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Posted: 12/9/2001 10:11:12 PM EDT
Mine was the day we did a funeral up around Dallas (I forget the date, and even the town). It was for a man who had been captured by the Japanese, and survived the Death March. Later, this guy had stayed in, and fought in Korea, being discharged after having been severely wounded there. My Battery was the Duty Battery, and we had to provide the Firing Detail, of which I was NCOIC. We (the firing detail) took our position at the Graveyard, and stood at parade rest for about an hour until the Funeral party showed up. The whole time we stood there, people from town kept showing up (this town was REAL proud of this guy, even the local TV station was there). Man......you should have seen all the people who came to say goodbye to this guy. I was really kind of surprised at how everybody jumped when we fired our 3 volleys, and man, watching all those people cry when the Bugler played "Taps"; it was hard as hell, if you know what I mean. In Garrison, we were all your usual weekend winos & trouble-makers, but I have to say that I was proud of the guys that day. The guys all knew how important this was, without having to be told, and all of 'em did their jobs perfectly. For me....I think that day I performed one of the most important duties in the 5+ years I was in the Army. I think we gave that old man a pretty good send-off. Just remembering, and this is the best place to do so, I guess, 'cause you guys understand..........
Link Posted: 12/10/2001 5:00:49 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/10/2001 6:42:25 AM EDT
I do not want this to sound phony or melodramatic but some of us continue to be bound by "secrecy oaths."  We signed mission-specific oaths with some having a seven year life and others with no expiration date.

It all seemed so important then and maybe it was at least a little important as we're standing and the Soviet Union is gone.

I don't want a long rambling post so I'm going to post my day below.
Link Posted: 12/10/2001 7:09:24 AM EDT
This is certainly one of my proudest days.

We were deep into "bandit" country looking for a new class Soviet missile submarine.

Aw hell forget the details of how we found the target.

We recorded both the video and audio of a new class Soviet sub actually launching a new missile.
To record all the data - video, telemetry,etc., (audio receptors don't show) we had all antennas poking straight up.  Must have looked like a miniature forest standing out of the water and we were only about 500 yards off their starboard beam.
Anyway when the missile got out of sight the Soviet sailors started looking around and one on their sub spotted us and pointed directly to us.  We were in only 700 feet of water and had the sub and the attending five destroyers immediately on our ass and the chase was on.
Anyway an American nuclear fast-attack sub allegedly can haul it and about two hours later we finally shook the posse, were in deep water and I managed to break the vacuum-lock that was holding my ass to the seat and shakily stand-up.
The reason I know the Soviet sailor pointed at us is because we reviewed the video and the last thing before all masts were lowered (trust me, we were already accelerating and heading down) is that guy excitedly pointing.

Upon return a courier was waiting on the pier and all data was immediately flown to the White House.

Felt good to have participated in a successful and timely operation for the benefit of my country.

That was a proud day for about 110 of us.
Link Posted: 12/10/2001 7:22:27 AM EDT
Maybe here among other veterans it is alright to post my plan to "END WAR" !
I believe the age of those who fight can determine when we will be able to end all war.

1) If world wide laws are passed allowing only those over thirty to fight I believe we can have peace by the year 2010.
2) If the age is moved to forty we can end all war by 2005.
3) If the age is moved to fifty we can have peace by the end of next year - 2002.
4) The true bonanza can be reaped by only allowing those over sixty to fight - then we will have world-wide peace by tomorrow night !

(Sort of tongue-in-jowl but with maybe a grain of truth.)
[:D]  [:D]  [:D]
Link Posted: 12/10/2001 10:14:52 AM EDT
My proudest day in the service was  16 December 1982. The day I graduated from boot camp at Parris Island. I became a Marine. It rarely gets better than that for a peace time Marine anyway. There were many, many great days that followed but that was my proudest.
Link Posted: 12/10/2001 1:13:20 PM EDT
Won Marine of the Month, NCO of the Quarter, and Meritourios promotion all back to back.

The next month they called me in for another board. At the conclusion of the board the 1stSgt. told me I was ineligeble for the board which I had just completed, thanked me for coming and showing everyone else how it was supposed to be done, then the CO read my promotion warrant.

I kinda liked setting the standard everyone else was judged by.
Link Posted: 12/10/2001 1:31:21 PM EDT
Working as a radar ATC in the ROK. Had a recon plane (RC-12) get hit by lighting in the port engine about 10min after departure. Lit the engine on fire. Lost all nav equip (even gyro compass). I was the only rated controller on duty. Had a trainee on duty working flight data coordination position. Had to coax a shaky pilot to the ground in sever IFR conditions (read below minimums). They were to high on the first PAR approach to land. Brought them back around for another go and they go it on the ground. The left seater was a female and had less than 300 hours in this plane. Right seater had about 250 hours. Pretty green pilots in this craft type. Pucker factor was off the charts. They landed only because I did my job and put them into a position to land. I had the shakes for 3 weeks after the emergency. Female pilot was hot and gave me a great big hug and kiss when she met me. After it wore off I felt 10 feet tall, but knew that someone was there with me helping me to do it right. Never want to do that again (the emergency part anyways, the pilot would be nice to get a hug and kiss from again though).
Link Posted: 12/10/2001 1:37:41 PM EDT
9/12/01 in the rok when i realized for the first real time how important my job really is
Link Posted: 12/11/2001 5:26:38 AM EDT
Graduation Day in Basic, Ft. Bennning, Nov 20 1984. I carried my state flag during the parade.

Second, qualifying at the Table VIII range with my Bradley, I scored 780 out of 1000 with the 25mm. I was one out of 4 squads that qualified, I was more proud because it was the first time I fired the 25mm.

Link Posted: 12/11/2001 12:57:19 PM EDT
While assigned to the 4/325 ABCT for SETAF in Vicenza IT when Reagan bombed Libya.  As the only US infantry battalion in Northern Italy we were stood up and issued full basic loads.

We were deployed on 24x7 guard duty around the caserma and the family housing areas.  Made me feel good to know we were protecting our own.  Many of the dependents thanked us.

The funniest part of it was when on duty on the back side of the caserma with NV equipment.  Italian kids would park back there and "get it on" [;)] in their cars.  Not knowing of course that we were there and were watching the whole thing. LOL
Link Posted: 12/13/2001 11:58:49 AM EDT
I had to think a long time about this question. There are many proud moments for me. So, I came to the conclusion that I had several ties for "THE" moment.

Graduation from Parris Island

Getting a Bronze Medal in my first Division Match

Winning my first Interservice championship

Being on the winning National Trophy Team

All 5 Interservice Team Championships

Being at Gunny Hathcocks Silver Star ceremony

It has been a great career!

Link Posted: 12/13/2001 10:09:27 PM EDT
The proudest day was when I raised my right hand and pledged to defend my country, so help me God.

Link Posted: 12/14/2001 3:19:21 PM EDT
I have several but finishing jump school was right up there.  Making sergeant was another.

Almost forgot... getting the expert badge while in basic meant a lot at the time.  Especially when the drill sergeant high-fived me as I walked off the range.

Link Posted: 12/14/2001 3:39:23 PM EDT
After I came home from basic and my dad and I had a common experience to share.
Link Posted: 12/14/2001 8:30:31 PM EDT
I do not want this to sound phony or melodramatic but some of us continue to be bound by "secrecy oaths." We signed mission-specific oaths with some having a seven year life and others with no expiration date.
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I know what you mean; I gotta keep my trap shut for another 35 years, and hell-by then, I'll have forgotten what I wasn't supposed to talk about! Where's the fun in that?
Link Posted: 12/15/2001 4:17:22 PM EDT
In the late 70's in Europe the Russians stacked a few divisions of tanks on the border.  The air base responded in record time loading our birds and manning our posts.  They stood down.  I was proud to be a part of it.
Link Posted: 12/15/2001 5:34:32 PM EDT
Aug. 20th 1998

Re-up in the Navy Reserves and put on Ensign bars. Guess next to would have to be putting on LtJG bars 2yrs later. Of course it took me by suprise when they handed me my ID card and it said on the expiration date as "INDEFINITE" Then I had to sign a appointment instead of an enlistement contract.
Link Posted: 12/15/2001 9:36:30 PM EDT
Can't say that I really remember. Could have been the day I graduated from boot, or maybe each time I gained a little rank. Maybe the day I put away the M14 and was issued my M16, or even the day we were issued each new geedunk ribbon. Or it could have been the day I arranged for new orders, which caused the OIC's blood to boil, and found there was nothing he could do to stop me, even after telling me I wasn't going to get away with it. I won, he lost! Gotcha mister O-3.

In general, I was like most from my era; I thought of the Navy as a slave labor camp, and was just waiting to get it over with, get back to "the world" and back to civilian life. I thought I might be proud to have served in VN, but when I came home, nobody gave a sh*t, so I mostly kept it to myself. Along came Desert Storm, and to my surprize there were ticker tape parades honoring not only veterans of that war, but Vietnam vets too. I've been out of the closet and feeling a little proud ever since. Otherwise, I wouldn't be posting this.
Link Posted: 12/16/2001 5:12:59 AM EDT
"or maybe each time I gained a little rank."

USN, you know you never held any rank.  Squids only get "rate!" Only another squid has a clue about the Navy enlisted rating system.
Course Naval Officers are also a little different.  (A Chief can be a captain - a captain may or may not be a captain, etc.)
(I haven't seen "geedunk" written for years.)

Other than from my family, after more than 30 years I received my first "Welcome Home" this year from a retired Army Colonel.
Link Posted: 12/16/2001 1:48:10 PM EDT
by 5subslr5
Only another squid has a clue about the Navy enlisted rating system.
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True enough. If the other services ever figure out our classified rating system, well, you know, we'd have to kill 'em!

by 5subslr5
(A Chief can be a captain - a captain may or may not be a captain, etc.)(I haven't seen "geedunk" written for years.)
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I thought someone would recognize "geedunk"! Didn't know it had faded from use though. And there were E-6 Captains as well as Chiefs, in charge of the various gun boats in VN. I think there may have been E-5 Captains as too.

by 5subslr5
Other than from my family, after more than 30 years I received my first "Welcome Home" this year from a retired Army Colonel.
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Believe it or not, last August I received a welcome home from the Navy's 2nd highest active duty admiral. A four star named Natter, CINCLANTFLT! Look for the August posts about half way down the link page: [url]http://www.vietnamunitmemorialmon.org/cismfield.htm[/url] I missed the Kerry visit deliberately, along with a few other conservative types. Who wants to shake the hand of a jerk who came home from the war and threw away his Silver Star and other medals, and joined in with the war protester crowd?
Link Posted: 12/17/2001 2:47:34 AM EDT
With a total of 21 years between active duty, Reserve, and Guard, I would have to say my proudest day would have been Sept 17 of this year.  Part of my MP unit was activated, pulling security at State HQ.  I'm at the supermarket deli we contracted with for meals, picking up chow for my crew, in full uniform.  A kid, no more than 5, shopping with his grandma walks uo to me, and shakes my hand.  As I'm telling him "God bless you, son"  he grabs me in a bear hug.  All I can do to keep my composure as I'm telling Grandma what a good kid she has there.  Held onto it for about 5 seconds after they walked away, then this old soldier got all teary-eyed.  Wouldn't trade that feeling for anything.
Link Posted: 12/17/2001 3:31:46 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/17/2001 6:41:56 AM EDT
Don't take this the wrong way,I had a bunch of good times,over here and in Germany.But my proudest day was when I got three months back pay and they let me be a civilian again.I had done my duty and served my time.
Link Posted: 12/17/2001 10:09:26 AM EDT
I was on the plane coming back to the land of the round eyes in 1972 and had been warned to change out of my Army uniform and into "civvies" so I wouldn't get hassled at National Airport.  I refused.

After I got off the plane this ignorant little skank 18-20 year old female starts to call me a baby killer and worse, I ignored her and she grabbed my arm.  I put everything I had into my response...I broke her jaw. The airport police officer came over, smiled and said "82nd Airborne, have a nice day".  For all my friends who didn't make it back, that was little bit of payback.
Link Posted: 12/18/2001 2:37:45 PM EDT
My proudest day came a little more than four years after I retired from active duty.  That was the day I watched my son graduate from boot camp at MCRD San Diego.-TR [^]
Link Posted: 12/20/2001 2:17:32 PM EDT
When I made meritorious Sergeant.  I made Corporal meritoriously as well 6 months earlier, but being a Sergeant of Marines takes the cake.

Then there was the time just before I got out when the career planner assumed I was going to reenlist.  I led him on until the last minute so I only pulled about a month of shit duties before I got out [;)].  It always makes me proud to out-fox the company man. [:D]
Link Posted: 12/21/2001 4:08:18 PM EDT
Lets see

My first time being called Marine

graduating Jump school

Graduating Ranger school

Royal order of the Glold Wing

Promoted to Sgt

Promotede to SSGT at a battalion formation

My first Navy Commendation w/ V

My second Navy Commendation

Crawling into kuwait

Returning to Hawaii after the gulf war
and the victory parade in Hawaii

comming home
Link Posted: 12/22/2001 10:34:51 AM EDT
My proudest day was the day I grtaduated for boot camp, Platoon Honorman and Blues Award.

The day I returned from Viet Nam.  Really this was the happiest day of my life, just proud to be alive

The day I was promoted meritoriously to Sgt.
Link Posted: 12/25/2001 2:56:20 PM EDT
Hrmm, so many proud days. I suppose that I would say the best days I had in the Army were not those days when I was given awards, promotions, or any other tangible type thing. The best and proudest days would be..

Prepping for an early morning mission, the only one on the flight line in Germany, watching the still quiet countryside wake up. Knowing what I am there doing is important, hangover and all. Or those late afternoon returns after flying all damn day in that noisy assed rattle trap of a Huey that I loved so much. Once again, pretty much everyone gone home from the airfield there at Ft Hood. The temp starting to cool, making a trip back out to the aircraft (always parked it seemed ¼ mile from the hanger) to finish a service, or get something out that I forgot. It felt damn good knowing that I had just put in a very full day, the kind that civilians would get some kind of attaboy for, but knowing I would get none. Just that look between crew members as we closed the aircraft up, putting our helmets into the helmet bags, picking up all the twinkie wrappers and empty water bottles. When you look at each other and see that “What a long fucking day” look in each others eyes, and not really minding it.  No words needed, no thanks, the look was enough. I’m sure a lot of you guys know that look.

Aviator [img]www.milpubs.com/aviator.gif[/img]
Link Posted: 12/25/2001 11:24:32 PM EDT
Not a lot to brag about when serving in a 'Peace Time' Army but there is one thing I'm proud to have been part of.

Back in the days of the 'Evil Empire' my unit pulled a tour on the Czech border while a Cav unit went through M1 transition training.

We weren't allowed to take our M1's on patrol because they were still new. Uncle Sugar didn't want us giving the bad guys any free looks.

Doing patrols on foot / jeeps let us get close enough that we could see the folks on the other side of the fence.

During in-briefing we heard stories of folks getting shot up trying to get out.

I felt bad for the folks over there who wanted out but I'm proud that we kept the Communist SOB's who caused all that shit on their side of the fence.

Guess it worked since the Evil Empire is gone and the walls and fences aren't needed anymore.

I'm also kinda proud of the fact that I qualified expert with everything the Army handed me.
Link Posted: 1/2/2002 8:11:50 PM EDT
With 26 yrs service in two armies of the British Commonwealth, I've had many proud moments, but what stands out in my mind is... in 1995 I was in the ANZAC Day parade down George Street, Sydney.

I never told anyone this before....

Its a huge affair, and as we marched (RAEME Assn) the crouds cheered flying flags etc (600,000 lined the streets) I felt really great to be apart of this grand Australian tradition.

To march with Units and Associations who were invloved in battles which put Australia on the map,and to see the Fuzzy Wuzzies in traditional clothes, well I can't describe it. Its all excellent. Over 25,000 form-up and do the march. Bands, etc. It starts at about 0900 and does not end til after lunch!

Later on walking in groups to the Fortune Of War Pub, The Rocks, Circular Quay, we were stopped by tourists for posing for pictures. There is something almost magical about that kahki set of polys, medals swaying, and that brown slouch hat with the side turned up.

Truly excellent to be included in this family. The spirit of ANZAC marches on. From the craggy slopes of Gallipoli, to Kakoda, to Kapyong, to Long Tan, to Somalia, East Timor and now Tora Bora, the ANZAC Spirit lives in all of us.

I am proud to be Australian and to be a small part of the Australian Military Forces.

Just a month ago at the COs farewell, I got the COs Commendation for exceptional work on exercise in Queensland at Shoalwater Bay. that felt good too.

Link Posted: 1/8/2002 8:58:42 PM EDT
The two moments that immmediately spring to mind are:

-My father (then an Army Lieutenant-Colonel) administering my Oath of Enlistment.

-Tracking a rapist over a half-mile from the crime scene with my MWD (Military Working Dog).  Searched him and found the master key to the victim's room in his pocket.  I still have my atta-boy letter from the CINC, Military Airlift Command.
Link Posted: 1/9/2002 9:54:14 AM EDT

The day I returned from Viet Nam.  
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