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AK Sponsor: palmetto
Posted: 10/4/2003 7:10:56 PM EDT

Campybob back on gunsnet? The thought is more than I can bear. Bwahahahahahahahahahah.
Link Posted: 10/4/2003 8:18:34 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/4/2003 9:24:41 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/5/2003 5:59:03 AM EDT
Exactly. I have never heard of a post or thread on ar15.com that has been deleted by the moderators. It seems to me that the only person that stirs the pot is a paranoid named Congoloid. He wrote a response to my post that said ar15 was out to destroy ak47.net with all these inflammatory remarks and false posts and I challenged him to show me even one. He said that he would have to go back to Colorado to find them whatever the hell that means. Also what's up with the personal attacks at ak47 on Jen at the falfiles with cottage cheese thighs and pictures of overweight women? I didn't see the mods stepping in to stop that. AK47.net ask yourself this question; why can ar15.com and the falfiles get along with each other but neither of them can get along with you? When you find the answer then maybe this crap will end. By the way I am on all three forums and enjoy them and most of the people that are a part of them. It's the stupid bullshit from all sides I don't like that gets prodded on and on and that gets really old after a while.
Link Posted: 10/5/2003 6:10:56 AM EDT

I was on that board when Ian owned it , had
some GOOD times.

I still visit , but have NO Illusions about
the people in charge.

They ain't fit to wash CAMPY'S  S-10
Link Posted: 10/5/2003 6:20:01 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/5/2003 6:41:39 AM EDT
AksRule:  It is a moot point if they are worthy to wash Campy's S10.  As a former owner of a vehichle in similar shape, I can tell you that you NEVER wash such a vehicle.  The dirt helps bond some of the peices together!
Link Posted: 10/5/2003 10:06:11 AM EDT
So, its official, Campy is public enemy number one!  The one banned beyond banning!
Link Posted: 10/5/2003 3:09:14 PM EDT
hey now .. no knockin on campy's s-10! It held SEVERAL guys in the back end to drive out and hang targets at Tusco, and didnt even fall apart.
Link Posted: 10/5/2003 3:10:11 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/5/2003 9:38:21 PM EDT

Sounds like sombody is startiNg to feel the heat over there, but when your as fat and overweight as boyhunter i guess i can see why.
navy seal  WHATEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Link Posted: 10/6/2003 2:24:39 AM EDT
Are you 13 year olds done snickering at the other class in school now??

An olive branch was extended, and instead of being men and putting the playground antics aside you guys vomit all over the red carpet. Nice.

There are AR-15'ers in that thread swearing this kind of petty crap doesn't go on over here!? Guess he's going to feel stupid.

I call both places my home, but since bro and sis can't play nice I'll just pretend you guys need to grow out of your "icky" phase and give you all 10 years to mature.
Link Posted: 10/6/2003 5:04:50 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/6/2003 5:30:04 AM EDT

1. The vast majority of people who are here are refugees from AK-47.net (myself included). We were either banned, or forced out by the Hyenia mentality.

That's why I'm here. The hyenias run wild over there. I was a fairly new member and made a post and got jumped on by everybody. The old timers say basicly the same thing in another thread and nothing is ever said. F**k em and feed em fishheads. Nothing like that has ever happened to me since I've been here.
Link Posted: 10/6/2003 7:25:49 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/6/2003 7:43:55 AM EDT
i may have a crude way of saying it but you hit it on the head. olive branch my butt, their on the ropes and i can't stand how they are tring to make it look like their the victims.
Link Posted: 10/6/2003 7:58:46 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/6/2003 8:20:04 AM EDT
To quote Shakespear " Something is Rotten in Denmark".  They wouldn't be doing this unless somehting big was up.  There is more going on than they are letting the geneal "public" know.

If they are asking for Campy to come back, they are in trouble.
Link Posted: 10/6/2003 8:38:37 AM EDT
Swingset, glad you could swing by for a visit!

As for the olive branch and "110% truce", what gives? If it smells like fish...

Deleting "questionable threads"? (just so 'we the banned' can go listen to the rants of Congoloid, HDR, fredsanford? Nah!)

I know you do the bulk of your posting over there in the C&R forums which are probably the best ones on the site. Generally a civil tone to that area. I got banned for lashing back at a mod who fired off an accusation at me first. Then HDR sent me a nonsensical PM titled "Hackers" with no text...

Real men I'll tell ya. Fuck 'em!

Edit: my sig line came several months back from the guy with the olive branch. Now after reading that, why would he want any of us back over there. Same reason they ban folks and delete posts: MONEY.
Link Posted: 10/6/2003 10:15:51 AM EDT

I for one will stepup and address your issues.

    In the current climate, there is NO WAY that a reconciliation will occur.


1. The vast majority of people who are here are refugees from AK-47.net (myself included). We were either banned, or forced out by the Hyenia mentality.

2. There has been, and still is a history of lies and cover ups from the Admin over there. For Christ's sake!, they want us to delete all "questionable" threads, that would make us no better than them! Bottom line Gucciano stole people's money, and Gunsnet would not allow people to openly address this issue! They even shunned other builders away! (That is how we go a couple excellent builders!...Thanks DThor!)

3.  Currently they are getting their Karma leveled by a little lady, and her board. (Jen at FalFiles) why?.... lets see... dirty under hand tactics? blackmail? stealing vendors away (who are also suffering because they bought into their lies)

4. IF (and that is a hypothetical if) a truce was  agreed upon, there would be no basis for trust. What proof do we have their old shit wouldn't start again? UNLESS there was a management shake up. Do you see him firing HDR?, and making him just another member?  

Neyt...NUTS...ain't gonna happen, neither is a reconciliation between these 2 boards. Hell! we get along with other boards...THEY can't get along with any other boards! This isn't an olive branch, it is a request for a life line for someone going down for the third time!

Here, here!  I'll drink to that!

Link Posted: 10/6/2003 10:52:11 AM EDT
So I've been mostly off the boards for a few days.
Anybody see this special offer posted by Bowhunt on any other boards besides their own?
Link Posted: 10/6/2003 11:22:08 AM EDT
poof it is gone.....
Link Posted: 10/6/2003 12:24:07 PM EDT

poof it is gone.....

Yep. You're right. I just checked and it is no where to be found. I wonder what kind of bullshit story bowhunt will come up with to explain the deleted thread.
Link Posted: 10/6/2003 12:35:43 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/6/2003 2:24:00 PM EDT
Now THAT'S funny!

Make the offer on your board only to control the thread, call people out by setting a deadline of one week to agree, then cut and run on Monday?

Deciding that the drunks at the end of bar are yelling too much about Fords vs Chevys is one thing. But this is like going to the Iron Saddle Saloon to show off your nifty Honda.

[Dad from 70's Show voice] Dumbass!
Link Posted: 10/6/2003 2:26:46 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/6/2003 3:21:40 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/6/2003 4:19:31 PM EDT
My point of contention isn't what you percieve AK-47.net to be, what you think of the management or even if you've been banned there, but whether or not you want to put the little-girl bickering and name calling behind you and get on with your lives. Guess not.

I'm sick of this "turf" game, I'm sick of the slander, I'm sick of hearing about how every board is a bunch of great guys, and the rest are whackos and assholes. I've seen this bickering turn ugly, even to real-world threats over nothing but "my board can beat up your board". Is that what you guys are after?

Here's what I've learned. There are a ton of assholes here. There are ton over on the gunsnet side. There's quite a few at FAL files, and there are a good bunch scattered elsewhere. And, along with that, there are good, decent guys on both sides. Great guys, who I choose to call friends. It's a collection of people, not an ambiguous machine of one-mind.

I don't begrudge you guys the choice of where you go to post, which board you prefer or how you spend your time. Knock yourself out, but this inter-board fighting makes us look like asswipes - and I MEAN YOU if you're going to their board to fling insults, or if they're coming here to do it to you. Grow the fuck up.

I won't bother anyone here and defend gunsnet (where I happen to spend a majority of my time). I also won't attack you for coming there to stir stuff up. Frankly, from here on out, I'm above it.
Link Posted: 10/6/2003 4:21:47 PM EDT
Alright dammit!

Where do I send the money? (Team AR15.com)

I've been here nearly 2 years and not once do I recall any 'sticky' posts begging for my support. And when the owner says this site has no intention of aligning themselves with Gunsnet in some sort of truce, I say it's time to step up and support this fine site.

This one's for you Bowbegger!
Link Posted: 10/6/2003 7:49:00 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/6/2003 9:00:24 PM EDT
 The very way in which the offer was made from the get go poisoned the whole idea.

 The only real upside to the whole debacle is that maybe the membership over there (many of whom are also memebers here) will realize that the problem does not lie with the membership of the sites in general, but with the administration of a certain site(It aint Eds site of which I speak)

 Maybe a mass exodus would open their eyes, maybe not.

 Thanks for this site Ed, and thanks for all that it provides.

Link Posted: 10/6/2003 9:07:10 PM EDT
yes thank you ar-15  for letting us have free speach!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

thank you again
Link Posted: 10/6/2003 10:14:27 PM EDT
Maybe this has something to do with all this monkey business:

Link Posted: 10/6/2003 10:18:13 PM EDT
told ya he was on the ropes
Link Posted: 10/6/2003 10:26:25 PM EDT
As I said, the problem is between the owners of competing boards, and has trickled down into the membership. That it's been turned into a fight between members is what upsets me, period.

The owner's fights don't immediately concern me, and since I only know people's takes on it (and not the complete story), I'll choose to go about my business and enjoy each board for the good people while ignoring the bad, just as I've always done.

I didn't post in this thread to insult anyone, I'm just frustrated and want my fellow gun owners to start acting like brothers instead of petulant adolescents fighting over their sandbox. That makes us all look ridiculous.
Link Posted: 10/6/2003 10:33:11 PM EDT
well swing,  
your not seeing the reason so many members are up in arms,  censorship on a level that would make hitler proud. flat out censorship , and strong armed tactic's. tring to establish a monoply of online websites. no sir they are not my brothers.
Link Posted: 10/6/2003 11:30:58 PM EDT
I'm with Swingset on the bigger part of this issue. I don't know the man personally, but he's been kind enough in the past to offer an invitation to the likes of me to come shoot with him. Can't say that for a whole lot of folks. In fact, can't say that for more than two.(on the boards)

Some of what is said here could be construed as childish.(then again re-read the ramblings of the artist formally known as a sea mammal) Guess it depends on how you read it. To me it's no different than the "Trash-talking" the C&R guys do on Gunsnet with their postal matches. It's all about having fun. This isn't my job, it's face to (naked) face opinion. And so be it!

I've defended Gunsnet in the past, as have others who try to enjoy both boards. Well, that time has come and gone for me. Some folks will be missed, others are just anonymous nobodys and who freakin' cares? (Yo Congo, you don't matter. Worried? I'll bet not, and why should ya?)

I'd still be defending Gunsnet if'n "Ol' Hudder" would have givin me a shot at an apology or a "BIG FUCK YOU!" to the religious fanatic I had an issue with. Rather than that, is was so much easier ($$$$$$$) to just do away with my punk ass. I call that PAN. (it doesn't require genious IQ to translate...)

I find it's a shame that grown men find it so fucking difficult to realize some folks think differently than themselves.

We come to these boards to share. It's the root of why we're here. Geez, these boards wouldn't exist if that weren't true. We're all looking for something. Be it something to pass the time or actual real-world info regarding the hobby we enjoy. I briefly met Campy, seems like a damn good guy, other than that I can't comment much. Seems to me this particular AK board exists only because of problems with the 'other board'. I see no problem with folks over here expressing their animosity towards the 'other board' as this is the place you go when the would-be "politically-incorrect" bannish you from their domain.

We all have our pet-peeves and gripes (yet another reason we come to these places). It's about being able to speak your mind and stand up for what you believe. Doesn't require a degree in Psychology to understand. Gunsnet however, does not allow free speech unless it falls within their MONETARY guidelines.

Oh, I fully understand business, I run my own. But at what point do you SUCK your sponsers in the name of 'good faith'?

And at what point does money truly rule the game? (it's a pity some are so petty).

I learned something just a couple of months ago on this board that impressed me beyond what any other board I've been hitting on any regular basis: I can say what I want, what I believe and not be abused by those who believe differently.

That speaks volumes.

edit: to keep the spell-checkers at bay, "I am not a sea Manimal, I am a human being! Dammit!"
Link Posted: 10/7/2003 3:29:43 AM EDT
Scuse me but isn't Schuetzenman?...Lisl...one of his aliases if so..LMAOROTF....

Now about this situation..

My best guess would be that the "vendors" the reputable ones. Are starting to voice off over the current situation.

Never knew Gun.nutz to extend anything without reason. Their pocket books in jeopardy would be that reason.

Now...given the slight chance that Dthor is doing this out of the pure goodness of his heart..???

I commend his effort. But they and he should well know that a branch extended is not easily accepted when it has previously been used to beat the crap out of the people it is being extended too..lol

Meaning it will take a long time for anyone to ever trust them in anyway.. and trust...it has to be earned. not with your money, not with your boards "resources" and "abilities", not by allowing the black marked to come back, IT HAS TO BE EARNED..

They want a truce...prove it. Come clean. Allow your past digressions to be scrutinized by your membership and peers.

Ante up something other than your word. Because when your word already means nothing how do you expect people to so readily take it?

Swingset...this is not a board war.. it is not a board owner or board member war.
The whole situation has been developing since...Refresh my memory Campy... or ED?

  What was it early 1997 or 98?? this all started? I was one of the first 500 members of the original AK47.net. Been there to see everything. I continued membership even when we went to start Assaultweb.net up. Simple because of the good people that were still apart of both sites..

Unless you have been around that long you really do not have a clue as to why some feel the way they do about Guns.net administration.

There has never been a board war,, and how silly to presume there could be such a thing...lol..
I hear people mention board war,,I laugh and think of 20 fat retards sitting at their computers eyes glue to the screen anxiously awaiting the next post.. with nothing else better to do..

Board war ...lol..what a joke...lol
Link Posted: 10/7/2003 4:59:40 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/7/2003 5:54:58 AM EDT
all i'm saying is we all know about the strong arm tactics they use, the lies, the cover up's,
ect ect ect. i'm sick of it. childish , to stand up for what one belives? i think not.
you guys claim to be so old and wise and above childish petty bickering, but i say  you have forgot what its like to grab your nuts and take a stand. at some point in your lives there can be no compromise, no live and let live, no peace. there is victory, one side or another. on one side we have freedom. on the other side we have people who want to be thought police. i sir choose freedom. i don't care if you own a gun or not, it does not make us brothers. its what you belive in your heart that will make you my brother  not your money ,weapons or fame. i spent 11 years defending Freedom , i can not and will not laydown my freedom to anyone.
Link Posted: 10/7/2003 6:05:55 AM EDT
Regardless of old board staff history, a more recent event makes it clear why I do not trust the top staff over there. A guy had been selling a few Kalashnikitty t-shirts for fun on a small scale for the last year or so. The .net merchandise site started selling the image as their own this summer. The originator of the gunkitty was clearly not happy, and it was only a few weeks ago that they took it off their site. Stealing another persons customized image to make a few more bucks from t-shirt sales is low.

I do like Redstars comments about needing a bit more respect in the overall posts over there. Even the extended thread about 'how fast can you get banned' on our forum gets old to me. But as long as it stays fairly isolated and attitude does not bury information the way the GG/SAI posts did briefly earlier this year, we can enjoy our rants and move on.
Link Posted: 10/7/2003 6:21:22 AM EDT
lol RS39,

i do love to ranti'll  cease fire for now ,untill the next time we cross over no mans land .to fight for truth, justice, and the American way of life.
Link Posted: 10/7/2003 6:22:02 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/7/2003 6:44:28 AM EDT

Regardless of old board staff history, a more recent event makes it clear why I do not trust the top staff over there. A guy had been selling a few Kalashnikitty t-shirts for fun on a small scale for the last year or so. The .net merchandise site started selling the image as their own this summer. The originator of the gunkitty was clearly not happy, and it was only a few weeks ago that they took it off their site. Stealing another persons customized image to make a few more bucks from t-shirt sales is low.

I do like Redstars comments about needing a bit more respect in the overall posts over there. Even the extended thread about 'how fast can you get banned' on our forum gets old to me. But as long as it stays fairly isolated and attitude does not bury information the way the GG/SAI posts did briefly earlier this year, we can enjoy our rants and move on.

Hey !!  You said Kalashnikitty......

Link Posted: 10/7/2003 6:46:40 AM EDT
did we ever drop that thing? in the iraq war?
Link Posted: 10/7/2003 7:15:35 AM EDT
No, just the acknowledgement of its existence in the AOR caused them to drop their AKs and run like hell.......seriously.  They let us take photos of it so they would circulate out on the net and eventually back to Iraq.

We had two at our location ready for immediate delivery.  That's why you see it on the aircraft loader ready to load for an airdrop.

Link Posted: 10/7/2003 8:43:19 PM EDT
who knows with the war picking back up we may still see this bad boy dropped, syria ya listening?
Link Posted: 10/8/2003 2:12:45 AM EDT
I was banned there almost two years ago.  I don't go there, I don't miss it, and I generally don't shop at vendors who advertize there, nor do I see their advertising.  This truce is likely based on money, because ak.nuts needs it badly to stay afloat.

take care,
Link Posted: 10/8/2003 4:26:55 AM EDT
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AK Sponsor: palmetto
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