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Posted: 8/1/2004 10:25:00 AM EDT
REMINDER: Election Is TODAY Tuesday, Sept. 7th

6th Congressional District area folks - (parts of Mesa, Chandler, Gilbert, AJ, QC, Sun Lakes)

Jeff Flake is a good guy, conservative, very pro-RKBA but fucking all hell he's one of the main guys really pushing hard for that bullshit illegal-alien-amnesty bullshit!

Stan Barnes is also a very pro-RKBA conservative and is very much for cracking heads when it comes to illegal aliens.

* * * If Flake loses - everyone will know it's because of the Immigration issue
and it might derail any kind of BS amnesty bill * * *

Stan Barnes

BTW... there is no Democrat running in this election for this district.

It's gonna be either Flake or Barnes in Congress for the next two years.

Link Posted: 8/1/2004 11:53:14 AM EDT
PLEASE Give Barnes your support........

And If you are in Kolbes district SUPPORT RANDY GRAFF!!
Link Posted: 8/1/2004 11:54:11 AM EDT

6th Congressional District area folks - (parts of Mesa, Chandler, Gilbert, AJ, QC, Sun Lakes)

Jeff Flake is a good guy, conservative, very pro-RKBA but fucking all hell he is really pushing hard for that bullshit illegal-alien-amnesty bullshit!

Stan Barnes is also a very pro-RKBA conservative and is very much for cracking heads when it comes to illegal aliens.

BTW... IIRC, there is no Democrat running in this election for this district.

It's gonna be either Flake or Barnes in Congress for the next two years.

I don't know. I am torn. But the illegal alien thing has been a sticking point with myself. I think I'll go with someone who hates them as much as me
Link Posted: 8/1/2004 11:58:55 AM EDT

PLEASE Give Barnes your support........

And If you are in Kolbes district SUPPORT RANDY GRAFF!!

I am very strongly leaning towards voting for Barnes if only to derail one of the main supporters for the illegal-alien-amnesty program coming down the pike. Barnes is pro-RKBA and has conservative stances on every issue I care about.

If Flake loses - everyone will know it's because of the Immigration issue.

Enough bullshit. Barnes is looking damn good.

Link Posted: 8/2/2004 5:56:25 AM EDT
Vote for Stan Barnes! I like the way his signs look the best!!  

Seriously though...   if you care about the illegal alien / amnesty issue, vote for Barnes. There's no reason to put up with politicians that will sell us out for some cheap labor/votes. Make a stand; the only things politicians understand is money and votes.
Link Posted: 8/2/2004 6:02:13 AM EDT
Secure the border.   Arizona may need to give DPS the duty of border security, in addition to being pricks (near Yuma).
Link Posted: 8/2/2004 6:03:13 AM EDT
I don't think we can lose either way.  I met Stan at a Mesa gunshow, and talked to him for a good bit.  He's a cool guy and he has my vote.  But Flake is a good man too.  So if you care about the illegal problem, vote for Stan, but know that even if he loses, we'll still have a pretty good Representative out there.
Link Posted: 8/2/2004 7:25:04 PM EDT
Ill have to give Flakes office a call tomorrow.  I met him in May, and he seems like a really cool guy.  The Border issue is an issue for me as well.

Link Posted: 8/2/2004 7:30:15 PM EDT
Help me out here, did Barnes have a radio show on KFYI a while back?
Link Posted: 8/3/2004 5:20:30 AM EDT
Ha Ha!  The_Macallan is back!

I must give him the coveted 5 troll award!

Link Posted: 8/3/2004 8:26:59 AM EDT

Ha Ha!  The_Macallan is back!

I must give him the coveted 5 troll award!

Link Posted: 8/3/2004 8:44:29 AM EDT
Orale! That's LOCO, Ese!
Link Posted: 8/3/2004 3:35:45 PM EDT

Secure the border.   Arizona may need to give DPS the duty of border security, in addition to being pricks (near Yuma).

Link Posted: 8/3/2004 10:13:52 PM EDT


Secure the border.   Arizona may need to give DPS the duty of border security, in addition to being pricks (near Yuma).


Link Posted: 8/4/2004 9:24:55 AM EDT
I'm leaning toward Barnes...... but looks like we're in good shape either way.
Link Posted: 8/13/2004 6:50:40 PM EDT

Barnes used to be the #2 morning guy at KFYI with (I can't remember his name).

At an old District 19 meeting in Glendale ,  Barnes came to speak to us (he was still co-hosting the radio show).

I asked him in front of the others what the most difficult decision he had to make as a state legislator. He said it was during a budget crisis when he was asked to vote for a budget that was $80-million dollars in deficit. Stan's nature was to stick to his guns and make the legislature balance the budget.  The GOP Leadership's argument was that if he didn't vote for this budget, the Democrats would court the RINO moderates and pass a budget that was 250-million in the red. To further stink up the place, the Leadership said that if Barnes didn't vote with them then he would lose his Committee membership, lose his parking spot, be given the worst secretary they could find and move him into an office shared by some other smelly legislator.

Barnes caved.  


Flake is a rare breed of conservo-libertarian whose politics just happen to mirror mine. I have no problem with guest worker programs as long as the border is sealed. A GWProgram means less business for the Coyotes and less chance of smuggling in Arabs as the Border Patrol will be less taxed.

Our nation's immigration policy is in complete disarray and needs to be overhauled. Since January, over 2,000 suspected smugglers and well over 155,000 illegal aliens have been apprehended across Arizona. I will not support an amnesty plan. In fact, our current policy amounts to a de facto amnesty since those who illegally cross the border end up staying as long as they want with little to no chance of getting caught. I support a temporary worker program that would allow those who want to come to the U.S. to work temporarily to do so, but they will have to enter through legal channels. This, coupled with enforcement of immigration laws at the workplace, is the most rational plan we can implement to meet the workforce and national security needs of our country. A temporary worker plan would free up needed resources along our southern border and make it significantly easier for Border Patrol agents to focus on individuals who wish to do us real harm, and not those who simply want to work.

Having said that, we do not have sufficient control of our nation's borders, and that fact represents a serious threat to our nation's security. We must couple comprehensive immigration reform with improvements in infrastructure and enforcement in the border region. For that reason, I am an original cosponsor of the Border Security and Technology Integration Act, which will improve technology, communications, and coordination in the border region to maximize the effectiveness of law enforcement personnel.

Link Posted: 9/5/2004 11:50:05 PM EDT

Link Posted: 9/5/2004 11:58:25 PM EDT

I have no problem with guest worker programs as long as the border is sealed.

But that's not part of the deal.

No way they're gonna do that.

So we get yet another amnesty, "fast-track guest-worker" or whateverthefuck - bottomline is that there's NO provisions for sealing up the border and so we're just going to repeat the same crap we did '86.

Link Posted: 9/6/2004 10:59:04 AM EDT
I SAW flake utter the words "Americans benefit from Undocumented Immigration"

A paragraph of Newspeak will not turn that around.

Link Posted: 9/6/2004 4:54:40 PM EDT

A GWProgram means less business for the Coyotes and less chance of smuggling in Arabs as the Border Patrol will be less taxed.

Hmm..........less "economic" illegal alien business  for coyotes sounds to me like they would then be willing to bring in those arabs for the big bucks due to the possible slow down in business.

The Mexican gov will not crack their heads now for moving MEXICANs,  but they will not knowingly look the other way for possible terrs.  That would damage their flow of remmitence dollars.

And as far as "guestworkers" go...........the reason that illegals are used now is because it's cheaper to run someone off the books,  or on w/o bennies.  If they get "guestworker" status you can rest assured that is gonna come w/ higher pay and bennies.

GUESS WHAT that cheap labor aint so cheap anymore.  That translates to folks STILL using illegal labor.

Seal the border FIRST,  then we can talk about guest workers

Link Posted: 9/6/2004 4:56:45 PM EDT

Please don't forget to vote for Randy Graf  or  Stan Barnes if your current location allows.

Link Posted: 9/6/2004 5:11:09 PM EDT
Hmmmm. guest worker.  Sounds like someone could take advantage of that just like a student visa.

No thanks.
Link Posted: 9/7/2004 2:45:41 PM EDT
election day bump.

Link Posted: 9/7/2004 4:34:23 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/7/2004 5:05:30 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/7/2004 5:11:02 PM EDT
Been there. Done that. Got the sticker to prove it.
Link Posted: 9/7/2004 5:14:10 PM EDT



2nd amendement supporter and firm on the illegal immigrant CRISIS!
Link Posted: 9/7/2004 7:02:30 PM EDT
One for Graf.
Link Posted: 9/7/2004 7:41:58 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/7/2004 7:49:54 PM EDT

U.S. Representative - District 6
99.0% of Precincts Reporting
(206 of 208 Precincts)

FLAKE, JEFF 28,235 59.3%
BARNES, STAN 19,367 40.7%


Ah well, at least Flake is very Pro-RKBA, fiscally-conservative and is assured another two years.  But I just heard on the KFYI radio this morning that Flake voted AGAINST the $87Billion for troops in Iraq

Link Posted: 9/7/2004 8:45:47 PM EDT



Secure the border.   Arizona may need to give DPS the duty of border security, in addition to being pricks (near Yuma).



I didn't know you worked for Daylight Patrol Service.

My 3 votes up here all paid off at the polls,,, so now we'll see if they pay off in the real world.

Link Posted: 9/8/2004 5:33:00 AM EDT


U.S. Representative - District 6
99.0% of Precincts Reporting
(206 of 208 Precincts)

FLAKE, JEFF 28,235 59.3%
BARNES, STAN 19,367 40.7%


Ah well, at least Flake is very Pro-RKBA, fiscally-conservative and is assured another two years.  But I just heard on the KFYI radio this morning that Flake voted AGAINST the $87Billion for troops in Iraq

Yup-- that was even in Barnes' election literature.  That, the illegal alien amnesty, and Derek's info on his AWB votes got me to vote Barnes.

Disappointing.  I had high hopes that he'd knock Flake for a loop.  

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