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Page AR-15 » Optics, Mounts, and Sights
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
Posted: 8/25/2006 5:54:57 PM EDT
Looking to do away with the standard front sight on my RRA Entry Tactical.

I have a YHM Free float fore-end.  I am considering the following options-- Whats your advice?:

  • Cut down existing sight/gasblock per instructions in this forum?

  • Get low Pro gas block and use rail mounted flip sight?

  • Get gas block with rail/built in flip sight?

Dont know if this makes a dfference, but I have the 16" barrel.  Thinking about adding a 10x Super Sniper Scope-- any suggestions on the best mounting set-up for that would be appreciated . . .

Thanks in advance.

Tbird -out-

Link Posted: 8/25/2006 6:21:46 PM EDT
A pinned gas block is always better than a set-screw gas block.  You'll never have to worry about ending up with a bolt action rifle when the screws come loose and the gas block shifts enough so gas port is blocked.  If you cut away the sight portion of what you have then you'll have a very durable gas block.
Page AR-15 » Optics, Mounts, and Sights
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
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