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Link Posted: 9/8/2004 12:26:11 PM EDT
I'm sorry for your loss SA...
Link Posted: 9/8/2004 12:31:57 PM EDT
I too, am sorry for your loss.

Hang in there though, you will meet again and you both will lie together on the same comforter again catching up on old times!
Link Posted: 9/8/2004 12:32:01 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/8/2004 12:34:35 PM EDT
Very sorry to hear about your loss, that story brought tears to my eyes and I'm not ashamed to admit it either.

Link Posted: 9/8/2004 12:37:50 PM EDT
Sorry, Steyr.

We have two dogs, one of whom is an older dog (we think about 11) who we rescued from a shelter.  He's the sweetest dog I've ever met, and it tears me up to think that he probably doesn't have a lot of years left in him.

+ 100 for rescue a dog.
Link Posted: 9/8/2004 12:38:08 PM EDT
That sucks , I'm sorry man!. Maybe this will help. You gave him a lot of very happy years and gave him love and compasion that he would not have normally had with someone else. You did a great job taking care of him and loving him. He was a happy dog! Nobody can ask more of you! I hope this helps some. take care. Coondog
Link Posted: 9/8/2004 12:39:09 PM EDT
Sorry to hear of your loss.... I had to put down my always faithful friend ( Nashoba ) a little over a year ago.  He was a Malamute/Wolf hybrid.  He was old and could hardly get up, many times he would yelp when just trying to get up.  I held him ( 110 lbs. ) while the vet injected.  I felt his muscles slowly relax and his breathing stop.   I asked the vet if there was anything else I needed to do and he said he would handle the rest.   I was alright till just after that.  I took three steps down the hall and began to cry like a 3 year old....

I had lost a friend of many years about two weeks earlier, who had many a bout with the bottle and ended up losing the fight....  we had grown distant over the previous year because of his drinking and the way he treated his wife and kids.   I didnt shed a tear over him, he brought it on his self and did nothing to try and stop the inevitable, but I couldnt even hold it together enough to make it to my truck when it came to my dog....

I miss them both today.... RIP
Link Posted: 9/8/2004 12:41:39 PM EDT
"If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you.  That's the principle difference between a man and a dog."

Is there any wonder why we love our dogs so much.

Sorry for your loss SteyrAUG, BTDT.
Link Posted: 9/8/2004 12:44:36 PM EDT
Sorry man that is tough stuff. I truly believe that there are more dogs worthy of crying over than men.
Link Posted: 9/8/2004 1:21:45 PM EDT
Sorry.I have been there, a good dog will make you cry.
Link Posted: 9/8/2004 1:31:29 PM EDT
Dang dude I cried just reading that post.

Dog's become part of the family if you're in my family and it sounds like it in your family too.

He's in a much better place running free in miles and miles of grassland with huge shade trees, crystal clear babbling brooks and plenty of game to chase.

Link Posted: 9/8/2004 3:23:02 PM EDT
Every time that I have had to go through this, it has never made the next time any easier.  I am sorry for your loss.
Link Posted: 9/8/2004 3:36:08 PM EDT
damn sorry about your friend.  just remember all the years of companionship he gave you and take solest.
Link Posted: 9/8/2004 3:38:21 PM EDT
They bring us so much happiness and comfort, and so so much sadness when the Lord wants them back.
Link Posted: 9/8/2004 3:42:52 PM EDT
As you can see by the posts above,we are all here for you.  Take your time to grieve and then let the sadness go and remember the good times.  
Link Posted: 9/8/2004 3:44:02 PM EDT
I'm sorry for your loss. I dread when that day comes for me. :(

Just for you ...

T here is one best place to bury a dog.
" If you bury him in this spot, he will
come to you when you call -
come to you over the grim, dim frontier
of death, and down the well-remembered
path, and to your side again.

" And though you call a dozen living
dogs to heel, they shall not growl at
him, nor resent his coming,
for he belongs there.

" People may scoff at you, who see
no lightest blade of grass bent by his
footfall, who hear no whimper, people
who may never really have had a dog.
Smile at them, for you shall know
something that is hidden from them,
and which is well worth the knowing.

" The one best place to bury a good
dog is in the heart of his master."

Link Posted: 9/8/2004 3:45:47 PM EDT
Sorry to hear about your loss.  Losing an animal is always very difficult.  You were brave to sit with him while the vet ended his suffering.   Very sad story.  
Link Posted: 9/8/2004 3:58:12 PM EDT

Very sorry to hear about your loss, that story brought tears to my eyes and I'm not ashamed to admit it either.

A big +1

My damn eyes are all watered up.
Link Posted: 9/8/2004 4:00:37 PM EDT
Damn I hate these threads.  Gets me tearing faster tha a a petriotic remember the Vets thread. Can't see to type and I skipped the middle pages.  Hope nobody posed the Rainbow Bridge.  

My first dog , lived to be 18 years old, it left us while I was away on active duty.

Lost a basset  to sudden illness.  One of my current girls is starting to run down.  Dogs are better than kids, at least whe they get old the try to do what you ask, kids just become teenagers.
Link Posted: 9/8/2004 4:01:30 PM EDT
Sorry for your loss Steyr
Link Posted: 9/8/2004 4:04:30 PM EDT
One of the worse days of my life was when I lost my best friend. Black lab/retriever mix 5 yrs old.
My heartfelt condolences.

Link Posted: 9/8/2004 4:09:55 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/8/2004 4:10:16 PM EDT
Sorry you lost your best friend, I am going through the same thing right now. My 14 yr. old has kidney probs, and we are waiting for worst. I feel for ya man. Thats why you can not spoil them doggies enough.
Link Posted: 9/8/2004 4:14:53 PM EDT
Our sincere condolences on your loss.

The M-Forgery Family

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.

There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.

The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

Author unknown...
Link Posted: 9/8/2004 4:30:08 PM EDT
R.I.P. old friend. I believe you will see him again.

Link Posted: 9/8/2004 5:07:39 PM EDT
SUCK!....... I'd rather have another dog "mans best friend" than ,.....well, a bitch. A Dog'll never let you down.
Link Posted: 9/8/2004 5:21:46 PM EDT
...my best to you and your family...

Link Posted: 9/8/2004 5:22:24 PM EDT
Dammit. I'm sorry, Steyr.

Too many damn times....
Link Posted: 9/8/2004 5:25:39 PM EDT
When I was about 10yrs old my Golden lab passed away in his little doghouse I cried for a week you could talk to the dog and he understood you !  Great dog , I've never had another dog that smart .             Sometimes bad things happen to good people ! !..................The dog knowed that yall cared and that's what's important !    p.s. condolences to you and the FAM.
Link Posted: 9/8/2004 5:29:33 PM EDT
I'm sorry to here of the loss of your friend. That was one of the saddest posts that I've ever read because I know just how you feel. I'm glad that you made the decision to end his suffering in a timely manner, it's a very, VERY hard thing to do but you did the right thing. My condolences.
Link Posted: 9/8/2004 5:46:24 PM EDT

Sorry for your loss. It is never easy to let a friend go, but you did well in saying "till we meet again" to your buddy. He left here knowing you loved him a bunch........ can't ask for more than that.
Link Posted: 9/8/2004 5:54:33 PM EDT
I'm sorry for your loss.
Your best buddy had a great home.  

I lost my "pet of a lifetime" 4 years ago - I'll never get over it.

My eyes are leaking.  I only read Steyr's opening post.
Link Posted: 9/8/2004 5:59:56 PM EDT
... Damn sad news SteyrAUG, I've cried harder over my doggie dying than I have some relatives of mine when they passed.  
Link Posted: 9/8/2004 6:10:12 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/8/2004 6:15:25 PM EDT
I haven't cried this much in a long time.  

I swear to God if I had a yard I would adopt a new dog about once a month.  I love almost all dogs, can't stand most people.  

I am really sorry for you Steyr.
Link Posted: 9/8/2004 6:20:18 PM EDT
The older I get the less I like people and the more I love dogs. I am sorry for your loss it's tough been there and it never gets easy.
Link Posted: 9/8/2004 6:22:30 PM EDT
Sorry for your loss. I've had to do the same twice. The only advice I have to give is to dig the hole first. It's easier without the tears.
Link Posted: 9/8/2004 6:25:08 PM EDT
We are sorry, a dog is such a good friend, take care
Link Posted: 9/8/2004 6:33:21 PM EDT
very sorry
Link Posted: 9/8/2004 6:35:53 PM EDT
I am truly sorry to hear about the loss of such a good friend, its amazing how they can touch our lives in such a meaningful way.
 Kindest regards Brother.
Link Posted: 9/8/2004 6:38:16 PM EDT
Know how you feel.

4 weeks ago I lost my Beagle, Jasmine (Jazzy) after 11 years of loyalty & love.

I took it pretty hard for a couple days.

Rest in Peace.
Link Posted: 9/8/2004 6:41:55 PM EDT
Steyr I'm so sorry, I've had to do that a few times with my dogs and it makes your heartache. Dog's are Gods gift to let us know what unconditional LOVE really means.
Link Posted: 9/8/2004 6:42:14 PM EDT
I feel bad about you loseing your pet, I have lost them  before, I have a Boston Terrier I have had since he was a puppy. He is like my second son and I don't no how I would feel if something happened to him. I can tell he is getting older and I am just waiting to see how long he is going to be around, all I can do is just keep makeing him happy and enjoying him and giving him a happy life.
Link Posted: 9/8/2004 6:44:59 PM EDT
you know how I feel.

prayers sent.
Link Posted: 9/8/2004 6:45:08 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/8/2004 6:45:30 PM EDT
You got my wife in tears, Man.
Link Posted: 9/8/2004 6:47:50 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/8/2004 6:52:45 PM EDT
So sorry.
Link Posted: 9/8/2004 7:27:37 PM EDT
Steyr, I cannot begin to tell you how sorry I am for your loss.  As Mark Twain said, "The dog is a gentleman; I hope to go to his heaven, not man's."

Link Posted: 9/8/2004 7:30:03 PM EDT
Sorry Aug
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