guys take off and land at FOB Warrior in Kirkuk.. you'd see their pilots walking around in flight suits like they were from Top Gun but they were flying little Cessnas and shit.

They have successfully mounted and fired Hellfire missiles from those Cessna's though, which is kinda neat.

In some of their parades in the '09-'10 timeframe, I recall them asking for Americans to operate and drive some of their higher-end equipment in their parades, while wearing Iraqi uniforms.  We declined.
Link Posted: 4/28/2011 6:31:58 AM EDT

They look sharp and capable.  Time for us to pack our bags and leave.  They can provide peace, security, and stability for their own nation.  And if they can't, oh well.
Link Posted: 4/28/2011 7:12:53 AM EDT



I still don't like the fact they are using M1's.

We should have scoured the country for old M60's and given them those.

I do think that there were ulterior motives in that decision.  They don't get enough of them to make a difference against us, and that leaves our military an "in" as trainers and maintenance.

Why do I have a feeling our boys and girls will be looking down those barrels some day in the near future??

Link Posted: 4/28/2011 7:24:03 AM EDT
They get the monkey model Abrams, we get the monkey model Fords.  Great.

Link Posted: 4/28/2011 7:27:18 AM EDT
According to wikipedia Iraq has ordered 140 M1A1M's (no DU in armor) to be delivered by 2011.  We also leased them 20 US Army M1A1's for training.

If we ever fight them again it won't be our M1's vs theirs.  They'll be wiped out from the air again.

Wikipedia lists Egypt as having 1,005 of those M1A1s with no DU.
Link Posted: 4/28/2011 7:33:11 AM EDT



Anybody know the details on these Fords?

Are they the Euro diesel Rangers?

Good catch; I just completely glanced over that and it didn't register.

What an odd hodgepodge of crap they use.

I was expecting Hilux's myself.

They are made in Thailand IIRC

We buy them for the Afghan national Army As well

Turbo diesels.  They dont have shit for low end but when that turbo kicks in  - hang on!

I'd love to get one here I actually emailed Ford about them when I got home from the 'stan. No way they will ever come here.

Link Posted: 4/28/2011 7:33:12 AM EDT


They look sharp and capable.  Time for us to pack our bags and leave.  They can provide peace, security, and stability for their own nation.  And if they can't, oh well.

Sharp and capable???

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 4/28/2011 8:21:10 AM EDT
Hope Iraq is ready to take care of themselves
Link Posted: 4/28/2011 9:00:58 AM EDT
I hope you enjoyed the pictorial review......because YOU AND I PAID FOR EVERY BIT OF IT!!!

This... even with their oil.

Only in America...
Link Posted: 4/28/2011 9:04:16 AM EDT
I hope you enjoyed the pictorial review......because YOU AND I PAID FOR EVERY BIT OF IT!!!

Glad im not the only one thinking this.

I wonder how long it will take before the country claims that we "just left them without support" , is taken over by radicals (again), and leads an attack on us in 2,5,10 years al-la Afghanistan and the "Muj"

Link Posted: 4/28/2011 9:17:18 AM EDT
theres a whole lot of WTF going on with them having M1's in my opinion....I don't give a shit if they are DU or not...

I would have rather not known....guess I got something to be pissed at Obungo about since he is gonna fix everything and all....
Link Posted: 4/28/2011 9:18:37 AM EDT

not really

who the fuck let them buy M1 Abrams tanks?!?!

Never ever sell anyone the same equipment you use, as they may be your enemy one day(especially if they were once).

jesus looks like they have Paladins too

Link Posted: 4/28/2011 9:43:09 AM EDT




not really

who the fuck let them buy M1 Abrams tanks?!?!

Never ever sell anyone the same equipment you use, as they may be your enemy one day(especially if they were once).

jesus looks like they have Paladins too

Yeah those Germans sure used the M48s and M1 carbines to decimate our guys. Don't forget about the Koreans doing the same thing and the British, Canadians, French, Mexicans, Italians, Japaneses, Austrians, Turks, etc all of which we have had direct conflicts or psuedo-wars at some point in our history.

Here's a clue a country using our equipment, especially complex equipment like the Abrams or an F16, makes them dependent upon us for maintenance and parts and less likely to choose hostilities to solve issues.

Link Posted: 4/28/2011 9:48:10 AM EDT
It's either they buy from us, or they buy from our competitors.
Link Posted: 4/28/2011 9:51:34 AM EDT
Those are monkeyed down M1s not the real thing.

Same with the SP guns.

What you should see when you see US arms on parade are jobs for people in Lima, OH.

Folks at the LC plant making ammo.

Cargo shippers making money sending that stuff to Iraq.

Also its a pain in the ass for Iran and other enemies of the US.

But alas yes we are paying for a lot of it.
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