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Link Posted: 8/17/2010 4:38:48 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/17/2010 7:55:06 AM EDT



Apparently the bow and arrow/turkey scene was impressive enough for Fuggit to be almost breathless when he told me about it.

I was breathless because you had me alone in the woods.

I thought the glass arrow head he fashioned was pretty damn good. The turkey shot looked like it was 5-6 yards.

Who is this guy at bushcraft? What are his credentials?

I am Faol on Bushcraft USA, and I am one of the founders of it. My credentials are irrelevant since I have made no claims to be something I am not, and have not used my falsified military service to further my goals. These are official military records. I did not receive a DD-214. Prior to the courts deciding that Stolen Valor was unconstitutional (although it is still illegal to impersonate a cop or judge), I contacted the POW Network, and they did an investigation. I did not post anything else they notified me about, and there was more. I thought keeping things limited to the facts at hand, was sufficient.

I too have experience with things not ending up on my DD-214, but I am sure any of you would ensure that Ranger was there. He did tell someone he went to Ranger school, but did not get tabbed. I do not believe that either, because you much be Airborne Qualified to attend, which he is not.

I wish everyone success, but lying about your service to get there, is unacceptable to me. Especially since he removed all the videos that stated Ranger, when negotiations with Discovery began last fall. The Airborne mention on Dave's website bio, and Discovery's bio of him, was removed after the last week of June 2010, because I found the Google cache of it from that last week (and I have it in PDF file). Discovery changed that information included referring to him as an Army Sniper, after I notified them that he did not attend the sniper school. I knew this prior to the POW Network getting his military record.

I did want to give him the benefit of the doubt, and never questioned his Airborne qualification. But, it turned out not to be true also.

It is what it is, folks.

The part in red is incorrect. Non-Airborne qualifed personnel attend Ranger School (they are called "Leg Rangers"). Being Airborne-qualified has never been a prerequisite for Ranger School, however, most attendees are Airborne-qualified.

ETA:  I see WW posted the Wikpedia article on Ranger School.  Wikpedia can be reliable, but only if you know it is.  Yes, there are three airborne operations in Ranger School.  The "leg Rangers" do the details and meet the jumpers on the ground.

And the 1st Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment is an Airborne unit - personnel assigned to it (and the 2nd Battalion, 3rd Battalion, and Regimental HQ) must be Airborne qualified.

An 11B infantry sergeant in the 'leg' 3rd Infantry Division at Fort Stewart that gets a Ranger School slot isn't necessarily going to be Airborne qualified.

I've known lots of "leg Rangers".

Link Posted: 8/17/2010 8:02:49 AM EDT
Creative use of 'crotch rot' to make a point.

Well done.

Link Posted: 8/17/2010 8:15:33 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/17/2010 10:37:26 AM EDT


I don't know if he is lying or not, but he is a freakin idiot. Going after honey as a survival technique is friken retarded.

LOL...a few minutes ago my daughter said that exact same thing. She said, "Sorry Dad, I cannot watch this, the short guy is a freakin idiot."  I like that Cody always has a little smirk on his face when Dave goes after this type or stuff.


My 4 year old daughter said, "that's stupid.  he's going to get stung".
I told the kids that the TV people have to make shows interesting.  Explained the cameramen being at the bottom of the hill filming them coming down.  Etc.

I learn something watching the show.  It is entertainment.  I would agree that Dave Canterbury seems to have a rigid attitude toward survival.  I will be disappointed if he has exaggerated his service like that.  

BushcraftUSA seems to be an interesting site, too, by the way.

Thanks. We have tried hard to make it a respectable place to share knowledge, and there are mostly great folks there. Folks that are disrespectful are quickly banned.  We don't have the anarchy of this place.

While we have had a few folks banned, we said when we first started it that we would never do that.  Well, that turned out to be an unrealistic statement, but we did go a year and a half before we had to do the first one, so that was an accomplishment I reckon.  As a matter of fact, we never had any rule other than the Golden Rule, until December 31, 2009.  


This thread got me going to the Bushcraftusa site.  Pretty good site, I like it so far.


Link Posted: 8/17/2010 2:03:14 PM EDT



your in love arent you

literally, coffee out my nose........

I'm just hesitant to accuse without a full accounting (my personal ethos- comes from that part of bearing false witness, I think).

I am inclined to think that he padded his resume Where's the "Son, I am Disappoint" pic?

I agree with your post, nearly 100%....that's why I don't post a lot of "how to's"- I don't think I'm an- ahem- "expert" on much....

Jack- I like his show, I listen to it at work, but remember he comes from a career in sales, he's got the skills at promoting and selling, and he is very good at it. But I do get value from his show, and I haven't caught anything that made me scream at the iPod. His take on permaculture I support fully, too many people for too many years have bough an AR and a case or two of ammo, an old Israeli gas mask, and fourteen cases of Dinty Moore and call themseleves "survivalists".

But Jack has reached a larger audience and brought folks into preparedness, and in the end that's good. (and I don't think I could do it better than he does).

Now look at a certain Youtube phenom, who I won't name, but it isn't a fancy name, Tex. How many window lickers follow that tool? How many people has that guy scared off? I don;t know if should be rmoved for being a tool or left up as a warning to others...

You know the old saying, an infinite number of monkeys, pounding on an infinite number of typewriters, could produce Shakespeare? The problem with the internet is that we get to see what all of the other monkeys are producing.

But we can talk all we want. We can listen to others talk all we want, and let them talk all that THEY want..LOL.. this stuff, you have to DO IT. Reading about it is one thing. Doing it is another. Pitching a tarp, cooking in a dutch oven, canning meat or veggies, first aid, hiking more than 5 or 10 miles, dealing with crotch rot and foot blisters on such a hike...DO IT, DO IT, DO IT. Theory meets reality when you use something, be it a skill or a tool. I'm always learning new stuff or better ways to do things.

tex is my hero

I was only using him(jack) as an example of the type of the many "experts" that have come to pass in the last few years. Like  you pointed out you can watch/listen/read at your choice. Which is a double edged sword imho.

The youtube sucks anyway for teaching folks stuff......

and doing it is key in learning it....
Link Posted: 8/17/2010 3:22:13 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/17/2010 3:34:03 PM EDT


yeah, man, if you don't know the difference between what's the real deal and what's bullshit some tex will rope you in and snooker you...

that's where doing it comes in, seperating the wheat from the chaff and all that.

I think that should be the sub motto for the board- "Get Out and DO IT!"

Hope al is well in Idaho...er, Florida

its cold here...
Link Posted: 8/24/2010 9:19:09 AM EDT

Somewhere, a bush-hippy is laughing his ass off.

The Dual Survivor show is a bunch of bullshit too. The scenes where he snared the hog with a vine and shot the turkey with a homemade bow? Faked for the show.

Was just hearing about this guy yesterday from Fuggit.  Apparently the bow and arrow/turkey scene was impressive enough for Fuggit to be almost breathless when he told me about it.

Any chance you got a link to the video?


Check out 38 seconds or so and you can see the hen jerk to a stop like its leg is attached to fishing line or something.

You do realize that turkey just ran 20 yards but suddenly when it cuts right and hits a vine you think it all of a sudden got stopped short by a hidden line?  How'd the line not stop him on his 20 yard run? Obviously the dude is a retard of the highest order. Only a total douche would make shit up about his service, or claim he'd served when he hadn't, but I'm thinking you're mistaken here.
Link Posted: 8/24/2010 9:55:38 AM EDT
As far as the turkey... maybe it was tied down, maybe it wasn't. When watching a reality tv show, there's a certain amount of assumption you need to make about the realism. The show demonstrates a ton of good, useful information. Just because the turkey was tied down (maybe..doesn't look like it to me.) doesn't mean Dave didn't hit it with the self made bow and self made arrow, which proves that it CAN be done in real life as well. If it was tied down (slim if, there), it had plenty of lead and was only tied so that there would be a turkey to hunt instead of empty woods from a bunch of camera crew tromping around and scaring off the animals. Same as the questioned smoke alarm and steel wool. The bits and pieces might be placed beforehand so Dave and Cody have materials to work with to demonstrate various survival techniques. I'm okay with that. Otherwise you'd be seeing the same techniques over and over again, because...they work. You can make fire with flint and steel. Do you want to see them do that multiple times in every episode through the entire season? I'd rather see a wide variety of options, myself.

A comment was made earlier about Cody smirking when Dave does something.. but a number of times Cody said something was a bad idea or he didn't like it, he outright admitted shortly later that the food sure was good, or the choice was dangerous but correct. In the swamp he bitched about the gator...then came back when he was eating it and admitted that it provided calories for days and was a good idea. In the same light, a lot of things Dave complained about Cody doing he later admitted were the right choices. That's why i've enjoyed the show...you see two different perspectives and methods.

Link Posted: 8/24/2010 10:13:27 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/24/2010 10:15:47 AM EDT
Bad press didn't realy affect Bear Grylls, they issued a few statements and....meh....

To be fair, I attended JOTC in 1990, I have no certificate, nothing on my DD-214, just pictures to prove I was there....of course it also doesn't reflect expert with rifle, MG, pistol, etc......(S-1 wasn't great about keeping it updated and neither was I)

too bad Dave felt he had to do that.....

When I cleared out of division 10-15  jumps I had were not listed on my jump log. When questioned, their excuse was 'it was twice in one month, you were strap hanging and it wouldn't affect your jump pay' or something to that effect. My ArCom was also not listed on my dd214 due to the fact I received it on my way out the door and my 214 had already been compiled. Also my good conduct medal. I have the orders for both of these (citations, award etc). As for the jumps, I know my count was correct as I had hashmarked my kevlar band  after each jump. The straphanging was often with other units and that also added to the confusion. So in fairness to Canterbury I say we give him a chance to clear shit up on his own.
IMO you aren't an 'Army Sniper' unless you went to Benning (or another SF school) and have the certificate to prove it.
my .02
Link Posted: 8/24/2010 1:22:10 PM EDT
your in love arent you

literally, coffee out my nose........

I'm just hesitant to accuse without a full accounting (my personal ethos- comes from that part of bearing false witness, I think).

I am inclined to think that he padded his resume Where's the "Son, I am Disappoint" pic?

I agree with your post, nearly 100%....that's why I don't post a lot of "how to's"- I don't think I'm an- ahem- "expert" on much....

Jack- I like his show, I listen to it at work, but remember he comes from a career in sales, he's got the skills at promoting and selling, and he is very good at it. But I do get value from his show, and I haven't caught anything that made me scream at the iPod. His take on permaculture I support fully, too many people for too many years have bough an AR and a case or two of ammo, an old Israeli gas mask, and fourteen cases of Dinty Moore and call themseleves "survivalists".
But Jack has reached a larger audience and brought folks into preparedness, and in the end that's good. (and I don't think I could do it better than he does).

Now look at a certain Youtube phenom, who I won't name, but it isn't a fancy name, Tex. How many window lickers follow that tool?  How many people has that guy scared off? I don;t know if should be rmoved for being a tool or left up as a warning to others...

You know the old saying, an infinite number of monkeys, pounding on an infinite number of typewriters, could produce Shakespeare? The problem with the internet is that we get to see what all of the other monkeys are producing.

But we can talk all we want. We can listen to others talk all we want, and let them talk all that THEY want..LOL.. this stuff, you have to DO IT. Reading about it is one thing. Doing it is another. Pitching a tarp, cooking in a dutch oven, canning meat or veggies, first aid, hiking more than 5 or 10 miles, dealing with crotch rot and foot blisters on such a hike...DO IT, DO IT, DO IT. Theory meets reality when you use something, be it a skill or a tool. I'm always learning new stuff or better ways to do things.

So, you are advocating crotch rot then?  
I've been going at it all wrong.

Link Posted: 8/24/2010 3:00:10 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/6/2011 4:22:27 PM EDT
LOL same stuff going on here too, little more info I think though,, his actual records

Dave Canterbury military record
Link Posted: 7/6/2011 5:03:10 PM EDT

Iinteresting.  Sometimes the lies catch you.



Driver's badge?  

What, the Army puts a badge on your uniform for getting a .mil drivers license?


As for Canterbury, never heard of him.

Dual Survival

Yes I have a drivers badge for 2 years in the Arctic driving in red conditions and one time saving lives after a volcanic eruption  It meant more than my MSM as an E-5.

Link Posted: 7/6/2011 6:13:19 PM EDT
I found two new survival forums through this thread, so at least it was good for something.

Too bad DC screwed himself with this.  He might be making money now, but my bet is that it won't be long before the Stolen Valor-karma bitch-slaps the snot out of him.

Link Posted: 7/6/2011 6:36:39 PM EDT
LOL same stuff going on here too, little more info I think though,, his actual records

Dave Canterbury military record

Nice thread resurrection Jesus.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 7/7/2011 4:26:55 PM EDT
Read through the entire thread but the original link says Invalid Thread. Then someone seems to defend the guy later on in this thread.
If someone is kind enough to clarify, did he, or did he not lie about his military experience?
This thread got me going to the Bushcraftusa site.  Pretty good site, I like it so far.



BushcraftUSA is very neat, nice website with good people.
Sometimes the primitive skills and tools approach gets in the way of what would be more practical, but it's cool none the less.

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