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Posted: 2/13/2021 6:05:53 PM EDT
So, they couldn't rally 60% of the senators to vote guilty and President Trump is declared "not guilty".  As if it mattered, really.  A civilian is not a sitting president.

In any event, however, there were 57 'guilty' votes with all of the regular players.......including our own senator Collins.  

I, for one, will mark my future calendar to remind me how they voted.  She could have played politics with this and allowed the "trial" to move forward but, in the end, show her respect for President Trump  by voting "not guilty" but no......she showed him, didn't she?  I guess Trump didn't do a single thing for us, that remote lower middle class working man's state rife with old people, right?

Maybe she forgot:


And not just for Maine but in case you didn't know there was quite an ecomony/tourism during his years in office and if this virus had not shed it's terrible pandemic around it would have continued.  MAny of the things that Trump did "lifted all boats" like Kennedy declared.  

I have no issues with senators or congresscritters voting their consience when critical events call for it but "independant" candidates bother me because they can't make up their minds from the start and let the political winds sway them back and forth claiming this haughty stand of "independant'.  Bull.  As far as I'm concerned poop or get off the pot.  

Susan  should be primaried this next election cycle.  Frankly, so should Uncle Angus.  A prominent solid republican candidate must be found and fight hard against her and we all need to be there in large numbers.  What is she going to stand on anyway?  What flip-floppy legislation can she claim is based on solid republican platform.  What the democrats did over the past four years is embarassing and was a waste of taxpayer's money.  We need to start now with making Maine Red again so our state's economy can explode from the pent up desires of our citizens and tourists nationally after this virus dies.

There.  I feel better now.  I, for one, will be happy to do my part in my little town to help populate the legislature with patriotic conservative politicians with our concerns at heart.  'Nuff said.
Link Posted: 2/14/2021 9:59:00 AM EDT
She voted as expected. She's a fraud and a loathsome person in general. All the repubs that voted to convict are the same trash senators who have been trashing Trump from day 1.

It is not their duty to "vote their conscience" it is their duty to be impartial jurors and to uphold what is constitutional. In this case they have all failed in every aspect.

It is long past time that each and every person in government from municipal all the way up be reminded of their function and duty and their power kept in check by the governed.
Link Posted: 2/15/2021 9:07:55 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/16/2021 9:42:29 AM EDT
Maine is a special place when it comes to the 2A.  People here understand it's purpose and excercise their rights accordingly.  I'm confident of this because I watched anti-gun bill after bill go down in flames last session when it could have been very bad.  The reason, I believe, is that shooters aren't divided into Republican and Democrat.   People in both parties partcipate here and the recognize that ownerous bills will affect them as much as their opponents.  This isn't 100% true of course or those bad bills would have been introduced in the first place.  I also compliment Gun Owners of Maine and all the local clubs who made sure we had the latest on all of the proposed legislation. The first thing I did when I moved here was join GOM.  

So, let's keep our eyes open and easrs to the ground.  One thing you don't also see is Mills pushing anything in particular right now but that might change on a whim as you all know.  We've got to convince someone out there to step into the breech and take the reigns of the conservatives in this rock-solid state and turn us red once and for all.

Link Posted: 2/16/2021 1:25:31 PM EDT
Collins panders to keep herself relevant to as many voters as she can,she isn't interested in rule of law as much as populism.
This latest impeachment ploy was blatantly unconstitutional,the house ignored due process,the chief justice of the supreme court refused to preside because of the lack of the same due process and the lack of juristiction .The Democrats appoint a dem senator to preside rather than admit they are on the wrong side of the Constitution(which is,unfortunately no surprise).The whole thing is focused on a private citizen,not a sitting president and yet they refuse to act accordingly.
Sen John Kennedy had the best statement on the matter.Its good to know that at least some of them get it.
Link Posted: 2/18/2021 10:29:15 PM EDT
I contacted her office that night. Told them I’d never vote for her again.

Still waiting for a reply.
Link Posted: 2/19/2021 12:16:38 PM EDT
Ya know, I recognize the Dem's behavior here: 1) Trumped up charges,  2) "appointed" judge and jury, 3) Ignore all current laws regarding juris prudence 4) taking the law into their own hands.

Sound familiar?   How about the word  "Lynching"???   The Dems are good at it having had plenty of practice down South, right? So, they can't convince the senate or house to go along?  To hell with them. We'll do it the way we've done tie and time again.  We'll lynch the bastard rules and laws be damned.

Give me five minutes in a locked room with Pelosi.
Link Posted: 2/20/2021 2:13:01 AM EDT
Maine has changed a lot over the past few years. It won't be the same ever again.
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