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Posted: 1/19/2006 4:43:02 AM EDT
murdering bastards

execute them both- NOW.
Link Posted: 1/19/2006 5:38:08 AM EDT
From the description it doesn't sound like Nancy had a shot at survival, but did anyone notice how long it took the police to enter the house to clear it?  Had she been bleeding out, that time could have been life saving.  I do, of course, understand the need for officer safety, and that regular patrol cops are not trained entry teams, and waiting for backup and people trained in entry is essential, but there is one thing I take away from this:

If a shot goes off in my house, and I suspect a loved one is down, I am not going to retreat and call the cops, I am going to clear the house and tend to that loved one.  Tactically unsound?  You bet.  But living with the fact knowing I was stuck in the back of a squad while my wife bled out would be too much to take.

Link Posted: 1/19/2006 5:53:13 AM EDT


and we dont have the death penalty in MN/WI why...?????  

Most Minnesotans that are in any kind of political power dont have the balls to institute legislation that would end the lives of pieces of shit like this.
Link Posted: 1/19/2006 6:18:05 AM EDT
they will plead "not guilty" too.

Link Posted: 1/19/2006 6:52:07 AM EDT

they will plead "not guilty" too.

Would you honestly expect anything less?

Hell one of them even has  Meshbesser <spelling> for a lawyer
Link Posted: 1/19/2006 7:03:26 AM EDT

and we dont have the death penalty in MN/WI why...?????

We are too enlightened.  [\end sarcasm]

It was the same thing when that guy from St. Paul murdered half a dozen hunters about 18 months ago.

As far as the husband, WTF was he thinking of, crawling out a window instead of looking after his wife?  I mean, I'm all for protecting yourself, but unless new details come out, he sure looks like a selfish pussy.

Well, hopefully additional evidence will come out proving me wrong on that one.
Link Posted: 1/19/2006 7:38:22 AM EDT

As far as the husband, WTF was he thinking of, crawling out a window instead of looking after his wife?  I mean, I'm all for protecting yourself, but unless new details come out, he sure looks like a selfish pussy.

Well, hopefully additional evidence will come out proving me wrong on that one.

Its possible he witnessed them blow away his wife, too.  He was a total wreck when they showed him on the news

I guess it just goes to show you have to be ready for anything in this f'ed up world.
Link Posted: 1/19/2006 10:12:42 AM EDT
Even California has the death penalty.    Pretty damn sad.
Link Posted: 1/20/2006 1:30:13 AM EDT
one word...liberalism

I say fry 'um and sell the excutions on pay per view.
Link Posted: 1/20/2006 12:34:26 PM EDT
I am all in favor of putting a 7.62mm hole through some POS's head when he deserves it. I am also against the State's use of the death penalty.
If you have been in and around government for ANY length of time you will know that the gov't fucks up daily.
Do you think that since the death penalty was re-instituted the State has not executed an innocent person? OK how about in the past 100 years, how many innocent people have been killed by the State?
ONLY if you believe the State is infallible could you be for the death penalty or you havn't thought it out long enough. Each year we hear of "convicts" being released because of DNA evidence or some other piece that comes to light. If those convicts had been killed, it would have been a bitch to try and free them.
Lock 'em in a very small box, throw away the key, feed 1x's a day, no internet, no cable tv, no magazines, just the bible, koran or torah to read. Shit that would be hella cheaper to boot vs. the hole 23 years on death row and 1.4million appeals.

Just a thought, got my Nomex G-string on prepared for the flame fest.

Link Posted: 1/20/2006 12:57:27 PM EDT


Just a thought, got my Nomex G-string on prepared for the flame fest.

Thank you for the visual.

Link Posted: 1/20/2006 3:15:45 PM EDT
It will never happen here. Not because of the liberals but because there is no one wants it bad enough to work for it.  Just like the  carry legislation everything is done by a small group that will work to an end. There is nothing in it for most people and so it is. We have a legislature that is on our side, and a
Governer that will sign it but someone has to make it happen. Hell, we could have FA legalized in this state if people would just get off their asses and do something but we never will because most people don't think it is worth their time. Apathy is your answer.
Link Posted: 1/20/2006 3:25:21 PM EDT

It will never happen here. Not because of the liberals but because there is no one wants it bad enough to work for it.  Just like the  carry legislation everything is done by a small group that will work to an end. There is nothing in it for most people and so it is. We have a legislature that is on our side, and a
Governer that will sign it but someone has to make it happen. Hell, we could have FA legalized in this state if people would just get off their asses and do something but we never will because most people don't think it is worth their time. Apathy is your answer.

I think you hit the nail on the head here.  Most gunowners think all it takes is joining the NRA and writing an email every now and then.  That may (hopefully) be enough to maintain the status quo, but falls far short of the active lobbying and participation in the process required to actually get things done.  The same goes for the death penalty.  It is easier to oppose a new idea in the legislature than to get an idea made into law.
Link Posted: 1/20/2006 9:19:33 PM EDT
Why doesen't  Minnesota have the death penealty?

Culteral guilt.
We hung, what was  it? 29 native americans the last time?

Their crime?... being "indians"
Link Posted: 1/25/2006 11:01:02 AM EDT
States with the death penalty have just as many murders as we do...  Its like gun control... A knee jerk reaction to violence. It does provide us with vengance though...something I am all for... But thats a do it yourself thing as far as I'm concerned...Not something to be doled out by old men in grey suits... Prison is worse than death and it doesnt effect the perps family as much.
Link Posted: 1/25/2006 11:01:50 AM EDT
On the other hand... If you commit ANY act of violence against a child you should get waxed regardless of the circumstances.
Link Posted: 1/25/2006 11:33:34 AM EDT
The death penalty for me has nothing to do with vengeance.  Its about taking out the trash.  When an animal attacks someone regardless if that person is injured or killed, the animal is usually put down.   I believe the same should happen to violent offenders(Circumstances pending of course).  After repeated attempts at "rehabilitation"  many people still prove that they are just not cut out for society and refuse to contribute in any way shape or form.  I am not one to jump on the bandwagon everytime there is a new case of some mass murdering rapist or something.  I already felt that way.  If they are guilty beyond the point of reasonable doubt, take 'em out.  Sounds like that could be the new slogan for Texas actually.

I'm all for selling the pay per view too as well.  
Link Posted: 1/26/2006 8:10:41 AM EDT
sure....but at least it makes me feel good they are off the streets- never to return.
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