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Link Posted: 5/10/2004 5:41:57 AM EDT
WOW, I am surprised at the great answers and civility.  I have respect for everyone.  I thought this thread would have had the customary IBTL several times over.
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 9:08:51 AM EDT
I've dated-other than good 'ol American white women:
Puerto Rican
Native American

I've not dated any Afro American women, mainly because the only ones I think are attractive are pop or movie stars. Beyonce Knowles is HOT HOT HOT, so is Vivica Fox, Donna Summers is STILL hot. I just never met any that captured my fancy, and I likely didn't capture THEIR fancy either.
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 9:17:30 AM EDT
I have Dated a Puerto Rican, Cuban, Colombian, and an Asian..........Damn! I feel like the UN. I married a 100% whitebread Blond haird Green eyed Beauty. Its all good but I prefer White women.
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 9:21:18 AM EDT
nope, and I woulden't.  It's sad that I and others of the same mind are looked upon negativly for that.
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 9:22:41 AM EDT
My genetic background......amer indian-north and south,  european---anything that moved.
I have gone out with ONE black girl......even though I attended a black university.
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 9:34:07 AM EDT
My wife is Okinawan.  Does that count?
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 9:40:41 AM EDT
Full blooded republican wife.  Dated some democrats.  
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 9:41:44 AM EDT
This same topic has caused a lot of arguments before, and I'm really surprised at the civility of this particular thread.  That said, I begrudge no-one who does not want or desire to date outside their own race.  For many, it would be an embarassment to them or their families.  For others, just a basic prejudice.  I'm white, my wife is black, and our boys look hispanic.  We've been married for 14 years, dated 6 years before that.  We've seen it all: the strange looks, the whispers, the stares, you name it.  My mother didn't take it so well.  My father and my grandmother did not have a problem.  Or if they did, they never let on.  My wife's mother and I became real close and I was the one at her bedside when she passed away.
If you don't like it, too bad.  If you find a person of another race desirable, go for it.  No way to find out unless you try it.  But whatever you do, you have no right to condemn others who have an open mind.
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 9:51:52 AM EDT

.......have met a couple of black girls that were mature and intelligent and interesting enough for me to consider asking out.

'nuff said.  Dude, if you find a mature, intelligent, interesting woman, go for it.  If she makes you happy,  you can just tell everyone with a problem to go unf*uck themselves.  

I never understood the anti-race mixing crowd.  Personal preference is one thing (which I totally understand), but I don't understand when someone says someone else shouldn't "mix".

carpe cattus!
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 9:52:27 AM EDT
Don't keep your mind so open your brains fall out.
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 10:01:27 AM EDT

Don't keep your mind so open your brains fall out.

Link Posted: 5/10/2004 10:01:50 AM EDT
My fiance is half Polish and half Japanese, so I gots me a Japollock.

Little Japanese body with Japanese features except she doesn't look like she's been hit in the face with a skillet.
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 10:04:38 AM EDT

Don't keep your mind so open your brains fall out.

That's funny.  My wife bought me a T-shirt that says, "I used to have an open mind, but my brains kept falling out".

However, if you keep your mind closed, you could be missing out on a lot of things.
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 10:06:45 AM EDT

Don't keep your mind so open your brains fall out.

That makes little sense in this context.  Would you care to elaborate so we could better understand to what, in particular, you are referring?
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 10:11:04 AM EDT
No.  I don't believe in beastiality.
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 10:15:32 AM EDT


Don't keep your mind so open your brains fall out.

That makes little sense in this context.  Would you care to elaborate so we could better understand to what, in particular, you are referring?

I was referring to the inference made above that if you don't approve of interracial dating, that you must be "closed-minded".  Sort of like the constant crap that is posted implying that if a person doesn't particularly care for a certain ethnic group, they're automatically (choose one or all) uneducated, white trash, hillbilly, Klan member..etc.etc.etc ad infinitum.  

Link Posted: 5/10/2004 10:21:05 AM EDT
I think Asian womenz are very hot too, but you have to get them before their "Sell by Date". Middle aged oriental women look like they shrivel up like a prune. With Black women you can end up with a decent looking older woman, with White girls you just have to look at their mothers to see what they will look like. Asian women are universally Ugly by Age 50.

Link Posted: 5/10/2004 10:21:46 AM EDT



Don't keep your mind so open your brains fall out.

That makes little sense in this context.  Would you care to elaborate so we could better understand to what, in particular, you are referring?

I was referring to the inference made above that if you don't approve of interracial dating, that you must be "closed-minded".  Sort of like the constant crap that is posted implying that if a person doesn't particularly care for a certain ethnic group, they're automatically (choose one or all) uneducated, white trash, hillbilly, Klan member..etc.etc.etc ad infinitum.  

Well, frankly, if you judge ANYONE'S character by ANY criteria about which they have no control (eg skin color, height, ethnicity, etc...) then you're being ignorant and illogical.  Now, if you dislike a CULTURE, that's entirely different...for instance, if you dislike the inner city hip-hop culture, that's fine and dandy.  Black people don't HAVE to belong to that culture...and many of them don't, many by choice.  There are also white people who choose to emulate that culture.  If you see someone dressed in the style that indicates they've chosen to be a part of that culture and you judge them accordingly, that's fine, and no one has the right to tell you that you're wrong about that.
But seeing someone's skin color and then assuming they are part of a culture is a logical error and shows a lack of education and/or intelligence.
As for interracial dating, I would never tell anyone they are a racist because THEY don't want to date someone of another race---aesthetics are a personal thing.  But I certainly WOULD call someone a racist if they say they have a problem with OTHER people dating someone of another race.  
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 10:21:47 AM EDT

I think Asian womenz are very hot too, but you have to get them before their "Sell by Date".

Link Posted: 5/10/2004 10:24:17 AM EDT




Don't keep your mind so open your brains fall out.

That makes little sense in this context.  Would you care to elaborate so we could better understand to what, in particular, you are referring?

I was referring to the inference made above that if you don't approve of interracial dating, that you must be "closed-minded".  Sort of like the constant crap that is posted implying that if a person doesn't particularly care for a certain ethnic group, they're automatically (choose one or all) uneducated, white trash, hillbilly, Klan member..etc.etc.etc ad infinitum.  

Well, frankly, if you judge ANYONE'S character by ANY criteria about which they have no control (eg skin color, height, ethnicity, etc...) then you're being ignorant and illogical.  Now, if you dislike a CULTURE, that's entirely different...for instance, if you dislike the inner city hip-hop culture, that's fine and dandy.  Black people don't HAVE to belong to that culture...and many of them don't, many by choice.  There are also white people who choose to emulate that culture.  If you see someone dressed in the style that indicates they've chosen to be a part of that culture and you judge them accordingly, that's fine, and no one has the right to tell you that you're wrong about that.
But seeing someone's skin color and then assuming they are part of a culture is a logical error and shows a lack of education and/or intelligence.
As for interracial dating, I would never tell anyone they are a racist because THEY don't want to date someone of another race---aesthetics are a personal thing.  But I certainly WOULD call someone a racist if they say they have a problem with OTHER people dating someone of another race.  

So it seems we're pretty much in agreement on all of the above.  Isn't that a bit of a disappointment?

Edit: Why'd you delete your post?  Did you think what you said made too much sense, and might therefore offend someone?
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 10:49:21 AM EDT
Wow.  The silence is deafening.
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 11:21:36 AM EDT


I MARRIED someone from outside my race, if you consider Hispanic and White separate races.

From what I understand, aren't there only three major races:  Caucazoid, Negroid, and Mongoloid?  Mexicans are considered Causcasians based on that, IIRC.  Some birth certificates that I saw from the 30's and 40's, for some research, noted that the Mexican child born was a Caucasian.  Crazy, huh?

There are older definitions based upon features, but according to my last anthropology class, DNA suggests five races. Basically, all five races exist in Africa; outside of Africa it is all one race (except, obviously, due to relatively recent migration).

The implication is that we evolved in Africa, and the current five races origionated there. One of the five then settled the rest of the world. Not sure how this explains the Neandertals . . .
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 11:23:11 AM EDT
That's just sick man
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 11:25:21 AM EDT



I MARRIED someone from outside my race, if you consider Hispanic and White separate races.

From what I understand, aren't there only three major races:  Caucazoid, Negroid, and Mongoloid?  Mexicans are considered Causcasians based on that, IIRC.  Some birth certificates that I saw from the 30's and 40's, for some research, noted that the Mexican child born was a Caucasian.  Crazy, huh?

There are older definitions based upon features, but according to my last anthropology class, DNA suggests five races. Basically, all five races exist in Africa; outside of Africa it is all one race (except, obviously, due to relatively recent migration).

The implication is that we evolved in Africa, and the current five races origionated there. One of the five then settled the rest of the world. Not sure how this explains the Neandertals . . .

Let me guess...this came from that idiot black afrocentric anthropology professor from NYU, right?
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 11:34:29 AM EDT
I have dated 2 beautiful black girls and I very sexy girl from Argentina(the accent, oooh the accent.)

To me, many of the most beautiful women in the world are non-white or multi-racial.
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 11:43:35 AM EDT
Maybe.  My neighbor's wife is from Venezuela.  She is Hot.  

Sorry, No photos.  

Link Posted: 5/10/2004 12:25:33 PM EDT
My wife of 4 1/2 years is black.  I have not had any problems with the white race but have had to put a few black guys in their place.  I do not tolerate racial bullshit very well.  

Link Posted: 5/10/2004 1:18:15 PM EDT
I dated a few white girls when I was in high school.  I married one too.  

Remember the Alamo, and God Bless Texas...
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 1:57:51 PM EDT

I dated a stripper for a few weeks, does that count?

How was that by the way?
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 2:01:09 PM EDT

So it seems we're pretty much in agreement on all of the above.  Isn't that a bit of a disappointment?

Not at all.  Just trying to have a civil conversation.  Always nice to find someone you agree with.

Edit: Why'd you delete your post?  Did you think what you said made too much sense, and might therefore offend someone?

It's still there...don't know what you mean.
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 2:13:15 PM EDT

I think Asian womenz are very hot too, but you have to get them before their "Sell by Date". Middle aged oriental women look like they shrivel up like a prune. With Black women you can end up with a decent looking older woman, with White girls you just have to look at their mothers to see what they will look like. Asian women are universally Ugly by Age 50.


Most Asian woman tend to look alot younger than what they are. My mom is 49 and people always think shes in her mid to late thirties. Nancy Kwan is one too.
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 2:30:07 PM EDT


I think Asian womenz are very hot too, but you have to get them before their "Sell by Date". Middle aged oriental women look like they shrivel up like a prune. With Black women you can end up with a decent looking older woman, with White girls you just have to look at their mothers to see what they will look like. Asian women are universally Ugly by Age 50.


Most Asian woman tend to look alot younger than what they are. My mom is 49 and people always think shes in her mid to late thirties. Nancy Kwan is one too.

Yes, but TheOtherDave has a point..they look young until one day, they look like Pat Morita.
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 2:30:30 PM EDT

As for interracial dating, I would never tell anyone they are a racist because THEY don't want to date someone of another race---aesthetics are a personal thing.  

Wow, I'm stunned.  PC does not govern your mind thus far, however it all comes to a screeching halt on your next point.  It's NOT ALL about aesthetics.  

My views that the races should not intermarry does not make me an eeeevil racist.  Thats such a negative term.  I DO believe that the races inherently have traits (no matter what culture they were raised in) that dominate or subjugate valuable traits that would otherwise be strengthened or propagated.

This PC crap that everybody is equal is bullsh*t.  
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 2:36:35 PM EDT
A Texan
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 2:39:57 PM EDT


I think Asian womenz are very hot too, but you have to get them before their "Sell by Date". Middle aged oriental women look like they shrivel up like a prune. With Black women you can end up with a decent looking older woman, with White girls you just have to look at their mothers to see what they will look like. Asian women are universally Ugly by Age 50.


Most Asian woman tend to look alot younger than what they are. My mom is 49 and people always think shes in her mid to late thirties. Nancy Kwan is one too.

My 37 year old Fillipina wife got carded last night at her Mother's Day dinner while sitting next to our 12 year old son.  I'm 38, and the waitress said I was CLEARLY old enough to buy drinks...
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 3:47:23 PM EDT


I have never dated,

This may explain a few things……

No that explains a lot!!
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 3:56:19 PM EDT

No.  I don't believe in beastiality.

And so it has begun............
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 5:32:32 PM EDT



Don't keep your mind so open your brains fall out.

That makes little sense in this context.  Would you care to elaborate so we could better understand to what, in particular, you are referring?

I was referring to the inference made above that if you don't approve of interracial dating, that you must be "closed-minded".  Sort of like the constant crap that is posted implying that if a person doesn't particularly care for a certain ethnic group, they're automatically (choose one or all) uneducated, white trash, hillbilly, Klan member..etc.etc.etc ad infinitum.  

My apologies QuietShootr.  Looking back on my post, it does seem I was saying just that.  I really wasn't trying to say that all people who oppose inter-racial dating/marriage are close-minded.  Some may be, others may have their reasons not to.
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 7:11:49 PM EDT


As for interracial dating, I would never tell anyone they are a racist because THEY don't want to date someone of another race---aesthetics are a personal thing.  

Wow, I'm stunned.  PC does not govern your mind thus far, however it all comes to a screeching halt on your next point.  It's NOT ALL about aesthetics.  

My views that the races should not intermarry does not make me an eeeevil racist.  Thats such a negative term.  I DO believe that the races inherently have traits (no matter what culture they were raised in) that dominate or subjugate valuable traits that would otherwise be strengthened or propagated.

This PC crap that everybody is equal is bullsh*t.  

Sorry, but if you disapprove of two other people marrying purely because they are of different races, then you are, by definition, a racist.  I don't know if you're evil, but you're definitely ignorant wrt science, given your unscientific and baseless statement above.
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 7:20:24 PM EDT
I used to have a Black Girl Friend, she was really nice.
My wife is Chinese...

Link Posted: 5/10/2004 7:46:41 PM EDT
I dated an East Indian girl once- she was beautiful but Hindu as well. Also recently dated a Russian Jewish girl. Will say this about both situations, both ended badly. Though the Russian girl was the same race she was not born in this country or even the same religion. I don't think race is as big of an issue as religion because religion is the basis for a person's moral character. Different moral character can create problems.

Link Posted: 5/10/2004 7:54:16 PM EDT
Dated many races but they always seem to be Catholics.  Nothing wrong with that; but it must have something to do with my kharma.
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 8:14:34 PM EDT

I dated an East Indian girl once- she was beautiful but Hindu as well. Also recently dated a Russian Jewish girl. Will say this about both situations, both ended badly. Though the Russian girl was the same race she was not born in this country or even the same religion. I don't think race is as big of an issue as religion because religion is the basis for a person's moral character. Different moral character can create problems.

Be VERY carefull with Russian Jewish girls, some are really nice girls, but a good 7+ out of 10 are deep down crazy bitches who will make life in a long-term relationship a living nightmare, pussy whip you, and make you belive that everything is great and that they're "the one". Luckily, I learned very early off (much) older freinds/cousins before making such a mistake.

Oh, and no serious relationships for me (not until I'm atleast in my mid 20s). Only Russian/Ukrainian for me for now (my race). Although I do really like some Asian types and would seriously consider a latin, rican or black girl if she fit the discription.
Bleh, who am I kidding, I'll bang almost anything with two legs and a hole
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 8:34:34 PM EDT

I am thinking here mostly of the white/black, black/hispanic relationships, since those are the ones that get the most attention.  I am white and have only dated white women, but I have met a couple of black girls that were mature and intelligent and interesting enough for me to consider asking out.

Just wondering if anyone wants to share any positive/negative experiences with this.

By the way, I would never get in a relationship with a black woman, because my family would simply never accept them, and that would hardly be fair to a woman I care about (assuming I were to meet one like that, I mean).

So, AvengeR15, what do you think after hearing everything?  Yes, no, maybe?
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 8:35:01 PM EDT

Sorry, but if you disapprove of two other people marrying purely because they are of different races, then you are, by definition, a racist.

So be it.

You(Rik) may not jump to the knee-jerk "YOUR EVIL!" blather but most here do.  It's an automatic assumption on their part. They dont realize that calling someone evil because of their racial views/beliefs is rooted in modern liberal subjectivity.
There are many here that believe people shouldn't interracially marry and that does not make them evil, but the elitists, "educated" and puppet-string-pullers of this world would have the sheep believe they are evil.  They want you and everyone else to believe that everyone is equal.  

...but you're definitely ignorant wrt science, given your unscientific and baseless statement above.

I'll leave the burden of proof in your lap.  I've done the research and studies for myself.  Seeking the answers doesn't mean I hate or have ill will against other races, it simply means I didn't fall for the "everyone is equal" bullsh*t.  

OK, I'm done editing.
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 8:43:51 PM EDT

Sorry, but if you disapprove of two other people marrying purely because they are of different races, then you are, by definition, a racist.

Actually, the definition of a racist is "somebody who negatively discriminates against people based on their perceived or ascribed race." Somebody who merely disapproves of certain kinds of behaviour, in this case inter-racial marriage, is a separatist or possibly a racialist.
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 9:01:54 PM EDT

   I had an American Indian girlfriend in high school. She was Indian Queen of Oklahoma. She was hot. I was a Junior and she was a Senior. It was sex everyday.  I've also had some one nighter's with Hispanic and Black chics..

  PIE is PIE!

 Must eat some PIE, Before I DIE!
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 3:00:59 AM EDT

<on a similar note>....

Good Read
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 3:11:43 AM EDT

I'll leave the burden of proof in your lap.  I've done the research and studies for myself.  Seeking the answers doesn't mean I hate or have ill will against other races, it simply means I didn't fall for the "everyone is equal" bullsh*t.  

The point isn't that everyone is equal under nature...of course they aren't.  The point is that everyone should be equal under the LAW.  Many people also believe in treating everyone equally.  But I don't know too many people (except some fringe kooks) who believe everyone is born equal.  
As for the burden of proof, sorry, but that is ALWAYS on the person making the claim...which would be you.
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 3:12:08 AM EDT

Actually, the definition of a racist is "somebody who negatively discriminates against people based on their perceived or ascribed race." Somebody who merely disapproves of certain kinds of behaviour, in this case inter-racial marriage, is a separatist or possibly a racialist.

I'm sure you believe this.  I am SO sure you believe this...
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