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Posted: 3/17/2005 9:54:39 AM EDT
Yesterday, prior to knowing that HB2414 had made it out of committee I order a DSA AR15 from my FFL dealer.

As it turns out for me, luckily I just called the order in and not place a deposit on the order. Otherwise I would be out of mud for mortar joints.

All this got me to thinking about HB2414 which in part states; “Prohibits the knowing manufacture, delivery, and possession of semiautomatic assault weapons, assault weapon attachments, 50 caliber rifles, and 50 caliber cartridges.”

All of those dealers that have “assault” type weapons in inventory are going to lose money if they aren’t able to get another FFL out of state to purchase their existing inventory.

Those manufactures that are located in Illinois, 4 that I know of, are out of business also. For as I understand the bill, it expands on the now dead “federal” ban that no look a like’s are even allowed.

That would mean, if I’m correct, a loss of jobs, loss of revenue for the state, etc, etc.

What say you?
Link Posted: 3/17/2005 10:04:35 AM EDT
Yes, all those comanies would be screwed, and all of them would have to move or go out of business.  DS Arms, Rock River, Armalite, and then companies the RB Precision, Model 1 Sales, M&A Parts, etc. would all be affected.

Dark days ahead in IL. This doesn't look good, as this time they are stacking the committees to get stuff to pass.
Link Posted: 3/17/2005 10:49:52 AM EDT
Couldn't they challenge this under the interstate commerce act?? (I think that's the one)

They will obviously be interfering with the lives and economic well being of hundreds or thousands of people in the state.

[rant on]F*CKING *SSHOLES!!!!

I'm really tired of this stuff.

Why can't we be like.......Texas or something.

Damn near make it illegal NOT to have a gun( except for criminals)

[rant off]

Link Posted: 3/17/2005 11:08:13 AM EDT
Isn't there a little too much "sky is falling" talk around here?

Are you all forgetting that this is not new?

They have attempted to pass AWB for the past two years, and it hasn't happened, partially because of people on this board that made thier voices be heard.

Instead of planning for what to do when an AWB passes, why don't we concentrate on making sure it doesn't ?!?
Link Posted: 3/17/2005 11:16:20 AM EDT

Isn't there a little too much "sky is falling" talk around here?

Are you all forgetting that this is not new?

They have attempted to pass AWB for the past two years, and it hasn't happened, partially because of people on this board that made thier voices be heard.

Instead of planning for what to do when an AWB passes, why don't we concentrate on making sure it doesn't ?!?

Excellant point, you do make.

In light of that, if we didn't check the skys to see if it's falling....then  any zeal would be like powdering the behind of an infant.  Without the zeal, the message is lost.

..on the AWB, and the two years...IIRC, the federal ban just expire last Septemeber. I can't seem to remember Illinois trying for two years to get an AWB in place, since the Federal covered it.
Link Posted: 3/17/2005 11:22:34 AM EDT
Ghostwalker, it seems like we might have something in common.

I had lurked here for a very long time, and joined 2 years ago about this time of year because I was concerned about the anti gun legislation that was coming up in the assembly.

From what you have been posting, it seems as though you may have joined under similar circumstances.

It's good to have someone else join the board that's willing to fight to see that these bills don't pass.
Link Posted: 3/17/2005 11:34:17 AM EDT
Lets look at this from a calm perspective. HB 2414 has made it out of committee, a committee STACKED with anti-gun Democraps from Shitcago. Does this really surprise us? It now has to pass the house and then go on to the Senate. Will it continue in its unaltered from, I think not. Will it make it out of the House and into the Senate, we will see. Now is the time to act and get the phones ringing. MY two Lauzen and Schmitz are pro-gun and will not vote to support the bill. Make the calls, get he word out, FIGHT!
Link Posted: 3/17/2005 11:47:32 AM EDT

..on the AWB, and the two years...IIRC, the federal ban just expire last Septemeber. I can't seem to remember Illinois trying for two years to get an AWB in place, since the Federal covered it.

I don't have the info from 03 handy, but last year it was SB 2561, and 2562 from Munoz, that was the AWB and hi cap mag ban.  HB4599 was the anti .50 bill, and SB 3383 was the AWB if the federal one expired.

There were others, but i dont feel like listing them.  

Some made it out of committe, some didn't, but the point is, THIS ISNT NEW!!

We all make calls, and write letters, just like we did in years past, and hope for the best.

So, could we please keep the panic to a minimum level?

Link Posted: 3/17/2005 11:57:15 AM EDT


Isn't there a little too much "sky is falling" talk around here?

Are you all forgetting that this is not new?

They have attempted to pass AWB for the past two years, and it hasn't happened, partially because of people on this board that made thier voices be heard.

Instead of planning for what to do when an AWB passes, why don't we concentrate on making sure it doesn't ?!?

Excellant point, you do make.

In light of that, if we didn't check the skys to see if it's falling....then  any zeal would be like powdering the behind of an infant.  Without the zeal, the message is lost.

..on the AWB, and the two years...IIRC, the federal ban just expire last Septemeber. I can't seem to remember Illinois trying for two years to get an AWB in place, since the Federal covered it.

OK, then you're new to the fight. SB1195 a few years back was quite the rage.

Welcome to the fight, and as has been stated before, this is nothing new. In fact, the only thing new this year is that our guys are actually on the OFFENSIVE.

As long as we all do our part, I think we'll do just fine.
Link Posted: 3/17/2005 12:07:15 PM EDT



Isn't there a little too much "sky is falling" talk around here?

Are you all forgetting that this is not new?

They have attempted to pass AWB for the past two years, and it hasn't happened, partially because of people on this board that made thier voices be heard.

Instead of planning for what to do when an AWB passes, why don't we concentrate on making sure it doesn't ?!?

Excellant point, you do make.

In light of that, if we didn't check the skys to see if it's falling....then  any zeal would be like powdering the behind of an infant.  Without the zeal, the message is lost.

..on the AWB, and the two years...IIRC, the federal ban just expire last Septemeber. I can't seem to remember Illinois trying for two years to get an AWB in place, since the Federal covered it.

OK, then you're new to the fight. SB1195 a few years back was quite the rage.

Welcome to the fight, and as has been stated before, this is nothing new. In fact, the only thing new this year is that our guys are actually on the OFFENSIVE.

As long as we all do our part, I think we'll do just fine.

Yes!  1195 was the one i couldn't think of.  It was the no grandfather clause bill of its day.
Link Posted: 3/17/2005 12:43:30 PM EDT
Not exactly new to the fire pit,  just seems like this year I'm more vocal.  

What concerns, me from my point. Some seem to feel, or perhaps think. That since this road has been gone down before, with excellant results. that this time will be no different!

Never under estimate your enemy, for when you do. Your life belongs to the them.

Gun control as the other side wants is like an ice cube. Once it's taken out of the frig their "Hot" breath begins to melt the cube. That cube started to melt in 68.
Link Posted: 3/17/2005 3:51:04 PM EDT
An advantage of my youth=when Im out of WIU, Im the hell out of here.  Just a few more years and Im moving on to NFA and CCW. Thanks Illinois, its been real, and its been fun, but it aint been real fun.
Link Posted: 3/17/2005 3:53:15 PM EDT


Gun control as the other side wants is like an ice cube. Once it's taken out of the frig their "Hot" breath begins to melt the cube. That cube started to melt in 34.

Fixed it for ya'.

I dream of the days when you could walk into a funshop and buy a full auto, and walk out 2 minutes later

Oh well, at least my dreams are cool

Link Posted: 3/17/2005 4:43:49 PM EDT



Gun control as the other side wants is like an ice cube. Once it's taken out of the frig their "Hot" breath begins to melt the cube. That cube started to melt in 34.

Fixed it for ya'.

I dream of the days when you could walk into a funshop and buy a full auto, and walk out 2 minutes laterh


...true it did then, with the Class 3. But here in the Land of Daley, it started in 68.
Link Posted: 3/17/2005 4:44:51 PM EDT
Screw the AWB!  A brave man dies once,  a coward dies a thousand deaths.
Link Posted: 3/17/2005 5:24:45 PM EDT
Anybody here know what day we would know if we defeated these awb bills?
Link Posted: 3/17/2005 6:11:05 PM EDT
As far as I can tell, and I could be wrong. It lloks like the assembly doesn't come back into session till April 5th and 6th. House is on the 5th, Senate on the 6th.
Link Posted: 3/17/2005 8:00:20 PM EDT



Isn't there a little too much "sky is falling" talk around here?

Are you all forgetting that this is not new?

They have attempted to pass AWB for the past two years, and it hasn't happened, partially because of people on this board that made thier voices be heard.

Instead of planning for what to do when an AWB passes, why don't we concentrate on making sure it doesn't ?!?

Excellant point, you do make.

In light of that, if we didn't check the skys to see if it's falling....then  any zeal would be like powdering the behind of an infant.  Without the zeal, the message is lost.

..on the AWB, and the two years...IIRC, the federal ban just expire last Septemeber. I can't seem to remember Illinois trying for two years to get an AWB in place, since the Federal covered it.

OK, then you're new to the fight. SB1195 a few years back was quite the rage.

Welcome to the fight, and as has been stated before, this is nothing new. In fact, the only thing new this year is that our guys are actually on the OFFENSIVE.

As long as we all do our part, I think we'll do just fine.

Correct. SB1195 was the biggun. Welcome new guys, welcome to the fight. For many of us, this has been our fight for years. We need never give up, but there will be no AWB passed in IL this year, believe it.
Link Posted: 3/17/2005 8:03:26 PM EDT
I sure hope you're right...or those tea leaves are.
Link Posted: 3/17/2005 8:15:10 PM EDT
They can put extensions on their pet bills until the end of the year. You can look at all of the "must move by this date or it's dead" calendars and forget them. If they're hell bent on a bill, they'll be able to revive it at any time, under different bill numbers. No bill is dead until they're done for the session, and then they'll re-introduce them the next time.

It's not surprising that HB2414 made it through committee. It was sponsored by Acevedo, the Assistant Majority Leader. He is also on the Executive Committee which moved the bill.  If I remember correctly, he was the chairman of the Exceutive Comm last session. I would have been shocked if it didn't make it through that committee.

Madigan and Jones both said that they were going to let ALL gun bills go to friendly committees, so they could make it to the floor. What are the chances that any concealed carry bills would ever make it to the floor in the current admin. I don't think the concealed carry even made it out of Rules the last 2 years.

There's no doubt about it, we're in a fight. But, we always are, it's Illinois. I wouldn't pack my bags, or put off a purchase because of any of this.

Call, write, spread the word. As you stated, don't underestimate your enemy. There are people under the dome that would like to have us branded as criminals and dragged off in chains. They hate us and what we stand for.  As long as these people are in power, they need to be watched like hawks. But hey, don't take it personally, it's all in a day's work for them.
Link Posted: 3/17/2005 8:24:42 PM EDT
Well, I dearly would like to pack my bags up and move back out to the desert.  However the wife, whom I've been married to now for 13 years...has other plans, and it doesn't include Arizona. he to go ahead and get the bad boy.
Link Posted: 3/17/2005 8:56:50 PM EDT
I don't know about the rest of you, but I am sick of the shrill and nazi tactics being used against us.  I no longer desire to peacefully debate this issue with those who oppose, I would much rather just duke it out and see who left standing.  Too many good people died and suffered untypable things for us to have the rights, freedoms and responsibilties  we have to let them be taken away due to one sides (the left) domination of the means of public discourse.  It is time to put them in their place, somewhere like the Hanoi Hilton or the bottom of the sea.
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