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Link Posted: 2/27/2013 9:55:23 AM EDT
I came in here thinking of "Contact" with Jodie Foster and I was going to say "FUCK YOU! NO IT IS NOT!"

But, different movie, so... It was decent.  I enjoyed it.

I like to think of myself as a man of the cloth... Without the cloth.
Link Posted: 2/27/2013 9:56:40 AM EDT
Really? REALLY? Let's set something way back in the long long ago, in the before times. And then hit them with a truck. Audience groans. Director says "Seee?? Haaa!" Audience kicks director in the balls.

Wait... what?

Did you actually watch the village?

I find it to be one of the best movie portrayals/commentaries of fear and control (symbolic of govt, religion, mass media, etc). And it was not set "way back in the long long ago."

Except that its poorly written, inconsistent, and utterly implausible.

Link Posted: 2/27/2013 9:57:13 AM EDT
Great for a low budget movie.
Link Posted: 2/27/2013 10:04:20 AM EDT
I actually enjoyed Signs.

For a M. Night Shyamalamadingdong movie it sucked far less than anyone had a right to reasonably expect.
Link Posted: 2/27/2013 10:39:57 AM EDT
I actually enjoyed Signs.

For a M. Night Shyamalamadingdong movie it sucked far less than anyone had a right to reasonably expect.

You must have slept through the second half of the movie...
Link Posted: 2/27/2013 10:56:20 AM EDT
Saw it for the first time last weekend. Slow as fuck and basically retarded. Why no preparations, and was grabbing the bat that hard of a thing to consider?
Link Posted: 2/27/2013 10:57:31 AM EDT
6th Sense was good.
Unbreakable was meh.
Signs was awful.

Every movie after that achieves increasing degrees of awful to the point that words fail a proper description.

So it would be safe to assume you didn't like The Lady in the Water?
Link Posted: 2/27/2013 11:04:44 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/27/2013 12:04:50 PM EDT
cool idea with poooor execution
Link Posted: 2/27/2013 12:25:01 PM EDT
So what happened when the irrigation system turned on in the cornfield?  Would think the greys would have learned real quick about goretex or something.
Link Posted: 2/27/2013 12:41:19 PM EDT
Water is what got the Triffids too. Late sixties movie.

Not in the book, if I recall.  No easy way out in the book.  In the movie I think it had to be saltwater to kill them.
Link Posted: 2/27/2013 1:11:53 PM EDT
If you realize that this movie isn't even about aliens, and look a little deeper, you guys might enjoy it more.

Oh! So it's a very deep parable disguised as a terrible movie with a nonsensical plot. Genius!

We didn't miss Sham's clumsy "lesson". The movie sucks.
Link Posted: 2/27/2013 1:27:20 PM EDT
Mel was a preacher not a farmer.  I didn't get the impression that Mel was runnin' the tractor while Johnny Cash was pickin' the corn.  Also, I'd say that most preachers don't have weapons.

I like the part where Mel's in the corn with his Surefire Tactical Lantern and drops it.  When he picks it up and looks down the row, he sees the alien's leg as it walks into the corn.  

Good and suspenseful.  We had fun watching it and usually watch it whenever it's on.  

ETA:  "Swing away, Merrill...........Merrill!.......Swing away."    The soundtrack at that part always gives me the chills.  

Link Posted: 2/27/2013 1:32:12 PM EDT
The one thing I did appreciate about it (besides Mel's always interesting performance) was it tried to show the reality of dealing with SHTF with kids.

Being a single father taking care of two kids through a societal crisis less than a year after the death of the wife/mother would be HORRIBLE.
Link Posted: 2/27/2013 1:32:56 PM EDT


That movie was awful.

Link Posted: 2/27/2013 1:32:58 PM EDT
A civilization that can cross intergalactic space yet cannot open a frikken door and needs to draw shit in corn to communicate. Its shit.
Link Posted: 2/27/2013 1:44:28 PM EDT
Sham-a-lama-ding-dong as "Ray".
Link Posted: 2/27/2013 1:47:22 PM EDT
the alien scene was bad, did they run out of money for good CGI?

That was the highlight of the movie.  I liked it that they were kind of fleeting.  It gave it a more chilling feel to just see a leg in the cornfield instead of the whole thing.

Link Posted: 2/27/2013 1:52:01 PM EDT
I don't think that I have seen it...
Link Posted: 2/27/2013 1:54:38 PM EDT
I was entertained. I wondered why Mel went home like nothing happened after chopping off an alien finger in that one guys house. I would have went home twitching and walking backwards to my house.
Link Posted: 2/27/2013 1:56:02 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/27/2013 3:59:26 PM EDT



If you realize that this movie isn't even about aliens, and look a little deeper, you guys might enjoy it more.

this.  Signs is one of my all time favorites.  

If you have to explain what a movie is "really about" in a media other than the movie itself, you made a bad movie.

Link Posted: 2/27/2013 4:25:29 PM EDT
Really? REALLY? Let's set something way back in the long long ago, in the before times. And then hit them with a truck. Audience groans. Director says "Seee?? Haaa!" Audience kicks director in the balls.

Wait... what?

Did you actually watch the village?

I find it to be one of the best movie portrayals/commentaries of fear and control (symbolic of govt, religion, mass media, etc). And it was not set "way back in the long long ago."

Except that its poorly written, inconsistent, and utterly implausible.

So are you agreeing with what it seems phurba is saying: that the movie was set in the distant past? Or are you just tossing out your critique without any real explanation?

If the first, you obviously didn't watch the movie (or can't comprehend what is happening).

If the second, I'd like to know what is so implausible and inconsistent (poorly written is subjective... but I'll hear that one out too).
Link Posted: 2/27/2013 4:28:59 PM EDT
The movie is about Demons...not aliens.
Link Posted: 2/27/2013 4:43:19 PM EDT
family needed a shotgun.
Link Posted: 2/27/2013 4:45:00 PM EDT
The movie is about Demons...not aliens.

Wrong. Demons in hell want icewater.

Link Posted: 2/27/2013 4:52:31 PM EDT
I like it.
Link Posted: 2/27/2013 4:53:37 PM EDT
Really? REALLY? Let's set something way back in the long long ago, in the before times. And then hit them with a truck. Audience groans. Director says "Seee?? Haaa!" Audience kicks director in the balls.

Wait... what?

Did you actually watch the village?

I find it to be one of the best movie portrayals/commentaries of fear and control (symbolic of govt, religion, mass media, etc). And it was not set "way back in the long long ago."

Except that its poorly written, inconsistent, and utterly implausible.

So are you agreeing with what it seems phurba is saying: that the movie was set in the distant past? Or are you just tossing out your critique without any real explanation?

If the first, you obviously didn't watch the movie (or can't comprehend what is happening).

If the second, I'd like to know what is so implausible and inconsistent (poorly written is subjective... but I'll hear that one out too).

I'll see if I can make it clear.

I saw the Village.  I understand the setting (no it wasn't "a long time ago".  It was a poorly written, inconsistent, and utterly implausible movie.  I understand the "twist", it's just stupid and poorly executed (and inconsistent, but I already said that).  I get it, believe me.  It's just stupid.

Clear enough?

Inconsistent?  There were things that were too modern things in the Village.  The area of domain was too small to be anything near self sufficient.  It wasn't nearly remote enough to pull off the schtick.  There's more, but it's not even worth going into (plus it's been more than a decade since I saw it).  It's a bad film.
Link Posted: 2/27/2013 5:17:47 PM EDT
Really? REALLY? Let's set something way back in the long long ago, in the before times. And then hit them with a truck. Audience groans. Director says "Seee?? Haaa!" Audience kicks director in the balls.

Wait... what?

Did you actually watch the village?

I find it to be one of the best movie portrayals/commentaries of fear and control (symbolic of govt, religion, mass media, etc). And it was not set "way back in the long long ago."

Except that its poorly written, inconsistent, and utterly implausible.

So are you agreeing with what it seems phurba is saying: that the movie was set in the distant past? Or are you just tossing out your critique without any real explanation?

If the first, you obviously didn't watch the movie (or can't comprehend what is happening).

If the second, I'd like to know what is so implausible and inconsistent (poorly written is subjective... but I'll hear that one out too).

I'll see if I can make it clear.

I saw the Village.  I understand the setting (no it wasn't "a long time ago".  It was a poorly written, inconsistent, and utterly implausible movie.  I understand the "twist", it's just stupid and poorly executed (and inconsistent, but I already said that).  I get it, believe me.  It's just stupid.

Clear enough?

Inconsistent?  There were things that were too modern things in the Village.  The area of domain was too small to be anything near self sufficient.  It wasn't nearly remote enough to pull off the schtick.  There's more, but it's not even worth going into (plus it's been more than a decade since I saw it).  It's a bad film.

Thanks. So really quoting me and him had nothing to do with anything. Gotcha.

Since we're already down this road, I feel sorry for anyone who can't suspend disbelief that much and just take it for a story like it is. Sucks to pretty much be limited to (some) documentaries and the handful of movies which you can't find one thing wrong with.
Link Posted: 2/27/2013 5:23:44 PM EDT
Signs was not about alien invasion.

It was about the preacher regaining his faith in God.
Link Posted: 2/27/2013 5:24:09 PM EDT
What a twist!
Link Posted: 2/27/2013 5:25:43 PM EDT

so why would you go to a place that is 70% covered in a toxic substance, the air contains said toxic substance, and it is known to fall from the sky from time to time? Or at least why would you not wear protective gear?

you have interstellar travel but haven't invented an environmental suit?

Maybe the aliens in the movie are like space Africans? They didn't invent the technology, they don't understand how it works, but somehow they got it, and they're sort of using it somehow.

So if I meet ETs I need to assume they are the galactic equivalent of Liberians?
Link Posted: 2/27/2013 5:25:55 PM EDT

Since we're already down this road, I feel sorry for anyone who can't suspend disbelief that much and just take it for a story like it is. Sucks to pretty much be limited to (some) documentaries and the handful of movies which you can't find one thing wrong with.

I watch a shit ton of movies. Generally 4-5 per week. I follow movie blogs and I pay attention to what's going on. I like tons of movies. Even movies with faults can still be enjoyable. Shit, I'm pretty sure I've never seen a completely faultless movie. Sometimes the faults are endearing (cheap rubber costumes and bad FX especially!) and some (like overwhelming plot holes) ruin the experience. Disbelief can only be suspended so much when the movie becomes implausible in its own universe. Can you accept the fact that I just thought that movie was friggin dumb?
Link Posted: 2/27/2013 5:26:22 PM EDT
That movie was awful.

Link Posted: 2/27/2013 5:26:48 PM EDT

so why would you go to a place that is 70% covered in a toxic substance, the air contains said toxic substance, and it is known to fall from the sky from time to time? Or at least why would you not wear protective gear?

you have interstellar travel but haven't invented an environmental suit?

Maybe the aliens in the movie are like space Africans? They didn't invent the technology, they don't understand how it works, but somehow they got it, and they're sort of using it somehow.

So if I meet ETs I need to assume they are the galactic equivalent of Liberians?

Maybe it's a District 9 reference?
Link Posted: 2/27/2013 5:34:30 PM EDT

Since we're already down this road, I feel sorry for anyone who can't suspend disbelief that much and just take it for a story like it is. Sucks to pretty much be limited to (some) documentaries and the handful of movies which you can't find one thing wrong with.

I watch a shit ton of movies. Generally 4-5 per week. I follow movie blogs and I pay attention to what's going on. I like tons of movies. Even movies with faults can still be enjoyable. Shit, I'm pretty sure I've never seen a completely faultless movie. Sometimes the faults are endearing (cheap rubber costumes and bad FX especially!) and some (like overwhelming plot holes) ruin the experience. Disbelief can only be suspended so much when the movie becomes implausible in its own universe. Can you accept the fact that I just thought that movie was friggin dumb?

If you could be bothered to read and comprehend, you'd realize what you are quoting wasn't directed at you. It was in response to the minor stupid nitpicks from the last hijack.

I originally asked if you thought that the movie was set "long ago" like it seemed you were implying.

I couldn't give a shit less whether someone thinks the movie is dumb or not, I just thought you may have missed the entire premise of the movie.
Link Posted: 2/27/2013 5:34:37 PM EDT

so why would you go to a place that is 70% covered in a toxic substance, the air contains said toxic substance, and it is known to fall from the sky from time to time? Or at least why would you not wear protective gear?

you have interstellar travel but haven't invented an environmental suit?

Maybe the aliens in the movie are like space Africans? They didn't invent the technology, they don't understand how it works, but somehow they got it, and they're sort of using it somehow.

So if I meet ETs I need to assume they are the galactic equivalent of Liberians?

Maybe it's a District 9 reference?

Now that was a good movie.
Link Posted: 2/27/2013 5:48:15 PM EDT

so why would you go to a place that is 70% covered in a toxic substance, the air contains said toxic substance, and it is known to fall from the sky from time to time? Or at least why would you not wear protective gear?

you have interstellar travel but haven't invented an environmental suit?

Maybe the aliens in the movie are like space Africans? They didn't invent the technology, they don't understand how it works, but somehow they got it, and they're sort of using it somehow.

So if I meet ETs I need to assume they are the galactic equivalent of Liberians?

Maybe it's a District 9 reference?

Now that was a good movie.

Link Posted: 2/27/2013 5:52:35 PM EDT
I liked The Village. It makes me want 20,000 acres and enough money to say "fuck off, world."

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 2/27/2013 5:53:24 PM EDT


Yeah the water thing wasn't the greatest idea but if you can get past that it's a great movie.

Really?  Swing away?  Fucking stupid...

Link Posted: 2/27/2013 5:55:32 PM EDT

Mel was a preacher not a farmer.  I didn't get the impression that Mel was runnin' the tractor while Johnny Cash was pickin' the corn.  Also, I'd say that most preachers don't have weapons.

The vast majority of preachers I know have at least a shotgun.
What was the quote from "The Patriot"? They need to 'be able to protect their flock' or something like that.

There's a couple that could probably outfit an Infantry platoon with the amount of FA they have.

Signs was not about alien invasion.

It was about the preacher regaining his faith in God.

So, God kills his wife in a horrible way to inspire him to tell his brother to use a baseball bat to beat up a hostile alien....that's supposed to restore his faith?
I kinda think saving his wife would be a bit more impressive.
Link Posted: 2/27/2013 5:56:58 PM EDT
A good movie by a horrible director.  Happens from time to time.  I'm looking at you Tobe Hooper.
Link Posted: 2/28/2013 4:02:08 AM EDT

Mel was a preacher not a farmer.  I didn't get the impression that Mel was runnin' the tractor while Johnny Cash was pickin' the corn.  Also, I'd say that most preachers don't have weapons.

The vast majority of preachers I know have at least a shotgun.
What was the quote from "The Patriot"? They need to 'be able to protect their flock' or something like that.

There's a couple that could probably outfit an Infantry platoon with the amount of FA they have.

Signs was not about alien invasion.

It was about the preacher regaining his faith in God.

So, God kills his wife in a horrible way to inspire him to tell his brother to use a baseball bat to beat up a hostile alien....that's supposed to restore his faith?
I kinda think saving his wife would be a bit more impressive.

These things happen

Seriously, preacher loses his faith in God after his wife is killed.  His boy has severe asthma to the point where panic attacks prevent him from inhaling.  The little girl puts cups of water everywhere like OCD.  Remember in the basement when he's helping his boy breathe through his asthma attack, and Mel Gibson is saying "I hate you!"?  He's not saying that to the boy, he's saying it to God.

When aliens attack, he realizes:
1.  His boy's asthma attack prevents him from inhaling the alien fumes when the alien captures the boy.
2.  The cups of water are alien repellant
3.  His wife's final words give him the inspiration to have his brother beat the shit out of the alien with the baseball bat (yeah yeah, I know we all would have thought of that anyway in his shoes, but it is a movie....)

That's why at the movie's end, he has his cross hung back up on the wall of his bedroom and IIRC is in preacher's garb again.

I prefer the North Carolina version of Signs.  It has Bubba and his relatives on the front porch and it goes a little something like this:

"OK, it's noon now, and the newsman says them aliens is gonna be here about 5 o'clock.  Mama, you go to the Wal-Mart, get all the SuperSoakers you can.  Sissy and Honey Boo Boo, you two stay in the hot tub where you'll be safe. Junior and me are gonna hit the Piggly Wiggly for some beer and steaks.   Junior Jr., roll the flat-screen TV out here so we can catch the NASCAR race til it's game-time, and while you're at it, fire up the grill.  Cody, put the rainbow sprinkler across the steps of the front porch so them bastards don't make it up here.  Let's get-r-done!"
Link Posted: 2/28/2013 4:10:35 AM EDT
Why would these Aliens want our Planet? Would we consider a planet that rained acid and 70% of the surface is acid habitable? Hell No

Stupid Movie. Some how a preacher gains his faith back in God, when there are fucking aliens outside!

Link Posted: 2/28/2013 4:22:21 AM EDT
Lame movie.  

Capable of interstellar travel, gets locked in closett.  

Capable of interstellar travel, can't wear a rain slicker.

Fookin retarded.
Link Posted: 2/28/2013 4:26:02 AM EDT
I enjoyed it.
Link Posted: 2/28/2013 4:26:32 AM EDT

Gentlemen, this is our target.  It's known as Earth.  We will be invading it.  Any questions?

Yes?  Yes.  It is indeed covered 2/3 by water.  Yes, I am aware that water will kill us.  Yes, water does indeed literally fall from the sky there.  Yes, every child on the planet has a gun that shoots water.  Why do you ask?

Protective equipment?  No.  None whatsoever.  In fact you'll all be going in buck naked.  And with no equipment whatsoever.  And we're only sending a few dozen of you.  But I'm confident we can completely conquer this planet by cutting down their fields in scary patters and hiding in their toolsheds.

Now who's with me?
Link Posted: 2/28/2013 4:30:40 AM EDT

Gentlemen, this is our target.  It's known as Earth.  We will be invading it.  Any questions?

Yes?  Yes.  It is indeed covered 2/3 by water.  Yes, I am aware that water will kill us.  Yes, water does indeed literally fall from the sky there.  Yes, every child on the planet has a gun that shoots water.  Why do you ask?

Protective equipment?  No.  None whatsoever.  In fact you'll all be going in buck naked.  And with no equipment whatsoever.  And we're only sending a few dozen of you.  But I'm confident we can completely conquer this planet by cutting down their fields in scary patters and hiding in their toolsheds.

Now who's with me?

Raffed. Pictured an alien Braveheart.

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Link Posted: 2/28/2013 4:34:18 AM EDT
The movie sucked, but something about those aliens freaked me the fuck out. No movie has ever had the effect on me that Signs did. Really strange. I had bad dreams for a few weeks after seeing that movie. Never going to watch that one again.
Link Posted: 2/28/2013 4:39:56 AM EDT
I liked it. The Village, on the other hand...


It was ok
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