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Posted: 12/9/2016 7:12:09 PM EDT
Past two days I've had 20-40 over 9 interference. Sounds like bad static, no fluctuation on the strength. It's on all bands, 2 radios, 2 tuners, without tuners, 2 power supplies. 3 different coax and 2 different antennas. I've tried battery power as well. Nothing inside the house has changed that I know of.  Radio worked fine the other day and all equipment stays unplugged from power and antennas when not in use.  I called the power company and they said it could be a loose clamp on the line and they would come check it out.  Any ideas from you guys?
Link Posted: 12/9/2016 7:51:04 PM EDT
Any chance you could make a recording in AM mode with all of the noise reduction off and at a wide filter? 
Link Posted: 12/9/2016 7:58:07 PM EDT
I recorded it on my phone on AM but don't know how to post it.
Link Posted: 12/10/2016 12:13:04 AM EDT
Shut your house off!  Then turn on circuit by circuit to see if it starts with one breaker.  Or the opposite, kill one breaker at a time until the noise disappears.

Neighbors may do the same if you are real nice to them.  Unless you have no neighbors, then I am envious of you.

Link Posted: 12/10/2016 12:33:35 AM EDT
You mentioned having battery power...I would suggest taking all your gear and setting up shop at a local park nearby (aka, field day setup) to see if getting out of the house makes the difference. Granted, its a lot of work, but if you go a few miles away and operate without any issues, you rule out ALL you gear....leaving only environmental variables to consider. On the flip side, if the problem persists, you know the home QTH isn't the issue. Would rule out a lot of considerations in one fell swoop.
Link Posted: 12/10/2016 12:35:39 AM EDT
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You mentioned having battery power...I would suggest taking all your gear and setting up shop at a local park nearby (aka, field day setup) to see if getting out of the house makes the difference. Granted, its a lot of work, but if you go a few miles away and operate without any issues, you rule out ALL you gear....leaving only environmental variables to consider. On the flip side, if the problem persists, you know the home QTH isn't the issue. Would rule out a lot of considerations in one fell swoop.
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 Gonna try this weekend I hope. I'll start turning breakers as well.
Link Posted: 12/10/2016 1:54:23 AM EDT
I have a portable am radio that i walk around with to locate noise.
Link Posted: 12/10/2016 10:45:24 AM EDT
Cut the power off on every breaker. No change. Has to be a neighbor.
Link Posted: 12/10/2016 11:05:02 AM EDT
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Cut the power off on every breaker. No change. Has to be a neighbor.
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Is it power line?  Best of luck dealing with the neighbors.
Link Posted: 12/10/2016 11:52:35 AM EDT
Yep as stated, turn off the house and turn on radio via battery.  Turn on breakers one at a time.  Tis the season for heaters and possible arcing.  Also walk around with an am radio and see if you can sniff out anything around the house.  RFI is a PITA to locate..   If you live in a neighborhood it is challenging..    

Link Posted: 12/10/2016 12:42:15 PM EDT
Walked around outside with an AM radio. Mild static like the one coming over HF but when I point the antenna towards the two streetlights on either side of my house the noise is crazy bad. Sounds the same as what comes over the HF.  I let the power company know what I found so they can figure something  out.  It's only started in the last several days whatever it is.
Link Posted: 12/10/2016 12:48:51 PM EDT
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Walked around outside with an AM radio. Mild static like the one coming over HF but when I point the antenna towards the two streetlights on either side of my house the noise is crazy bad. Sounds the same as what comes over the HF.  I let the power company know what I found so they can figure something  out.  It's only started in the last several days whatever it is.
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Most am antennas are loops inside the radio, not the whip portion, so you cannot really use it directionally.  You have to narrow it down by proximity.
Link Posted: 12/10/2016 2:18:56 PM EDT
When I was close to them it was louder so I'm confident that has to be it.
Link Posted: 12/12/2016 8:14:15 PM EDT
Something like a bad ballast in a streetlight could well be the problem. Or something else on the power line that is arcing. If the noise is that bad they want to find & fix it, as what is making the noise is generally a lot of power being lost.
Link Posted: 12/15/2016 5:28:26 PM EDT
Power company finally isolated the problem. It was some type of lightning link or something like that.  Will be out tomorrow to swap it out.
Link Posted: 12/15/2016 5:34:22 PM EDT
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Power company finally isolated the problem. It was some type of lightning link or something like that.  Will be out tomorrow to swap it out.
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Shit dude, I want to move where you live!  I've been battling with my power company for years, and still don't have my electrical noise fixed!
Link Posted: 12/15/2016 6:09:27 PM EDT
I told him to shoot out the street lights and see if it stopped.
Link Posted: 12/18/2016 5:37:07 PM EDT
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Shit dude, I want to move where you live!  I've been battling with my power company for years, and still don't have my electrical noise fixed!
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They MUST address and fix the problem. It's required by the law.

Our electrical cooperative was very helpful when I called them. Two guys showed up the next day and spend about 6 hours replacing insulators, links and connectors. They also marked several poles to be replaced which was accomplished several weeks later. They trimmed all trees within a 1/2 miles radius from me. Excellent job.
We live out in the country and my noise level is very low. The S-meter stays at zero on 20-10 meter bands. Sometimes I think the antenna is not connected but a quick look at the bandscope shows S9+ signals nearby. The noise is less than S1 on 40 and 80 meters, which is normal. The radio itself has an excellent, extremely quiet receiver. 20 - 10 meters bands sound like 2m FM if I use a little bit of DSP noise filtering. My shack is about 80 yards from the house. It helps a lot too.
It was a different "ball game" when I lived in a city.
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