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Posted: 6/19/2002 6:56:23 AM EDT
Fairly new to this site and have been out of pocket with back trouble 6 mounths. A friend came by to visit and asked if I had heard anything about the crime bill being changed or repealded. He said one of his friends, that has a number of pre-ban was complaining that he had heard that the law was going to be changed or dropped and that the value of his pre-bans would drop through the floor.He said that he was wondering if he should dump them while they were still worth something. At any rate I could only say that I had heard that a few liberal members of congress had shifted to being more pro-gun since 911.Have I been lying in pain too long and missed somthing or is this boggus? And one other question for someone more knoledgable than I. What would it take to change this, a full vote to repeal? Thanks for any and all help.
Link Posted: 6/19/2002 7:02:52 AM EDT
Lots of talk around here about the expiration or sunsetting of the '94 Crime Bill, check the search.

Personally I wouldn't hold my breath.


edited 'cus I can't spell
Link Posted: 6/19/2002 8:12:54 AM EDT
Fact is...  It will expire/sunset in 09/13/2004.  Or around that date.  The only questions, is will something new be put in place before or after the date?  Some states have gone further and placed state restrictions so it doesn't matter what the Fed does.

I for one think it will expire and go away.   First thing I'll do is buy a ton of 'NORMAL CAPACITY' 10/22 mags.  Plus other 'normal capacity' mags.

Link Posted: 6/19/2002 8:41:25 AM EDT
Does anybody know if the Crime bill actually prevented any crimes?
Link Posted: 6/19/2002 8:43:10 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/19/2002 9:18:35 AM EDT
So what is stopping me from tossing on a bayonet lug and flash surpressor on my preban the second the law sunsets and grandfathering myself?  

Link Posted: 6/19/2002 9:19:40 AM EDT
i cant understand why people continue to ignore the idea that it will likley get much worse than it is. i would spend more time thingking about what you will buy BEFORE the sunset than worrying about what you would like to buy after. persoanlly, i think some AR post receivers and kits would be a good investment, i wounldnt be suprisd if the limit on evils was reduced.

Link Posted: 6/19/2002 10:32:04 AM EDT


Fact is...  It will expire/sunset in 09/13/94.  

7, I think you meant 2004. Sadly this stupid law will still be in effect in NY by the state law with the same rules. I suspect that the '94 bill will be reenacted, but we can hope.

Doh, thanks Aimless.  9/13/2004.  I copied and pasted the original date.   My bad.
Link Posted: 6/19/2002 10:42:35 AM EDT

First thing I'll do is buy a ton of 'NORMAL CAPACITY' 10/22 mags.  Plus other 'normal capacity' mags.

Exactly. It's ludicrous how much Ram-Line 10/22 30-round magazines are going for nowadays. And to think I used to own several of them...(sigh).

Not only that, but I will "pre-ban" every post-ban weapon I have. Kurt's Kustom Firearms will have to purchase himself a warehouse and bring on staff just to keep up with the workload. I also predict that Ruger, Beretta, Colt, Precision Mag, etc., will put their hi-cap magazine lines on overdrive to keep up with the (at least initial) demand. Same goes for folding stocks.

Gee, maybe we should frame this as an economic benefit?
Link Posted: 6/19/2002 1:56:10 PM EDT
Gentleman, I do NOT believe that the '94 ban will sunset. The public at large will say,"Look how much better things are since we got those evil 'assault weapons' off the street in '94." Any use of an "assault weapon" in a crime since then will only fuel the fire to keep them banned. Don't be surprised if the government doesn't add more to what is already banned when they come up with the new version of the crime bill. It wouldn't surprise me in the least if the tried to ban post-ban rifles.
Link Posted: 6/19/2002 1:58:21 PM EDT

Gentleman, I do NOT believe that the '94 ban will sunset. The public at large will say,"Look how much better things are since we got those evil 'assault weapons' off the street in '94." Any use of an "assault weapon" in a crime since then will only fuel the fire to keep them banned. Don't be surprised if the government doesn't add more to what is already banned when they come up with the new version of the crime bill. It wouldn't surprise me in the least if the tried to ban post-ban rifles.

But won't the NRA protect our rights?  
Well, they will at least trade them for something THEY think is better


Link Posted: 6/19/2002 5:19:16 PM EDT

i cant understand why people continue to ignore the idea that it will likley get much worse than it is. i would spend more time thingking about what you will buy BEFORE the sunset than worrying about what you would like to buy after. persoanlly, i think some AR post receivers and kits would be a good investment, i wounldnt be suprisd if the limit on evils was reduced.

Agreed. I'm making minimum payments on my student loans for now in order to buy as many toys as I can before the replacement law comes along and fucks everyone over.

Link Posted: 6/19/2002 5:57:04 PM EDT
What I think will be on the table later down the road will be just like what they did with the Striker and Street Sweeper and try to make us register our so called assault weapons as dangerous and destructive weapons, classIII. They will set a deadline and offer no cost on the tax stamp, and if you fail to comply your guns will become illegal and you will not be able to use them. Just my theory.
Link Posted: 6/19/2002 6:03:25 PM EDT
Its nice to see such positive thinking around here.

The first law passed by only one vote and then it cost many representatives their jobs in the end. The democrats have been backing off the gun control issues as of late and as long as we don't have any massacres any time between now and then I don't see to many in Congress willing to risk losing their jobs.
Link Posted: 6/19/2002 6:11:07 PM EDT

Gentleman, I do NOT believe that the '94 ban will sunset.

With all due respect, it doesn't matter what you think.  The 1994 Crime Bill has a 10 year lifespan built into it.  The original ban will sunset on 9/13/2004.  The only thing that's possible is that Congress enacts another ban through the legislative process or not, and if so, will the ban more restrictive than the current one?

Either way, the current ban expires on 9/13/2004.

Remember the Alamo, and God Bless Texas...
Link Posted: 6/19/2002 7:01:42 PM EDT
Thanks so much for your replys. Ater thinking about it some,I believe that it might be a 50/50 chance either way should it take place today. The problem lyies in that I do not think that we have seen the last of the terriorists and their dirty bag of tricks. With that I can't help but believe the more of the short sitted anti-gunners will see the light.
Link Posted: 6/19/2002 7:57:44 PM EDT
lets all just pray
Link Posted: 6/20/2002 3:22:37 AM EDT
Hillshot, no offense, but in my opinion, that friend of a friend is pretty damn selfish and greedy. I can't and won't speak for the guys that have invested thousands in prebans, but I'd gladly watch the value of my prebans "drop through the floor" if it meant that we'd get back the personal freedoms that were removed with '94 Crime Bill.
Link Posted: 6/20/2002 3:33:13 AM EDT

Hillshot, no offense, but in my opinion, that friend of a friend is pretty damn selfish and greedy. I can't and won't speak for the guys that have invested thousands in prebans, but I'd gladly watch the value of my prebans "drop through the floor" if it meant that we'd get back the personal freedoms that were removed with '94 Crime Bill.

I, along with lots of others, feel the same way about Class III weapons.  Get rid of the '86 crap and open up the supply for new full autos.   I'd gladly give up the cost of my guns for the availability for new weapons.
Link Posted: 6/20/2002 11:04:01 AM EDT
steve_eg; None taken. I am in complete aggrement with you. That I had heard that some pre-ban owners were concerned about the posible drop in value is what sparked my interest in the crime bill. I could not believe that someone whould put alittle money ahead of such a valued issue.Thanks
Link Posted: 6/20/2002 11:11:37 AM EDT
Personally, I don't think the prez or congress has the balls to do anything about the sunset in '04. Especially since its an election year. Pro-gun voters are much more hardcore single-issue voters than the antis... antis as a whole tend to be multi-issue (abortion, environment, welfare). I think they'll just let the thing sunset and tell the antis they'll leave the issue up to the individual States. If they take action to extend the ban, they PISS OFF a lot of single-issue-voting pro-gun people. If they do nothing, they'll make a lot of people happy, while pissing off a smaller number of multi-issue voters. If I were a slimey politician looking for votes, I'd just do nothing.

Link Posted: 6/20/2002 1:56:14 PM EDT

the sunset of the ban is really meaningless, what i have encountered is the "gun grabbers" are trying to dry up the source of parts, ammo is going to be banned from mail order, we may have enuff to last us a lyfetyme, but when those guns are in our grandchildrens & G. grandchildrens hands, there won't be any ammo, there will be no spare parts..., all guns will become clubs in another 50-75 years !!!!!!

Link Posted: 6/20/2002 3:47:57 PM EDT


Gentleman, I do NOT believe that the '94 ban will sunset.

With all due respect, it doesn't matter what you think.  The 1994 Crime Bill has a 10 year lifespan built into it.  The original ban will sunset on 9/13/2004.  The only thing that's possible is that Congress enacts another ban through the legislative process or not, and if so, will the ban more restrictive than the current one?

Either way, the current ban expires on 9/13/2004.

Remember the Alamo, and God Bless Texas...

Maybe I should have worded it differently. It is MY belief that a bill equal to or worse than the current one will be enacted. Do you think that the president is worried about it? Face it, folks, we are the minority. There are more people out there who support the ban than oppose it. Bush stands a better chance of getting elected by choosing them over us. I would like to see it all go away myself. I only have one domestically-made pre-ban firearm. I have invested more into imported ones that were banned by the '89 bill. No matter what happens to the '94 bill, those banned in '89 are still banned. I will wait until after 9/13/04 to make purchases of American-made pre-bans and large quantities of high-capacity mags. I have 50+ high caps to hold me over. No sense in spending a bunch of money on pre-ban high-caps now, only to have them legalized again at rock-bottom prices. Hey, I would be happy to be made the fool in '04 when people say,"Remember that idiot M4Madness who said the ban would not sunset. It did." Things would be a lot better for all of us. I just do not think it will happen.
Link Posted: 6/20/2002 5:17:06 PM EDT
Here's hopin'!
Link Posted: 6/20/2002 5:28:58 PM EDT
Really get fed up with the crybabies who keep saying the 94 crime bill will be replaced with something worse just because the idiot fellow citizins of the states THEY happen to reside in have passed something worse.

The fact is there will be NOTHING worse put in place.

Do you SEE anyone entering such a bill or even talking about such a bill..NO.

Gun Control is DEAD, even in the Democratic party. It is the kiss of death to any politician not dominated by the political machines of Los Angeles, Chicago, or New York.

The climate is in fact very good for repealing gun control laws on a national basis. Which could be happening if gun owners woke up and realised that they were WINNING, instead of sitting in their holes whining.

Of course SOME people here really do want gun control to get worse cause they harbor fantisies of being a hero in a new Civil War... and they let this desire to go out and shoot people to color their view of the political situation...
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