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Posted: 8/15/2007 10:17:56 AM EDT
I currently live in the outskirts of DC (on the Virginia side, thank god) but even that's starting to become little protection from the blue wave that's sweeping over the area.  Thankfully our gun laws are among the best in the nation, but the rising taxes, congestion and overall population density are really starting to get to me.

Ideally I'd like to move to a much more rural area of VA, about 30 minutes or more worth of driving time to the closest thing which could be considered a "city" - though a nearby "town" would be quite nice!

Still, the thought is always in the back of my mind - If I had to leave Virginia, what state could I move to that would suit me just as well, if not better?

So sell me on your state!  Here's what I'm looking for -

- Conservative values
- Little to no infringement upon open and concealed carry
- No firearm restrictions (NFA, magazine capacity limits, AWB, etc...)
- Low taxes (for comparison, VA sales tax is 5%)
- A perceived sense of preserved liberty - meaning that there's nothing (at the state level, anyway) which makes you say "This is unconstitutional and infringes upon my liberty"
- (ETA) Ideally, I'd like a place where I could get a sizeable plot of land to grow crops and hunt on.

You might remember that I did a study of states along some firearm restriction lines a while back, which was met with much contention and ultimately a great need for revision.  So since you guys were so helpful with me on that matter, I'd like to see what you can offer me which would really get at the heart of the matter!

Link Posted: 8/15/2007 10:19:19 AM EDT
Sounds like you are a perfect fit for CA!!
Link Posted: 8/15/2007 10:21:29 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/15/2007 10:22:57 AM EDT
I'd say come to WV since it's just a hop down the road, but you'd probably have just as much trouble finding a job as the rest of us.  
Link Posted: 8/15/2007 10:23:01 AM EDT
Idaho is the only logical place.
Link Posted: 8/15/2007 10:23:22 AM EDT

Sounds like you are a perfect fit for CA!!

Link Posted: 8/15/2007 10:23:26 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/15/2007 10:23:30 AM EDT
Maryland's full

(and it sucks, but you are close enough to know that)
Link Posted: 8/15/2007 10:24:40 AM EDT
Arizona sucks.  It's hot and we have the west nile virus.  I wouldnt ever move here again, dont move here.
Link Posted: 8/15/2007 10:25:33 AM EDT

- A perceived sense of preserved liberty - meaning that there's nothing (at the state level, anyway) which makes you say "This is unconstitutional and infringes upon my liberty"

Good luck.

And Utah is full.  It sucks here.

Link Posted: 8/15/2007 10:25:36 AM EDT
Indiana, but stay out of Indy, Gary...etc.  Rural is the only way to go, no matter where you end up.
Link Posted: 8/15/2007 10:26:21 AM EDT
PA has concealed carry, machine guns, silencers, lot of places to hunt, more folks live in rural areas than any other state and the state sales tax is 6%.
Philly is the only place you don't want to live. Too much crime, taxes, liberal asshats. The rest of the state is great!
Link Posted: 8/15/2007 10:26:25 AM EDT
Dixie would welcome you with a big plate of fried chicken, a cold beer and plenty of places to shoot
Link Posted: 8/15/2007 10:26:35 AM EDT

Arizona sucks.  It's hot and we have the west nile virus.  I wouldnt ever move here again, dont move here.

Great firearm laws there, though, based on what I've researched...

Plus I should have mentioned that I'm basically looking for a farm - something with a sizeable plot of land on which I can grow some crops and hunt.

I'll edit the OP for that...

Link Posted: 8/15/2007 10:27:34 AM EDT

Link Posted: 8/15/2007 10:28:49 AM EDT
If you don't want to move too far, I'd suggest PA, presuming you can work outside of a major urban area.  Anywhere except Philly or Pittsburgh.

Rural conservatives throughout most of the state.
Must issue CCW
Open carry everywhere except Philly (if you have a CCW you can open carry in Philly, just wouldn't recommend it).
6% State tax, 3% state income tax (compared to VA's 5.75%)
NFA friendly, no AWB or any other arbitrary limitations

State Constitution, Article One, Section 21:

The right of the citizens to bear arms in defense of themselves and the State shall not be questioned.

No egregious fines for minor traffic offenses

And before Aimless chimes in, yes, you can't hunt with a semi-auto in PA.

Link Posted: 8/15/2007 10:28:49 AM EDT

I currently live in the outskirts of DC (on the Virginia side, thank god) but even that's starting to become little protection from the blue wave that's sweeping over the area.  Thankfully our gun laws are among the best in the nation, but the rising taxes, congestion and overall population density are really starting to get to me.

Ideally I'd like to move to a much more rural area of VA, about 30 minutes or more worth of driving time to the closest thing which could be considered a "city" - though a nearby "town" would be quite nice!

Still, the thought is always in the back of my mind - If I had to leave Virginia, what state could I move to that would suit me just as well, if not better?

So sell me on your state!  Here's what I'm looking for -

- Conservative values Except for Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, Pa. is very conservative.
- Little to no infringement upon open and concealed carry No open carry, but we are a Shall Issue State in Pa. for CCW
- No firearm restrictions (NFA, magazine capacity limits, AWB, etc...) Pa. is NFA friendly, including DD's, no assault weapons bans either.
- Low taxes (for comparison, VA sales tax is 5%) Pa sales tax is 6% and income tax is around 3%.
- A perceived sense of preserved liberty - meaning that there's nothing (at the state level, anyway) which makes you say "This is unconstitutional and infringes upon my liberty" We have The Liberty bell!!!

You might remember that I did a study of states along some firearm restriction lines a while back, which was met with much contention and ultimately a great need for revision.  So since you guys were so helpful with me on that matter, I'd like to see what you can offer me which would really get at the heart of the matter!


Pennsylvania is right for you, we need all the gun owners we can get.
Link Posted: 8/15/2007 10:28:50 AM EDT

I currently live in the outskirts of DC (on the Virginia side, thank god) but even that's starting to become little protection from the blue wave that's sweeping over the area.  Thankfully our gun laws are among the best in the nation, but the rising taxes, congestion and overall population density are really starting to get to me.

Ideally I'd like to move to a much more rural area of VA, about 30 minutes or more worth of driving time to the closest thing which could be considered a "city" - though a nearby "town" would be quite nice!

Still, the thought is always in the back of my mind - If I had to leave Virginia, what state could I move to that would suit me just as well, if not better?

So sell me on your state!  Here's what I'm looking for -

- Conservative values
- Little to no infringement upon open and concealed carry
- No firearm restrictions (NFA, magazine capacity limits, AWB, etc...)
- Low taxes (for comparison, VA sales tax is 5%)
- A perceived sense of preserved liberty - meaning that there's nothing (at the state level, anyway) which makes you say "This is unconstitutional and infringes upon my liberty"
- (ETA) Ideally, I'd like a place where I could get a sizeable plot of land to grow crops and hunt on.

You might remember that I did a study of states along some firearm restriction lines a while back, which was met with much contention and ultimately a great need for revision.  So since you guys were so helpful with me on that matter, I'd like to see what you can offer me which would really get at the heart of the matter!


You don't want to move to FL. We have all of that (but no open carry).
Link Posted: 8/15/2007 10:29:09 AM EDT
Do NOT move to WA

1.  Can't use the "fun switch"

2.  Can't use a can

3.  Can't use a SBR

4.  The Puget Sound area (where most of the population is concentrated) is NOT conservative

5.  It rains a lot

6.  Traffic sucks (Seattle area)

7.  The cost of living is high

8.  WA is full

Seriously, I love WA and the Pacific Northwest, but if I were going to move, I'd consider Oregon or Idaho--they are more gun friendly.
Link Posted: 8/15/2007 10:29:29 AM EDT

Indiana, but stay out of Indy, Gary...etc.  Rural is the only way to go, no matter where you end up.

Actually, I've given it some thought.

There's a farm out in Decatur which belongs to my family and is currently being rented to a farmer (land belongs in a trust my uncle established for his nieces and nephews as he had no kids himself).  Plus I spent a year at Purdue, so I know plenty about avoiding places like Indy and Gary.

The only thing turning me off on Indiana is that they don't allow Short-Barrel Shotguns.  I don't have one, but what if I wanted one?

Link Posted: 8/15/2007 10:32:39 AM EDT
Stay the fuck out of Maine.

We have enough of you flatlanders.

Every fall, the same shtick, "Ooh, look Paul! Look at the leaves! Let's stop and get some cute little lobster-shaped refrigerator magnets!"
Link Posted: 8/15/2007 10:33:18 AM EDT
Sounds like I should really do some research into PA.  Though the major mental hurdle I'll have to overcome for that one is my conception that "everything North of the Potomac River is evil".  Seriously, the Potomac is less of a River to me and more of a Moat.

Other states have been recommended, but come on, give me some more info on them!

Like I said, SELL me on your state!

Link Posted: 8/15/2007 10:35:28 AM EDT
Do not come here.
Our Senators are Dick Durbin and Barack Husein Obama. (D)

This is not a gun friendly state.

You are required to have a STATE ISSUED licsence in order to posess or purchase a firearm.

Nothing is legal here.

Firearms laws suck,

No Short barreld rifles of shotguns
No AOW's

July 4th sucks here because all the cool fireworks are illegal.

No firecrackers, morters etc.  only smoke devices. Residents of this state travel to the border just to get fun destrutive stuff..

Our Governor is incompetent. A true socialist. His approval rating is horrible and he just like to piss off everybody.

At a time when there was no budget, he calls for a month of special session and his top priority was the ASSAULT WEAPONS BAN!

Link Posted: 8/15/2007 10:36:54 AM EDT

you would not like it.. stay away  ..  

Link Posted: 8/15/2007 10:37:13 AM EDT
We're full.  Thanks for asking.
Link Posted: 8/15/2007 10:38:45 AM EDT

So sell me on your state!  Here's what I'm looking for -

- Conservative values - 50/50. Texans are socially conservative, but don't let anyone tell you that Texans are opposed to big government.
- Little to no infringement upon open and concealed carry Concealed carry is OK in your car without a permit, and with a permit pretty much every. Open carry for handguns is verboten.
- No firearm restrictions (NFA, magazine capacity limits, AWB, etc...) No AWB, no mag capacity limits. NFA weapons are technically illegal, but having an approved form from the BATFE is a defense to prosecution. Tons of NFA here.
- Low taxes (for comparison, VA sales tax is 5%) Property taxes are high, and the sales tax is 8.25%. There are also alot of toll roads, but there is no state income tax.
- A perceived sense of preserved liberty - meaning that there's nothing (at the state level, anyway) which makes you say "This is unconstitutional and infringes upon my liberty" Yes and no. Like I said, Texans aren't as adverse to big government as you would think. There are alot of laws here that are designed to protect you from yourself. The alcohol laws are different in almost every city in Texas that I have been in. Also, if you want to take out a mortgage on your home then you can only borrow up to 80% of the home's value. There are several other little things that make you know that the folks in Austin are looking out for you so that you don't have to. It's still the best place I've ever lived though.
- (ETA) Ideally, I'd like a place where I could get a sizeable plot of land to grow crops and hunt on. You can do that easily.

Link Posted: 8/15/2007 10:39:09 AM EDT
FL doesn't want you. Stay out. Unless you have multiple hot daughters or sisters within the ages of 18-34.
Link Posted: 8/15/2007 10:40:48 AM EDT

FL doesn't want you. Stay out. Unless you have multiple hot daughters or sisters within the ages of 18-34.

Give me 18 years and 1 month on that one, then

Link Posted: 8/15/2007 10:41:11 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/15/2007 10:43:14 AM EDT
You shore got purdy lips.  
Link Posted: 8/15/2007 10:44:12 AM EDT
Whatever you do, don't move to Maine.  I hear Massachusetts is nice.
Link Posted: 8/15/2007 10:45:02 AM EDT
Wild and Wonderful, were mountaineers are always free!
Link Posted: 8/15/2007 10:47:07 AM EDT

Wild and Wonderful, were mountaineers are always free!

Still Wild and Wonderful?  I thought I read something a while back which said it was now "West Virginia: Open for Business".  

Link Posted: 8/15/2007 10:47:15 AM EDT
I would love to move back to western/southwestern Colorado if I could.  Check it out, it is nice.
Link Posted: 8/15/2007 10:49:11 AM EDT

Stay the fuck out of Maine.

We have enough of you flatlanders.

Every fall, the same shtick, "Ooh, look Paul! Look at the leaves! Let's stop and get some cute little lobster-shaped refrigerator magnets!"

ha ha!


Link Posted: 8/15/2007 10:49:23 AM EDT
Don't move to Missouri. Especially don't move to the rural areas. THere are no Starbucks here. Land is too cheap. People leave you alone. Besides, there's lots of guns and hunting and fishing. Don't do it. Stay where you are.

Oh, btw, there aren't any jobs, either . . . and the weather sucks (especially the summers)
Link Posted: 8/15/2007 10:49:52 AM EDT
Lots of chicken, you can screw your sister, and the illegals are constantly replenishing themselves, you can have my spot, I am ready to go back home to Texas.
Link Posted: 8/15/2007 10:50:13 AM EDT

Whatever you do, don't move to Maine.  I hear Massachusetts is nice.

well that's just mean, man.

Link Posted: 8/15/2007 10:50:24 AM EDT

You can flip a coin in the election booth and still have a 100% chance of choosing a gun friendly canidate.

Link Posted: 8/15/2007 10:50:27 AM EDT
South Carolina is decent with your list.

Although we, unfortunately, do not have open carry. You can only open carry whilst on your property/while hunting IIRC. Concealed carry isn't a problem, however.
Link Posted: 8/15/2007 10:52:02 AM EDT

Lots of chicken, you can screw your sister, and the illegals are constantly replenishing themselves, you can have my spot, I am ready to go back home to Texas.

Illegal problem ain't any better in TX, from what I hear. In fact, it's probably worse.
Link Posted: 8/15/2007 10:53:21 AM EDT
Idaho and Utah and Montana are all full up.

I suggest California where you can start to pull that state out of a quagmire while you surf your life away.

Cali needs more conservatives there.

If you can accidentally run over Diane Fienswein while you are there,  I would appreciate that.
Link Posted: 8/15/2007 10:55:23 AM EDT


Lots of chicken, you can screw your sister, and the illegals are constantly replenishing themselves, you can have my spot, I am ready to go back home to Texas.

Illegal problem ain't any better in TX, from what I hear. In fact, it's probably worse.

Yea, I grew up with it, but at least I feel at home there and the fishing is a hell of a lot better, plus all of my family is there and my Granny is getting pretty old. Here I am just surrounded by illegals, the positives are........... give me a minute
Link Posted: 8/15/2007 10:55:27 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/15/2007 10:56:18 AM EDT
Indiana, but stay out of Indy, Gary...etc.  Rural is the only way to go, no matter where you end up.

Link Posted: 8/15/2007 10:56:26 AM EDT

FL doesn't want you. Stay out. Unless you have multiple hot daughters or sisters within the ages of 18-34.

Couldn't have put it any better.

Link Posted: 8/15/2007 10:57:45 AM EDT

Do NOT move to WA

1.  Can't use the "fun switch"

2.  Can't use a can

3.  Can't use a SBR

4.  The Puget Sound area (where most of the population is concentrated) is NOT conservative

5.  It rains a lot

6.  Traffic sucks (Seattle area)

7.  The cost of living is high

8.  WA is full

Seriously, I love WA and the Pacific Northwest, but if I were going to move, I'd consider Oregon or Idaho--they are more gun friendly.

+1  I've lived in Washington state for the better part of my life, and I really can't see any reason for someone to move here.  It can be really pretty here in the summer.  Plus I like mountains.  Other than that, it's nearly as oppressive and overpopulated as California. The roads here are horrible and the majority of people really suck at driving.  I don't know why but a huge amount of people here seem to forget how to drive in the rain if it hasn't rained in a week or two.
Link Posted: 8/15/2007 11:02:24 AM EDT

I would love to move back to western/southwestern Colorado if I could.  Check it out, it is nice.

Not it is not nice here.  Besides, I hear we are full now.
Link Posted: 8/15/2007 11:04:15 AM EDT
Sell you on my state?

if you're not an illegal, or a mindless consumer, no can do.
Link Posted: 8/15/2007 11:06:47 AM EDT

Sell you on my state?

if you're not an illegal, or a mindless consumer, no can do.

Man, even if firearms weren't an issue, NJ still wouldn't have made the list.

Just one quick question for you - what in the hell, and I mean WHAT IN THE HELL, was your state thinking when it decided that "jug-handles" were a better solution than left-turn lanes!?

Link Posted: 8/15/2007 11:06:54 AM EDT
DO NOT under any circumstances come ot md.  its fo ryour own good.  id honestly rather live in va with the overly zealous stateys and excessive fines than in md where you couldnt get a ccw even if you were god.
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