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Posted: 2/13/2006 7:30:06 PM EDT
I just left the first homeowners association meeting in my new neighborhood/development.
The guy running the meeting is a realtor. I can almost assure that BS is going to be pulled with the association money. I've seen handjobs before, but this guy was good at it. Professional salesman!
When someone questioned the accounting, he gave it a quick blow off - the accountant is not here.
I guess we'll have to catch up with him NEXT year when they have the annual meeting.
Considering what I have seen in both federal and state government, and in everyday business such as this realtor, what happpened to ethcis in this country?
An example - when we sold our old house a little less than a year ago, we had a "home inspector" from the buyer say we needed x and y repaired. Some of it was NEW installation, not repair. The home inspector didn't know sh*t from go sic'em. The realtor tried to tell me we had to bring it up to code. Of course I let her go on and on with her snow job - then I aksed her to show me where a home built in 1978 had to be brought up to 2004 standards, what was the code requiring that? She started blowing smoke and I told her I knew all about BOCA, NFPA, city codes, etc and to quit shoving shit down my throat. She would have cost me $700 in this one deal if I had let her.
And another $3000 at closing if I hadn't watched close. The thing is, she didn't think she was doing anything wrong. She showed me where the same type deal had happened on other homes she sold. Inotherwords, it was standard business practice to screw somebody on real estate sales.

The government has bureaucrats that specialize in blowing milllions of tax dollars to justify their jobs. The money is wasted - I saw that first hand in the USPS, OU, and OMD.
Some of the money spent on building projects went consistantly to the same architetural firm that screwed stuff up from the git-go!  Changes had to be made involving millions of dollars. Those changes were inflated in price by up to 20x the actual cost. Happens so often is more common than not!
And in everyday business, anything goes! Like jerk off realtors get to people not just once, but in a long term over 30 years. Checking my credit card bills every month, I'll find charges that are duplicated. Same way with SBC, Cingular - charges are put on the bill that are not justified.
Sometimes it may be just a few dollars, other times almost a $100. I ALWAYS call and raise hell about it to correct it, but it happens again a few months later.
Doctor and hospital bills - I get billed for things I DIDN'T have done! Of course the insurance pays it and I don't find out about it until later.
I guess I am on a rant - I am getting tired of seeing so much unethical actions by so many!
All about revenue generation by unethical meanss!
I'm not the most honest person in the world, I admit! But I never go out of my way to screw somebody over financially because of greed!
It seems it is getting much worse as I get older!
Link Posted: 2/13/2006 7:34:22 PM EDT
You're not alone.
Link Posted: 2/13/2006 9:04:43 PM EDT
plain and simple greed, people have forgotten that money don't mean nothing, not a thing when it comes down to it.
Link Posted: 2/13/2006 9:40:22 PM EDT
Tell us how you really feel.....
Link Posted: 2/14/2006 3:50:33 AM EDT

Tell us how you really feel.....

Besides angered.....frustrated, surprised, disgusted, sad!
Link Posted: 2/14/2006 2:13:49 PM EDT
me......................... I'm just disappointed, not shocked or surprised because I know how people are.
Link Posted: 2/14/2006 2:29:52 PM EDT
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