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Page AR-15 » AR Discussions
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
Posted: 1/4/2003 8:12:49 PM EDT
Well? Let the AW ban sunset!

I have, as of late, but wherefore know not, lost all my mirth. I fear our governemnt and the endless whordes of soccer momies trying to take away our freedom. I feel that I will always have access to firearms, even though strongly restricted in the future... I fear not for myself, but for the children of the gun less society. Criminals will have no fear of enterning a house to steal, no fear of being opposed with arms. We will cower before them with no means of defending ourselves from their own firearms.

Do something TODAY, write your representatives and let them know what you feel. I dont want to live in America where are constitutional rights are further eroded out of ignorance and corruption.

I fear our fate, let the UK and Australia be a lesson learned for all of humanity.
Mistake 101

Link Posted: 1/4/2003 9:43:15 PM EDT
Well it's not about the AWB, but my congressman wrote me about Ammo Day and conceal carry here in Nevada...

[b]Dear Mr. Mayo:

Thank you for contacting me regarding National Ammo Day and 2nd Amendment rights. I appreciate hearing from you and having the benefit of your views.

The deep concern you expressed regarding the right to bear arms is understandable and supported by our Constitution. There are those who would deny the right to own a firearm in a misguided attempt to prevent crime. The truth is the gun control movement only affects citizens who obtain their arms legally. Most criminals obtain their guns on the streets. According to the Department of Justice, only seven percent of the guns obtained for criminal activity are purchased from federally-licensed dealers.

You may be interested to know that I co-sponsored H.R. 31, the Citizen's Self-Defense Act of 2001, in the 107th Congress. This legislation declares that a person not prohibited under the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act from recieving a firearm shall have the right to obtain firearms for security and to use firearms in defense of self or family against a reasonably percieved threat of serious bodily injury, in addition to the defense of one's home against a felony crime. For too long the perpetrators of criminal acts have been given the benefit of the doubt, while the victims suffered. This legislation gives back the right to protect oneself, their family and home to law-abiding citizens.

You may also be interested to know that I co-sponsored H.R. 950, the Secure Access to Firearms Enhancement (SAFE) Act of 2001. This act establishes a national standard pf reciprocity for the carrying of certain concealed firearms. In other words, H.R. 950 would authorize a person who has a valid license or permit to carry a concealed firearm in one State, to carry a concealed firearm in any State. This mandate of reciprocity would still require adherence to the laws of the state in which the firearm is carried and the provisions of the original carrying permit.

Honest law-abiding citizens of one state should not be considered criminals in another jurisdiction for carrying a concealed weapon. A person who has earned a permit to carry a concealed weapon should not be subject to changes in the Federal code just for crossing State lines.

Unfortunatly, the 107th Congress adjourned before the House of Represenatives completed work on H.R. 31 and H.R. 950. Please be assured that your Constitutional rights and freedoms are important to me. I will keep your thoughts and views in mind and will continue to fight to maintain Nevadans' 2nd Amendment rights in the 108th Congress.

Again, thank you for contacting me regarding this important issue. Please feel free to do so in the future if I can be of any service.


Jim Gibbons
Member of Congress[/b]
Link Posted: 1/5/2003 4:41:55 PM EDT
Yes I did.
Link Posted: 1/5/2003 7:09:48 PM EDT
I wrote them recently.  received form letters back.  I also emailed Frist just the other day.  No response.

Contact Frist. He is key in keeping legislation off the agenda!

As I mentioned in another post, I suggest giving up one range day per month and spend it handwriting, form letter writing, faxing, emailing your representatives and the leaders of both parties.  

IMHO always,
Link Posted: 1/6/2003 3:02:51 PM EDT
Actually I got a response back today.  Unfortunatly it was not as positive as Wolfpacks'.  We'll see how things work out at election time.

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AR Sponsor: bravocompany
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