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Posted: 1/4/2003 6:22:40 PM EDT
I saw an ad on this rifle, I was wondering if anybody has information on it, such as, price, reliability, if it takes AR15 mags, etc.
Link Posted: 1/4/2003 9:15:19 PM EDT
Is this one of those break-down 9mm Kel-Tec's? If so, DONT BUY.
Link Posted: 1/5/2003 12:34:44 AM EDT

Is this one of those break-down 9mm Kel-Tec's? If so, DONT BUY.

funny, i have always found those break-down 9mm things (sometimes refered as the kel-tec sub2000) to be exellent guns, as have nearly all of the kel-tec owners i have talked to or heard from. furthermore, this is somewhat moot, because i highly doubt listen2 was asking if a breakdown 9mm carbine used AR mags.
Link Posted: 1/5/2003 5:33:46 AM EDT
Rumor has it that Kel-Tec will be releasing it at the SHOT show this year.Expect price info in about a month or so.
Link Posted: 1/5/2003 6:29:55 AM EDT

Pic from another post
Link Posted: 1/5/2003 8:23:44 AM EDT


Pic from another post

That thing looks totally sweet.  If it does take AR mags and is less than $500 it would make perhaps the best truck/trunk rifle on the market.
Link Posted: 1/5/2003 8:58:27 AM EDT



Pic from another post

That thing looks totally sweet.  If it does take AR mags and is less than $500 it would make perhaps the best truck/trunk rifle on the market.

I was thinking the same thing, great to keep in the truck.
Link Posted: 1/5/2003 4:17:47 PM EDT
The sub 2000 is a good truck gun.  I have one as a compliment to the pistol located in aforementioned truck.  I keep mine behind the seat in a Sears Craftsman truck box customized to hold it securely.  If one is not looking for it, it will be dismissed as a jack and tire iron.  The folding rifles that Kel-tec produces are of good quality that fill an interesting niche.  They happen to be quite concealable in the right container and the fun factor is definitely there.
Link Posted: 1/5/2003 4:28:16 PM EDT
i was thinking Cav Arms had dibbs on the term Sport Utility Rifle.
Link Posted: 1/5/2003 7:46:18 PM EDT
That looks like one interesting piece
Link Posted: 1/6/2003 2:14:41 PM EDT
links to other SU-16 threads:




looks like it takes AR mags (with room in the buttstock to store a 30rd mag), uses an AR-18 tupe recoil/gas system, including an AR15-type bolt.
Link Posted: 1/6/2003 7:57:11 PM EDT
This is reportedly coming from Cliff, an employee of Kel-Tec.  The rifle DOES take AR mags and will retail in the $640 range.  Just as a note the Sub 2000 retailed for a bit more than I paid for mine.  I don't know if it will be worth this.  Hell for a little more, one could get a Cav-15.
Link Posted: 1/6/2003 10:25:49 PM EDT
Will it be available in california? It appears to be SB23 compliant!!! <G>
Link Posted: 1/7/2003 9:12:32 PM EDT
It does look SB23 compliant!
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